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<br /> , ��nd�r rrf�y,�t �ny thN, polMCt �nd hqld unnuntt 1or F.aarow ilem� In n�R07��t� �maunr,not to w.cNd ttN mucirtwm
<br /> �mount th�t m�►y b� nquk�d for Borrow�Pu •nc�ow Yccaunt unAw pia tiral Este�� S�ltbmrnt Pr�endun�Act oP 1�74, 12 U.9.0.
<br /> �2601 !j�, �nd knplorrwnthp nqul�IWnn, 24 CF�FI Part 3r0�i, na Ihoy may Uo nmondad hom ttm� to tMne("RESFA")��oc�Pt
<br /> th�l th� cu�hbn or ns�rv� p�rmittQd by FIESPA for umnthi��►tnrl ditbureoma�te or dl�burRwrwnt4 b�fon th� Borrowwt
<br /> paymMtt��r��vtfl�bM In th��coount m�y rtnt bo lsue�d an�mrnmta Auo lor 11io mortQ�p�Insurencs prwnfum,
<br /> If th� �mount� h�kl by I.ondw lor Esar�w Itams excaad t1►o emmmtn permqtod to b� h�ld by FiESFA, l.mdK �h�M�cCOUnt
<br /> to BorrowK Ior tM �xc�ss Iund� u r�ikrA by Fi�SPA. 11 tltio pmoimta of fundo hold by L�nMr at�ny thn�ar� not wMbl�nt to(Q�
<br /> p�y th�Etcrow itKnt wh�n du�,L�ntf�r mpy nntHy th�BorrOwer end rnquke [3ortowsr to nuko up th�shaS�p�as pKmkt�d bY� c
<br /> RESPA.
<br /> Th�Escrqw Fund� �n pNdO�d as �d�fllkxtial s�curity lor RH iums anaurnd by thl� �curky Imsbum�nt.If BorrovrK lmdKs
<br /> to Unda th� ful P�Ym�nt of�N �uoh wmn, Baraww� �cooi+nt sli�ll t>a oredRod wRh th�bai�tlC� nrrMhhp fOr IIM hstalhMflt N '
<br /> k�n� (�), (b), �nd (o) and �ny mortp�p� 4►nunortco prembm N9tnlYnwri th�t i.ondor hae not b�orxn� nblip�bd to pay to th�Q
<br /> S�cntary,and Und�r�h�M prompty ntund any�xcaa�funds t� Hnrr�wer. Imm�dktoly prbr to a fo❑tabsun aN of tM Proputy�
<br /> or R� acqu4klon by LmWr,9orrowws acaetunt.sha�N be crodkad w8h any bnitnca rxmainlnp for all tnstaNrn�nts(or Aems(�), (b),�
<br /> �nd(o). �
<br /> 3. App1lc�Uon of Paym�11U.AII�aYments undu Pamprnphn t nnd 2 sii�ll p�apPilW bi������ws:
<br /> First�to th�mortp�p� Insunnc� pnmium to ba pnld by l.ontFor to tlte.`'i�cnteuy or to tha mo��thy charp� by th�S�cntary
<br /> Imtwd ot thr monthy mortp�p�Inaunnc�prxnium;
<br /> SlC011d, to my wws, �packl assrasmants, Wasehold paymonta or qround renta, and fin, tbod �nd other ha�d
<br /> Ineunna pnrr►Iums,a�r�qukod;
<br /> Thfra�,to Int:��at dua undar tho Nola; -
<br /> FOUrih, to amortixatbn of tha prinai�al of the Note; and
<br /> Fltth�to wt�ah�rpaa dus undar ths Noto.
<br /> 4. Fin� Ftood and Othe� Hszar�i In�uranoo. E�orrnww shall heure al� knproverrNnts on tn. Prop.rcy, wh+d+.r
<br /> now in �xitt�nc� or wbsoquanty �ncted, e�ainot any huarda, oaouaklaa, and oontinpenobs, tncludtp M, tor whfch L�ndK
<br /> r�quMa insur�c�. Thl� hautanco shaN bo mnintatnnd In lha amounts and tor lho pwtods tt�at l�r►der r�qukas. Borrow�r ah�M
<br /> �yo in�ur�aM h�prownNnts on th� Propaty,whnthor now In �xlftwic� or subaoqu�ntiy �rootod,apainat b�s by Ibodt to lh�
<br /> ucnnt rpuM�d by th�Socntary. All hsurana� ohatl W ca�rMd wkh compu�w�aPProwd by l.a�dK. TM h�urwic�poNales md
<br /> �ny r�n�wak sh�A W h�ld by L�nd�r�nd sh�ll fn�:luda bs�psyabM claus�In I�vor of,and h n form acc�ptabM to,L�nder.
