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<br /> ! � �* �n,� d' ��'-r..� t�a' Pt 1`.� b�.a��r. e��:.«.—
<br /> ;i - S` �y..i- +1�9�«"`' 7. :�. .:. -�r..!F:�� r�x••��.�.�yl'���'�i�"`t�.:.'"E���.:.��`� - —'--
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<br /> . - not InGudlnD wms adMancod to prol�c.�'t the�curltY o►t�D�d
<br /> {xincl�al amaunt of the Indebtedneaa secured by thla D�ed ni Trust,A. whichaver I�pre�NK.
<br /> , Tn�st,oxcaod the orl�inal princlpal amount statsd Mnln,a S, 5.OOQ�,Q�_.,
<br /> 1 fl,Mlaa�lt�n�ou�Provlrinne.
<br /> (t�)f�orcorwr Not R�I��t�d.EKter�slon oi the tlme for p�yn!ent or modiflcatlon of mm�rt�x.�tlorw of ths 4ums aaundby M�
<br /> peod of Tnist granted by lender to eny eucceaaor In Intaroat of B<xtows►shall not opsrate to relo�ie,ln�ny m�xNr,itw II�bIM•
<br /> ty of tha origlnal Burcower end Borrower'e succeseora In Inters�t. Landar sh�ll not b� r�y�r�d to cemm�n�s procrwdlnSlN
<br /> a�einat;su�t� successor or reluse to extend NrrN tor pAyment ov othsrwiss modlfy amorllzwdon o11h�rwnr Mcund bY tfN�
<br /> pnod oi Trust by reason oi eny demenda made by the orlpinel Borrownr end Bo►rowsr'�wcca�In Int�nst.
<br /> (b)I.�nd�tr'�Pow�s.Without attectl�p ths Iiebllity ot Mny oth�r psrson Il�ble fw tM My�tMnt oi�ny obNp��lon h�'�in m�+i•
<br /> tlonad,And without aflectlnp the Ilen or charpe d thle O�es�!of Tni�t upnn�ny portion of t!�Pr+opxly nd th�n ar fMrMokx�
<br /> re{eaRad as sacurtry for tho fuil amount ai ail unpal�obllpatlona, I.�nder mey, frorn t1rn�1�tl�a:n it�tr�(I)�a _
<br /> any parson so liable,pi)extend the meturity or�lsr�ny oi the terme of sny such obllpetbns,( )p �
<br /> rnlease ar recanvey,or cause to be roleaeed a re�onveysd at eny tims at Landa�'�optfan my p�rr�l,Portion a�1 a fhN
<br /> pmpedy, (v)take or release any other or adsiitlonel aecudty tor eny obllyetbn heroln msntloned, or(vq maks oompo�Mlbnr cx
<br /> othAr amangement�with debtors In roleGon fherob.
<br /> (a)Fort��nnc�by L�ncNr liot�Wa1vK.My torbeerance by Lander In exerclalnp�ny rqhE or rsmrdy M+�undK,o►Wh•
<br /> �nvlse afforded by eppllcabls law,shall not be awelver of or proclude the exercl�s of my such ri�hl or renMCly.Tha proa.�ro°
<br /> ment uf fnsuranai or the payment ot t�xes or other Ilene or charpes by Lendsr 4hall not be e wNvor a l�'s riQhl b�00�1�-
<br /> �te 8�e maturity of the fncMbtednes+secund by Mla Oeed ot Trust
<br /> (d)Ss�ccs�son�nd As�l�ns Bound;Jolnt md�v�ral LI�b11Hy;Captlons.The covenMts�nd �presmenh Mr�ln r.on•
<br /> tafna8 aliail bind. and the rlghts herounder ehall Inuro to,the roapeet&e sueceeson end eulp��a�I Lsnder and Trusla. AM
<br /> covenant�and Agreemente of Truator shall be jdnt end eeveral.The captlona and 1►eadlnps ot the panpnph�oi thl�C�d of
<br /> 7ruat are for convenlence only end ere not to be us�d to In!erpret or deMe�the provislom henol.
<br /> (e)Reqwat far Nodcr�.The partles hereby roquest that o aopy of any notke oi dshuit herou�and e�py oi�ny notia
<br /> ot sale hereunAer be malle�i to each party to tMe Desd ot 7rust at lhe addrses est toRh abov� M tM rtu�nrnr pn�ib�d bY
<br /> apAlicable law.Gxcept for eny other notice requlrod under epplicabls law W be glven In anoth�r mann�r,�ny�totia Provld�d kr
<br /> ln thia Deed of 7aust ehall be given by matling euch notk:e try cerdfled meil addrossed to tha otMr pa�tltt,at ih��ddra��H
<br /> forth above.Any nMic:e provlded ta'In thia Daed oi Trust shall be siFecdvs upon maNkp In tlis m�nr�d��fpn�Ond
<br /> Tmstor is moro than one person,natice Rent to the addrou set forth above ehaA be notk:e Io�I such pena►s.
