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„� . . . . .�� ,. . �....., .'''::Y'« ... ..r _ --:== <br /> :<<:;,r''. <br /> J�t�� ' . ::Y e�,��.t.. � .. . . .`T P3�11N- __ ' ... <br /> . <br /> i .•�� . <br /> :.. �,_,�. . . ''�ri}� - <br /> . . . y� <br /> .., <br /> � • „ y+f aa�i�ll'�� lS9t��1F'>>,.:v�..;:.3�o.�.PB,,. � .�, .._�����_ --- <br /> 1 '� . ” , <br />� •..� ' ,�. ,t �. . -r f; '� ' - _ . r <br /> .�" v._.� <br /> ,. . . _. - <br />..�,.,ra � . . ' tt, . ...cry'f�°"w�w�..�-•.. .��-,-'°r^c ,.-�— ._... _ <br /> ._.�.r '�J�I�t7�RP�'"sn• _ ___ __ <br /> �—,� <br /> 'i:�'L9 � <br /> c�n . . . <br /> 1O'�i • <br /> __��a�� <br /> ��;�y 9?- �,�455�. <br />�%�� l.ender with coA�ter�l of�t least equal v�lue to tho Pcoperty sxured by thia Socurlty Instrurnent wlthout pnjudlce <br />,,,,;�� to dny ui Lcnder'e ri�hn under this Secudry Inetrumcnt. <br /> L. Notwithet�nding�ny of the lu�gwge cont�inod in tLls Secariry lnstrumcnt to the contnuy,the tcrms of tlxie scction <br /> _,j.� aheQ survfve Rny foreclo�un or ewtiefaction of this Security Instrument regardless af any pas�age of title to Lender <br />�,y:� or uiy dlepaltion by Lender of uiy or all of the Propecty. Any claims and defenses to�he contrary are honby <br /> w�ived. <br />_�.�.o <br /> �,....,..- 20.CONDEMNATION.Mortgtgor will Rive L.ender pmmpt�otice of any pending or threatenM actton,by priivote ar public <br /> --�� entIdes to purchawe or nJce any or all of the P�+opaty thmugh condemaation, eminent domain.or any other means. <br />'- Mactgagor authorius Lepder to InuNeae in Moctgagor's neme ia any nf the above described actlone or claims.Mortgagor <br /> assE�s ts+l.ender the procadc of aay awud or claim for damagcs wnnected with a condemnation or oWer taklug of all or <br /> ,�t an,y paaq m�cbe property. Such proceeds shall be considcred payaxata and will be applied as provided In this S�cudty <br /> �'�. Iastrumeat.This assignmeat of proroeds ia aubject to the tern�s of any pdor mortgage,dad of uuat,socurity�greement or <br /> - other lien document. <br /> 'TM�� <br />'-�-- <br />:r�� 21.II►I5[JRANCE.Mortgagor agroes ta maiatain insurana as followe: <br />'_�� A. Martg�or eh�ll koep tha Property insurod a8�inst lo�s by fire, flood,theft�nd other hazu�+md rislu reuonably <br />-===,a:a associtted v�ith the Property due to its type and location.This insuranca shall be maintained ln the amouats aad for <br />�._� the perlods thae I.ender requirea. The insurance cazrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Mortgagor <br />--==� aubJect to Lender's approval,which shall aot be unraasonably withheld.If Mortgagor fails to maintain the covenge <br /> W� dcscribed above, Leuder rwy, st Le�der's aption. obtain coverag� to grotxt Lender's rlgt�ts In the Properry <br /> _� according to the terais of tbi�Security Instniment. <br /> _���.� A11 iaaueana policies and renewals ahall be acceptable to I,eader and shall include a standard "mortgage clausu" <br /> _ and� when applicable, "lo�s ptyee clwse.' Mortg�gor shall immodiately notify Lender of canceUuton or <br />---- terminadon uf the uuurana, Leader shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal�. If I.ender requires. <br /> � Mortgagor shall immodiacely give to Lender all re�eipta of paid pnmiums and renewal aodces.Upoa loxs. <br /> Mortgagor shnll give immediate notic.e to the insurance caaier and Lender. Lender may m�ke proof of loss if not <br />- msde Itnmedlately by Mortg�or. <br /> � Unlesa otherwiae agrad in writing, all insurance proceeda ahall b�applled to restoradon or repatr of the Property <br /> or w the Secured Debt,wbdher or aot thea Lendcr's opdon.Any applicutian of procxds to pri�tclpal ah�ll <br /> ° �e;►t�:.r�.aa Y:.;.:,tuc�� s�s:e af�^ g�y,�;��nr cJ�anga the amonnt of any paVmc`nt.At1Y CRCtss w'llY <br /> _ be paid to the Mortg�gor.If tl�e Property is acquired by Lender� Mortgagor e dght to �ny Insurance policies�nd <br /> - = praceods resulting from d�mage to the Property befon �the acquisition sball paas to I.enda to the extent of the <br /> " Socuad Deht immediately befon the�cquiaition. <br /> B. Mortg�gor agrees w maiauin eomPtrheoaive general liability insurana auning Leuder t� ao addition�l ineurei!in <br /> an amount aceeptable to Lender, inauring ug�inst claima arleing from�ay axidexit or occnrrence ia or on the <br /> C. M�o gagor agroes