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.`,. ,-,� .. ' . -.� . .:� .. i � .. .,.. � - ,SYfil°i r' � . .-.:,�°::.:�,: . _.._ <br /> . I . t `,r`�,; •'t -.6t• "'�17�.-+� ,+�Yf _ 1r�6 � --- <br /> . j�,� ���.�•�+r' '.a' !� :h ' '�"ry,�v��t�C.�•.:.C�S►7.4!Y�'c":�r_� ' �, --' J -_ _ <br /> ,. <br /> ,..�..� .,_.�.��_,,. ... -- <br /> ---- ,/�}� �hf <br /> ,. . w, . <br /> . <br />�:T. .- —_"".i...� i����}]Nil��yT�'��1' e . - a. .. . . .......... .. -�. ;"^,'��_"7.?_"'� . . ^.^.0.SOR':'l'C'�!RF�. .._.... <br /> ' ,��� �.�-...�-r. <br /> _ _—__— ___tSl..i��l......� .:.\ _ � . <br /> Any am�unta dl6bunKf by l.u�t�M undt�r thls P�ipr�ph thaN b�COm�an �ddkbntl dWt of �iarow�r�nd 1� �ecund by <br /> th{c SaoutHy Inntnimn�t. These nrnosint� e�►nll bwr hNr�tt hom th�dab o}dkbun�n�nt�t th� NoN nt�, and �t thr option of _ <br /> Lmda, ah�,l ba knmadi�t�y dua nnA {►�y�Gf9. <br /> Bnrrrnwx�h�N prampth� Aknharpx �ny Ifpn which has prbrMy owr thb S�curlty Instmm�nt unM�s Borrow�r: (�) �pre�f in —. <br /> writbp ta llio paymant of the ot�f�pwtlan coaurncl by th� IMn In� m�nn�r acc�ptabk to L«td�r; (b)aont��ts In pood hkh th�N�n <br /> by, or dah�nAs �p�lnst �nforoar�nt o! Iho ilwi In, I�W� ProCMtlY1y� whlCh fn th� L�nders ophbn op�roG� to �srw�nt th� <br /> �nlamnmont of the N�n; o+ (o)soo�iroR irpm tlte hoidK ol tM IIM��n �f�r�n�nt utltfAatory to UndM subotdktatlnp t:N M�n tdO <br /> lI1Ki 1�fiQUfNY III&TNRIGIT. 11 LonOLr diiGrmlt�ts titat nny pltrt of tha Property le subNot to �Wn whbh may attain prbrky OvK 1hN� r <br /> S�ourky Inatrum�nt,L�ndu rrwy pf+e Bnrrowr��notb�Id�ntMyhp th� fAn. Bortowrr ahaN atlsfy th�Nm or Wc�on� or mon ot0 <br /> th� eotlann �et twth abow wAhY� 10 dtya o1 th�pkinp of notb�. � <br /> 8. FCli� l�ndar may coN�t laoo�nt9 ohuQ�t authorixW Dy th�S�cnttry. Q <br /> 9. arounds for Acoeleretion�t Debt <br /> (#) Dehul� �e�d.r msy, oxcopt na ank�d by rpu�tfons bsu�d by the S�cn�ry in tlu ws� ot paym�nt d�fauks,N <br /> roqutn Imrtwdlat��►aym�t h fuM M nll wms sacurad by thb S�curiry Ustrum�t if: - <br /> p)Borrower defauf.c Uy fajl'np ta pay In fuN any monthy ptyment roqulred by Ihis Securky Instrum�nt prior to w on w <br /> the due date of thp nan monthty p4ymont, ar <br /> (A) Bortower datpuks by falllnp, br t parbd o} thlRy tS�ys,to p�r(Orm�ny otMr oblip�lfons Contah�d h th[�Sacurity <br /> Inatrumant. <br /> (b) Sale Without C�edit Approval. Lendx eh4{I, N pMmUt�d by appNcabb taw (hcludlnp aotion 341(d) 01 th� <br /> �ttmSt C;erm�ln Dwposrory InntNutbna Aot of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701}3(d)) Rnd wkh th�prbr �pprowl of th�S�cnt�ry, <br /> roGuka trnmedlata paymsvr►t h EuN of aN th� aums