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<br /> 97- �.�4so�
<br /> qrinciprl Arrlqrmt of lh�IrxWbl�dnsei sscurnd by thln Drrod af Truet,not Including�ume advenced to prolect the socurity of thi�Deed of
<br /> Truat,9fcsert�S thn oNpinal prinGpel emnunt ntr►tnrl hnroln,�r S ,whichev�r is proster.
<br /> 1�.IYIInr,�tlnne�uR Provl�l�n�.
<br /> (a)Borrow�r Not RN��s�d. Extflnalnn Af Ihe Ilmn for payment or modiFlcatlon of amortlzaUon ol lhe suma�ecured by thl�
<br /> �t¢�:d of Truat granted by I.endnr to Any nuccesaor In int�r�st of Barrovrer shall not operate to�elease,In any mar.ner,the Ilablli-
<br /> ty qf th9 4rlpinal Borrower end t�orrmvorr► nucceasors in interest. Lendar ahall not be �equlred to cammence proceedinga
<br /> eQAinst sur,h auccessar or refusa to Rxtond llme far peyment or othen�vl;se modity amortfzatbn of the suma seaured by Rhla
<br /> Dooci of Truat by reason ot eny dnmAnda mada by the ortpinal Borr4war and 8orrower's succeasora in Intsrest.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r'�Pow�n.Wilhout aifnr.tlnp thn Ileblllty of eny oiher penson Ilable for the payrnent ot eny obllpatbn here(n men•
<br /> Ilnrt�l,ond wftt�out affectir�tho Ilr�n or char�p�of ll�in�aed oi Tn�st upan any portlon of fhe PrAperry �ol then or lheretofore
<br /> rel��ased as eecudry tor the tull ammmt ai all unpeld obllgeUons, Lender may,from time to tlme and without not�a(I)releaae
<br /> any person so 1lable,(II)extend thA mAtudty or eltar any of the tertns ot any such obQgetlone,(ill)gront odier Induigencss, (fv)
<br /> rel�s�se or reconvey,or cause to bn minnaed or recanveyed et eny tlma at Lender's optlon any parcel,portion a ell of the
<br /> F'roperty,(vy tske or release any othsr or edditlonel sricurity for sny obliQatlon hereln mentioned,or(vi) make compositlons a
<br /> ofix�r erranpements w(th debtors In r�lellon thAmto.
<br /> (c)ForMarnnc�by I.end�r Not a Weiver.llny fori�earence by Lendar in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> erwiae at(ordod by appticable lew,nhell not be a weivAr of or preclu�e the exerclse af eny such right or remedy,The procure-
<br /> mant of Insurance or the payment ot taxna or othor Ilons or cherges by Lenrter shall not be a waiver or Len6er's right lo ecceler-
<br /> eto thn matudty ot tRe Indebtedness nocurod by this�aed of Trust
<br /> (d)Succ�s�ors and Asslpns snttnd;J�Int end S�v�ral Llsbllity;Csptlon�.The covenants and agreement�herein con-
<br /> teined shall bind, and tho righl�hernundor shell inure to,tho respecUve successors and essigns of Lender and i'rustor. All
<br /> covenants end agreemonts o(Tn�stor ahell be Joint and Aeveral.The captlr�ns end haadings of the peragrephs oi thls Deed of
<br /> Trust are for convenience only and are nat to be used to interpret or deflna the provisiona hereai.
<br /> (e)R�qwst for Noticas.The partleu heroby roqueat Ihat a copy ot eny notice of default hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br /> oi sale hereundor be malled to aech paRy to this Deed of TNSt at the addrass set forth above in the manner presaibed @y
<br /> apptica��e i�w.�xcc�t for any other natico rciqulred under appllcable law to be piven in anotfier manner,any nutice provided for
<br /> in this Daed�f Trus►..hall be given by meiling such notfce by certified mail eddressed to the oth��parties,at the address set
<br /> forth ebove.My�tice provided for fn tliis Deed oF Trust shall be etfectiere upon matiing in U�e manner destgnated hereln. If
<br /> Tnistor is more than one person,nOticri�ent to d�e ad�ress sot forth abova ahall bo not�e to all such pe�sons.
<br /> (Q(n�p�ction.L�nder may meke or cause to be made reaeonable er4rlea upon end(nspectlona of tha Property,provided
<br /> ihat Lender shall give Trustor nallce nrior to any suc�inspection specifyln�roasonable cause therefor related to Londer's inter-
<br /> est In the Piopeny.
