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<br />�''�"� ' "Proceeds') in connecllon with candemnatlon or other taking oi the Property or part lhoreoi,or for conveyance In Ileu oi condemnation.
<br /> ` � Londar shRll be entltlod at its optlon to cornmonco, appoer In and proaecuto In its own nome eny actlon or proceeding�,and shali also _
<br /> �' ''•".�` b�entitled to mako any compromise or settlemont!n connectlon with such taking or damege. In the ov�nt any portbn o(the Property Is _
<br /> so teken or damagQd, Lender shell have the option In ils sole ond absolute discretion,to appiy ail suci� proceeds, after daducting
<br /> . � i�� Iheretrom all costs and expenses incurred by it In connactlon with such Proceeds,upon any indebteAness secured hereby end in suCh
<br /> ' ' ordor as Lender may determine,or to apply all�uch Proceeds,efter Ruch deductlons,to the restaraUon of thd Property upon such oon-
<br />,-. , , "� ditbns es LAndar may datermine.Any eppllcatlan of Proceeds to fndebtednese shall not extend or postpono Ihe due date of any pay-
<br /> ments under tho Note,or cure sny detauit thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplled funds shall be pald to Truslor.
<br /> B.Pe►fam�nc�by L�ndsr. Upon the occunenoe oi an[vant of Defaull heroundor, or if any act is taken or leyal procaadinQ
<br /> cammanced which materially effects Lender's Interest in the Property,Lender may In Its own dlscretlon,but without obligation to do so,
<br /> :�'`'r`;`"' and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor iram eny obligation, do any act which Tnrstor has agreed
<br />_� dut faite�J to do and may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect tha securiry hereof. Trustor shall, immedlately upon
<br />-- demand lhe�efor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurrcid end sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer-
<br /> .- '"'� cise by lender oi the foregoing rights,togather with Interest tNereon at the default rate provlded In the Note,which shall be added to
<br /> ' '�+ the indebtedness secured I�ereby.Lender shall not incur any 8ability because ot anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />- 9.Hasudous Mat�rials.Trustor shail keep the Property in compliance with all appllcable laws, ordinances end regulatbns
<br /> ' � '` retating lo industrial hygiene or environmental pintection(collectively referred to herein as"Env(ronm�ntal Laws').Tructor shall keep
<br />`:�<'t' ,:°;;. � the Pnoperry(ree from all substances deemed to be hazardous or tox�under any Environmental Lews(colbctjvely referred to herefn
<br /> ` : as'HTZardous Meteriala").Tnistor hereby warrants and representa ta Lender that there are no Mazerdous Matedals on or under the
<br /> ,�` ;,� ,�;� Froperty.Trustor hereby agrees to Indemnify and hold harmtess Lender,its directars,ofHcers,umpioyees and agents,and any succes-
<br /> �: ->.';Ri�:��� SOfB�O LCItd6r6 Iflt@f@St,from and against any and all clalms,damages,losses and ifabflities erising in connection w(th the preser�ce,
<br /> �.�..
<br />-�'R=•�r-' �^� use,disposal or trensport ot any Hezardous Matarlals on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
<br />- ;'t,�-���� 10. As�ipnm�nt of R�nb.Truator hereby assigns to Lender,end grants Lender e security inturest in, all present,iuture and
<br /> ' � after arising rents,issues and profits ot the Property;provlded that Trustor shalt,until the occurrence of en Event of Defauft,hereu�dor,
<br />=;t� have tt�e riyht to collect and retaln such rents,issues and profits as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of
<br /> Qofauit,Lender may,eithor in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by e receiver appointed by a
<br />_�=;�-.i . oourt and witfaut regard to the adequacy of its securily,enter upon and take possession ot the Property,or any part thereof,In its own
<br /> -~;"��*' name or In the name of the Tnrstee,nnd do any acts which (t deems necessery or desirable to preserve tho value,marketabtlity or
<br /> �� rentabitity et Ihe Property,or any paR thereof or interest therein,or to increase the income theretrom or protect the security hereof and,
<br /> ���.� with or wiUwut taking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,Is�ues and pmfits thereof,Including those past
<br /> �-�++�i due and unpaid, by notifying tenant�to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply�ents, issues and profits,less costs and expens-
<br /> =--��� es ot operatlai and col{ectlon Including attomey's tees, to eny Indebtedness secured hereby,all 9n such order as Le�ider may deter-
<br /> -==��ax-..�= minw TM antaring unen and takina noesntelon t�f the Prooerty; tfie collectbn of auch renffi.Issues and Drofits.and the appllCatlon
<br /> --=--��_�
<br /> ---:�,:��;- thereof es aforesald shall not cure or waive any default or notice of defauit hereunder or Invalidete any act done In responsa to such
<br /> --�`'-�s•��� deiault a purauant to such nodce of defauit and, notwithstanding the contlnuance in possession oi the property ot the collecUon,
<br />--'="?�:rF�.�. receipt and application of rents,(ssues ar profits,Trustee and Lender shatl be entitled to exerclse every right provided tor in any of the
<br /> -°�r=--��, Loan I�utR�ments or by law upon occuRence of any Event of Default,Including without Iim(taUon the�ight to exercJso the power of sale.
<br /> ------ - Furthar,Lender's rights and remedies under this paroDraph shall be cumuletive with,and In no way e IlmltaUon on,Lender's rights and
<br /> �___-"—"—`� remedlea under any assignment oi leases and rents rc�corded egainst the Property.l.ender, Trustee and the recelver shall be Ifable W
<br /> __ _ =� accountontytor those rents actually rece(ved.
<br /> -=� 11.Ewnb of Q�fauff.The toliowing shall consUtute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trusr
<br /> _..-�,�„�„�. (a)Faflure to pay eny instaltment oi prinGpal or Interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> --- -�x=��� (b)A breach of or defautt under any provision contalned in the Note,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan Inshuments,or eny
<br /> "��"_ oiher Ilen or encumbrance upon th�Property;
<br /> - (c)A writ of execution or attachment or any sfmilar process sheit be entered ageinst Trustor which shail become a Iien on
<br />