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+� . .. . ' 5.:,, ;�,,:,,�:.:..,,. :??' � -_-_":: <br /> ';i;�i�;�-ji.'� + <br /> � , . �,. .i����3::'s''-- <br /> . .: •iu�.� `...�.__.::.._ -- -—--. -_- <br /> • _�.._.. <br /> . ,S� . _ . . . .... •� ,. . . . . . . . . ♦�....:.�n,..«_. _•__^--- -- <br /> . -�- � .. .. - <br /> �Y ,a+�.:;�. <br /> :-�:. . <br />:���;µ�,� GOVENANTB 9�- 1o�z <br /> ������x`� , 1, p�►rm�nt�. Borrow�r �prss� to m�ku dl peymente on the necured debt when du�. Unlea� BarowA� Ind 4snder �prs�oth�rwl��, ��Y <br /> '���T`��" ptymente Lend�r receivoe irom Horrower or for Borrowu'� benefit wlll be �ppliad fint to �ny�mounts Borrower ow�� on lhe s�cur�d d�bt <br /> ' `""'�' exciuelve of intera�t or princlpal,second to Intero�t,�nd tMn to principal.lf putlsl prepayment of tho�ecurad debt occun for any re�ion,It wlll <br /> . �,,..,.,b.� rat reduce or axcuss my�chadulqd n�yment wzUl the securod debt le peid In full, _ <br /> t 1.CIY�A4ai�!Titl�i 8orrowsr WIII{�ay�II tsxst,a�ReumenU, and other cherpe�ettributsble to iM property when due md will d�f�nd titl� _ <br /> to th�propertV�ya imt anY ciNm�vJhich woutd imp�lr th�Ilsn o}thl�dead of trust.Lerxt�r may requln Borrowsr to�stipn�ny rlpht�,cl�lm�or <br /> , ' . � d�fentn•whloh 6o�rower m�y hav��0�net p�riiee who eupply I�bor ur materleli to Improve or melnt+in tho prop�rry. <br /> •��•+; - 3,(�fwrane�, Borrower wlll kup ti»propsrty in�ured under terms �cc�ptoble to Lender at Borrower's expense and for Lsnd�i'a bensfit.All <br /> ";r`;;`%,'• IMU�ince policfu ah�ll includ�a atandud matpap�pclauo In fwor of l�nd�r.L�ndx will b�n�m�d a b�a p�ys�or u tha Insund on�ny�uch <br /> �' or�to tha�acuired dobt�If Londerpequlrns�mortp pe Inslur a�eit Blorrowe�r�e�fei to�milntalntnuch Incurincetfor es long�ai Lender requlrei rop�rty ' <br />,�� 4.PropNty.Borrower wlll k�ep th�property In pood condition md mak�all rsptlrs re�son�bly neces�uy. <br /> :�� 6,Exp�ns��.Borrower aprees to pey all Lender'�expense� includinp roatoneble ettorneye'feee,If 8orrower breeke eny covenmts In thls deed <br /> - __ of uuft cr In any abfipation sscurod by thla deed of trust.�orrower will p�y the:e�mounte to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of thls deed of <br /> _ �-�� uuct. <br /> p,p�Ior g�curitv it�t�nsY�.Uniets Borrower firat obtdns lender's written coneent,Borrower wlll not make or permit any chenpes to any prlor <br /> ucurity (nt�res�t. Borrower wfll pertorm all of Borrowar'� oblipations undar eny prlor mortpage, deed of trust or othor tacurity epreement, <br /> ; Inciudlnp Bor�owsr'�covenant�to moke paymenta whon duo. <br /> �f-'����" 7,q� af R�t��nd Prolit�.Borrower asalqr�a to Lende the rent�and profit�ot the property.Unlssi Borrower and Lendsr h�v��flned <br />-i:,�'''.