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<br /> "ProceKde'►!n connectbn wilh c�ndemnatlon or other t�icinp of the Pro�serry or pert thereoi,or far conveyancelRlr��'�Kt rtH►nlian.
<br /> LRnder shell be entitled el ite optbn lo comrnenoe,eppeei�In end pro»cute in Ns own name any a�ttan or prrx�.eediiw,�,end sh�►11 n1rD
<br /> be entitled to make any cornpramise or eettbmant{n connectlon with such takinp or damage.In the owont Any portir�n ol tF�Pr�ptiy b
<br /> so taken a damsged, Lender �hall have the option in Its sole artd ebsolute discretion, to epply a!I suc1�proceoctt, att�clodt►;Ainq
<br /> therehom ell costs and expense�Incurred by It In ax�nection wfth such Proceeda,upon any indebtednass secured tM+reby and f�ra�ch
<br /> orrier as Londer may delermine,or to applyr all euch Pr�eda,aRer suah deductton�,to the restorailnn of tM Pn�pcTty��on aua�cx�n�
<br /> ditiona ae Lsnder may determis►e.My applkation af Praxeds to indebtednees ahull not extend or pastpone tho d�m daie d t�ny}�Ay-
<br /> menls u�der the Note,a cure any de/auft tt�ereunder or herounder.My unapplied tunds sfiall bti p�ld to Trustar.
<br /> a. P���ra+,u:�a �y �e�eri:r. Upan th�e�currcnc� of 4n Evcnt of Qafault horcundcr,nr If�ny ect Is teken ar l���prncr�!�tftm�
<br /> commenced whkh materiaNy at/ects LendeP�Inferost fn the Property,Lender may In it5 own discrotbn,but wlthait c�C�n tp cM so,
<br /> and witfiout nodce to or demand upon Tru�tor end withou!roleasing Trustor from any obligatbn,da any act wfiiCh Tn+�has c�'aed
<br /> but(ailed to do a�d may also do eny other act it deems necessary to protect the security her�af. 7rustor st��ll, lirm9d�att+ty ulwr►
<br /> demand therator by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs end expenses 6ncurred and sums expended by Lender In cx�nnnr,t�n wiG1�tM►o>:er-
<br /> cise by Lender of the fore$dng dghte,together with Interest theraon at tha defauft rnte providnd In the Note, wMcl�st�alf t�adtEntt to
<br /> tha intfe�btednes�secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur eny Ilability l�ecause ot enythinp ft may da or omit to do h9ro��ndM.
<br /> 9.Ha=srdous Mtt�is.7rostor ahall keep the Property in compliance with eN applicahle laws. Ofdif131NSt1'S AfIC1 (f1g11'rA1�(N19
<br /> re�atlng to Induatrial hyglene or environmental protec:tion(col{ecthrely reterred to hereln as'Environmentai Laws').Tn+slor shAN kt�ep
<br /> fhe Propedy►froe from e4 substances deemed to ba hazerdous ar tox� under eny Envlronmental Lawa(cdlectjvel'y re�iserr�ct ta hnrefn
<br /> es 'Hazerdoua Materiale'). Trustor hereby warrants end represents W Lender that there are no HazaMous Matariaht on ca unQar the
<br /> Property.TnisDor hereby agraes to indemnily and hold harmtess lender.ils directas,otficers,emptoyees and ageM�,nnd any s��es-
<br /> aors lo Lender's interest,from and against any end ali daims,damages,bsses and IiabiliNes eritJn�In connecti4n n{t�tt�i prqsnnce,
<br /> us�,disposal or tra�sport d a�y Hezerdous Materials on,undt�r,frnm or ebout the Properly.TH�?FOREGOtN(3 WJ�ftRANTIE8 ANO
<br /> '10.Aulpnm�nt o�Renb.Trostor t►ereby ass{Bns to Lender,and pranta Lender a security interest(n,ali KresoM,f�rturo and
<br /> aRer e�stng�rents, issues and profits oi the Property;provided that'Pms2or shall,until the occurrer�ce of en Event of f,7ofaufA,��aruunder,
<br /> have the dght to cottec:t end retain such rents,issues and pro8ts as they becon�a due and payabl�.Uaon the occ+u�c�noe oi an Evont ot
<br /> qefauft. Lender may,efther in person ot by egent,witfi or w(thout bdnging any actlon or proceasling,or by a r�e���r a�ok►ted by a
<br /> cau�t and Nithout rega�d to the adequacy of its securiry,entcr uMan and tafce possession of the Rraperty,or any�x.�rt M�ereol,in its own
