,� .... .
<br /> ..:; _., _� ...�,. . ,,,�„�,,,� _ �
<br /> _
<br /> '�..._.. ' ����r'��,�..•-_. ___'___ �`�" _ ---
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<br /> --- —. ..� . ---- —_--_____—
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<br /> ' � � �! � �,o��sa
<br /> W m�ke�n compromi�o ot�eulement in connectfon�t7�wch ukin�{or d�mqe. In
<br /> or proceodin�u�!thall dw be entitled Y
<br /> the event 4ny po�ilon of the AropatY i�ao ukrn or.t�my{ed�MaiQi4lu�1 heve tho optton,ia its sole and�b�oluto discrctlon, —
<br /> to�pply dl euch Proceod�,aAa deductin,�thaefrom�II co�pnd expenseaCn�me,or to�'apply dl such wPrcxeal�w�su�ch
<br /> u��y��aodnes,s yuunxl heaby�nd in such order u Ivlort��ee rntY a m*y d��ine. AnY�pPllcuion oP Procoal�lo
<br /> deduction�.to ttw roswntlon of thc PropcRy upon auch condltian a MaA��{
<br /> indeblednts��hn��not exlcnd or pastpono tha due d�to oC�ny p�Yrr�enu u°der►he Note or curo my defauit thereundee ar hereun'
<br /> dcr.
<br /> 7. . In thc evrnt of MoRg�ors fiuluro to pe;fann rry of tkc covenmt�hereia; n��in �
<br /> MY�^u�9uirod hereM4 0�If iu►y act Is t�ken or leQel proceedtn�+commrnoed wMch mwtaldly af'Fecte MortB�i
<br /> �a p�opaty�lul�n�oo m�y!n its awn diacrction�but without obltgstion ta do eo.�nd without natiu to�,f�demsn��m�y
<br /> Q�gar�nd without rclea�ln�Mort�or ttom�►y obligstia4 do�nY act whieh the Mort4�Qor hu�Yceod
<br /> also do u►y othu�ct it dam�neces�rY to prattxt the security heceof. Mortg�or shall,immedisuely upon dom�nd therefor by
<br /> Morta�gee,p�Y to Morta�ga dl co�ts rtM txpensa�incurred and sums�xP�^�by Mortgasa in connoclion wl�h tho exercise
<br /> by MortQagx of tho foee{oing rig!►ts,to�etha wtlh intercst tlierc°^��°'�fiwlt rate pmv�t���,^�0t'�m* do o�i om�it t�d
<br /> to the IndebtodnGSS securod he�bY- Mortg�a sh�ll not incur+ury Ilubi�itY ba+�x B y
<br /> hereunda-
<br /> 8. *-,�_���.� *_••�,<< Mong�gor sh�ll kecp ths Propa'lY tn canpli�ace with uiy and all foderal,state and loc�l
<br /> I�w�,otdixunces�nd re�ul�t(ons reluing to industriel hyRirne or to aivironmmud condition�on,unda or alwut the PropatY�
<br /> ioctuding,but not timited to,soil�nd groundwater condition+. ManB�Bo��fl��le exrnpi�osive.v,r�ox�v��^��
<br /> of,on,unda or�bout tha Prope*ry.or vaa�or�to ar from the Roperty Y
<br /> �rdous wssles,toxlc suMt�nas or►elatal rtuteri�s.including,Wfthout limitatiort.�►y subst�ckfined as or i�►cii���W�
<br /> definidon of"t�a�udow subsur►ces"."hwadous wastac"."hazardous muerid�" M�ri�ls Mortgagor haeby�wortants and
<br /> ��w or teQulationf (wllxtively refared to hereinafter �s"Hu�rdo�s M a ha+eby�grees to i"dert'^if�'
<br /> reQraents to Mortg�goo thnt�herc are no Harudous Mturials on or under tho PropertY• °�MoRgsgee's inurest,from ru�d
<br /> - �nd hotd Iwmless MoHg�ga,iW d�i'nd Il�bi�ies�uistng n connoccion wi�the yprc�+�•��°�d�N10�°��"�of
<br /> •gdast�ny�u�d dl claia�s.d+ro*8 including,wittrowt limitstion�(a)dl d�nnitw dtrectly or lndi-
<br /> ru►y H�rardous Mauri�i�on,under�from or Rbout the PcopeRY� a owna a opa'�ta'af
<br /> rcctly vIsfna out of dx use,Bener�ti°"�st°�8e°�disposal o[Hwrdous Mataisl�bY M°nW'i°�°�P� on of�► closuro a
<br /> tt�e proppty,u�d(b)dl ww of�ny coquired or rtecessuy rep�r.cleanup or detoxiAcalloa and tha pceJr�cu1 Y��e t�ull
<br /> �L�^„L,,,,��IM!•whetha such�ctlot�is cequircd or neassacY Pda t�a followina tnasfa of Yide to 1he ProDatY.
