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<br /> 'Proceede')In connectbn wllh condemn�tlon or other toking of the Property oe p9rt theroof,or tor convA�a��n�u�o con emnation.
<br /> Lendsr�holl bs anllt�ad 1t IU oQtbn to commence,eppear In end prosocuta In 11c awn neme any action or proceeding�,and shali elso
<br /> be entilled to makn wnycornpramlae or sottloment In connactlon with such takln(�ar demago. In tho evont any partion of the Propsrry Is
<br /> no laken Ur damapacl,Lender eha11 hava lhe optlon In Ite soto and nb�olula rllaarotlon, to apply all such proceeds, after deducting
<br /> lherefrpm NI!rqnti errd exp�nsey Incurred by It In connoctlon with sucf�ProcoE+da,upon any indebtedness secured hereby end In such
<br /> wcler s�Lencler m�y �ielermina,or to apply ell such Proceeda,aftar auc1�doAuMlpns►,to the restoratlon of the Properly upon such con•
<br /> dltlon�a�l.ender ms�detefrmine.Any appliaatlon of Proceeds to IndeGtadneua n�iall not extend or postpone the due date of any pay
<br /> ment�uncNr Ihs NMs,nr aun nny�lefault thoreunder nr hereunder.Any unapplled funds shali be pald to Trustor.
<br /> B. P�tianu�nc�by 1.md�r. Upnn tho occurrence of an Event of Dnf�ull hamunder, or if any act la taken or legal proceoding
<br /> cmm�tRnr.rxl whirli n��ilerlr�lly nHocty Lender's Interest In the Pro�erty,Londar mey in Its own dlscretlon,but without obligetlon to do so,
<br /> and wlthout nollcu to cx dbmwnd upon Truetor and without releasfng Truat�r irom any obligatlon,do any act which Trustor has egreed
<br /> but Ia1MiQ to dn ai�l rriey atao da eny other act It deems necessary ta protact the security hereof. 7rustor shalt,Immedlately upnn
<br /> dem�nd Iherelnr.by 4.ondar,pay to Lender all costs end expensea Incurrod anr!numa oxpended by l.ender In connectbn w(th the exer-
<br /> c{ss by I.ender ol ths Ia�Qoln�dp,hll,topether with Interest thereon at tho dt�tautt reta provlded in the Note,which shaN be edded to
<br /> ths IndsbqMne���acurW hweby.LandAr ahall not Incur any diabllity becauso a1 anything It may do or om(t to do hereunder.
<br /> 9.H�wrdous M1t�rld�.Trwtor ehall keep lhe ProA�rty in compllanco with all appllcable laws, ordinances end regutaUons
<br /> rotatiny to Indu4trlal�iypiana o�anvlronmantAl protactlon(collucUvaty refarrod to hereln as"Envlronmental Laws').Tnistor shall keep
<br /> lhe Praperty Iree Irorn�I wub�tanC��doemed to be hazardous or toxic under any f�nvironmentel Laws(collectively refe►red to herein
<br /> as'H�zerQou�MAterJalP). Tn��star harsby warrente and represents to Lendur that t�ere are no Hezerdous Materiais an or under the
<br /> Proparty.Tn�tlor here�by eyre�►s to Irtdsmnlfy end hold hermless Lender,Ita dlroctara,officers,omployeea and agants,end any succes-
<br /> son t�l.ender'�InlereN,from and epain�t eny end all clalms,damages,loasaa and Ilabllltles ariuing In connectlon with the presence,
<br /> use,disposal or ttensport ol�ny Harairdaua MateHel'pn,under,from or abc�ut the Property.THF_FOREGOINO WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.A��i�nmwnt o!R�nb. Tru�tor heroby sulpna to Lender,and grr�nfs Lender e secwity interest In,all prosent,tuture end
<br /> etter arlalrp ronis,I�sue�and proAte of the P�operty;provided that Trustor sha91,undl the occurrenca of en Event oi Ds9auit,hereunder,
<br /> have the rlphl ta colle►ct end retein such rAnte,Issue�end proflts es they bacdme due and payablo.Upon the ocairrence of en Event of
<br /> qef�uR,Lsnder m�y. ekher In person or by apent,wlth or without 6rinping any actlon or proceeding, or by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> court and w(thout regrrd to Ihe adsqu�ay ol It��acurity,enter upon and toke Aassesslon of the Property,or eny part thereof,in(ts own
