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<br /> �- rH�� �
<br />— T��� �, . "3' -�� r � s;� 9�— 1Q�442 �_
<br /> '��. .y li. Suiccea�ora �nd A�r1gm Baind;Jdat�ad Sever�l U�tblilty; CaN�nen. The covcnants and ag�xmenta
<br /> :'"'`-'r` � herein cont�inod�haU bind. and/he righb hereyndcr shall inuro to, tho respocNvo sucoeasore and essigns of Lender and
<br />='`- . .,,
<br /> Borcow�er,sub,�ect ro thc provislons of paragraph 16 hcnof. All oovenants and agraments of�rrower sttall bo Joint
<br />-.:i_. .
<br /> _..;-a,°. �vcral, Any$enower who aadgne thie Dood of Ttust,lw�t das not execute thc Notc, (a)is casigning thi�DxE of Tiust
<br /> . �,; �
<br /> � �� only to grant and oc�m�cy that&,rrower's interest in tho Property to Tnistx under tha terms of thie Dood of Tn�.st. ) �not
<br /> I��"' perwiwlly IiW�le on tho Noto or unci�r�l�is Dead of 1'rust,a►u!(c)agcecs th;t I.snde�and any other @orroµer hereunder may
<br />_.A��' C_
<br /> agroc to extersd,modliy.forbear,or malct nny otl�er accommodations wlth re8ard to the tcrms�f this Aoal of Trust or the
<br /> NMe, without ttuU Borrowera consent and without releasing that Borrower or modiij�ing this Dood of Tmst �s to that
<br /> � Borrowera interest�n the PmpMY•
<br />. - ..� 12. Notke. Bxapt for any notice caiuirad under appllcable law to be givan in anather manner,(a)anY notice to
<br />:;���� gorrower provided for in this Dood of Tcust sl�all be g(ven by deUvedng it or by mailing�xh notia by oertlficd mail _
<br />:,,�:,,:.., addressal to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrowcr mAY designate by naticc tc Lender as
<br /> -_ . provided hcroin,and(b)az►Y notioe to Lender shall be given lry oertifiod mail to Lenders address staud henin or to such
<br /> :=." �� other addnss as Lender may dcsignate by notia to Borrow+er as provided herein. Any notioc pravidod in this Deed of Trus�
<br /> '"��'�=''� sball be dxmed to have beea given to Borrower or 1.¢rn3�r when given in the mann�r dcsigivited henin.
<br />—n�it
<br /> -".�.*'i��:. 13. (',rnerniu�Ls�r:Se��eraAe�seiry. 7'he sfaeoe aa►d t�faws applicaDk to ttwis Deed of Trust sLall bo thc laws of
<br /> "`'��'`'' tLe jwisdicdon in which the Froper4Y Rs l.b�+.rd. 1`he fongoinrg sccsreavo shall not limii Uie appllcaGility G;Fec�ral l»�v t� -
<br />." ��J.�
<br /> :�r�,",�: �;�is Dead of Tn�. In the event that uIy F'a�'is�'oa clause of tlus Deod of Tmst or the Note conflicts with app8cable aw,
<br /> �s
<br />_�.�j ,r�p�nfiict shall not a�xt other pravisioas of Gh,ii�1�1 of Trust or the Note which can be given e8'oct without
<br /> .� conflictin8 Prc�vidon,aa�d ro this end the prm�sions a6Nhns Deod of'1'rust and the Note an declarod to be sevc�ab�le. As used
<br />,. ,� .
<br />:_Ft`� �n�,��ts•� "expenses"and"attomrys'fas" includ�all sums ta the cxtent not prohibited by appllcable taw or limit
<br /> --ti. �.s,,...,� he�eib
<br />`�a�,�� 14. Borrowcr°��lnpy. Horrower shall be furnished a contormed oopy of the Note and of this Deed of Tnut at the _
<br /> - — time of exxutioa or aft�cW'�ordatioa hcroof. -
<br />_--'--Y,icf�l_�
<br /> '=-"•?�� ts. ReY�6Ultatiaa I.oaa�.g7,�ccrnenw Borrow�r shall fulfiil aU of �orra�ver's obligadoas �nder airy home
<br /> �:�%i`'"� nhsbilitation,impm+'e�nt,npair�or c�tfier loan agreement�vhich l3orruvYer cnie�s iniu wiu�Itia�.. I.�."�.,:,«t L^��
<br /> _-""�-:,�,� option,may require�ma+�er to axaute and deli�^er'c�Londer,in a form�able to Lender.an assignmeat of pay rigbts,
<br /> _ -- - cleims a defer,ses a�n+,�'h�orrower may have again�'��ariies wlw supply labor. matedels or secvias in arrnroxtion with
<br /> ----- impmve,mrt�oes rnada to the Property
<br /> _�.�— 16. Trusfer of the Property or a Beaetici�l Iutercet in Bornower. 1f all or u►y part of tLe Property or aay
<br /> �nrt.ret in it is�old or transfecred(or if a bw�ci�l'i�tens�t in B°n°wer is mold or hans[erred and�orconver is iwt a natvra!
<br /> — person)wittwut Lende�'s prior written conseat, Lender may.af iis upiiwr.iix�u:.�i.."�e psfmt�t•n{t,tt nf rdi sams .-
<br /> - secured try this Doed of'Itus� Hoa+evex.this option sl�all not be exercised by Lend�r if exercise is PI'°hibi�ed by foderal law
<br /> ss o{We date of this Dad of Tcust.
