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<br /> "prt�de`)In connecibn wilh rand�mnatlon or olher I�klnfl ol tha Property or part Iher�nf,a IQr"r rnNy��'h�������•
<br /> L�nder�hAll bs sMltMd et il�opdon lo cor»mxna,spM�r In AnQ praoscuts In ft�uwn neme rny anlbr�a pracee�kpw,M'�d IhOM MIW
<br /> bs�nUtkcl la make any compramlae ar eetflemenl In aannecllan wllt�euch tnNlnp or demwfla.In the evenl nny p�xtbn o/d� Prc�p�rty I�
<br /> �tqken or da�naprcl,Lender ehell heve tlio 4pllon In ItR eole enc7 nhenlute dlecretlon,to npply ell n�urh �xa.eeA�, �Rsr dQductlnp
<br /> tharefrom alf cc�ate nnd expenues(ncurred by it In connactbn wlth�uch Proceede,upon any Indebleclnefi Recurod heraUy and In aud�
<br /> order ef Lsncbr mey detsrmine,or to apply efl euch P�oeeed��aAer euch deducllona,to thm reetorntlan ollhe Property upon e�►ch oon-
<br /> ditbna se Lender may determine.Any eppllcaUon of Proceeda to Indebtednesa ehall nat extend or qosi�xx�e Ihs due d�ts of Mny pey-
<br /> menta unddr the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funda shall bo paid to TruBla.
<br /> g, p��for�n�na�by Ltnd�r.Upon the occurronce o1 en Event ol Defauit hereunder, or Ii eny acl Is taken a lepai proceedinp
<br /> commence�i whirh materially affects I.ender's InteresZ in tho Property,Londer may In fts own dlscretinn,but without obtigalinn to do so,
<br /> and without nutice to or demand upon Trustor end witliout rebasing Yruator frorn any obligaf(�n,do any act tihlch Tntslor has agreecf
<br /> but teited to do and may elso do any other sd It daema neceasary to protect the securlty hereoi. Trustor ehall.Immediately upon
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs and expanses Incurcad and sums expended by Lender fn connectbn with the exor-
<br /> the ndebtedners�tsecured har b yLender s al not�ncaeany Iabliitynbecause ot aniythingpt may do or omlrt to do he e�r�added to
<br /> 9. Hwrdous Mabti�ls.Trustor shall keep lhe Property in compliance with all appiicable lows,o�dNances and regutatlons
<br /> �olaUng to IndusUial hypiene or environmentel protecBon (collecqvely referred to herein es'Environmental lews').Trustor shall keep
<br /> the PropaAy free from ail substances deamed to be hezerdous or toxic under any Environmentel Laws(coltectivety rofened to herein
<br /> as"Hazardous Materials").Trustor hereby warcants and represents to Lender that there ere no Hazsnious Materials on or under the
<br /> Property.TNStor hereby agrees to indemn(fy and hald harmbss Londer,it�directors,otficers,employeea and egenle, and any succes-
<br /> sors to Lender's int�arest,from and agalnst any and alI claims, damages,losses and Uabilitfes erising in connection with the presenco,
<br /> use,disposal or fransport o(any Hazardous MaterlalR on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WAf2RRNTIES ANO
<br /> 10.Assiqnm�nt o!Rents.Trustor horeby esssroV,�thet Trustor shall,�u tiet the occu e c�e of an Event of Defnuit,hareunder,
<br /> after edsing renb,issues and proflta oi the PrapeRy;p
<br /> hava the right to cotlect and rot�in auch rents,issues and pro8►s as they become due ar►d payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event oi
<br /> qefautt,Lender may,elther In peraon or by apent,with ar 4rithout bringing eny actlon or proceeding, or by a roceiva�eppointed by e _
<br /> court and wNhaut regard to lha adequacy of(ts security,enter wpon end take possession o?the Property,or any part th�reof,in its own
<br /> narne or In the name oF the Trustee,end do any acta which it deems necassary or dosirable to preserve� the value.merkatebility or
<br /> ronts�bllity of the Propecty,or eny part thereof or Interest thereln,or to Incrmase the inc�me therefrom or protect tho eecudty hereof And,
<br /> w(th or without taking possessfon of the Prope�ty,sue tor a othervvise colleGt the rents,Issues end profits theroof,inciadinng Ihoso past
<br /> due and unpaid,by notlfying tenants to make paymonta to Lender.Lender may appry�onts,Issues end proflts,less coats and expens-
<br /> es of operaUon and collecllon including attomey's fees, to eny Indebtedness secuvetl hereby,ell In such order as Lender may dete�-
<br /> mina The entedng upon and taking possession of the Property,the coltection of such rents,Issues end pmfits,and the application
<br /> thereof a9 aforesa�d sheil not cure or wafve any default or noUce ot default hereunder ar invalidate any act do�e fn�esponse to s�+ch
<br /> deTauii or pw�s�ii+i�t t'v su��a��W�`��fa�l:�"�', ��'•='=!eheranrtin��tha cnntinuance in oossession oi Ihe property ar the oollectlon,
<br /> receipt and applkstion of rents,issues or proflte,Trustee and Lender shall be entitied to exerGse every dght providod fa in any of the
<br /> Loan Iratnwnenls or by law upon occurronce of any Event of Detauft,Induding wfthout IlmiteUon the�ight td exercise tfie power of sa{e.
<br /> FuAt�sr,La�de�e rights and romedies under thls paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way e Ilmltatbn on,LenGer's�ights and
<br /> remedies ur�x any assipomant of leases end rents recorded egainst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver ehell be liable to
<br /> ecCOUnt ontyr Tor those ren�actually recelved.