<br /> name or In tho name of the Trustee,end do any acts v►hlch it�aems nacessary or desirable to proserve the vrl.+,�o,m�;�ricetaWiAy or
<br /> renteMlity of the Property,or any part thereof or Interest thereln,or to increase the Income therefram or protect the rt�eaxity horeo!und,
<br /> witfi a without taking possession of the Property.sue tor or othenerise collect the rents,issues a�d�ofits thereof.lnchd'n�ry fhosn f►ast
<br /> due ered unpaid,by notilyir�g tenants to make payrnenta to Lender. Lencier may eppty rertts,issues a�d pnofits,less oosts aixl e�q►ans-
<br /> es d opeiadon and coNeatlon induding attomoy's tees.ta any(ndebtedness secured hereby,at!in such or�der as l,end9r may dster-
<br /> mine.Tho entedng upon and taking possessbn ot the Prope►t;,�...h9 Cl+IkY�b11 Of 6t�Ch r'enfs, 'c.Nsues encl profihs. ard tha apptication
<br /> thereof as eforesaid shaN rwt cure or waive any default or notice oi dafault hereu�or invall��ate any ac:t done 1n response t0�
<br /> detaWt or pursuant to such notice oi default and, nolwlthstanding Iho continuance in posse::sion�i the proporty or thE+a�f'k�r::lon,
<br /> reoe(pt and appticallon o(renls,fssues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be enHtled to exer��e every»ght pr�i�fed fa in any of the
<br /> Loan InsWments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of DefauR,Including without Ilmitadon the ivght to exerclse the po�oi�ale.
<br /> Fu�.LerKler's rights end remedies under th}s pa�aph shall be cumulative w(th,and in na way a limitatlon c�a,le+�de►'s rf9hts arod
<br /> remedies under eny assfpr+ment of leases and rents recorded against the Property,Lender,Truatee and the roc�?ver sh�ll bo liable to
<br /> accouM oniy tor tltose ronts aatt�aNy roceived.
<br /> 11.Ewnls of D�tauk.Tha toNowk�g ahall oonstitute en Evenl of Oefault under thla Deed of Trust:
<br /> (a)FaNuro to pay eny InstaH�r�ent of prfnc:itpel or(nterest or er�y od�er sum secured hereby when du�;
<br /> (b)A br+each of ar default urxler eny provision conteined in iha Note,this Deed of Tniat,eny of the Loma�Ir�stnxnenls,or any
<br /> other Ilen or encumlbrar�ce upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execudon or altachment or eny simiiar process shall be entored agafnst T�usta which sMll beoor+rb a lion on
<br /> the Pr�ope�ty or any paMon tfieteoT or(Merest therein;
<br /> (d)There sha�be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Boma�an�ction under eny present Qr future f�.aa,staDe or W1�er stNtute,
<br /> taw or neputatbn retadnp to bankruptcy,insdvency or other relbf tor debtan;or thero ahall be appolntad any trut0ee,reoeMer or
<br /> ifquidaGor of Trustor or Bartower or M ell or any part ot the Properly,or the rents,Isaues or profib th�rcaf,or TrusOOr or Borrawer
<br /> shall malte any general assignment for the benef�t mf aeditors;
<br /> (e)The saFe,transfer,lease, ass{pnrt�ent, oonveyance or fuNher encurtibrer�oi ell or any parA d or pny inEerest in the
<br /> Property,either vo(unta�ily or Involuntarily,without tha expres�w�itten co�sant of Le�nder,provided th�ot TrusOor shaq be Marmit-
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the Property fhat doea not contein en optlon to purchase�nd the term of which does not ewa�ed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�/ibendonment oF the Property�or
<br /> (g)Ii Trustor Is not an indivfdual,the Issuance,saie,Vansfer,assignmen�cwr�+eyanoe or enaumb�ice of mae fhan(H a
<br /> caporaUon)a wfat ot pencent of Hs issued and outa�ding stodc,or(H a partnershtp)a totel of per-
<br /> ceM ot partnersMp (nterests.or(H a Iimited Ilability companY)a Rotel ot percent o(the Nmit�d liobility oxnpa-
<br /> ny inte:�asts or voHng righb dudng thn period thla Deed oi Trvst romains a lien on tl�property.