<br /> If I.ender exercises this optian,Lender aball give Borrower nMia of aoceleratian. The uotilcx shaU pmvid� a
<br /> perlod of not las th�n 30 days from the dau We naria is delivend or mailed within which Borrower musi pey all sunas
<br /> y�ecured by this Doed of Tc�st. If BomovYer fails to pay tt�ese sums prior to tt�e expicadon of tlds pedod,Len�'er may imoke
<br /> a�,��ia pem�ittod by this Dood of Tcust without further notia or daaand on Borrovver.
<br /> NON-UNff'O1tM COVENANTS. Bormwer and Len�kr further cavenaa�d�tgroe�fSorrower'�6re�ch ot any
<br /> 17. AocreJeratlan:ltemedia. Exapt�provided in panR�P
<br /> -- coveaaat or ag�eesewt of Bon+oner ie thi�Dad ot Trud,Incladirs Borr�oner'�f�tie�+e to pay,by the end ot hn(10)
<br /> cakrdar day�dter t6e dite tbey u�e due.tnY ams�ecared by thls Dad of'1'rnst,I.ender prior to aaeieratlo��hali
<br /> - pive notke to Bonnwe��s provided in par�aP612 6ereot�pacifying:(1)the brach;(x)the�cHod req�drea to enre
<br /> ruch bnaci:(3)a date�nd laa 1Lan 30 d�y�from tbe dste tLe notke is maikd to Borro�rer,by wWeti wch br+a►ch
<br /> mpd be p�redi aad(4)that failnre to cure euc6 breach on or bdore tLe date specif�i�e notl t���
<br /> - aaekraHae at tlu�am� secur�ed by thii Deed ot lrurt an�!ule ot the PropertY.
<br /> - Borrower o�the ri¢t to rcinstale dter�ce.eleration and the dgbt to bring a court actiou to as�ert tje�ttesce
<br /> -- d a ddault or nay other dden�e of BorroNer to�ccekration and�ale. It tLe breach i�not cured on or betore tbe
<br /> _ __�.,n..n.�� date�cffied in tYe noNce,Leoder.at Lender'�opHon�msy declare all ot the w�r ucured by this Dced of'dYu�t W
<br /> -���� be immtdlately dae and payabk withaut tWrtber demind and may ievoke t6e poRer ot Wtle asd am7 otUer remedia
<br />=4":.,0� permitted by�pPlkabk Ixw. Lendkr ehaU be eetitkd to cdlect dl costa �ad tacpen�q incurnd in parwie}�t6e
<br />- " "---- p � licabltltw.
<br />���_�_�i�� rcmedies provi8ed in t�ii �ragnp�17 to thc a�tr.nt rmiKed by�PA
<br /> __,;,�,�� U Lcrder[nvoka the pmvcr ot e�le.Lender or Trurtee s6a11 mail copia of a eotice of tale in ttie manner
<br /> i;;,�`�'�� pracribed by�pplicabk I�e to Borro�ne�and to the othcr person�prexcibed by applisaDk laN. Trustee�haU give
<br /> �`--:-=��,{�'�� notice ot sxlc by pubUc advertisement[or the time�nd in t6e oanner pracri6ed by applicabfe IaN. Tru�tee,without
<br /> �, demsnd on Borroeer,ehall�eli the Property at public auctioa to Qhe hi�ett bidder tor c�h at the time and place
<br /> f=�''`�' ...,� ....�.�*u.*�r�dest�ated in the netice ot�ale in oea or more parcels md in euch order� Trurtee may
<br />'""�:-, -�. u►k of all or any parcel of the Property to�ny �ater time on iee same daic u�
<br /> -� - �. � delermine. Tru�tee mRY port�one
<br />-�^,�;.:" � r - pa6lic umouecement at the�time and pl�ce ot�ey previoualy achedokd e�k. Lender or Lcnder'� dai�oee m�y
<br /> ��r�t:..:c. _ pyr+chase the PropertY at�ny s�k.
<br /> . •.,,,
<br /> ;��, '1'runee�6a11 deliver to the pumhtser Trutta'a deed conveyieg thc Property eo io�d�It6out aay covtnant or
<br />-� � x" �yarranri.ra�ore�xd or implicd. TNe recital�in the T�v�tee'o deed ibdl be prima fscic evidence of the trut6 of t6e
<br /> . . �c atatewent�m�de thereie. Trurtee ahall�ppty the pmceed�oi trte u�k in ihe to�:s:.9ag o:d:r: (a)�^ e!! c�� �^.�!
<br />- �� �a � e:penx�enrciaing thc power ot sak and of Wc�atc,Including T�nnee'�tea eM e:cseding.5�. of tbe outdaudin�
<br /> priecipxl bd�nce nnd attorneye'fee�u�d costi ot bitk evidedce;(b)to�II weu�ecured bY thfe Dead ot Trust;andl(c)
<br /> -- to the payment ot junior Tru�t deed�� mortgage�or othcr lieeholdcrs,and(d)the eareas,if wy,to t6c penon or
<br />`Y:�•� �t� . ' penons kgally entiticd thereto.
<br /> �,.. .�
<br /> i:J�y.. `1 e
<br /> .9��. .�
<br /> ._ K erw, •.. �
<br /> Form#739 NE (10/9G) Pagc 3 of S
<br />: .. �. ::.�.�:.:••� .r.�.� - -
<br />