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m,r7���i . . ,�����v.r;�}yrY.i� <br /> . .... � •r��1 <br /> A _ , <br /> wi�. __ �rn�-iYwryen�y � `S"rd __ —_ -- _�__ --__ <br /> y�.WqyOC��. <br /> .�� _._._..___- ..._..___ -��'_ <br /> e :����� �__�_�__—_ __ . .ay��u;r:.��l .���: ,... ...c,.... �.�,_ 'YY+1� ---�- . <br /> ' y .. "'__ - '�=.J •��+�^:wwa�rr� ...� _--^`�F� 7f.c,�:-.�: _ <br /> �� -- <br /> Y• �o�YI <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution wf�ose deposits nrc ins,arai by a federal agcncy, instnmicntality, or cntity <br /> (including Lendcr,if I.cndcr is such:►n lnstiwtion)or in uny Faleri�l Hi�mn Loan Biink. Laxler shull apply the Funds to pay the <br /> F.scro�v Itcros. l.cndcr may not c:harge Bc�rrowcr fiin c��lding nnd upplyinB thc Funds,�►nnuaily nnnlyring thc cscrow ncrount,or <br /> vcrifyins the kscrow Itenn,unlers l.c��der p�ys eorrower interest c�n thu Fund,+uxl applicahle luw permits i.cnder w make such <br /> a rhurgc. However, l.endcr may rcyuirc Borrowcr ro pay �onc•tima chnrBe Far an indcpcndcnt real cstate tax rtt�rting scrvice <br /> uscd by Lender in conncctinn with this loan, unlesr upplicnblct li��v providcs uthcnvisc. Un(tss un ugrecmcnt is mude or <br /> applfcablc luw�cyuires interest to bc paid. I.ender shi�ll not be rcquircd tu puy Borrower nny inta•est or carnings on�he Funds. <br /> Borruwcr aixl Lcixicr nmy agrce in writing,howcvcr, tiiat intcrest shtdl l�c paid on thc Funds. Lcndcr sball gi��c tu Borrowcr, <br /> without churgc, an annual accounting of thc Funds, shnwing ctaiit�i nnd dcb�ts to the Funds and thc purpc►se for which exh <br /> dcbit to thc Funds���as madc.Thc Fwids circ plcdgcd��odditioni,l sccuritw for all suros sccur�d bg this Security instrume��t. <br /> If the Fund,held by I..encler execed the umounts pennittal to ba hcld hy applicable law,l.ender hhull uccaunt to Borrower <br /> for the excess Fu��dx in accordance with the requirements of upplicable;litw. If the amount af the Funds hcld by l.ender at any <br /> time is nat sufficient to pay the Escrow[tems when due, Lender may sc�n�tify Ik�rrower in writing, s�nd, in such case eormwer <br /> shall pay to LenJer the�ui�ount �xcessury ro mnke up the deficiency. Burrower shall make up the deficiency in nu more than <br /> twelve monchiy payments, at Lender'ti sole disc:rction. <br /> Upon payment in ful!of all sums sccureci by this Securit�r Inst�vment, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If. under paraaraph?I, Lcndcr shall ncc�u�re or sc:ll the Property,Lender, prior to the acqu�sition or sale <br /> uf the Pcopeny, shall apply any Funds held by Lencler at the�ime of aequisition or s;de as a creciit a�ainst the sums seeured by <br /> this Sccurity Instrument. <br />' 3.rl�plicatton ot Pnyment4,Unless applicable law pmvides atl�erwise,all p:iyments received by Lender ur�er paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shali be upplied: first,to any pmpayment charges due undcr the Note: second, to aunounts payablc under par,e€r.+ph 2; <br /> third, to interezt duc; fourth,lo principal due; und la�t,tu any lutr rhurger due undcr the Not�. <br /> 4. ChArg�; Licns.Borrowcr shall pay ull taxcs,asscs,ments, churgcs, tincs und impositiun�attributablc to thc Pri�perty <br /> �vhich may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and leasehoW payments or graund rents, if any. Bonower shall pay <br /> these abligations in thc manncr pmvidcd in par:►grsph 2,or if not paid in that m�nner, Bnrrower slmll pa}�thcm on time directly <br /> to the person owcd payment.Barrower shall promptly furnish to Lcndur all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall proinptly furnish to l.