<br /> �2.Ram�fNs;AcuNration Upon Ddaulf.In tlie event of any Event of Default I.eader may,wlthout rwflce except as�equired
<br /> bY law. dectare alt Indebtadness sea:red hereby Eo be dua and payable and the same shae thereupoo bocomo dum und payable vrith-
<br /> out any presentment,demand.protest cx nofke oi any kind.Therealter LerMer may:
<br /> (a)Demand ihat Trustee exerdae the POWER OF SALE granted herek�,and Tnatee shaii theroeRer ceuse Trustor's inter
<br /> est in the F'ropeAy to be sold and the proceeds to be distribaRed.ell in the manner provided Jn the Nebras!ce Tnxtt Oc�Act;
<br /> (b�Exerdse any end ail rights provided for(n eny of tAe Loan InsUumenta or by taw upon oa:urrence of eny E+ro�t of
<br /> Oe12u1�end
<br /> (c)Commence an acUon to forecbse thts Deed ot Trust as a matgase,appdnt a rocelver,a spociflcally enfonce any d ttie
<br /> cavonenfs heneot.
<br /> t�o rortwdy hetein confemed u�n or reserved to Trustee or Le�der I�Intended to ba exdusiva af any otlwr remudy horetn,in Ghe Loan
<br /> Instnxner�ta or by law provided a pemdtted,but each shall ba cumulative,ef�all be In additbm tv every other remedy given 1a�vieunder,
<br /> In the Loan 9nstruments or now or hereaRer existlng at law or In equiry or by stotute,and may�exen�sed concurrentiy,tndepxx�dently
<br /> ---=.�..
<br /> ,.. ...�.
<br />- 13�Trust�.The Trustee may resign at eny time without cause.and Lender may at any time and without cause appofnt a suo-
<br />- cessor or substltute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Nable to eny perty,Including wftlwut Ilmitation Lender,�orrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br />- chaser At the Property,tor any loss or demage unless due to reckle�s or wiilful mfsconduct,and shall not bo raqulred to tako any action -
<br />_ (n cannecNon with ffie enfo�cement of this Deed of Trust uniess(ndemnifwcf,In writing,for all casts, canpensation or expenses wh�h
<br />- may be essocfated therewith.In eddition,Tnistea may become a purchaser at any saie oi the Prope�fy(judk�al or under lho powar of
<br />° sale granted heroin);postpone U�e sale of ait or any portion of tho Propurty, as provkfed by law;or sell lhe Property as a whote,or in
<br />" sep8t8te parcels or IptS 8t TNStee's discredon.
<br />= 14.FMS and F.�cp�ns�s.In the event Trustee sells lhe Property by vxercise ot power ot sala.Trustee shal�be entitled to apply
<br /> eny sale proceeds first to payment of ell costs and expenses oi exercising power of sate,includir�eil Trustee's fees,and Lender's and
<br /> Trustee's etfomey's fees, actually incurcea to oxtAnt permitted by appiicaWe law.In the evenf 8orrowa or T►ustor exen•.ises any righl
<br />- provided by law to cure an Eve�l of DeTault,Lende�shatl be entiUed to�ecover from Trustor elt c��s end expensos�ctu?Ily lrtcurte�as
<br />- a nesult of 1'rustor's defeult,Inctuding without Iimltation all Trustee's and attomey's teets,to the extent permitted by applicabFo taw.
<br />_ ' • 15�Futura Adv�r�ds. Upon request ni Bnrrower,Lender mey,et its option, make additional end futs,re advances end read- _
<br /> vances to Brxrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deod of Trust.At no time shall the .,
<br /> _. -....� ..-.. ___._.._..___�__...,••----
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