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SubJect ta these �___ <br /> •�,� limitatioas.If eny, �epder may Accelcrate the Secured Debt and thie Sauriry Instnrment in a manner provlded by <br /> law if Mortg�gor lc in def�ult. <br /> ,�:�' At tho opdon of L.ender, all or any part of tho agreed fa� nnd charges, acccued intenst and principal shalt bexome �; <br />'�""°"" lwtnedf�tely dun�nd paynble,aRer giving noticC if reyuired by law,upon the occurrEUCtl of a defaul¢oz anytirno tlicret►tter. � <br /> -�}� lu additlon,Lender eh�ll he entitlod to all the remcdles provldod by law, the ter�ps af the �ecured Debt, thie Sccudty <br /> _� Iastrunxnt uid any reletod documtnts. All romedies are distiuct,cumulatjve and not exclusivo, and tho Lender ie cntitled to <br /> +F a11 rernodies provided at law or equiry,whethcr or not eapressly set fortl�.The acceptanca by Lender of any sum in payment <br />:�� or partial payment on the Secured Debt after tl�o balance ia due or is accelerated or nfter foreclosurc proceedings are filal <br /> shall not coastitute a waivtr of Lender's right to rcc�uiro complete cure of any existittg default. By not exercising any <br /> ' nuxdy on Mortgagor's dcfault,Lender does not waive Lender's rlght to latcr considcr the�vent a dcfnult if lt contlaues or _ <br />':.•:,@� haPPcns agatn. <br /> ,.,�,� <br />�°"� 18.EXPFN8F,9i ADVANCE9 UN COV�NA�NTSi�'�'�'4��YS'FEESi COLLF•CPION CUST&. Bxcept whea�mhib�tod <br />:'� by IAw,Mongagor�gnxa co pay afl of I.ender's Zxpeas�s if Morcgagor breachea any covcnant in chie Sccurity Inscrumenc. <br /> -�-_�= Mortgagor will elso pay on domsad any amount incurrcd by Lepder for lnsuring, inspectin8, preservin8 or otherwlae <br /> � protecting the Property and I,ender's socurlty interest.'�'hhesa expenses will bear lnterest from the datc of the paymwt until <br /> = paid in full at ths tilghat interest raro in eff�ct aa provlded ln tha tercps of tho Secured Debt. MortIIugor agrees to pay dl <br /> reasonable wsts uid expense�incurral by►der ia caUecting,enfo�ing or protecting Lcnd�r'a rl ghts and remediea under <br />`-� tbia Securiry Insnument.Th1�nmouat miy include, but�e nat limitod tp,collection ageacy faa or attomeys' foes,but not <br /> -�� both, and oth�r legal costs and expenses incurnd by Lender in exercising any n�edY ar►der this Loan or under che law,for <br /> — all peraons other tt}aa a�larlod om�loyoea of L.ender.This Securlty Instniment shsJl remaia in effect untll nleased. <br /> �-- 19.ENVIRONMEN'PAL LAWS AND HAZA$DOUS SUB.STANCFS, As usod in tl�ie aocdon, (1) Bnvironmmtal L�w <br /> meuu, witiwut limitauion, the �ompnhensivo Fnvironmental Response,ComPen�ation and Uabillry Act (CERCLA,42 - <br />:� U.S.C..9601 et srqJ, all othar federal,atato and local laws, nguluions. ordinsuxes,court orders,attomey geneaal opiniooa <br />�='+� or inteipniive letura conc,�ming the public health, ssfety, welfue. envimnmeat or a hazu�dous substance; and (2) <br /> Haxaidous �b�twce me�na �ny toxic, radiaactive or hAZardoua macxdal� w+�ate� pollutant ar conte�+xinant which has <br /> rhuacte��stks which nader the eubsw�ce dangeroue or potendally dangerous to the public health, safery, welfare or <br /> = CAV`uvuuic+ii. i�'ic vt�i il 31ICiit�w� '.:IijS0l1!�!"S9T�4R, ,°,l2�ci��ic anorA cleflrted ss "�18Zfl1Y�Q11! IIISICIS3t�,� "I07[�C 811bStY11CC3�� <br /> _;y 'h�zArdous wotste," 'hazardow subuaacc"or"ngulated substwce"w�der+mY Enviranmental Law. <br /> Mortgagor tepnacnta.werrants uid agrea thar. <br /> A. Eacept ae previoualy dlaclosed aad acknowlaiged in wrlting to Lender,no Haza�dous Substunoo hes bcen, is,or wUl <br /> � bc located� tranaported� muiuf�ctuncd, treated�refined.or hwdled by any person on, uader ot abuut t�d Propaty. <br /> - except in tho ordinsry courao of bueincss and in strict compliaace wtth all applicable Environmental i:�w. <br />-- - g. Faccxpt � praviooaly discloaed uid acimowlodged in wxlting w Lender, Mortgagor haa not axtd�wlll:not cause. <br /> cc�ntribute ta,or penatt tha mlea�o of any HwMoua S�batana on tl�e Pmperty. <br /> C. Mongaga will immediately notiPy I.ender if(1)a release or thir�teoed releaie of H�zu+dp�s Subatanee oavn on. <br /> under or�bout tl�o Froperty or migrutes or thnateas to migrr►tte from aeubY Propa►Y:or(2)there in�violatiun ot <br /> �ny Bnvlronmeaul I.