<br /> exta�t du1 such a�xion b atMbutable,dtroctly or indirectly.W d+�Pre�or us��a�cii�i;-v�a�'�i�.��'i�'"—'�"�'d rcte�+c
<br /> ot dieposal of Hwrdau M�terials by�ny pnsa►on the PmPerty Prior w tr�nsfa of tide d�aeW bY Mat�a. Tho foreIIuin{
<br /> war�otid�nd r���s.�Mat�iYa'�obliguiau punwnt W the fax$4ing indannity,shall eiwive repryrnent of tfie
<br /> Nate md the rek�se otd�ia MatE�o.
<br /> . As ad6idonel xcwity hueundar�MoK8�6or huoby aui�ns w
<br /> 9. or shdl,prior to aaelaation undcr pan�*rPh 11
<br /> Mortpga the rcnts.irup r�d profiu of the Propaty.Pmvided that MongsB
<br /> = heroof or abu�donmcnt u:thc propeRy.hsve the righe to colirct u�d reuin such rcn�ssues m n a� Y�B���whhaut
<br /> WYabk. Upon woelemion or aMnMx�ment of the Pro{xctY.MortBi6a msy. P�
<br /> �Lin��►Y acdon or�roceeding,or by a rocetva�ppointed by a oo�uc and withaut roBard t�the dWwcY of ib xcuriry.rntv
<br /> oFthe Propa'tY.or v►Y P�rt thaonf,�nd do my sd�whicfi ic dean�nooe�w5'or desinble a prex+Yc
<br /> upon nd uke po�On dKCOOf a fntaat thireio,inc�e the inoane tliaeflom or
<br /> tho v�ue,m�rckeqbiliry cx rentabiliry of the PropenY�or�►Y P� •
<br /> protect the xcurity thaeof�nd,with a•wiU►out Wtin�po
<br /> s,ussion of the RropertY,sue for a othawise collat the raNs.iauw
<br /> and profits theroof,[neludinf thox p�st due�nd unpaid.w�d�pply the ssme.less wsts�nd cxpenxs of operotion md colkctian
<br /> includin��tcomcYs' fas.upon�a+Y indebkdness socuted haebY� ell in su�h order�the MoAg�ee maY d�+�ine. The
<br /> enuring upon md WcinB Po�e�ifln of tho PropatY.the collectlon of such ra�t�,issues and pm�u+�d the applicatiaa�a� '
<br /> �focataid sh*11 not curo or wdve my default ar nada of defwlt hercundu or invdtdate�ury�ct done in�responx'����
<br /> or pursumt to snch nodce of defiult and,notwithstu►ding the continu�a�P��ion of the!'ropacY
<br /> and applic�tton of rents,issvcs or profit�,�nd tho Mortg�ga sh�ll be entnled to exacL+e evaY right pravided for in thi�
<br /> Mori�age or any otha instNment of secucity xcuring the Perf°�n���9u��3'�N0��by law upon occumnce of N►y
<br /> �vrnt of Defalt. Fwlher,Mortg�ga'a righls end remcdfes under thi�pv+B�+Ph
<br /> 9 shall be cumul�tivo wi1h,�nd in no way a
<br /> Umitation on,Mortge¢ed�ri8hu md remedia ur�dtr my Assignma�t of I.ea�ea u►d Rents rcc°�d� a8��c Prapaty.
<br /> Mort�aga end ihe raei•rer shall bo liable to sccount only for those rcnU ectually rccefved.
<br /> �p, rvenu of Defnult. The following shell wnstituto an Evicet of Dcfeult under this Morcgnge:
<br /> - (t) Fdfure to pay nn,y instalimast or principal or[nterc.St or eny otha sum secu►cd honby wha�duo,or
<br /> failuro to p�y when due any otha tndcbtcdnass of Mortqtgor to Mong�ga;
<br /> �� @) A bresch of,or default under,any pro�lsion containcd In tho Note,thia Mortgagc,u►y otha insuvtx!er►t
<br /> =a
<br /> _ ��ch)s g;vrn as security far the Noto or eny othcr encumbrance upon thn P�5'�
<br /> � (c) A wrlt of cxecution or attechment or eny similar process sh�l�1x�nterod sgainst Mottg�gar which shdl
<br /> = bccomc s lirn on tho PropatY or eny poRion thcnof or interesc t1►ercin;
<br /> -�—
<br /> �_� (A) There shall be filed by or egainst Modgagor u►Fction under any presen�or n�cum ica�T","'�"'`"""'
<br /> n��;� stntutC,lew or nguhtion relating tu banlwptcy.insolvcncy or other rclief or debturs or therc sha11 be appointed ony w��t
<br />—= rccelver or 8quidator of Mortgagor or of all or eny pact of thc PropertY.or t}►�rents,'s�ues or profiu thtrcof,or Martgag
<br />__e..
<br />_° m�ke eny Bencral auignmrnt for tho beneCt of creditoro:
<br />:- �'.
<br /> - (e) 'fhe sale,trensfcr,e.�.sig�unent,conveyance or funh��encumbrana of ell or eny part of or eny interest in
<br /> 'tir" the Property.eilhervolunterily or involuntarily,without thc express written consent of thc Mortqagee.
<br /> .�'�r:
<br />;�:� 2
<br />�
<br /> .
<br /> ��'� -- __
<br /> -�--- -—
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