s�cursd by thls Security Inatrumenl if: <br /> (q AN a par of t�e Prop�rty, or� bmefbla� int�nai h • trust ownhp al or part of th� Propwty, Is sold or <br /> otherwfse tnnslercezd (ntt�or Ihan by d�vis�or d�tcsnt),rnd <br /> (I�Tha PropNty b �01 accuphd by tM purchat�r or pnntw as hb or har pnc�ipa�n�kf�nc��or th�pur�hasu w <br /> qn�nie¢ doos so oaoupy lho PropMty, but hd or her cndk has not b«n approwd h acaad�nc� wKh th� <br /> nqukemant4 of the 9oorotluy. <br /> (c) No Walver. II al�roumswices occur thrt would pxmk Undx to nquira Ynm�dkt� payrt�ent in iuM, but LaidK <br /> doaa nOt nquYe suoh paymwite,Londu dws not walve Ns riphts wkh nap�ct to subs�qu�nt w�nts. <br /> (d) Re�utattons ot HUD Secretary. In m�nY ckcumstanc� npulatbna iatwd by th� S�crM�ry w1M Wnk <br /> Landor'a riphts, in the oASe o}paym�nt dMaukt, to rpub MrrNdlate payrrMnt h fuN �nd toncbw If not p��J. Thk <br /> S�curRy MsNUm�nt donn n�t aulhorlaa 1xN�ratbn a fonCbwn M not pMmltted by rpulatlons of th�S�cnt�rY. <br /> (e) MoK�ape Nat Inwred. BorrowK�p►MS lhat Y thM S�curity Instrum�nt and ii� i�a:.�:����•-��=�� <br /> b��YpbM lor Inwranoa und�r th� tJ�tbnal Housin�Act wkhh AE Of d#Y�_(40) � t� � �'�� �� <br /> may,at Its optbn r�}re hxn�dyt� WY�t In fuN of nN tumf s�cursd by thR &curky InsWm�nG A wriltirn tla�n�nt <br /> of�ny authorirad 6�w1t of th�S1cntluy daNd tubspuMlt to ilF O1 deVi (901 Bom th� dpa FNrwR d�clhir� <br /> to Insuro thb S�ot�riry Instrurtwnt �nd th� Not�, slul b�de�nNd Conclusiw proof of such Ir�iib�NtY• Not�'ih�dhp <br /> lh� tor�+m;y, thls optfon may not b�ex�cls�d by Lw�dK whm the un�vaM�bYky of Inauranc�k ta'�ly du� to l.wdw� <br /> htiun to remR�mortpnpr hsumc�prwnium to th�SacreGt�rY. <br /> 10. Relnidm3am�n�Ba►rowsr haa a ripht to t» r�bstated R Londer has nqufrrd Irr�dkU paym�nt in tuN b�caus�of <br /> 8ortowars hilure to p�y �n emount �iw unda th� Note or thle Socurky InsWmant. Thls ripht �ppi�s w�n �R�t toncbsun <br /> proc»dinps ore hstkutod. To �elnstab th4 SecurRy InsWmwit, Borrowa shall bndar h a lump sum sN rnounts nqut�d to <br /> brinp Borrovr�s �ccount cuRent Irwludiny, to tha �octw►t tfwy �r� obNp�tion6 of Bortovler undK thls S�curMy In�trumw�t� <br /> InrocWsun costs and reosonabM and custanary �ltom�Y's k�s �^d ��ns�s P���' itfOC�� W� t� �bwn <br /> procMdlnp. Upon rahsutammt by Bortow�r. Ihlt Sacurily Insfrument�nd tl►�obNpatbns th�t k taoW�s shar rwr�in h Ml�ct u <br /> M LN�Wr had not rp�ilyd inrtwdkl� ptyr�t h tuN. Howw�r, Und�►Is not nquY�d to pwmk nin=faMnMnt M: (�UndK ha <br /> wc�pt�d nhstaMrr��t RftK ttN cortm�►c�rt�+! of fonobsun prxMdlnO� wkhln two yws hrried4lNy pno�dh0 th� <br /> aommanart�nt ol�oumnt loroobsun