<br /> (�Insp�ctlon.Lender may mske or cause W be made roawnabls entriss upt�n�nd Insp�ction�of th�PropKty,provlded
<br /> thet Lender shall pive Tn�ata notice prior to eny euch inspectlon�pecityirp roewnab6u c�us��rMor nl�t�d b L�nd��InfK'
<br /> ost ln the Propoity.
<br /> (g)R�convayance.Upon payment of all sume secured tsy thls DeOd oi Truat,Lender shaY reque�t Tn�uee to noonwy tM
<br /> Ptnperty end eh�ll surrender this Deed of Trust and all notea evidencinp Indsbtednsss �ecured by this Dssd of Truet to
<br /> Trustee. Tn�steA ahall reoonvey the Propaty. wilhout werreMy end without charpe to the qrson or p�n Iap�My �ntMNd
<br /> thereto.Tmstor aha11 pay ell costs ut recordedon,if any.
<br /> (d�)Penonal Prop��t11���Y��� /u additlor►al eecurfty tor ths payrtant d tl�No�,Tnisbr h�nbY pnnh
<br /> Lender u�ider lho Nebraske liniform Commen:ld Code a security Uts►s�t�n al�fixturos�s4uipmsnt,�nd otlNr patonM propeMy
<br /> used in conneatlon with the real estete or Improvementa bcafed thsrso��end not otl�erMrf�s d�la�ed°r d�r�sd W M�P�n°�
<br /> the real eatate secursd here�y.rnis wuaumeni�naii be co�airued.a e���►r%w������w%�_��������
<br /> shaU have all the rights arfd romedlea M a securod party undsr eaW Code In sdditlon W ths tiphts�nd rwr»dMM a��abd u�d��
<br /> end accorded the Lender purauent to fhla Deed of Truat;pmvided thet Lendera riphts�nd r�medie�und�►thi�parpnPh shaM
<br /> be cumulative with,and In ao wey a Ilmitatbn on,Lender's riphts and remedbs t�ndsr�ny olh�r secu�ty prMn►a'u si�ned bY
<br /> Burrower or Tn�stor.
<br /> (�i)Llans and Encumbranc�.Truator heroby w�rcants and roprosenb that th�re le no def�uk u��d�r�e W�++��p+d wiy
<br /> mortgage�deed ot truat�baas or Purchaee owNrsct ds�c�ibinp u8 or any p�rt of the Prop�rty�or oqwr oonhact�instrwr»nt or
<br /> agreement constttuting a Ilen or encumbnnce oDalnst all or any part of ths Propsrty(a�ll�tively�'�-Nm'l. oX�stlnp+a of f�
<br /> daie oi thla Ueed of Trust,end that any end eli existing Lbns remein unrtwcfillsd sxoept n dhcJosed Eo l.end+r fn Truelor�writ-
<br /> ten dlsclosure oi Ilens and encumbrences provided tor hereln. Truator ehsll timsly ps�torm�II ot Trustor's obNp�tion�,
<br /> covenante,representaGona end warrentlea unckr ar�y aM ell exletlnp s�d futuro Lbrn,shsll prors�ply taw�nd b L��ao(�s
<br /> of all notices of d�feult sent in connection wifh eny and aH exisdrp or futuro Lbns,and shsM not MMho��t Lstxf�r'�pdor wrftten
<br /> co►�sent in any manner modly the provisions ot a allow eny futu:e�dva�ces undar ony sxit�tMq or Whin If�ru.
<br /> (�1 ApP�lc�tlan of PaynMnb.Unbes otlierv�be roQuked by law.wrtu p�id to Ler�h�rnr►cl�r�Ind��dlnp wittwut NmNation
<br /> payments of princlpai end interoat, Inaurance proceede,condemnatbn procesds�nd ronb��d proAb,�heM b�M�pll�d b1►
<br /> Lonsier to the amounte due end orvk�g trom Tnntor end Borrower In such order aa Lender N�Ib�o{s dMcrslbn d�rN dsNr-
<br /> au1e.
<br /> �k)Sfv�nblilly If eny provY�lon of this Deed ot Truet oonllk�s with appNcabls law or Is d�Clsnd{nvalW or Wt�wiM u�n•
<br /> iwrseable,such conilkt or Invalldity ehali not aRec!the other provisions of thls Dssc1 0/Tn.�u or tM Nob wttkh can b�piwn
<br /> eflect without the conflicdr�provlsion,and to thh end the provisbns of this()ee�of Trust end the Nots�n ded�rod Eo b�e�w'
<br /> erable.
<br /> {Q Tam».The terms'TrusWr'and'Borrower shall Indude both ainpular end plurel,and whsn the Trwttx end Bort��n
<br /> ti�a same pereon(s),those terms ea used tn fhia Deed ot Tnist shell be Interchenpesbb.
<br /> (m)Sioveming l.ew.This Deed of Tnist shall be povemed by the laws ot the State of Nabre�ica.
<br /> Trustor has oxecu d lhis D of Tr t as oi the te written above.
<br /> � �
<br /> MICHAEI. A. ENYEART Tmstor ARMEL S. ENY A Ttustor
<br /> ., �
<br /> Truator Trustor
<br />