<br /> In tl►� wint of bss, Borrow�r shaA piw i.alda Ynm�diaa notfc� by m�A• I.�ndK mtY r►�k� Droof of bs� M noi m�d�
<br /> prompty by 8onavwr. E�eh insurmc�oomp�ny eoneM�wd Is h�►abY �uthwl:rd �nd dlnolW to m�la WyrtNnt lor such b�s
<br /> dlnOtly t0 LM1d1r. Infla�d o} t0 BoR4w�r �n0 to Lw�joni'ry. i�N w:N�y �•�t a!25:0 :h.ut';'�F•'_"-'ee'!°n'!y Fy anoY�d by
<br /> LmdK, at ks opt{on, Nth�r (a) lo tl»noduotbn of the Ind�bt�dnua und�r tl» Not� and thl� S�cu�ly lmwment,tYst to a►y
<br /> dNhqwnt�mounts �ppNW h th�ord�r h Panpraph 3, and th�n to pnpaym�nt of principal,ar(b)to th�ratontbn or ropaY of
<br /> th� d�rtwp�d Pmp�rty. My applicRtbn of tho procwds to th� princpal sh�M not �oct�nd or postpon� lh� dw d�M of th�
<br /> monthy payrn�nts wh�h �n nMn�d to In Pw9apM 2, or chup� tl» amount of such paym�n�s. My �oaoMS Inwnna
<br /> proc� owr�n�moant nquMW to pay atl outstandh{� (ndsbWdrnts und�r th�Not��nd thk S�curky IntWm�nt�h��b�p�Id
<br /> to th�mtlty Ip�W ��kNd th�nto.
<br /> In th� wrM of fonobaun of thi� S�curky Instrument or othK tr�nsNr ot tkM to tho Prop«ty th�t �oRNpukh�s tM
<br /> hdebbdn�ss, aN ripht,tRN�nd fnunst of Barow�r In Rnd to haur�nc�polkMs h forc�shnil pass to tM purchasar•
<br /> 6. Occupancy, PreserveUon, Malnten�nce and Protectlon of the Property; Ba'rowK'a Lan
<br /> ApPlicaUon; LOi�h0ldi. Borrow� shaM xcuDY, eetnblkh, �nd us�tF»Proputy as Borrow�r'C prinClpal rMldMfe�wRhh
<br /> �6cty tMys�ttK th�a�cutbn of this S�ourky InsWmmt (or wkhfn �bcty d�ys of a 1�1M MI�OP fM�IM 0�tM PfO�ftY)Y�d�MM
<br /> continw to occupy th� Propaty as Bor►owsre prinoipal nskl�nc� Mr at IMtt oM yMr �hK lM d�N of occup4toY� unNa
<br /> UndM dMwmYNS thUt nquM�nNnt wfN oause undu�hudthip for Bortow�r, or un�ss�ochnwtlrq ctrcwnNrio�s �t which w
<br /> b�yond Borrowrr's control. Borrow�► ehall notiry I.�ndK of any pct�nuathy ckcumstu�s. BorrowK ahuN not commk wasM or
<br /> d�ttrpy, tNmap� or tubttu�ttily oh�npe the Propwty or tlbw ths Propirty to d�brbntc�, nason�bM wMr�nd Ew«oc�bd•
<br /> UndK rt►�y Imp�ct th� Proparty M th�PropNty fs v�cant or ab�ndon�d or th� ban f� In dMauk. Und�r maY tdc� nuoMbN
<br /> �Clbn to prot�Ct snd pns�rv�such vacant or abandonod Prop�ty.BorrowK ahYN aiso br h d�huk M Bortower, duArq tM bu►
<br /> applicatlon prouss,p�w rrNtayNy fals� or haccunt� htamatbn or statart�w�tc to Landor(or talqd to provid� 1.�►dK wkh�ny
<br /> mabrial fnfartwlbn)In conn�ctbn wkh tha ban wfdmc�d by tha Nota, Inoludhy, but not Nit�k�d to,npnantation� conarnYq
<br /> Barowws occupanay ot th� Prop�rty as a pnc�ip�l reakl�c�. If this Security Instrummt b on a was�hoid. Borrow� �ha�
<br /> compy wNh th�provklons ol th� M�W. If Borrow�r acqulr�s iw tRM to th�Property, th� laaf�hold u►d N� tkM shaN not b�
<br /> rr�pW unNfs LM�dIr�prMS l0 th�mM'Q�r in wrkinp.
