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Cr��;r•. •::�..,1, .. . 'If-'. ' �'::.:� 1.. . .:•yr:?i•;i tir!} +} •t::'r il.-._ <br /> .. i.:'.:. . , . . <br /> .......,>. ,�. , . „� .... <br /> .. .. ..,._ . ... <br /> ,,�:.�,.;,- <br /> „ • <br /> ,.:,.t. � ,�;.::• , ' ' " . �_�W.�u;_"`�i�,: <br /> � �i�:.�i�t�.�! <br /> ,c°.�t�E2;_. .�.. ....-�----`-'----- - - -- - -- ' ' - �_� _ -- - <br /> �.Sl:t;�,. <br /> �� 1p46�2 <br /> S. Nwutrd or E'mperty In�uraixr. Borrower shnll kcep thc improvcmcnts now cxistin r�reuf'tcr crect on thc <br /> Property insured against loss by Cre, h�rards included witttin the terrm "extendt� c�wern�;e" .+nd :iny��ther ha•rarJs, including <br /> floals or flooding, fc�r which I.cndcr nquircs insurancc. 'fhin insuruncc shull bc muinsuin�d in �hc imwunts und for thc pericxis <br /> thut l.endcr rcquires. 9'tu insurunrc curri�r provlding thc i�rsurance shull Iw chosen by i3urrowcr subjrct tu I.cndcr'r i►pproviil <br /> which shuil ix�t he unreasonubly withhcld. If' Rorrower F�ils tu maintuin caveruge descrlt►�til a�txwe, I.ender may, iu I.e�xicr's <br /> optiun,uBtuln rcwcrugc ti�prutcct I.cndcr's rights in�i�c Property in uccorJuucc with paragruph 7. <br /> All in�uru�xc �x�licics utxl r�ikwals shull Itic udreptublc�i� I.etxlcr wxl �hull iiicfudc u x�undurd nN�rig��gc cluusc. I.ciKler <br /> tiIIAII IIIiVC(I1C fI�'I►l(Q Nt1IlI l�IC pl►IIL'IC9111f1�fC11CWllI4. If IA�x1cr rcyuirc,, fiurruwcr�Imll pramptly givc to I�Aixicr+dl r�ccip����f <br /> �uid preu�fumr utxl rcikwul �M�dcr�,ln�h�:rvem nt'lei�w, HO�I'11K'C�hI1HN�IVC�'i�Ulfl�11 tN11Il'C l0 UI�II15U�AOCC lAl'(ICI'Il�ll�I..CtltlCr. <br /> l.cnJer nwy nwke�pronf of I.►,v iY tHN nuKi�pramplly hy licurower, <br /> Unlc+�Lxtxlcr wxt N��rruwrr��Ihcrwisc egrcc in wrhing,insuru�xc prcx:ceds sh�dl he upplic�l to rcstorudan or rcpadr e,f the <br />, Propcny Ju��wgal,ii'�hc rctit��rudun ur rcpuir i�a:un�miicully fcuyihlc u�xl L,erxlcr's�urlty fx not Ic.�scixcl. If thc restofi�ti,cu�or <br /> rcprir i:i rx►�ecc�rx�micutly feunfble or Lt�xler'+sccurlty wui�ld tx:le�.r•enecl, thc inxuru�xc pr�x�cecin shall be applidd to ths sums <br /> �urai by thix 5ecuri�y Instrumcnt, whethcr or not lhcn duc, with any excesc paid tu �rruwcr. If B�.�ru�rer abarxto�u t1x <br /> Proprny, or d�xs no[unswer within 30 days u notice fmm L.ender that the insurance currier hns affered co satte Q claim. then <br /> Le�xier may collect the insurnnce proceeds. [.e�xier muy use the praceals ta repair or restore the Pmperty ar lo pay sums <br /> sa:urecl by this Securfty Instrumei►t,whether or not then duc. The 30-day pericxl will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lendcr and 13orrowec athcrwisc ugrce in writing. any applicution of prcxads to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due datc of thc monthly payn�ents refcrncd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amcwnt of the paymcn�a. If <br /> under paragrnph 2l the Property is acquired by I.ender, Bonower's right to uny insurnnce policies und proce�ds resulting from <br /> damage to the Property prfor to the acquisition shall pass to Lendcr to thc extont of the sums secural by tl�is Security I�strument � <br /> immodiately prior to the ncquisition. � <br /> 6.Oocupnncy,Pre.servation, Malntenance And Protection ot the Property;Barrnwer's I.oan Applicatlo�;I.eatiel�olds. <br /> Borrower shall occupy, establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to c►ccupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at lenst one year after <br /> iite da�e ui'txcviwncy. unic�s I.e�wc� uilie�wiac SgiccS iii�viiiiib.