to mainuin nntal loss or buaines�interruption inaurAnc�e, iu ttiquirod by[.eadet, in an emount <br /> oqwl to at least cove:age of one year'a debt servia.and requirod escmw account deposits pf agreed to separately <br /> in wcidng),under a form otpcallcy aceepteblc to Lender. <br /> 22.FSCROW FOR TA7�S AND INS[fItANCE.Unless othenwiae provided in a separate agrament,Mortgagot will not be <br /> required to pay to I.ender funds fortaxa aad isuurance in eacmw• <br /> � 23.FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Mortgagor will provide to Lender upon cequest. any <br /> fin�ocial atuen�cat or informatian lander may dam nawnably neoessery.Mortgagor agc�oea to etgn,deliver,�ad file my <br /> additional documeats or certifications that Lendec mAy considcr aecessaty to pedect,wneinue. and p�+aerve Mortg�►gor's <br /> obliguions wder thia Secudty Inswmrnt aad I�ender'e lten sutus on the�'roperty. <br /> 24.JOIIVT AND IIVDIVIDUAL LIAB�i..1TY;�O-SI(iNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND.All dutita under <br /> this Securicy Inamiment ue joint and iadividual.If Mortgagor signs thIs Secudty Instnunant but das not sign Qn evick�ce <br /> af debt,Mortgagor das so only ro martgage Mortg�gor's int�rest in the Property to sec�ue paymeat of the Securod Dabt <br /> aad Mortgagor does not agra te�6e personally liable on the Secured Debt.If thia Security Instrument sxures s guarmcy <br /> betweon L.eader und Mortgagor. Mortgegor agras to waive any rlghta that may prevent Lender fmm bcinging aay action <br /> -- or claim ag�inst Mortgagor or any party indebtod under the obligation. These rights may include.but ue nM llmited to, <br /> any wti-deficiency or one-�ctian lawe. Mortgagor�groes chat Lender and any purty to this Sauriry Insuument may <br /> : extend,modify or m�ke any chana�in ihe terms of thie SocurIry Inatnuneut or�ny evldence of de6t without Mortgagor'a <br /> con�ent. Such a change will not r�ease Mortgagor from the terms of this Socurity Instrument. The duries and ixnefits of <br /> thi�Socuriry Inatn�►t shall biad md benefit the successors aad assigns of Mortgagor aad Lender. <br /> '- 25.APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERl�DII�1TY;IIV'I'ERP1t�.'TATION.This Security Instcument is govemai by the law�of the <br /> �-��='_�'`� jurisdictlon in which L.ender is laated,eacept to the extent otherwisc required by the laws of the jurisdlctioa where thc <br /> �--"����' Property is located. This Securiry Insmsment Is complete and fully integratcd. This Security Instrument�nay n.ot be <br /> ___ aroeadod or modiHod by or�l agramcnt.Any sxtion in tlus Security Instcument.attachmente, or any agc�eement nlatai to <br />°--�_;;�, the Socured Debt that conflicts with applicable l�w will not be effective,u�less that law expresaly or implledly pewiu the <br /> -_— vutuio6a by writtrn�greemeat. if any section of this Sccurlty Instrument cannot be enforad according to Ita tem�s.thet <br /> -��i;� secdon wlll be severed and will not affect the enforcxability of the nmainder of this Secudry Instrument.Whenever used. <br /> -� the singul�r ehall include the plural anJ the plural the singul�r. The captions and headings of the sections of this Security <br />-•--- Iastrument are for eonvenienee oaly and a�not to be usw to inc�rpiec or denne�ae cerms oi wis aavriry?n�in,m�ni• <br /> : �:,:�� Time ie of the esseuce in thls Secudty Instnunent. <br /> :��t�� <br />_?�.., 26.NO'I'ICE.Unless othcnvise requircd by law, uny nodce shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail <br /> "`�;�� to the appmpriate party's addres�oa page 1 of this Securiry Instnunent, or to any other addness designated in writing. <br /> `:'�'„;, Notice to one murt�agor wi11 be danzed to be notice to a11 uwrtgagors. <br /> . � ,: <br /> • .r , <br />_-.�M..� 27.I�VAiVGRS. fixcept to the exteni prohibitcd by law. Mortgagor waives all appralsement. hozmstcad eaemption, and <br />-�°•��,;. rodemption dghta relating to the Property. However, the waiver of redemption is nat applicable to that portion of thc <br />'-,_;�.�g; Properiy that covera agricultural land or a single or two-family dwelling owncxl by on c�ld in¢rust for a natural person. <br /> r <br /> '_'`�,�,. . . /p�p�6 0l 61 <br /> ��y� � O 1/!�oraun 6yttun�,InC..$t Cloutl,MN 11�WD-3q•2�4tl Form AOICO•MTO•KB 70/1>!96 _ <br /> .-.:s�4��_ <br />