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrowcr shall promptly dischurge any lien which has prionty ovcr this Security Instrumcnt unless[3orrowcr: (a)agrecs in <br /> writing to thc paymcnt of tiieobligation secured by the lien in n mAnnar acccptable to Lendee;(b)contcsts in gcwd faith thc licn <br /> by, or defends agninst en��rcement of thc lien in. Icgal proceedings which in tte Lendcr's opinion operace to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien:ar (c)�ecures froni the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactaq� W Lender subordinuting the lien to <br /> this Security Instniment. If l.endcr determines that any part of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain pnority over <br /> this Security Instrument,Lender may give 6orrower a notice identifying the lien. Bormwer shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> morc of the actions set farth abovc within i0 duys of thc�iving of noticc. <br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall kccp the i�nprovemen[s nuw existing or here:iher erecv:d on the <br /> Propeny insured against lass by fire, hazards included witliin the temi "extcnded coverage" and any other hazards, including <br /> tloads or flooding, for which l.�:ndcr rcquires insurunce. This insurance shull bc inaintained in the amounts and for the p..riods <br /> iliiil L.cii�ci i�yiliii.S. T,i� :i�;ri":aia"C Cui�:.i yTOC��S.^.b:�:£ :.^..`.'»w.^.�°`h�I hn�hnc�n hy {�rrower subicct to Lender's apDroval <br /> which shall not bc unrcasonably withhcld.If Borrowcr fails w maintuin coverige dcscribec!atwvc, Lcndcr rnay, ut Lender's <br /> • option,obtain coverage to protect Lender'�rights in the Propeny en accordunce with paragraph 7. <br /> All insurance policics and renewuls shal� be �icceptuble to Lender and shall include u standard monguge clause. Lender <br /> shall have the right to hold the palicics and renewals. If Lender r�yuires, Borruwcr xhall promptly give to Lender tt11 receipts of <br /> paid premiums and renewai noticcs. In the evcnt of loss, Borruwcr yhall give p�ompt notice to the msurance carrier suid Lender. <br />. l..ender may make proof of 7ocs if not made promptly by E3orrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agrcc in wnting, insurancc procecds shall be applied to restorntion or rcpaflr of the <br /> Property dnmaged,if thc resloration or repair i s cconomically fcasible unJ Lender's scrurity is not lessenaci.If the resto�Atian or <br /> repair is not economically feasiblc ur Lcnder'� sccurity woutd bo Iessencd,the insurancc procecds shall be applied to th�wm� <br /> securai Ly titis Security lu�i�un�ent, whether ur uut Qimn Juu, wilh nuy CALCIJ psiJ to Borrower. If Barrowcr abandons the <br /> � Property, or does not answer�vithin 30 days a notice from Lender thnt the insurance canier has offerrd to settle a claim,then <br /> L.ender may collect the insur�nee proce�s. Lender may use tl�e proceeds ta repair or restore the Properry or to pay sums <br /> secured by this Security[nstmment, whether ur not then due.The 3Q-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unlcss Lender and Borrower othcrwise agrcc in writing, �ny �pplicatian of procceds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postponc the due datc of the montlily payments refcncd to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the anwu�►►of thc payments. If <br /> � under paragraph 2l the Property is acquircd by Lcndcr, Borro�ver's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resalting from <br /> damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shsll pass tu Lender to the exten:of the sums secured by tlus Security[nst�'ument <br /> immediately prior to the acqulsition. <br /> � 6.Occ�rpancy,Preservatton,Malntenance end Protectiun af the Properiy; '�orrower's Loan Applicxfion; Lesseholds. <br /> 1 Dorrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny us Horr�wer's principal res�dence within sixty days after the execvtion of <br /> � this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy thc Propert;:��s&�rrowcr's prinripal residenrc for at least one year ufter <br /> ' the date of occupancy, unless L.ender othenvise agre�.