�vi�i i�i;vi5cii�liafi uui uc wi�c�uuauly wiiiu`�c1u, iri uiucai <br /> extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Barrower shall not destroy. damago or impair the <br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit wuste an the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> action or proceeding, whethtr civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> Property or otherwise matorially impair the licn crentod by this Security Instrnment or I,ender's securiry intcrest. Borrower may <br /> . cure such a default and reinstste,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proaaling to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that. in L.ender's good feith d�termination, precludCS forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Properry or other material <br /> iropaim�ent of the Ilen croatal by this Security Instntment or Lender's secu�ity interest. Bonower shap also be in default if <br /> �• Borrower,during thc loan application process.gave mutcriaUy fulse or iraccurate inforn�ation or statemenu ta Lender(or failal <br /> � to provlde Lendcr wlth any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by thc Note,inclnding, but not limlted ' <br /> '� to, npresentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Secudty Instrument is on a <br />`i leasehold, Horrower shall ^,omply with all the provlsions of thc lea5e. If Borrower acquires fce title to d�c Property, the <br /> � <br /> ;t� leasehold and the fa tide shall not merge unless Lendcr agrecs to the merger in writing. , <br /> � 7.Protectioa of A.ender's Rights In tbe Pro�erty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenunts and.�,,rreements co�tained in <br /> •� this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeilin�t that may significantly aff�ct Lender's rights in the Property (such as a <br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, far condemtx�Hon or forfeiture or to enfurcc laws or reg�ilations), thrn Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to pro'tut the valuc of the Property and L.ender's rights in the Propeity. Lender's Actions may <br /> include paying any sums 5ecured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> _� reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Pro,peny to mnke repaics. Although L.ender n�ay wilce action under this paragraph <br /> 7, Lender does not huve to do so. <br /> �`? Any amounts disbursed by Lender uncler this pazagraph 7 shatl t�ecome additionat debt of Bonower securcd by this <br /> .ti Secui�tty Instcument. Unless Borrower and Lender agra to other terms of payment,these amounts shall beur interest from the <br /> ; date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon noticc from L,ender to Borrower requcsting <br /> ''ti PaYment. <br /> '�i 8.Mortgage IttSUrance.If Lender required mortgage insuruttce as a condition of malcing the loan secur�d by this Security <br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in ef#ect. I�f, for any reason, die <br /> mortgage insurunce coverage rec�uired by I.endcr Inpses or r,eases to be in effect,Horrower shall pay tS�e premiums required to <br /> obtctin coverage substantially equivalent to the moct�age insurnt�ce previously in effect. at a cost substantially equivalcnt to the <br /> ��� cost to Borrower of the mortgage lnsurance previously in effcct, from an al¢crnate mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If <br /> ' ' substantially equivolent mortgage insurence covernge is not available,Borrower shall pay to L.ender each month a sum oqual to <br /> ; one-twelfth of the yearly mortg�ge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsai or ceasod to <br /> b�in effect.I.ender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurunce. Loss reserve <br /> ' Form 3028 8/90 � <br /> Pp�3 0l B <br /> �,t r�➢L'�'.1iAi�"�1�T . � � F� <br /> nw�r�w��a...-:ami i�1S ry�����,��j�Yk� ��� '�`M': ,�I K^ 1` t,� .r:l"W�'° - -- - -. .` <br /> i��L.GII"' �� �'R��.l.k � ` ` lilGe'��T�... <br /> �f1�l-���.� �����i SI�.t9 . ^ ,�'L, _- <br /> e-ns-s�s..2u� 7? <br /> �m.�e�s�.niva�r"a'csr-�a�tzr�•�.� �+ 1 9 '' �!{ A� �S' s���°� - -- <br /> -=ZYi �,r`r�7^,.� �.`ii- t'�V f�l�Il! �o ' =AY�f�t.F!'�, � <br /> :.s� �s �Sf �"��.K•i�� •.i.�. ° i 17' �i; 1ti� — ----�-- <br /> "'P S � <br />