�w coaamtng the Property.ln auch on event,Mortgagor will uke all�necessuy remedW ac;ttlon <br /> in�ocord�na arith Favimnmentel Lnw. <br /> D. Bxapt u previauly discloaed aad scimowlodgod in wrlting to Leader.Mortgigor h�a no imowledge uf or rea�on to <br /> - believe there ie my pending or threateaod iat�esrigacion, cl�im, or procceding of��my kind nlatiaq to (1) ury <br /> Huudow Siebstanoe loested on,uuder or tbout the Pcopeccy:or(2)my violuIon by Mortgagor or any ten�mt of�ay <br /> � Ertvirox�mentai Law. Mortgagor wiU immediately notify Lerlda in writiag �s soon � Mortgagor hu nasoa to <br /> ' • . believe tden is my such pwding or threatwod[nveatiguion,clnim,or proceoding.In such an eveat.1.ender hu th� <br /> right, but not the obligation, to participate in s�ny nuch procoeding including the right to nceivc copies of my <br />- - � doamcnta relating to such prooeodings. <br /> -_ E. Eaapt�u pnvIoualy disclosed uid acknowlodgal in writing to Lender�Mongagor uid every tenmt luve bow,a+e <br /> ancl chall remain ln full com�liance with any applicable Environmeau�• <br /> F. Exapt � previoualy discloaed and acknowledged in wrIting to L.a�der. thete are no uadergmund stonge tonka. <br /> -�� privue dumps or opca welle located oa or under the Property and no auch t�nk,dump or well will be mdded wiless <br /> - I,eadar tirst oonseata in wtiting. <br /> G. Mortgagor wiU c�egululy inspoct We Property, moniror the�etivides and operuions on the Property,and confinn <br /> - that W permits, lic;wsea or eppmvals required by aay �pplisable Envimnmwtal Law are obtainod �od rnmpliod <br /> w�th. <br /> —= H. Mottgagor wW permtt,ox cause aqy teiaanc to permit.Leoder or Lentkr'a a�ent to enter md inspect the Pmherty�nc1 <br /> —= review ell rocoids at any reasonablc time to determine (1) the existence, location and natun of any Huzardous <br />-��'�� Substanca on. under or about tt►e Propecty: (2�4`�e existence, locatton, nacure, and nulgnitude of any Hazardous <br /> � Sub�ta�na that has boea releasal ou, under or about tlia Property;or(3�whet2tcr or not Mortgagor and any tenant are _ <br /> �.�y in wmpliance wtth applirable Envi�onmental Law. <br />=°��;�; I. Upon Lender'a request and at Any timo, Mottgagor agrecs, at Mortg�gor's er.pense, to rngage a qwdlfied <br />---� cnvironmental engineer to pc+�paro an environmentel audit of the Property and to suDmit the resulta of euch audit to <br /> -�� I..eoder. The choice of the environcnentel engina�;r who will perform such a�dit ls�subjoct to Lender'a approval. <br /> �=""-�� J. Lender ha� the dght, but not the c�Uligar�en, to perform aay of Mortgagor's obligations under this section at <br /> _. :�-�= Mo�tgagor's expanse. _ <br /> '�-'"�- � K. Ae Q c,ronscyues�ce of�ny b�aci�of any represent�tion,warrauty'or pmmise made in c'�is section,(1)Mortgagor will -. <br /> r:''�+" " indc�nify �nd hold Lender u►�d L.ender's sucassora or assigns harmles� from and aSalost all lossea. clsims, = <br /> 'i���_�: demands, liabiltties.damages, cleanup, response and remediation costs, pemlties and expsnses, including witliout _. <br />='�� liroitation all wsW of lirigazion and attomeya' fas. which Lender and Lender's successors or asaign�may suatein; - <br />`"�'`�:;`.�� and(2)at L.ender's discntion, Lender may rcleaae thie Security Instrument and in return MortgaAor will pmvi@e <br /> ,�;-•� <br /> -. i;:', <br />;���� <br /> i;,�.. <br /> _'i;�a y �a+e��or s� <br /> .:uT . . <br /> '�-`�~t� 01093l�nkm6yNMn�,Ine..SLCIad.MN 11•IOOJq•4�411 FWmAG1CO�MT�•K5 t0fltf�e ��� <br />