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<br /> THIS DEEO OF TRUST,fs made as atthe 6th day of�JutlE _, 1997 .by and amo�g��
<br /> �
<br /> the Trustor, �
<br /> whose maUing address is 4252 Ari zona Ave �rand I51 and. NE�8803 (here�n'Trustor',whether one or mare)� \
<br /> theiruatee Five Points Ba^!' ' ��hrae{ta Ceroaration_ __-.
<br /> � whose mailing eddreas{s P 0. Box 1507 Grand I sl and Ne 68802-1501 (neretn•rn,atee•),end
<br /> the Benet�ctary,F�i ve Poi nts Bank a Nebraska Cor orati on
<br /> ,Nhosa malling ed�sess 1s� n RoY 1�07 Grand T cl an�� u c �Qan�-t�n� (herein'Lender).
<br /> FOR VALUABf_E CONSIDEi�ATION,Inciuding Lender's extenslon of credit fdentified herein to Dari ck Barnhart d�— —
<br /> „ (herei�'Bcrrower�whather one or more)and the Wst herein aeated.the recefpt
<br /> of which Is hereby adcrwwledged�Trustor hereby irtevocably grents,transfero,conveys and ass�gns to Trustee,iN TRUST.WITH
<br /> op;���c�F�,a r_,fnf n�w nwnefit and aecuHty ot Lender,under end subject to the terms and conditlons herekiefter set torth,the real
<br /> ProP�s�Y described as follovws:
<br /> See Attached EXHIBIT "A"
<br /> Togelher with a11 bulkiings,improvements.fixtures,streets,alleys,passa�eways,oasements,rights,privileges end appurtenancea
<br /> locaisd thar�on or in anywise perteining thereto,and ths renta,issues and profits,reversions end re+naindera thereof�end such per-
<br /> sonat property�hat ta eltached to the tmproveR�nls so aa to constllute a fixture,induding,but not timited W,heatinp and 000ling equlp-
<br /> ment;and together with the homestead or marital Interests,if any,which interesta ere hereby released and wahred;all oi whk�h.Indud•
<br /> ing replacements and eddftions thereto,Is hereby dedared to be e part of the real estete secured by the Hen oi thb Oeed of Trust and
<br /> all of the foregok�g belnD referted to herein as Afie'PropeRy'•
<br /> Thls Dee�f M Trust shaH secure(a)the payment of the principal sum end interest evidenoed by a promissory nate or credit agree-
<br /> ment dated 1��nn � l OQ7 _,having e maturity date of^S�.,rntomhE+r d, 1 QQ7 .
<br /> in the aiginal principel amount o!S.14Z.�nn nn . and any and�II modifications. extensbns and nenewals
<br /> theroof or H�ereto end any end alt future advances and readvances to Bortnwer(or any oi them if more than ono)hereunder purouant
<br /> to one or more promisao�y notes or crodft e9neements(heretn called'Note');(b)the payment ot other surru edvenced by Lender to
<br /> �xotec.the security of the Noto;(c)the performance of all covenants end egreements of Trustor set fortA hereln;and(d)all present end
<br /> fulure IndeMedneas and obNgetians of Borrower(or any of them ii more than pr�e)to Lender whether dfrect,indirect,ahsolute or contin•
<br /> gent end whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and ak other ducumenle that
<br /> securo the Note or otherwise executed In connection therewith, including without Umitation guarantees, security egreements And
<br /> assipnments of leases and renb,shaN be referred to herein es the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> Trustor covenants end agrees with Lender es fdfows:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of Ind�bbdnss�.All indebtedness secured hereby shali be paid when due.
<br /> 2. Titi�.Truator ia the ow�ner of th9 F�ropedy, has the r)�ht end authority ro convey tha Property,and warrants that Nhe lien creat•
<br /> �d hareby ia a flrst and prlor Ilcn on tha PropeAy. except for liens end encumbrances se2 forth by Trustor in wriUng and detivered to
<br /> Lender before execution of this Deed ot Yrust,and the executlon and delivery of this Deed ot 7rust does not violato eny contract or
<br /> other obligatbn to which Trustor is cubJect.
<br />_ 3.T�x�s,Assessm�nts.To pay betore daltnquency ail tax�s,speclal assessments and ell other charges egainst the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levied.
<br /> 4.Insunnca.To keep the+P,operty insured agafnst damage by fire,hazards incluc]Dd within the term'extended coverage',and
<br />� sush other hazarda ns Lender may requiro, in erteounts and with companies ecceptablo To Lender, naming Lender es an additionai
<br />--- named Insured,wiB►loss peyable to the Len�er. !n case of loss under such poHdes,tho lender Is authonzed lo adjust,colle�:t and
<br />