�in writing, which consent�hall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> � extenuating circumstances crist which are beyonc! Borro�ver's control. f3orrower sttall not destroy, dam:�ge or impair the <br /> � Propeny, allow the Property to dctcriorate, or mrnmit waste on tlte Property. Borro�vcr shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> action or procecding, whether civil or criminal,is begun thnt in Lendrr's good(aith juJgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> ' Prup�:ny or otherwise matenally impair djc lien crc:atcd by this Su:urity Instrument or [.cndcr's sccurity intcrest.Borrower may <br /> cure such n default and reinstate,as providcd in paragruph 18,by rausin�the action or procecding to be dismisxd with a iuling <br /> that, in Lendcr's good faith detcrmination, prccludcs forfeitun; of thc Borrower's intcrest in the Properry or other matcrial <br /> impainnent of the lien cre:ited by this Sc;curity Jnscrument or [.ender's secu�ity interest. Bonower shall �lso be in default if <br /> Honower,during thc loan appl ication process, gave materially false or inaccurate i nformatian or stute�nents to Lender(or failed <br /> ' to provide l.ender with any material information) in connection with the loan cvidenced by the Note, including,but not limited <br /> ' to,ttpresentutions conccrning Borro�yer's occup�ncy of the Prnpeny as u principal residenc�.If thic Sect;rity Instrument is on a <br /> � leasehold, }3orrower shall �omply with .dl thc provisions of the Ieu�c. lf Borro���cr acquuCti frEt titlr to the Propeny. the <br /> Ieatiehold and[he fee title shall �wt u�crge unley�Le:nJer agRC.r to dba iucrger iu wriung. <br /> 7.Protection of Lender's Rlghts ln the Propeiiy. If Borrower fails to perform thc covena�ts and a�rcements contained in <br /> , this Scxurity Instnmunt, or there is n Icgal proce:�dsng thut may significantty affect Lender'a rights in eL�e Propeny(such as a <br /> proceeding in b�nkruptcy, probate, for condetnnation or furfeiture or to enforee laws or regulations),thfan Lender may do and <br /> Qay for whatcvcr is neccssary to prot��ct the value of the PrnpeRy and G:ndcr's rights in thc Propeny. Lendcr's actions may <br /> include paying any sums �ccured by x lien w•hich ha� priority over this Sccurity Instrument, appea�ing in court, paying <br /> . .L._._..._ __�._...._, ei.�.,..��h r..�,.{��mav r:�l�r arti.�n unrler thia n�raeranh <br /> • rcasonaoic auomcya' icc� umi cnic�i�ig vi:i��c rn.y�„Y w ���a....�..�...:.... ..........,.. �.---. .. _, .. . . .. . <br /> 7,Lendcr dces not I�avc ta Jo so. <br /> Any amounts disburucl by [.cnder under this purygr�ph 7 shull bccome udJitiunxl Jcbt of Borrower secunJ by this <br /> 5e:urity lnstrumcnt. Unless BoRnwcr and L�:ndcr�grec to othcr tcrnu of payment.thesc amounts shall be;ir interest from thc <br /> date of di�bursrmcnt at tl�c Notc rutc and shall bc payablr. «•ith intcrc>t, upon noticc from L.�nJcr to Borrowcr n:yucsting <br /> paymcnt. <br /> S. Mort�afic Insurancc. IC Lrndcr rcyuircd mortgc►gc insur�nn;as a conJitio��uf making thc loan ticc.urcd by this Sccurity <br /> In�tnnnent, E3��rrowcr shall pay thc premiams rcquirai t�� mainwin thc m��rt£:��ic in�ur.mcc in effect. ff, for any rcution, thc <br /> moKgage insurunre rovet~�ge rcyuired by I.�nder lapses or c�asxs !��be in effcci. Borrua�rr sl�all �ay the pmmiumti reyuiitid t�i <br /> ubtain ccwcragc �ubtihmti,illy cquivalcnl to Ihc mongagc in.rurwu�proviously in cffcct,at .+co,t substancially cyuivalent to thc <br /> rost w Bvrm�vcr of Uic niort��agc intiuran�Y prcviou+ly in ei'f��t, fY�nn an all�rnutc murt�agc insurcr:t,prov�d hy l.cnder. If <br /> P,���„�„ Form 3028 9190 <br />