<br /> nams or In the n�mo ol the Tru�tae,�nd do eny acte whlch it deems necesaary ar deslrablo to preserve the valua,marketablfity or
<br /> rsntablNly af ths PropaAy, or eny part thereof or Intsrstt thereln,or to Increase the Income therefrom or protect the security heraot and,
<br /> with or withaut teklnp potseuion oi fhs Propertyr,aue tor a otherwise coil�ct IIhe rents, issues and proiita thereof,(ncluding those past
<br /> dw and unp�id,by notiylnq tonants to meke peyments to Lender. Lunde�•may apply rents,Iasues end profits. tess costs and expens-
<br /> es of op�r�tbn�nd c.olNctlon Includinp attomey'�fssr,to eny Indebtedneas secured hereby,alt In such order es Lender rt�y deter-
<br /> mlrN.Th�anbrinp upon end teklnp po�w�tlan of ths Property, tho coSlection of such rents, issues and proflts, and the appl�atlon
<br /> Mereoi et sfore�ald SheN nal Cure or welve any default or notice oi defauit hpreunder or Inv�lldate any act dane in respanse to such
<br />_ p�t�ult or punuant to�ucii noiics oi oaT�uii�(lll, tlotMtliil6tHndiny iiin iwntii'�iiai�u�n� N'v58vbSlvii GZ t�v j,ivj�c.a'^vi Z�io�8118L'23'vli,
<br /> � reoelpt and appUc�tbn ol�ent�.I�aua�a pro8t�,Trwts�rnd Lender shall be ontitied to exercise evory rlght provided to�In any of the
<br /> Lwn Irtitn.m�nls or by I�w upon occurrsnCS of any Evsnt of Defeutt,Including w►ihout Iimltation the rlght to exerclse the pawor oi sale.
<br /> FurthK,lsnd�r's rlpht��nd rorn�dk�under thf�p�r�gruph thsll be cumulativa wlth,and In no way e limitatfon on, Lender's rights and
<br /> rerr�di�e under�ny aulg�meni of fa��e��nd rent�nc�oMsd spelnst tho PropeRy. Lender,Truatee end tfie recefver shall be Ilable to
<br /> eccount only for tho�ronts�ctunity recslvnd.
<br /> 11.Ewnh of OdwuN,Th�folkwvinq�h�ll oomtitut��n Evsnt oi DefauSt under fhls Deed of Trust:
<br /> (�)F�Wurs lo pwy my In�talln�nt ol princip�l or InN►„t or sny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A brosch of a del�uk undnr�ny provhlon oontaln�d In lhe Noto,this Deed of T�ust,any of the Loan InsUuments,or eny
<br /> otMr Il�n or snambnna upon lh�Prop�rty;
<br /> (o)A wrft o}�xscudtan or�ttachmant a�ny slmll�r proceaa shall be entered egalnst Trustor whlch ehall becort�e a lien nn
<br /> , the Prop�rty or�ny portbn th�rwl a Int�rNt lh�nln;
<br /> (d)Tt�re sh�N b�fli�d by a op�lnot Trwtor a Borrowsr an ectbn under any pres�nt or tuture federat,state or other etatute,
<br /> I�yy or rsQul�tion r�1+Nin�to b�nkruptoy,InMlwncy a uM�r re1Nt far dnbtoro;or thero shell be sppolnted any Wstee,rocNver or
<br /> � Iiquldator o1 T�tor a Borcow�r or ol�N a�ny pat of tt��Property,or tho rrante,isaues or proftts thereot,or Truator or Borrower
<br /> ' eh�ll m*ics any per�nl awlpnm�nt fw ttN b�fit of cnditon;
<br /> (e)The�aN,trenKer,tene, �alpnm�nl,aonwy�no� or furthor enc�mbrance oi eil or any part of or any fnterest in the
<br /> Property,efth�r volur��lly or Invaiunt�rity,wNhout th�rxprsa wrilten aonsent of 4ender,provided that Truator shall be pe�mit-
<br /> � tsd to�xecub�IsaN oi the Prop�rty th�t da�not oonbin�n opticx�to purchase and the term oi which does not exceed one
<br /> ye�r,
<br /> (�AbandarxrMntol th�Prop�rtyr;or
<br /> . (p)It Trustor Is not en IndNkfu�l,the Isswncs,als,Iran�(er, as�lq�nment,oonveyanca or encumbrance ot more than (H e
<br /> corporsdon)s btel ol pero�nt d It�Is�wd end outatand3ng atock, or(if a partnership)a total ot per-
<br /> cent of partnenhlp Inlsre�ts,a(If�Ilmibd UaWNty corr►{kny)o total 01 percent ot the limiied ifabilfty compa-
<br /> ny IntKesb or voNr�rlyhb dudnp tho parkld d�DNd of Tnnt rem�inlo a flen on the proporty.
