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<br /> Ta Prat�Qt th�SaCllrity Oi thl• SICO11d Of�d of 1'rust:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt ot Ind�bt�dneu.T�u�tor �haM p�y wha, dw�n. pmot�oh u+d aw „�arw an,aw�� Ma M w�
<br /> ium�u provkNd kt th�l.o�n Inatrument�.
<br /> 2. T�Ifl�.Trurior shel pay oach htta4n��1 of �N Uucs��nd �p�olal usM�m�nb of N+�ry kMd,now a MnqlMo I�Mbd 1p�inlN tM
<br /> Tru�t Ettat�a' My p�d thsnof, Mlore d�Nnquency,wNhcut notk� ur d�rtw�d.
<br /> �. Imurence �nel Repelr�. 7rusta eti��m�huh �r� and o�n.�d�d cowrp� hw� nw�rw c�anp�or�r�►a oo^�ua+t�q
<br /> p�rt of Ih�Trust Estat�lor such �mount��nd on such Nrms rwsort�by�atNl�atory to NnMIoYry.80 lonp a tlN ih'opwtY k �wb by s
<br /> finl dMd 91 frus!or mortflaq�, Complk�nc�with Ih�hsur�nc� nqutrtrt�nt� 01 tfi�Mnt dMd of fruat o►niorlp�Q�thaM b� wNbMnt�o NtMh
<br /> tM nquirMrMnES ol thb par�pr�ph 3 wwtinp to htutWtC�. �
<br /> TYUSta thal prompty rop�k �nd r�pMe� 1M T'ru�t Ett�t� or uty paR th�no!to th�t,sxo�pt for ordr�ry wwr Ytd M�r�Mf�'Trus!EN�M
<br /> th�1 not d�M�br�t�. In no �wnt shall th�Trualor �ommN w�st�an a to th�Tnitl Estai�, a oornmll.�ullr►or pMmlt mY�ot !0 0� don�b
<br /> Or upon tM 7ruet Est�ta In vblatbn of eny Yw, adin�nc� or npuktfon. Tmtta'ehaN p�Y �ttd P�DM► dMcAtr'��t TrWtofl awt Ilnd
<br /> �eql�nq�li lent,sncumbrances and charpes Mv4d,Ynpos�d ar�sssts�d�p�bst th�1Yutt E�f�q1 ur�ny Wrt th�wt•
<br /> 4. Aations /lftc+ctin� Trust EsLte. Ttttstor 6haN �ppMr in and conast �ny �ctbn or prtio..d�q papatrw b a�ct ua
<br /> qcurily h�ot ov .hy r$hds or powers al B�nelbulary or TrusUS, �nd shaN pny I�II Cotb Mfd M�mMe, hcludYq�t of w1dM1o�Of tMM
<br /> 11nd altom�ys'hts. in sny tuch ectbn or procesGhip f� whfah 9AnMfcfuy or 7rus1M n'Ny�ppw.M TrutEW'Ily M nf1�k�r1y p�nrNOlt ot 10
<br /> do �ny�ct as�nd In lhe nwnnar provided in Ny 01 th�LONtI IIIAfN�Yl6nts. B�nM�oMufi rnd�or Tru�f»,woh h NMIr own fNlotWbn.wNhout
<br /> ob�tlon so ta do �nd wkhout notice to or drtsand upon Truatar�nd wkhout nM��ir►p Truetor kom�nY ob�pMio��m�aY rt�ia or do tM
<br /> sMl� Ifl tUCh rtMnn�r�nd 10 EuCh ext�nt a7�khlr m�y dMm MC�a�aty l0 proMCt MN Y�qxk� IN►qf. 'RLtt� ih�. h'M�Md1�M1 �M�
<br /> dK+Nnd tMrMAr by &natictuy. Pay atl Costa u�d oxP�n��s incumd bY BmMbi�ry h oonMOtMfn wNh t!N�IrotN bY lM�D�ry ol t1M
<br /> torpoirp rtphts,Includhq wkhout Nmiratbn cusle of widena of tkb,couR ao�ls.�p�xaM�N.�u�wYi�nd�Kar�Y���•
<br /> 5. Eminent Domalll. It the Trust Est�te,or eny peA therso} 0► intM�Mt tlNrrin. b� t�icwl 0� d�f11�d 1SY�M�On 01�I1y P��
<br /> Improw�n�nl or condemnatbn proceed�np,or h iny other mennnr IncbdYp d»d In If�u th�nof('Co+tdM�rwtbn'�or M Tiutlor Mo�MM�r►r
<br /> notioe a otf►K InMmielbn regardhp such proaedinp, Trustor shaM pMs prompt wr1l�n notia tM(rof t0 B��Mol1ry.�n»!or st1M b��MW�d
<br /> to at cort��nsatbn, awards end other paymenls or relief thereof and shaN be�ntkMd at!b option M cortwrw�o�.�RD�h nd Dros�cuM„
<br /> ks own n�uM any actbn or proceedfngs.Trustar sh�N etso be entkled to mak�any comprotniN or rNtMn�►t In oa�Mallon+rRh w+oh Wcinp
<br /> or 1f�nt�.
