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<br /> � 7I711S MOR'COAQE is cnkraf into betwan CtfARLES F.LANOB and COLLEEN E.LANiiE,NusSe�sd ead WICe, .��
<br /> (haein"Mo�or")�u�d WILLIAM 1.LAN(3E(haein"Mat�agae"). �
<br /> Matia�or is indcbkd to Mort��oe in the princ(pd aum of'Mrenry Six?housand Three Hund�od 5ixty�Otx�rta
<br /> 90J100 Dolln(516,361.90),evidencal by Mort�t�gor's Promisaory NIo1e datod April 1,1997(herein"Noto").�id Notc hin�
<br /> pryabb in monthiy insal Imeeb on the 1 st day of ach monlh wmmencin�M�}r 1,1997,witb a fin�l matudry of Ap11 1,2017,
<br /> unle�s wona paid,�xordlna w s�id Nate acecutod by Mat;�a,which Note ia by refarnce mado a p�t of thl�Mat�a�a nd
<br /> which rcfea�aice is made for fiuther delaiu of said payma�t�nd Wha c.anditiau theroof.
<br /> 'Fa axurc ih�p�yment of the 1Vone,with intaest�v tf�a�ein provided,md my�►J dl modlScatias�,extensions�nd
<br /> rennti�a{s t4e�oof ar d�a¢to�nd�ny md�Ll�rture dvaaoa�nd rsadva�tas hacundu permitted.wgctder with the p�ymaat of all
<br /> odKr aanss„Mith intaest,advancod by MatEagee to pro�oq the socurity of thie Mort��u+d the paforrrrnce of the covarrtb •
<br /> �nd�reemwts of the Mott�yor conuined haein.A�1�ngur das hcnby mongago ar��9 convey to MottaaQa the fodyoving
<br /> Pn►P�Y�
<br /> TAe Wesktiy Ono-Hdf(W 1/2)of Lot 5evet�(7),in Lilock SeventyFow,in tF►e Original Town,now City of
<br /> Grnd Is4nd,Hell County,Nebruk�;
<br /> I,qNine(9�Block'[rvo(2�P�cichill Subdivision,�n Addition W the City of C'nnd Island,Netxtska;md
<br /> La Two(2�in Bbck Ei�l►t(d)in the Bannie Brao Additioe to the City of Gtynd I�l�ad, 1H�11 Couaty, .
<br /> �1e�asicR ,
<br /> togelbec wit6 dl buildinµimprovaoa�ts,tixhaes,�troetc,dkys,P�q4�w�Y�.�+�•���P�vile�a�nd�ppeta�rct:s •
<br /> Iocated thereon or ia�nyw[x pM�ining iheceto.a�d the rcnt�.ixiue.s and�►roBt�,rovenlaro�r�d reouinden tl�e�eot;Ine2ud'nQ,
<br /> but not limited to,ha�L���nd cooliag oquipma�t�nd such penonal propaty th�t i�attached to the impmvanene so r ta�
<br /> _ con�:aMa a 8ah.re;dl of which,including rcplacm�a�ts and�dditlons thereto.is hereby docl�red to be a p�t of the real at�ia '
<br /> �ecumd b}►Uie liea of thts Mat�age md�II of tt�e torcgoinQ being refurod to hu+cirt a�the"Propaty'.
<br /> i. Mo�or�hall prompcfy pay wtKn due thc princip�l of,md We Inteait oo,�nd
<br /> �ay fea oe chr�a prorided ia,the Note or in this Morl�ge.
<br /> 2. Ijt1G. Maq{�ar ia the owt�a of the Prqxrty,has the ri�ht a�d wtMrity W�eon�ry the Pafpaty and wrrrus�tUlhat
<br /> tho lien cre�ted hereby�s�n fiist md prior licn on the Prvperty.�nd delirery of this Mat�i��e daa not violate u►y eon�Cnct ot
<br /> d6ar oblit�tim W vrhich FkxlY�er is sud+joct.
<br /> ; 3. LictL�ifea�oCOfi. Mortg+�or�hall pay whai dne dl taxa,�pocid as�e.strt�a�b and�l otl�er chr�es�ai�mt the
<br /> � Property and upon wriar.i dernand by tho Maliaga, p�y to Mort�oe wch�nwunt i►t may be sutficknt to enabk Ihe
<br /> { M�tM�w pey wd�uxa,as�essma�b or otha chu�a u they become due.
<br /> 3
<br />,j 4.lpswooc�. Mat�a�hall kap the Property insuced�dnst�d�naga by fire.haz�rds Included withG►the team'all
<br /> � riatc oova�s�e"�rd wch other hurard��Mortq�a nuy requiro.in�rnwn��nd with compmia�ccept�ble to the Mortqes,
<br /> incfudin�a�Indard m�ar.l�oo clupe with loss pay�4o the Matg�ga. In can of los�under such policks,the Mue�aex iy
<br /> � wtheximd a djuat,c�a#J�oat and compromi�e�il cl�ims dKreunder�nd sh�ll htve the option of�ppiy(ng all or p�rt ottha
<br /> S in�unnoe proxals(i)to�rty indebtednesa securtd hercby�nd in wch ader u Mortgaea mey detamino,(U)to thc Moitpgor
<br /> to be wod fa ihe rep�ir a ratoca8�w of the Propaty w(iii)for�ny other purpose or obJoct s�tisfactory to the Mort��ee
<br /> : without ai�'atin�the lirn of the Mort�e for the full amount secuad henby befora suth payment ever tcwk plecc. My npplica-
<br /> tion of a+ocads to inekMAd�tess shtll not extend or postponc tho due date of any paymenu duo under the Note or cure u�y
<br /> . def�ult�da or he�aunder.
<br /> s,Min�••�_��crs_�d c�m u�_j��, Matg�gor sfull kap the 1'roperty in good condition end np�ir;
<br /> sh�ll pro�riptiy rep�[r or replsx u�y improvement which m�y be dunsged or destroyed;sh�ll not commit or pemdt�ny wane or
<br /> detcriuntion of tho Property;shall not rcnwve,demolish rr substantislly dter�ny of the improvancnts on thc Property;sfi�ll not
<br /> canmit,suffa or permit�ny�ct to be done in or upon the F�ropeny in viofuion of any I��v,ordlnana or rcguluion;u�d�6all
<br /> paY�u�d promptly dixh�rge�t Mong�ga's cost�nd expaise ail Ikns,rncumbnnces and charga levied,Imposed or asxss�d
<br /> against U►c Property or�►y part theroof.
<br /> �. �. Mortg�gce is hcrcby�ssigrKJ dl compensation,rward�,dLnsge��nd other p�ymenls orrcliet _
<br /> (hercinafter"Procads")tn conncetlon with condemnaUon rx othtr takinQ of the F'mperty or{�rt thercof,or for comeyaMe in
<br /> lieu of condann:lion. MoHgagco shall be rntitled nt i�opdon to canmrncc,rppear in�nd pro�ecute in its own nune any�tlon —
<br /> i
<br /> .,.�.,;. .;,�.�,, ...,. ......._... ,,.�._....�__�.. -- - �- -- y._�...:�
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