<br /> 12.R�dl�s;Aec�Nratlon Upon Mfwlt.In tM�v�nt of any Fven101 Dsfeult Lender may,wlthout nodce except as requlred _
<br /> : by law,dedaro all Indebtsdn�ss�scursd h�nby to b�dw rnd{�yMble�r►d th�same ahall thoreupon become due end peyable with-
<br /> ; out�ny proa�ntm�nt. demand, prote�t or notbs of Nny kind.Th�ra�Ae Lender may:
<br /> (a)Dsm�nd that Trustes�xKGw th�POVY�R OF BAI.E pantod fareln,and Truatee shall theroaRer cause 7rustor's intar-
<br /> est In the Property to be eold�nd tl►�pracead�to b�dl�t►Ibut�d,aN In iM msnner provided in ths Nebraska Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> (b)Exercc;is��ny end all rlphb provkl�d 1or In�ny of th�Lo�,n ImUumentH or by law upon occurtence of eny Event of
<br /> � DefauR,and
<br /> (o)Commence en nctbn to torecloee thlr Deed of Tru�t ne e morlpa�}e,eppolnt a recelver,or speci�icatty enforce any ot the
<br /> covonants hereol.
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Tru�te�or L�r I�Inte��ded lo be exclusive of any other remedy herein,In the Loan
<br /> InsWmenfs or by law pmvid�d or permitt�d,bul s�ch thall b�cumul�Uv�,�►aN be In edditlon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan Instruments or now or hereaRer exl4tinp�t law or In�qully or b/�tatuts,ancf may be exercised concurrently,Independentiy -
<br /> or sua:ssfvely.
<br /> 13.TNa1N. The TNStee may reelyn at any tlme without crwuw,pnd l.ender may at eny time and without cause eppoint e suc- -
<br />- ceaaor or subsNtute Tnrstee.T�uttea�hall not be Ilable lo sny{�rty,InGc�k�g without IlmltetFOn Lentler,Borrower,Trustor or any pur- _
<br /> cha�sr ot lhe Property,lor any b�o ar demapa unlea�dw to ncklr��a wUifuO rnl�cc�nclucf,and shali not bo requlred to teke eny actfon -
<br /> In connectbn with the enforcemen!oi this Deed of 7rust unlei�IndemrNfied, in w�1Unp, for al!wsts,campensatlon a expenses which ' -
<br /> may be essoclated therewith.In addiNon,Truetee may b�coms a puroh�sier al�ny�a�of the Property Qudiciai or under the power of =
<br /> sale qrented hereln); postpone the sab of ell or eny portbn oi thn PrapArty,a�provldW by lew;or setl the Property as a whole,or in -
<br />- separete ptarcels or lab at Tmstee'e dlscrotbn. _
<br /> 14.Fws�nd Exp�nt�s.In tho event Trustee seii�the Proparty by exarcls�of pawer ot sete,Trustee shall be entitied to apply
<br />- eny sate proceed�flrotla payment oi all costs end axpen�e�of exnrclNn{�pow�r M exle,Includlnfl all Trustee's feos,and Lender's and
<br /> Trustee's attorney'e tee�, actually Incurced to extent permittnd by eppl�c�Dl�Imv. In�he evenf Borrower or 7n�stor oxercises eny Hght =
<br /> provlded by law to curo an Event oi Default,Londer ahall be enlllled t�rt�cpvar Iran 7n�gtw all coate ar+d expenses ectually incurred es
<br /> a result of Trustor'e detpult,Inctuding wlthout limlfetbn All Tru�tee'd un�1 pttan��y'�fen�,ta the extent permfttod by applicable law.
<br /> 16. Futun Adv�nce. Upnn requeat ot Borrower,l.ender m�y, nl Itw opUo►i,make additlonal and future advancos and read- �
<br /> vancea to Borrowsr. Such edvences end readvance�,wilh Inlererl th�rw?n,�hall he rscurecl by thls Deed of Trust.At no tfine shall the
<br />