<br /> A. Cond�mnatlon. Tha proc»da of �ny 1�w�rd or owim(or damWN, dfroCt or cons�cN�ttki, In conn�Glbn wkh Iuiy
<br /> concNnntlbn a oth�r lakhQ ol�ny pvt of th�Prop�rty,or for aonwy�na In p�sc�of cond�+�x��tlon,an henby�sslpnW md
<br /> - �haM b� pa!d to UndK to th� bcbnt of th� IuN �mount of th� Ind�bt�dn�to thst rertMlnf� unpald und�r th� Nob �nd this
<br /> S�curNy Inqrurt»r►t. L�ndK shaM y�py such procMds to th� reduatSon of tM Wdebt�a und�r lh� Not� �nd thN Sw:urity
<br /> InfhurtNnt, Mnt to �ny dNhqwnt �ma+nts �ppW�d h th�ordK►uovidwl h Panprnph 3,md th�n to �ym�nt of prMopal.
<br /> _ Mr �ppNCation of ttN ptoCMds t0 tM pr�nCipal sh�l nOt�oct�nd or pOStpon�tM du� dsN of ih� mOMhly paymMHS, whiCh w -
<br /> rM�rW to h PKaqnph 2, or oh�np�th��mount of such p�ymmts. Any�ccoss prncNds owr An �mount nqufnd to pay aM
<br /> ■ oulttandk►p Ind�bt�dnas�und�r th� Not��nd thks S1CUrky Instrummt ahall bo pakf to th��ntky kpaMy�r►tMl�d th�nto.
<br /> - 7. Charqea to Rorrower snd Proteetton of Lender's Rlqhts In the Propsrty. sorrow.r �o�a� wr �M
<br /> N��,..�,u� m m,ntcloal chuws. fhas �nd YnDOSkions that e�n not hobd�d !n Panpnph 2. BarrowK sh�N pay th�t�
<br /> _ oblipatbns on tYrn dirocty to th� �ntRy whbh Is ow�d th� paym�nL If taNuro t� pay would�dwrsely atNot Lsndws „t�nst n
<br /> = tl►�PtopNty, upon UnWr's roqu�st Borrowor 6h4q prompty tumish to Lender racol�ta avki�nclny thes�p�ym�nts.
<br /> — If Bortovwr hlb to m�k�tluto paYm�ntt or th�paymenl� roqulrsd bY Puaqr�ph 2, or hWs to p�Rortn�ny oth�r cown�nts
<br /> � �nd �Qr�n�r►t1 conuinad in thb S�curky Instrum�nt,or thsro b�tpa�proc�edhC lhat m�y sfpr�Mfcanty aM�ct Lmdsrt ripht� h
<br /> - �h� prppMty (tuCh�t ■procMdhp In bankruptoy,la Condatrxutbn or to enlorc�Ilws or npuktbns),th�n Lvndx may do and
<br /> p�r whatw�r N n�„wy t0 protact th� vdw of th� Prop�ty�nd Landu'�rfphts Yi th� PropMty, Inaludhp payrtwnt ct t�x�s,
<br />' � htrard Inwnnc� �nd oth�r B«ns m�nlbn�d In Paropraph 2.
<br /> �i
<br /> �
<br />.��, 16�19.LMQ(t/N) Pap�9 0l 6
<br /> ._
<br /> � 6000�0 _ _
<br />