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l �=!� � . . ... .. r`r��':ii•�."'�'.r.."�..' � - _ <br /> �":�'N(� v+n ►.... . . ..v_.,_' •___.,.,r_ , _ _—_ <br /> � '`�"r7,.v�y.e9r.r.�-:.-_. <br /> . . .,,.__,.._,,...yx..c,w� -- <br /> �,i'{F'il,wv,��,�,,.,.�,::,-',_-"— <br /> .ii�._ � - -. ......°°°-- <br /> 97.. ia4�.9�' <br /> (d) � w�A of �xxutbn ur ettechm�nt al �ny •Imfyr procKa •h�M b� �ntK�d WwN11 TNStor whbh shl�ll b�oom�a MM1 0�tM <br /> ' T�utt E�tato ar�ny portfon thereol or Int�reet th�nin and suoh ex�cutlon, attsahmmt a�krtM�r prooKl of l�dOn�M k n01�M�M�tI� <br /> bondad,6allslled, vacntod or stayed within olxly (60) days uRar ko eniry or levy;or <br /> • (�) theru has occurred a brench u1 ar defauR under any tirm, covantnl,apr�r�t,co+�dRbn,provMbn,f�p��ntalbn Or w�rrM4Y <br /> eonlainad fn any prb�deed o1 lnist or mcrtpape�Msctlny tho Truat Eetat�. <br /> 10.Acesleretlon upon Defeult; Additic+nal Remedles, u an w�rn ot aKwuk occur�, e.r►Miobvy r.wy d�oNrs t� <br /> htNbMdn�s� s�cund h�reby to be due �nd p�y�bM �nd th� artM s1��M th�nupon bconN dun �nd p�yAi�M wlth0ul �ny PrMM►MnMN, <br /> demand,proNSt or nottce of any kind.Theraalur, Benetfclary may: <br /> (i) eRh�r h person or by�Qent, wlth or wkhout brinpiny eny�ctton or procMdMq�or bY� no�Mr� �pPOMMd bY �Qa+A� <br /> wkhout np�rd to tha adequ�cy ot Rs aecurNy,�ntw upon �nd t�ks poss�ssion of thi Ta»I EtluN,or�ny prt tlfK�of.h k�own n� <br /> or h tlw narr�af Trustea, and do �ny �cts which k daema n�csstury or dalnbN tu pns�rw th�wlw, mMkW�4�tY a ront�b�� <br /> tM TfUlt Esilte, or pert ihBfeol qr ht�r�sl lhstakl, k1cr68a� th� IncoflN th�fMfom a {NOE�Ct iTM MOtlf�l 1Nf�Q1 Mid�Wkh 0�M►k�101i� <br /> lakhq possessbn ot the Trust Estnte, sue lor or otherwise collaot ths nnt�,I�tu�s and pralka thK�ol, Inobdk�p MoN put dw md <br /> u�ptld, and upply Ihe sarne, fess costs end oxpenses ot operet�on �nd colNCtbn incUdinp aBOrMyi' tsN.upon M�Y InEMk�dn�a� <br /> s�cuhd hsreby, all in suCh ordor as Beneficiary may delermhe. The �nbrkip upon wed takiny PossNalOn Of HN Tnnt EsMM, IIN <br /> aoN�ctbn of such rents, Issues and protas end ths applicetbn thereot as atoc�said slui �wt cun a waUr� �nY d�MuR a notlo� M <br /> dMauk h�nu�der or hvalidete eny act done In response to such deMuk or punwnt ta waA notia of O�NwR rW,nolwkhshndln0 th� <br /> ca�tinwnca in possessbn o1 the Trust Estate or the collectbn,receipt �nd �ppNCalbn ol nr�H, kw�s or prOfk��TNSM�M B��M�a3�ry <br /> th�M bNn �ntNkd ts axerclse every right prpvided tor In any oi tho Loan Instrum�nri or bY�.w w� oo�o.a.�+y«�w"a a�►�. <br /> Includiny ths ripht to exercise the power of sele; � <br /> (p) commance an ectbn Io torecbse this Deed ot Trust as � enorty�, appofnt� nc� o��p�aMfc�/ M�tOro� �nY °+� <br /> cov�nants hereoh, <br /> (Bi) deliver to Trustee a written deciaratlon of defauR and dert�flnd 1ot s�N ond a rrktrn noti� of d�Nuk �nd �Nofbn W aua <br /> Trustors interest in the Trust Estate to be sokJ,whlCh not(ce Trustee 6heA Caus�t0 b� duy 1M6 t0►�CO�d In fM�RP�Op���M a <br /> ►ha County in which the 1'rust Estate Is bcated; or <br /> (H) exerche such other rights or remedies et law or in equity. <br /> 11. Faeeloaure by Power of Sale. �t eene�x�ary e�eccs to tor.cws. by .