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, '� � . . �i : „_`'_' . . � te;:--"-_—--- .-...i[�.' -�_fil'���.�� <br /> ,� - ' 1 "'_ra...� e ......�_.__.� ... ..... ..... _. �� _- —_ _"' <br /> M1��.'�.. `��i,.�Y�lr::c.',re.��7'i��-�- -- •rt^•4. . -- � — <br /> 97� ��„59.8 <br /> prindpel anaunl ni th4 irxbbtadneae eecured by thh Asud of Tru�t,not Includiny suma advenced ro protect d►��scurtty of th�e Deed of <br /> Tniat,excx�d tM Qriglrtal princlpal amount atated herein,or S 5. 521 3_.�_6a__,____,,whlcP�ever le proater. <br /> 16.MlrcNinn�ou�ProvlRlon�. <br /> p) �orrow�r Not iid�as�d.Exten�k►n oi lhe pms(or payment or modific.�►tbn of amortltution ot tha sun�s eacurad by thla <br /> Deed Qi Y�unt prdntsd by Lender to any:►uccessor In Intereet of Borrower shall not op�rate lo release,In eny manner,the Ilabill- <br /> ty ol tha�r+�inol Borrower end Bonmvar'e eucceewrs In Intsroat. Lender ehall nai ba req�IrocS to c:ommence proceodinpa <br /> efleln�t euch succes�r or ratuse to oxlonA tlme fa peyment or oiherwice modity amartizatlon nl Ihe sume secured by thla <br /> (3eed o1T�ust by reason of any demanQe made by the orfpind BorrourHr and 8orrovw+rR succeeaoa In fntereat. <br /> @) L�nd�'s Powr�n.Without affoctln�lhe Ilebllity of my oth�r psroan Ilabls tor tM p�ymsnt af my obllpallon heroln men- <br /> tioned,end without aHecting the Il�n�r cl�ar�e oi thla Deed of Truet upnn eny portlon oi the�ropeAy not than or theretofore <br /> reN�wd aa securiry for lhe full amount of all unpefd obl{palbne, Lender may,trom Qme to time and wlthout notir,e(i)robaae ' <br /> any person so Ii��bla, (��)extend the maturKy nr alter eny of Ihe lerme of sny such oblbellona,(Iil)yront otMr IndutQenoes,(Iv) <br /> rabese ur roconvey, or cause to be roloasecl or reconveysd at any dme at l.ender'e optlon eny parcxl, portion or an of the <br /> Propsrty,(v)trike a retease any othor or additbnel security for eny oblipatbn heroin rtsentloned, a(vl)make compositbns or <br /> Qiher arranQe�nents with debtore In reletlon thereto. <br /> (c) forl�aaranc�by L�nd�r Not�W�Iwr.My forbearence by I.endr�r in exercising any Hght or remady hereunder,ar oth- <br /> enNea a(t�xi by applicable law,shall not be a walvor ot or preclude tl�e exerclse of any such right or remedy.The procuro- <br /> rc�ent of fnsurance or the payment o!tax�e or other Ilens or ct�ergea by(.ender shell not be a wafver a Lende�a ri8ht to acceler- <br /> ate thcs maturity of the Indebtedness sacured by this Deed oi Tnist <br /> (d) 3Suacesson�nd Asslpns Bound;Jolnt�nd 3�wral Llability;Captlons.The wvenants and agroementa hereln can- <br /> talned shall Dind,end Ihe dghts hereunder shell Inure to, the reapecttve successore Rnd asalgna of Lender and Tnutor.All <br /> covenanhs arxl agreements oi Truatar ahali be}oint and sevoral.The captbns and hesdinge o/the pKegrsphs ol Wt�Deed of <br /> Truat are iw convenlence only and arn not lo be used to Interpret or detine tha provialons hereof. <br /> (ey R�utst fa NoGcas.The partlea hereby request that e copy of eny no8ce of detauft herou�der and a copy d eny notice <br /> mt sale hareunder be meiled to each party to lfila Dead oi Trust at the c�ddreas sat tonh ebove in Csa manner presc�ibed by <br /> app�ca0lo taw. �xcept(or any other notlr.e required under epplicable law�o ba givan in urati�r monner.eny na3ce pravidad tar <br /> Ir�tl�l¢ Dend of Trust shell be glven by meiiing such nodce by certiNed maU eddressed to the other partbs,at tl�e address set <br /> fonh aqove.Any notico provfded tor In lhia Deed of Trust shall be effective upon mafling In tha manner designated here(n. If <br /> Truslar Is more than one person,npilco sent to the eddross set torth ebove shall be notice to all such persons. <br /> (��tap�cUon.Lerxbr may make or cauae to be mede reBeonebb entrbs upon end inapacriwa ot tha Prope►ty, provlded <br /> ITtat Lendar shall give Trustor nopcci prior to any such Inspectlon speclfying reasonable