<br /> ��,����yl p�{wg,�following ahall conaGtute an Ev�t ot Detauit under this Deed of Trual:
<br /> (�)F�luro to p�y any inatallment ot prtnclpel or Intsrost or eny other sum secured hereby wt�en due;
<br /> (b)A b�eacb of or default under eny provlaion cantelned In the Note,thi�Deed of Tru�t,eny ol the Loan Insbixnenb,or eny
<br /> othsr lien or encumbra�ce upon the Property;
<br /> (c) A writ ot exewtion or eltachment or any slmilar procesa ehall be entered eflalnst Trusta whld� ahatl beconb a Ilen on
<br /> th�PropKty or Any portlo�thereof or Interest theroln;
<br /> (d)ThKO s1►2iN be 61ed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower en actbn under any pteaent or futuro federal,state or otha►stetute,
<br /> {w�r a�puletlon relMh�p to b�nkruptcy,Infdwncy a oth�r rslkf for debton;or thsra�h�11 be appoi�ted any tnnbe,roceiver o►
<br /> Nc�utdstor of Tnrsta or BorroMror a'o�all or eny parl of the Property,or the rents,luues or protita thereoT.or Tru�lor or Bortower
<br /> sh�lt m�ke any gs�xAl watgnment for the banetit dc�editora;
<br /> (e) The sals, vanster, lease, esalgnmont,corneyanca or turther encumbrance of ell or any pad of or any Interest In the
<br /> property,eiti�x voh�ntarily or Nwoluntedly,without the expreaa wriBen consent oi Lender,provlded that Trustarshall be pem►it-
<br /> ted to ex�cute a fease of the Properly thet doas not contaln en opUa�to purchase ai�d the term of whlch doea not exoeed a►e
<br /> year,
<br /> (�/IbMx1o"ment af the Property�or
<br /> (g) If Trustor te nat an Indlvldual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,ass(gnment,conveyanoe or encumbrance ot more than(H e
<br /> �rpo�ayon�e totel of percent ot its Issued and outstand(ng stock,or(ii a paRnershlp)a totel af per-
<br /> cent ot pertnarshlp int�rosts,a(tt a Iimlted Ilebllity company)a total of percent of the Ilmited liabflity compa-
<br /> ny fnterosta or�o8rg riqlrtt dwing the perfod th�s Deed ot Trust remetns a Ifen on:he property.
<br /> 12,R�m�d{a;Aeo�ratk►n Upon DN�uR.In the event of any Event ot Defautt Lender may.wlthout notice exoept es requtred
<br /> by Iaw,dedare oll Indebtedness sacurod hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon becane due and payable with-
<br /> out any presenfinent,demand,protost o�notice oi any kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> (a)I)emend that Trustee�werciae the POWER OF SAIE grAnted heroln,and Trustee shall IhereaRer cause Tnntor's inl�er-
<br /> est in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to bo dlstributud,all In the manner provlded In lhe Nebraska TNSt Deecls Act;
<br /> (b)Exerdse any and all dghts provlded for In eny of tho 4oan Instrumants or by few upon oxuRence ot any Event of
<br /> Detautt;end
<br /> (c)Commence ar+actbn to foreclosa thls Deed of 7rust c+s a mortgage,appolnt a recafver,a speciflcally enforce any of tho
<br /> covenants hereoT.
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truatee a Lender 1�Intended to be oxcluslvQ of eny other remedy herein,In the Loan
<br /> InsWments or by law provlded or permitted,but each shatl be cumulative,shall be In eddlfion to evc�ry other remedy glven hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan Inswments a now or hereaRer exlsttng at lew or In equlty or by ststute,and may be exerdsed concurrenUy,indopendently
<br /> w succeslvely.
<br /> 13.Tru�ts�.The Trustee may reslgn at any tlme wlthout cause,end Lender mey et any tlme and without cause appolnt a suc-
<br /> u�urL..�.....�.. n....r...�.e Tn�ufiv nr on�n��r.
<br /> C89301'Or sub�tltU[e TnIStEe. 1 Rlstee snari noi oe iiaoia io nriy jr6�?y,ari.iii�ni�H iautiui m.noa�............�.., ...�...�.-...
<br /> chaser ot the Property,for eny loss or damege untess due to recktess or wlltful misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any actton
<br />" In connection with!he enforcement of thls Deed of Trust unless Indemnitied,In writing,for all costs, componsatlon or expenses whlch
<br /> may be essoclated therewith.In eddltlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny sele of the Property(jud�ial or under the power of
<br /> sale granted herein);�ostpone the sale of all or eny ponbn of the Property,as provlded by taw:or sell the P�operty as a whole,or In
<br /> _- separate paccels or lots at Trustee's dlscredon. •
<br />— 14.Fees and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee solls the Property Dy exerclse of power of sale,Truste0 shall be entilled to apply .
<br /> �ny sa{e proceeds fi�st to payment ot all c�sts and expenses oi exerclsing power of sals,Including all Trustee's fees,end Lender's end
<br /> Trustee's atYomey's fees, ectually incurred�o extent permltted by eppllrabte Iaw.In the event Bomower or Trustor exerctses any�Ight
<br /> — provlded by law to cure an Event of Dofault,Lender shall be enlltled to recover from Trustor all costs and�xpenses adually incuned as
<br /> a rosult of T�vslor's de�fault,Includtng without Ilmltatlon all Trustee's end attomey's fc�es,to the extent pertnitted by eppllcable law.
<br /> 15. Fufurr Adv��c�s.Upon request oi 8orrower,Lender may, et lts optlon,make addltlonal and future advancea and read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advances And readvances,wlth Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed o(Trust.Al no tlme shall the
<br />