procMdhy� (I�rot�stat�►t wiN pnClud�tolrCbturr on dMNnnt pr0unds (n th�fulun� <br /> ar(11q rohstttartwnt w�l�dv�acoy�fl�ct th�prbrky of tIN Nm ctMMd by thk S�cutity k��bumNtA <br /> 11. Borrawcsr Not Releesed; Forbesr�ncs By Lend�r Not a Watver. Ext.nswn o��►»crn.o�« <br /> modMicatbn of �mortlutbn ol t1a sum� c�cund by this S�cuNty Instrum�nt pmt�d by l�nd�r to �ny succ�sto� in int�r+�st oF <br /> Bortow�r shall nol op�nta to relwso th� IlabiYtY of th�oripinal Borrow�►or 9orrow�r's aucc�ssor M inMnst.L�nd�r shaM not W <br /> requlrod to comrrwr�c� procMdinps �Whst �ny suCC�t�or h ht�zt or r�fut�to �oct�nd tim�fot payr�Nnt 0�othKMi16� mOdi�y <br /> unortlutbn of tt►e tums s�curod by this S�curky Instrummt by nason of �ny d�nrnd n�de br th� oripina� BoR°w�r a <br /> Bortowwa sucoossas In NNres4 My (o+bw�rwv by LendK fn �oarcblrW �nY ripht a �artNdy shaM not W a w�tvw of or <br /> preclud�tM Mwrois�of�ny rl�ht or nnndY. <br /> 12. Suecessor� and Asslqns Bound; Jolnt �nd Sever�l Llabtlity; Co-sl�ner�. rn�� and <br />_ apr�rwnts o1 ihis S�curky Instrum�nt shaM bad �nd bmMR th��uccasors�nd asstpns of i.and�r�nd Bortower,wbJ�c2 to tM <br /> provlt{ons of P�npnph 9(b).Borrow�a cov�nts and �pnsments �h�M b�joMt and s���• �Y B�� Who co3lpns thM <br /> Securtty Instrum�nt but do�s not�cacuu tM Nob: (a)b co-sipninp this S�curity Instrum�nt ony to mortpap�, ynnt end conwy - <br /> - that BortovNer's int�r�at h ths Prop�rty under tha brtns 01 thb SaCUrity Instrum�nC (b)k not pKSOOa1y obltp�bd t0 pay th� <br /> . Sums socursC by this Sacurity Inatrummt; and (o) epreos that Lend�r an0 �ny othK Botrow�r mty aprw to �cNnd, modify, <br /> - forbear or mak� any accommndatbna wkh repard to the t�rm of this Sacurky Instrummt or ths Note W�h�!�t that BoROw�'s <br /> consent. <br /> 13. NOLIC@i. My nol�Ce to Bortowor provkkd lor {n Rhis SpcunTy Insttument snai us qiv�oy owvw:ry w�`v���+�:+r"+ <br />- by flrat class mall unNas appbabN iew rrqulns us� of anothK m�ihod.Tho notice ahaN bn dlnct�d to th�PropMty Add�r�ss or <br /> any other �ddroos Borcowar dospnata by nolbo to L�nd�r.My notic� to L�nckr shaN b� plwn by tYst ckss rt►�N to l.�ndw� <br /> • addnss st�t�d h�nM� or my �ddns� l.�dK dafpnat�s by nott�� to BortowM. My �ot�� provfd�d tor h thk S�curky <br /> ; Inawmmt shaN ba dMrtwd io h�w Wm ptwn to Borrow�or Lendor wh�n pN�ri as provldod h thts panynph. <br /> � 14. Governlny Law; $OYQ«blll�l� Thb Security Instrum�nt sh�M b� yov�Md by F�d�nl I�w u►d th� kw of tIN <br /> � Jurlsdictbn In which th� Proporty fs bcated.In the evw�t that my provisbn or Cyua�of thb Sscurky Instrumont or th� Note <br /> - FSEt�.LMO(o/D6) Pap�8 0l 6 <br /> ' 600�J0 <br />