<br /> (g)R�conv�yance.Upon paymoRE c+Y all �sums secured by this Deed at 7rust,Lender shall roquest Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Properly and ehell surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey tha i�roperty,without warranty and withtiut charge to the persnn a persons legalty entltled �
<br /> thereto.Trustor shall pay all costa of�cordatbn,if any.
<br /> (h)Parsor►�I Propnly;S�curity Agswm�n�As additlonai sa�urHy for the payment ot the Note, 7rustor hereby grants
<br /> Lende�under the Nebraska Uniform Commerc,lal Codo a securiry interes►.U all ftxtures,equipment,and otlier personal prop�r�y
<br /> u:.�!n�snrs;c:tlr.n:.�tl:�c r;�.^I�l�tr.o;iatrs�cl;;.sr,�r.T�!a�lce'��rexs.�nd r.a!ath�r.:��s..°de�lsr�!a►�!Q�s;�•t a!
<br /> fha real eatate secured hereby. This insttument shall be construed es a Security Agreement under aetd Code,end the Lender
<br /> shali havs ell ths rights end remedlaa af a socurod party under seld Cade in e�Wition to the rights and remediea createci under
<br /> and aocorded the Lender purauant to this Deed of Trust;provided that Lenders rights and remedies under th(s parag�eph shaH
<br /> bs cumulative with,end fn no way a IlmllaU�n on,Lender's rights and romedles under eny other securiry agreement algned by
<br /> Borrowx ar Trustor.
<br /> (i)I.Mns�nd Eneumbnee�s.Tiustor heroby warrante end represents that there la no default under the provialons of any
<br /> mortp�pe,dsed of Wst,les�or purcheao conVe�t deecribinp all or any pen of the Property,or odar oontract Instrwwrr�snt or
<br /> prMrrNnt constlh�tinp a Ibn or encumbronce epalnst all or any pen oi the Propsrty(oollscthrely.'Llsns'),exhtltp as of the
<br /> dats W tl�is Deed of Trust,and tAet any and aA exisdnp Liene remeln unmodNkd exoept�s dlscloesd to Le�x1s�M TnasEor'a writ-
<br /> tsn dl�clo�un of Hens �nd encumbrencea provided tor hsrsln.7rustor shsll tlmsly perfam all of Tn�stor'� oblipatbn�,
<br /> oovsnants,ropro�sntatlons end wertaniloe under eny end all exlrtlng end tuture Llena,ahaH promptly forwerd to Le��der�
<br /> of�11 noHces of det�uR sent In oonnectl�n with any and all exiadnp or future Liens,and ahall not witlwut lenders prior writtsn
<br /> oonaent In eny manner m�dNy the provlslons of or allow any futuro advances under eny exisUny or futaro Ibna.
<br /> Q)AppltcaEloe ot Paym�nts.Unleas otharwlse requlred by law,sums paki to Lender hsrourxler,Ir�ckidkg wlH�out Ilmffation
<br /> paymente of prindpel end Intaroat, Inaurence proceeda, corxlemnafton proceeda and renta end profits,shaA be epp{(ed by
<br /> Lsndsr to ths amounts due end owing from T�ustor and Bomower In wch order aa Lender In Its sole discretion deems dea�k
<br /> able.
<br /> (k)�wr�bllFty.H sny provislon of lhis Deed of Tnist con111cts wit3�applicabb law or la dedared Invalld or otl�erwiae une►n-
<br /> tor�cssbls,such conllkt or fnvatidity shell not effect the other provleions of thfa Deed of Trust or the Note wh{ch can be�iv+en
<br /> effec:t wNtaut the conlNcting provislon,and to thle end the provlslons oi this Oeed o}Trust end the Note are dec�ared to be sev
<br /> erable.
<br /> (I)T�nm.The terms'Trustor"and"Borrowei"ahall Include both sinpuler and plural,end when the Tnistor and 8arrower are
<br /> the same peraon(s),those tertns es used in thla Deod of Trust shell be interchangoable.
<br /> (m)Gowrninp Law.This Deed of 7rust shell be govomed by the laws nf the State ot Nebraska.
<br /> Trustor has executed thls Deed of Frust at oi.tho data writton above.
<br /> �.,
<br /> ��, z �.�� ��A `��"��,..
<br /> (Garrv . Thomoson) Trustor (Rns�1P L_ Thmm�ennlT Trustor
<br />� _ . . .__'_ _' "'_"'r_."' �
<br /> T►ustor Trustor
<br /> !�1 � a�• 'C
<br />