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��..� .. - - _ — <br /> ., , , <br /> . . �*�w"�.�-.....`._ . <br /> : <br /> _� <br /> ------- •- ---....__ ��—�ti,_,;m,, <br /> � -- . _ "_ _ ___ _'_ _�_�. 5� •+ "_' <br /> .� �� • _— ____—_'_——_ <br /> � �• 1(��4662 <br /> TOG�1'HER WlTH all the improvemcnts now or hsreafler eratcd on the property� und all ca?cmeVes�,�aPbu�h°S°S�ecurity <br /> f[xtures now or hereaftcr a part of tiie property. All replecernents and additions shall ulso Y ,I <br /> Instrumcnt. AU of the foregoins is referred to in this Security Instrument as the"Property." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thwt Barrower is lawfully seis+�d af the cstate hereby conveyed ax1 has the right[o grnnt end ' <br /> comcy the Property and that the Property is unencumbered,exc:epi for encumbrane�s of record. Borrower warrants aixl will <br /> defcnd generally d�e titic to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbranccs of rcxord. <br /> THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenants f�r national use and non-uniform covenants widi limiteci <br /> v�r9ations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instmment covering real p�oPeny. <br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bormwcr and Lenderment m►d LaterCharges�l�orrower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> 1. Ps�yment of Princlpwl and Interest; Preps►Y <br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenc�i by the Note:u�d any prepayment and lnie charg�s due uc�der thc Note. <br /> 2. �nds for Taxes and lnsurance. Subject t� upplicable Isw or to n written waiver by Lender. l3o�rrower shall pay to <br /> I.ender on the day monthly payments arc due under the Note,until the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Fwids")for:(u)yearly taxes <br /> nnd ussessnxnts which may attain priurity over this Security Instrument as n lien on the Praperty;(b)yearly Icu�hold paynxnts <br /> or ground rents on th�Propeny,if nny: (c)yearly hazanl or property insurance premiums;(d)ytarly flaoJ Insurunce prcmium�. <br /> if any: (e)ycur�y mortgege insurance premiums. if any; snd(� any sumc payable by Bo*rower to I.ciulcr, In uccorduixe with <br /> thc provisfons uf puragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgAge insurunce premiums.Tt�ese itans Are calleci "Escrow Item�." <br /> I,ender may, at uny tirt�e, collut and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the mnximum aiixwnt a Icnd�r for a federelly <br /> re�ated rtx�rtgage foun may requiro for Aorrower's escrow under the federal Rwl Estate Settlement Procedures Act af <br /> 1974 as amended from timc to tinx. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2b01 et sey ("RP.SPf►").unless ar►other taw that applies to the Funds <br /> �ts a lesser unxwnt. If so.Lendcr may, at any tfine, collect and hold Funds in an amou�t ►rot to exceed the lesser er�our►c. <br /> 1,.endcr may estimate the anwunt of Funds due on the basis of cunent data and reasonab�e estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Escrow Items or oth�rwise in accordance with ePPlicable law, <br /> The Funds shull be held in an institution whose deposiu are insured by a fcderal agency, instru►nentaliry. or entity <br /> (including Lender,if l.ender is such an institution)or in any Pederal Ho�I.�F�anann ally analyi ngt h�escrow ac unt or <br /> Fscrow Itams.I.endcr►►�aY not chargc Borrowcr for halding and app y S <br /> verifying thc Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borcower interest on the Funds and applicable law permics Lender to make such <br /> ���, �.i���v�r; iender may re4uire Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independ�nt real estate tax reporting s�rvice <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unle�.s applicable law provides ochen+'��. L�1�°° «� �er=-°'�'��'• !" ""-'-`�e �r <br /> upplica6le law roquices intecest to be paid, Latider shn11 not be required to pay Borrower uny interest or ear�nings on tho�unds. <br /> Barrower and I.eoder may agree in wreting,however,that intrrest shall be paid on the Funds. I..ender shal! give to bacrower, <br /> without charge, an annual accounting af the Funds, showing credi4�anci deblts to the Funds and thc poR�ose fur which eacit <br /> dabit to the Funds was mada'I'he Funds are plalgai As additional s+xurity for all sums secarod by this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lender cxceed the amounts pemnitted to be held by applicable law. I.ender shall acwwu to Borrower <br /> for the excess Eunds in accordana aith the requirements of epplicable law. If tt�e amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> time i�s not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender mAY so notify Barrower in writing,and,in such cuse&�Tt'ower <br /> shult pay co Lcnder the amount nacessury to make up the deCiclency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more then <br /> tweivc mnnthly i.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of ali sums secured by this Sauriry Instcument. Lender shall promptly refunci to Borrower any <br /> �unds held by i.cnder.If.under paragraph 21. L.ender shall ocquirc or sell the Property. I.ende�.Pdor to the ueqW sition or sale <br /> of the Propany,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tin�e vf acquisition or sale as a crafit against the sums eocuxed by <br /> thfs Securit�Instrument. <br /> 3.Applicatbn of Puyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under peragrnphs <br /> 1 and 2 shalt bo applial: first, to xny prepayment charges due under ths Note; second, ta atnounts payable under p+�ragraph 2; <br /> third,tu intere.�t due;fourth, to principal due;t�nd tusc,to any late charges duc under the Note. <br /> 4.Ciuirges; Llaie. Bo*rower shall pay aU taxes,assasments, charges, fi►�es end imPositions attributable to the Property <br /> which muy attain priority over this Security Instn3ment, suid leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Burrower shall pay <br /> these obligations in the manner providcd in paragraph 2.or if not paid i�that manner,Bonower shall pay thCm on time c�irectly <br /> so the person owed paytnent. Borrower shall prom�tly furnish to Lender all notices uf amounts to be paid utxler this paraRraph. <br /> If Borrow�r makes tl►ese payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.ender teceipG9 evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien wliich has priorlty ov�r this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligatinn se.cured by the lie:n in a manner acceptable to L,ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opt:rate ta preveut the <br /> enforcement of the Itcn; or(c)secures from the lioldcr of the lien at►agrecment Fatisfactory to I..cnder snbordinating the lien to <br /> this Socurity Instrument. If L.endcr dctcrmines that any pan of the Property is subjcct to a licn which may attain priority ov¢r <br /> this Socurity Instrumcnt. Lender may givc Borrower u noticc identifying the licn. Barrower shall satisfy thc lien or take onc or <br /> morc of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Form 3028 8/00 <br /> P�p 2 ot 0 <br /> � � . <br />