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<br /> DEEIJ QF TRUST /, � � N N �
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<br /> PART�fB:Thi�Deed of Trust b m�de on^ ,emonp the(3r�ntor, TIMOT}iY$T i1R� A �?A
<br /> a�pfrr�n t m pF.g�lIIEIIFIHI� A� �rPR_ _I"Borrow�r'1,
<br /> I�Rr.un R Annetc:��rro r•^v —_—__•.— r'`
<br /> who�n neiduncs addre�t ta �IInY �oe.,�,..+� *.i�.+�+, u.,�� County, N�4rask�l'Truste�'1,and tM Bsneflclary,�
<br /> H(kf,�FFnRRAL sny,�(�., �,r.nanr na�oc'�rATTO�r _,s corporatlon orp�ni:�d \
<br /> end eutrttinp under the I�wa oi,__��PIRAGKA whon�ddros�is � i co rrH T•nr`RfiT ATRRf?T� _
<br /> nos•m icLSUn� NRARayiu. r,aAO�_inn9
<br /> _("Lsnder"1.
<br /> COF�IY�1fAA10E:Fa valua rooeived,Borrow�r krsvocabiy prant�and convsy�to Trust�e,in trust,with pow�r of saN,the r�d prop�rtyr,of which
<br /> Bonowor is I�wiuly ceitad, deacribsd bebw�nd all buildkqi, fixturar, �nd sxl�tiny and tutun tmprovsmmt� tMreon �nd ail �Iphts-of-way,
<br /> easomnrtm, �onts, issuas, profita, incoma, tenemente, he►editaments, p►ivibge� end any�ppurtenances thersunto belonpinp l�N aalied th�
<br /> .�o��.�.
<br /> PROPEt1TY ADDRES8• �a �3_ w n2vrGint� , nos�„, ser.n*m _ ,N�bnska 6aAO�
<br /> IHIC�AI DL�SCHIPTIDN: �sa"'� iGn► aw coa�
<br /> kia�tsdln u�.T, _ Caunty, Nebrayka.
<br /> TiT1.E:Barrower covemntt and warrants titla to the prapsny,except for
<br /> �qNl@D OB�T: This desd of t►ust�ocuns to L�nder npaymsnt of the secured dsbt s�d the pertorm�nes of tM covsnant��nd�qrs�msnt�
<br /> , cont�lned in thi�deW o1 tru�t and In sny otMr docummt incorporated Mrsin.Secured debt,as ussd in this dsed ot Vust,Include��ny�mountt
<br /> Borrowur ow��to Lender undsr thls dsed of wst or undsr my instrumsnt tscursd by thh deed of uutt, and sll modlficatloru, exnntbm and
<br /> r�n�walo tfierwf.
<br /> Ths�scund debt t�evidenctd by(LI�t all In�trument��nd eqrsemant�sacured by this deed of trust�nd the dates thereof.l:
<br /> ,(�j L PR[]M'� "': ^FfRIRT4'Y A[`n°nue��g•n e.wr..vn �nn� i� '1 047
<br /> �futun Adv�nea:TM abow �mount I�ascured evsn thouyh all ar p�rt of It may not yet be advancW. Future�dvanc�� an
<br /> contsmpleMd and wili bs�eturod to tM same extsnt as ii made on tfie dat�this d�ed of truat I��x�cuted.
<br /> IJ B�vaNinq 1/ns ot credit apre�msnt dated ,with initiel snrwal in►areK rate of 9L.
<br /> All�mount�owed under ihl��prNm�nt xs secur�d ev�n tho�yh all amountt may not yet be�dvanced.Parture�dwnce�und�r
<br /> the apreement ue contompltt�d ind wfll b�s�cur�d to the seme oxterrt es i�i mede on the d�te thit tNsd ot trwt lt�xecut�d.
<br /> The ebava oMipatbn ia dus end p�yible on .r[n�m 3., Da if rwt p�id veilsr.
<br /> The tot�l unp�}d b�lance secured by thla deed Qf trust at any one timn ahsll rat exceed a maximum p►incipst�mount of_
<br /> attvte�rrRttt�Txencaun exn xe/ieo DoUara(!�,n00_oA l.D�ua intes��
<br /> plut any amounts dhbureed under ths term�of this deed ot trust to protect the aocurity of this deed of Vuat or to porform any of tfie
<br /> covenana coMak�sd in th;s dsod oi truu,wtth Intaest on such di�burrements.
<br /> ❑Vai�N Rrt�:The Intsrest rnte an the oblipatfan s�cured by thi� deed of trust rn�y vary accordinp to the terms of that oWiyation.
<br /> 0 A copy oi ths losn aproument contalniny the terms under whfch the interest reto may very is atteched to thla deed of truat�nd
<br /> msde�part herwf.
<br /> RIDk718: ❑ Comrt»rol�l ppf AART�NMAN'I' �F fLNTB_ ❑
<br /> Purau�nt to tM Fam Homestoad Prot�ction Act,deslpnatlon of homeEtead ❑ �a�ttached to this deed of trust end mads e part hereot
<br /> D h��been d�sc��krnd;the disclaimor is�ttuMd to this deed of uust and mads e p�rt hawf. _ _r _
<br /> SItiNA71NtE8:dy�q Mtow.Bwrower epree to tl�e tarm�snd cown�nb cont�wd ie tlitt dMd of trust,Inciu��p t�wi�o�pp�2.�nd in _
<br /> �r►Y�ide�dac�ib�d�bow Npn�d by YarowK.
<br /> �— �,• l� � • y i�%��"� "'_` ��C�
<br /> ACKNOWLEDOMENT:STATE OF NEORASKA, uar.t. County ss: _
<br /> TM forepofnp inttrurnent wa��cknowl�dped M+fore me on thls znn d�y oi �na�- 9a7 _ _
<br /> r.�}�ttsas�m anm trr oR_
<br /> � -- - -- ITnuttl -
<br /> c «� �ITSY A.KALKOWSNI �H+m�oi Co oaabn a P�nnK� i =
<br /> � ��•F�p• ������ on behdi t or atlon r partner f �-
<br />, �-` p��.
<br /> My commissbn�xpira: .
<br />� (SW) A1T91 � E�-..
<br /> Thlt Instrument wu pnpared by nsrav K�1.K[]MAKI _ �-
<br /> o�oec��KERSSYSTEMS.INC..6T.CLOW.MH6l�0111�0p•�Y7I7NIPoNMOC�-MTC}HEe/1Y/St AppLY 00033559 �p+�ol ' ASKA �-
<br /> CCD# O100a66926 �
<br />