cause tflereta retated to Lenders tnter- <br /> astin the Property. <br /> (g) R�conv�y�nc�.Upon paymant of ell sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> Pmpe�ty and shall surrender thls Deod of Truat and ali notes evidenGnq indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Tnist ta <br /> Trush�e.Trustee shall reconvey the Properly,without warrenry and without charge to the person or persons�egaNY entitlad <br /> thereto.Truotor shail pay all costs of recordatlon,If any. <br /> @) Pasonal Propety; Security Ayn�rwirt.As edditt�onal security tor the payment of the Nota,Trustw hereby grants <br /> Lender under the Nebraska Unlform Commencial Code a secudry IntereRt in all flxtures,equipment,end othar personal pr�perty <br /> ;���t:.ccrr,s;:�tcr::�it�.h:.�w!��c ar lm�s�:�sr�',::�2�t!scs�ars�snsi r.2Mr.�fas�a��,!�±a!�!!�!t�►,r.a nArt ot <br /> ttia�eal estate secured hereby.This Instniment shall be construed as a Secudry Agroement under said Code,and tM�Lendef <br /> shall have ali tha rights and remediea of a secured party under aaid Cade in addfNon to tha nghta and remedies croated ur�der <br /> and aacaded the Lendar pursuent to thes!)eAd of Trust•provlded thflt LendeYs right�end remediea u�uler this peregrsPh shaM <br /> be cumulative wilh,and in no way a Ilmi!tatbn on,Lender's righta and remedies under any Mhar security egroernent sigried by <br /> BnrtaNer or Tnista. <br /> p►i.Nns�Rd EncumW�ancas.Ttustar hereby warrants and repr+esents that there ia no default inder the pro+risbna of any <br /> ma�epe.dead ot trust,Isese or purcttiase oonVact�+scribing ell or eny paK of tlx+Property.or otl»r contract.�mslrun�ent or <br /> agnernent conatltuUng e Iien or encumbrence agalnst all or eny pert of the Property(coNe�ively.'Llens')�exlstln8 as of fhe <br /> daie of thia Deed of Trust,and that any and ell exisUng Llens romeln unmodifled except as dhscioaed lo I.encler In Tnistor's writ- <br /> t�n disclosure of Ilens end encumbrencas provided for herein.Truator shell timely perform all oT Trustor's ob1lSallons, <br /> ccnrenants,representetlons end werrendes under eny and eil exlsdng and future Liena,shaH pra»ptly forweM to Lender oopies <br /> of e�nodces of default aent In connecllon with eny and aIl exiadnp or futuro Ltens,and shall not Mritlwut Lenders prior wrilten <br /> coneent k�eny manner modify the provlafona of or a8ow any future advances under eny exbtk�g or fu4x+e liens. <br /> �Appltcation of PaynNMs.Unleas othervvlsa requirad by�aw,suma paid to Ler►der hereunder,Includinp without IlmEtatbn <br /> paymc3nts ot principal end Interest. Inaurance proceeda, condemnetion proceeds and ronts end profite, shell be applied by <br /> Lender W the amounts due and owN�g�um 7Nator and Borrower In such order as Lender In its.�ole dtscretlon deems desir <br /> able. <br /> (k) �wrablllty.If any provislon of thia Doed of Trust conflicta with sppllcabb law or Is dedarod hvaNd or otherwise unsn- <br /> forceabta,such conllict of invalidity shalt not effect tho other provisions of this Deed ot Truat or the Nole which can be ehrs� <br /> eflect wlthout the confl�ting provisbn,end to fhis ond the provislons of this Deed of Trust end tfie Nde are dedared to be sev- <br /> erdbla. <br /> @ 7tnns.The tenna`Trustor'end'Borrower"shall Include both singular end plural,end when the Trustor and Borrower ara <br /> tt�e same perso�(a),those tertns as usod In this Deed ot Trust shall be interchangeable. <br /> (m)tia�wrnlny law.This Deed oi Truat shall be flovemed by the laws of th a State of Nebraska. <br /> Trustnr hns executed tinis Ueed of Trust es of the date written above. <br /> �.�.� � �.��"�� <br /> (1 iitia M_ Stnut) � Trustor Trustor <br /> Yrustor Trustor - <br /> ic <br /> ., � +' �. � <br /> F <br /> . <br /> c � _ <br /> — �- <br /> ... .--_n..:...:.�.,r__.�e.•at� ... . y,w.—s.,w+�.r.r- �-•�..,_.._u..:..v.•..�.,.�.�.. - . <br /> . �a,�c��yt!! �,:,�..._._..� .., _ _ —- ------ ----- <br />