�c►s� of tn. Pow�r a sw t�in oon�ah�d. <br /> 9�Rcfuy shaN natHy 1'rustee and shall deposR with T�ustee thfs SeCOnd Oeed ot TNSt Ytd 1Ay ao0��vld�nCinp th�Int111�Ndr�Mt�nd wCh <br /> nc�tpts end avklance ol expenditures made and secund hareby�s TrustN rt►�y nquir�. <br /> (�) Upon reseht o} such notfcs kom BenNicl�ry, TruttM shaN a�uN to b�r�Cad�d,pubM�h�d�nd d�MrKM t0 T�uko� � <br /> Not1c� of Oetauk and Not�e ot Seb as then nquksd by kw and by thh S�aond bMd of TnuG 7nn1M shN, v+khout dMrMnd on <br /> Trustor,aRer suoh time as may than be required by kw and �Mr rocotdatbn ol suCh No�of D�MruR�fe!MM►Nol�o�e�oi��p <br /> b»n pN� as required by law,seU the Tn�st EsUU at the time and pkc�of�fboM !=y R in woh NoGo�of 8�.MIMr as t�'+how.o► <br /> In t�(W�t� bts or parceis or Rams as Trustes shaN dsem e�d{ent, �nd in tuCh ordlr as N nyy dMMR� P�Afb M�f�O� �1� <br /> hiph�tt bidda for aash h lawlul money ot the UnRad St�tss pay�bM at th�tWw oi tY�. 7tisw sh��d�1w► to woh Purct� a <br /> qxChnsKS thereot rts pood and sufficient deed or deeds convoyk►q the propady 3o eold,Mit wlMout !ny otwKwnt or w�rtrrK1►�wp'r�= <br /> pr impYM.The recReis h such deed of eny matters or facts shtlt b�conCluaN�proot oi th�CuthiuhNS thM�of•N►Y P�����p <br /> wkhout fimftatbn T�ustor,Trustee or Beneficiary, may purchasa�t such seM. <br /> (b) As mey be permitted by Iew, after deductinp all costs, fees snd �iK1s1s ol YsutlN�r1d Of thN TNtt, InCk�dUq CON� oi <br /> rv{dMk� of tkl9 in Connectbn with sele,Trustee shaN eppty th�proCSeds Of NI� to pa�nl�nt of(�ttM M�d�bMdnss�(N1�olhK wRK <br /> thon s�cured hereby,end(iil) the rem�lnde�,i�any,to the person or pereons NpuNy M�tklld thlrMO. <br /> (C) Truatea mey tn the manner provided by lew postpone 6ale of all or�ny portion d tM Tiutt EsdM. <br /> 12. Remedles Not Excluaive.Trustee end Benefic�ry,and e�Ch of tMm. thaN b1 MNkbd to �r�lonC�p�ymM�t�nd PM1o1nw� <br /> of�ny Ind�btWnoss or oblipatbns secured hereby and to exercise aM riphts�nd powKS und�r thM S�cond Dwd W T�v�t or undr�np Lo�n <br /> Nnbwrwnt a othar aflreerr�ent or any laws now or hareafter in force; notwkhstandYip, sorn�a�N of th��such IndM�MdrNp�nd cb� <br /> Ncund IHnby mey now or hereaAer be othenwise socured, whether by moApfy�, de�d d Wtt. pNdp�, MM�, ��sqnnwM or otAMwiM. <br /> N�kMr tt►��:cspt�nce of this Second Deed of 7rust nor ks eniorcement,wh�ther by CouR �ttbn or punwnt 30 Ih�powN of�W Or otM► <br /> pov+�r� h�nh conlained, shall prejudice or h any manner eMect Trustee'6 or BsnsNeMuy'� ripM to n�Aa� upon or M�lo�o��ny othM'�b <br /> now a heroaRer held by Trustee or eenet�ctery, it being egreed that Trustee and Ben�flciuy,�rsd�woh of th�m,sh�1 b��nlMMd EO�r�oro� <br /> MN Slicond Deed ot Trust end any other security now or hereafter held by BenefbMry or True11�In svOh OrdK and nMrM��s thrjl Or�1l� <br /> of ttNm mRy h thelr pbsolute discrelion determine. No remedy herein conierred upon or hsrwd W TNSEM Or BMMIiCLry f1 In1Mnl�d 10 W <br /> waClutlur of ru►y other remedy herain or by lew provided ot permitted, but each tMM D� cun�ulad� �nd sh� b�In �ddtbn lo wrrf►WMr <br /> nmed�r qMn hereunder or now ar hereafter exlstiny at Inw or fn equky or by 6tetub.Ewry powor or rwn�dY Ghr�n b1► �n1► af th�los� <br /> Inthum�nri to Trust9e or Benet�tary or to wh�h eRher 0}them may be otharwiN Mltitlld. m1Y b��CM�d�CO�IqMrNlll�l 0�M�d�PN1dif1NY. <br /> kom 1MS to time end es oRen es may be deert►�d e�edbnt by Trustes or B�nNbWy md MhK uf th�m nry pun�N incOn�'1t1MK ew�. <br /> NoMlnp Mrofn sh�A be construed os prohibkhp Bene�iciery hom s�elcinp�deficMncY judprtw�t ap�Mst tM Tlusta W tM MA�t wch�ctton <br /> f�pMmktsd bY Few. <br /> F1711�W.LFAO(�JY7) Pep�a ot 6 <br /> 527 <br />