`�,`�4, otherwse In writinp, Borrowsr m�y colleat snd retsin tM ronta as long u Borrower b not In default. If Borrower defaults, Lender, Lender's <br />'`"�x•� ,,` qsnt,ar a court appointed rocelver m�y teks pauession erxl menaye the property a�d eolloct the ronts.Any ronte Lender coliecte ehsil be <br />'"n���'�r n�ce�wry rela°ted e peniet f The rem�slniny amount of ienti will then epply to peymentseon tho aecured debt�:provided In Covinsnt�eny othsr <br />��!L��y�`�l�Y I �, <br /> "°-y�_." S L��s.�phdomin�mr,p�anmd Unk p�velopm�nN,Borrower apnes to compIy wfth Yhe provielona of any le�se if thl� d�ed af trust i�on <br /> - ~��•+ �lea��hald. Ii thts deed of trust la an a unit in n condominium or a plrnn�d unit dnvelopment,Borrower will perform a�I of Borrower's dutles <br />,�_���, uncler th�cawnants,6ybwi,or rapulation�ot 1he condominium or planned untt devebpment. <br />.;]\9:�•a�!`�, . <br />-�i�;:"•" g,/�uq�odty of L��!o P�Aam fa aortowM.If BorrowM f�ils tope rtorm any of Borraw�r'� dutbs under thit deed of tru�t, Und�r may <br /> - perfam tM dutNs or cau��thsm to b�p�r(amed.Lsndu m�y aipn 9orrowsr's mme or pay any amourrt II neCeta�ry for pertormmc�. If�ny <br />'�� conatructbn on theproparty i�discontinued a not osni�d on In a rea�omble menner, Lender msy da whstwer is neca�ary to proteat L�rxier's <br /> • •�•�� �ocurity intersst In th�property.Thla m�y includn eompleting the comtruation. <br /> ''�,,.s. <br /> _`°�="�= Undx'e f�flw�to p�rform wiil not preclude Lenzler from�zerd�inp any of ite other riphte under ti�e lew or thi�deed of trust. <br /> __��- ny <br />_R-.;�� . encl will beir intsreitYtrom th�d�ti of thi piyment until pildtin tuil itllthe�intereeta ite in�efteat on thi iscured debt unte will be due on demand <br /> �'"'°'"���� 10. D�f�ult �nd AceM�ntlo�. If Burrower f�lls to mske any payment when due or bre�ka any covenant� under this deed of Vust w �ny <br /> ��=:r�;x;-4�: oblip�tion�ecund by thl�daed of trast or�ny prlor nyatpape or desd of tru�t, Lender mey accelente the maturlty of tAs ucured debt�nd <br /> �.. dom�nd Imm�di�t�p�ym�nt end m�y invok�ths power of tnls�nd�ny other nmedles permitted by �pplicebb law. <br /> _sai�ra�a�;� <br /> 11. R�qw�t ta Notic�of DNwk.It is hereby nquested that copiea of tho noticea of default end �de bs tent to each person who is�p�rty <br /> _ ;;� hereto,at tl»�ddrsts of�ach auch p�rson,as s�t torth Mrsin. <br /> �.-• -- <br /> �,� 12. Iowa ot i�.If ttN Lendu Invok��tM pow�r ot tNe, the Iruatse si�aii rint record in ih�o:iice vi iiw:eyiiie�vi�s:.�.... t.3uss2y <br /> � wh�nin tM tru�t{xop�rty or�om�p�rt or p�rcel tt»rsof i� aitueted a notice of defauk containinp tM iniorm�t�on required by I�w.The T►uatN <br /> �� �� thrll dso m�ii CopN�of th�notic�of d�tauk to th� Borrower,to each penon who is a perty hento, and to othar persans n pr��crib�d bY <br /> - �ppUabt� law.P1ot lest than on� month �ftsr tM Trun�s record�the notfc� of deteuR ar twn mo�th�If the uutt ptopNty ]�not ln any <br /> = Incotpo►at�d city a vlll�y�and 1�uud in tuminp op�ratbns c�rrf�d on by ths trusta,the frutt�e stull yiv�publlo notic�of s�N to the pettons <br /> - md In tM manna►Rrescrib�d by appplicabls law.Trustee,without demend on Borrower,shsil�ell tM propety at pubiia auctlon to the hlpMst <br /> - hlcid�r. If rpuked by tM Fsrm Nom�stead Rotection Act Tru�tse shdl oHer the properry in two sp�rate nle��s requir�d by�ppilcebN law. <br /> - l�unde or�hs d�iii�n i may purc�fisii tt��opsrhr,ti^yr��tpit�e by pubilo�nnouncsmsnt�t the tims ind plaa of my prevlousiy scMduNd al�. <br /> Upon r�cdpt o�f p�ym�nt of the pric�bid,Ttuat��thail ddiv�r to the purch�tx Trwtse's ds�d conv�yinp th�propKty.Th�rscitid�cont�trnd In <br /> TrustN'�dNd shall be prima facts evMlencs of the truth of tM�tatementn contained therein.Trustee�hall ippiy the procada ot ths nl�in tt� <br /> - - faltowtnp ord�r: (s) to �il expenss� of ths cele, inctudin�, but not Ilmttad to, rsasonabie TrustH's fee�, raa�onab{e �ttarn�y'e fe�i �nd <br /> - - nin�ntem�nt tass;lb)to�II sums sscured by thli dwd of tru�t,and(c)tha b�imce,if�ny,to th�puwns Ipally mtitMd to nGive It. <br /> 13.For�elowa.At L�nder'�option,th(s dsed o}trust m1y be inreclossd In tM manner provid�by ipplicsbN I�w tw toreclo�urs o}mortpp�� <br /> on n�l prop�rty. <br /> 14,krp�aflon.Lsndsr m�y enter the propsrty to Impact it ff L�ndsr pives Borrower notice befaeMnd. TM notics murt�tst�ths resaomble <br /> caua for Lsnd�r's(nspection. <br /> 16,Cond�nrwtion,Botrowsr essipns to Lendsr tMprocwds of�ny�w�rd or claim for d�m�pes conMCted w(th a cond�mnatbn or otMr taklrq <br /> -_= of aN a any part oi tM property.Such proc��ds will be�pplled ea�.rovided In Covenent 1.7hit�ssqnmsnt lo sub)sot to ths tems of any prlo► <br /> - �eoixity�preemsnt. <br /> ��-�-� 16.W�ivK.By exarcisinp any remedY avali�ble to lsr�dx,Lender does not pivs up�ny ripht�to latx use my other rsmedy.By not exsrcl�inp <br /> --_--- -._.-. '° rny rem�dy upon BorrowsYs defeult,Lender doe�not w+ive�ny ripht to lat�r contlder the svant�dehuk If It happ�nt�yaln. <br /> --- �7,,lo�t�nd a�wn! � Co-sip»ra; Succ„sw�w+d Asslpru Lound. Ail dutiai und�r thi�dd�d of trwt ue Jolnt �nd avsnl. Any <br /> Borrow�r who co•�Ipn�this d!sd of trust but do�s not co•aipn the undarlfr1np d�bt Inatrumsntl�I doea�o only to pnnt md convsy that <br /> == Bo►rower'�Int�rsst in tM prop�rty to tM Truats�undet ths t�rms of thl�ds�d of trust.In�ddltion, tuch�Borrowe►�gre��M�t ths Under end <br /> --- �n]r other Borrower under thi�desd of trua may extend,madifv or mak��ny otMr chupe�In th�terms Ot thit dNd of trutt or the s�cut�d <br /> ------- d�bt without th�t 8orrow�r's consent and withcut rstea�kp thet�orrowv from tM term�of thit ds�d of trwt. <br /> —�� TFH duth��nd ban�flts of thlt desd of trust ahall bind and banefit tM�ucceswrs�nd ac:ipn�ot Lender and Borrow�r. <br /> �:a <br /> 