<br /> 6. Appolntment Ot SuCCe8t0� TI'tlitse. Ben�fialuy may, kom tim� to tMrN, by a wAMn Instarynt MrouMd �nd
<br /> �trtOwNdp�d by Benel�iory,meiled to Trustor�nd rocorde�f h the CAUnty h whICA ttN T�u=t Est�N bCRNA�d by oN�MwN1 ooniph�Mq
<br /> wRh th� provl�bns ot the epplkebfe Iew ot Ne Su1e of Nebraska aubstkut� 4 �ucc�ssot or wccNSas to lfi�Ynn1M n�nwd ��h o►
<br /> �ot4p MnuncJu.
<br /> �'. StICClis0�8 and Asslyna.Thh Second Ueed�of TNet �pplMt to, InurM to th�bMINR Of �nd 6hds �1 PMMw MrWo�tMM
<br /> Mk�, Ip�tNS,dwise�s, personel representatMes, aucce3aors end sssfpns.Th� brm 'BK�cWy'ahY n�n IIN ow►N��nd hoid�af any
<br /> • • promheay noU anren to beneficiery, [whetner or not n8med r�s kk►n�fickry hwein].
<br /> 8. Nleryer, Conaolidatlr�n, Sel��o� Leases.Trustor covenants that Truttor w� not sN, �a oehwww dMpo��a�
<br /> ol th�7�ust Eaats. In the awnt that Trustor s�. N�ses w othetwlq dispo� ol�ny pMt W iM 7Yt�t EsMM.e�orrr n�n►K a+opaon
<br /> dreYre�th�IndWtedr�ess secured hereby knm�diaMy dw end payebM, w�n.r a na �nr dawr .ases• BM�I�oilry � oa�s�t b �
<br /> 1nns�ir of tho Trust Estat�lo a thkd party tq tha ex!�nt�uch thkd party mMts tM nquMMn�ks ooM�d b.�nd a/M�nM fh�obl�Mia�
<br /> ut Ipcth in th�Fkst Deed al Trust. The coven�nts conUinsd heretn sha11 run wkh tM Prop�ty ond sh�A r�nafn h �u�io�o��nd MNo�uMl
<br /> tM Md�bbdn�tt fs p�k1 in fuN.
<br /> �. EvenU of Default.My of the fobv+rtny wenta sheM b�de�d�n w�nt of d�Muk tlMfundM:
<br /> (�) d�huh ehall be made fn tha paym�nt of th�Indebt�dn��s nr�ny oth�r wm Ncurrd Mnby whM� Ow:
<br /> Ot
<br /> (b� TNator shull perform any act In hnkruptcy;or
<br /> (e) a court of competent Jurisd�tlon shall enter en ordn,�udgmant or�Mcn��pprnvfnp�P�tbn�Md�paiMt Tru�ta'�ktq�n1�
<br /> reorpaniratbn, d�SSOiutbn or simltar ret�l under any present or Nture t�der�4 tt�h ot otM� �O�tuM. yw ot hpuYRion �Mk�p to
<br /> b�nlauptcy, k�sokency or other relief for deb�ors, �nd such order, JudyrtNnt or d�cn� shaM n�naln unwalsd�nd un�M1�d for M�
<br /> pqrp�to ot stxty t60)days (whether or not consecutive) trom the fint dab of�ntry d�oh, or�ny trusM�, naMr or�qufdMor ar
<br /> Tluttw or of atl or any paA ot the Trus1 Estate, or of any or all 01 th� royaklM, nvwwul,nntt, itfw�or txoM df�nOf. �hM b�
<br /> �ppoinlW wkhout lho Consent or ecqutascence ot Tn,stor and such appointrn�nt th�N rcin�h unwca�d�f untMy�d 1or�n appiuOM�
<br /> o}tbRy(60)days(whether or not conseculNe);or
<br /> F10l40.LlA3(1/i7) Pap�2 01 6
<br /> 5�7
<br />