1Q.Notk�.Untsss otherwiss nquired by I�w,any notia�to Borrower s1u11 be piven by deliv�riny it a by mWinp It by certHkd m�fl�ddressM to <br /> �'s'���. Borrower at the pro rtY�dd►ea or any otMr addnss th+t Burower has piwn to Lender. Borrowe wi0�iw any notics to lxid�r by certMl�d <br /> mail to Lenda'�� ress on p�Qe 1 of this dssd of trust,or to any other�ddress wMch Lender has d�dgnated. Any other notka to L�ndv shsll <br /> _-�-�=�'�� b�ax�t to L�r�►'i�ddres����t�ted on pap�1 ot thls Med of truat. <br /> - �:�;�,�:� Any notics sh�ll qe desmed to have be�n pivs�to Rorrow�r or Lender when pivere In tM mannsr stated�bove, <br /> -- -�-��-� <br /> �F� 19.Trataf�►of tM PropKtY a�MM1k�l h�w�st Irt' tM BarowK.if NI ar eny part of the properry or any i�tefest In it Is told w Vansfsrtsd <br /> --'a=� ° . without L�nd�r's prbr writt�n con�ent, Eandar m�y dxnand immediate p�yment oT the �ecurod d�dt. l.ender may also d�mar►d imm�dirt� <br /> s�;,�,�:�;,�'�: p�yrn�nt H tM Borrower la not e neturel peraan and i beneftciel intere�►t In the Borcower le sotd or traniened. However,Lender may not <br /> _-���� dvromd p�ym�nt fn the�bovs Ntwtlons it It is prohfWted by fedent Iaw aa o}tho dete o}thb deed af vust. <br /> - nz;�. • . <br /> -•;,;-=r:,�' 20.R�ca�w�Y�nc�•Whm tM obiipatton s�curad by thl�deod of truet hs�been piid,and Lendsr Ms no lurther oblipatlon to meke edvencea <br />`v�;�-=����, undK the Instrum�nts or�ynements secured by th;s deed of t►ust,the Tructee�hsll,upon written requeat by the Lender, rocwnwy tt�tru�t <br /> pro TM Lendsr shdl deliwr to the Borrower,or to 9ocrower'e successa in Interest,the trust deed and the not�or otMr evidenc�of the <br /> � aW �tion so atisflad.Borrower shall psy any�ecord�tion cost�. <br /> �'�.k�`� 21.6ucc�swr YruttM. Lender, et Lendsr's o tlon, m� remow Truatee end,�ppoint e wccss�or truttw by fU�t, m�itinp a Copy ot tM <br /> _.._.��� P ..Y -�---..�__�..__.�� <br />'w..;��r°.�. :�" aubltltutfon ot trustas at reqvfrea ny eppiicaoie uw.�no man,D nii tiw iw5itwiniTi vi titiiiev�V��04V�V N� ano vn�ve v�a��v�vyu�m v...�.... <br /> °- r-'�� ��� of e�ch county in which ths trust property,or some pert thereo�,Ie e�tuated.TM succeasor truste�,without convsy�ncs of the proparty,shall <br /> `"��"'•"�'' '` � succeed to all th�power dutles,suthcrity end t(tle of iM Truetee named fn the deed of trust end ot my succsasor tru�teo. <br /> r. <br /> ,�. <br /> _ , � t.�� <br /> . . t. <br /> - '.) • <br /> _.1, . .J�. <br /> '� , r0�p•2 0/?1 <br /> -- -���� A!►NRf11S SYSTEM4,INC..ST.CLOUO.MN 66907 17-s00•9974M11 FORM OC�MTGNE 6178/91 �� <br />.. .�,�. � . �7 <br /> `�T� „ �� <br /> _. - ...._.._...... . . <br /> ..:..�_� .��.,.. .,. . - - --- ---._ <br /> .. ..' - - -�_--'• ' - - ,°° .::..:;.n•-.w•..�,,,._...-........—...e- . <br /> _ -.. <br /> '. <br /> •...•-�+�i.:,-vw . 'od�tr���e:cee��r-_. . . . . . . ..... ._. <br />