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<br />°";""- 8orrower nants Ih�t rrowcr ia la�riully ecixod oP tho esurte hcn�y oumcyed and h�u tha dght to grant �ud
<br />,.-,;��.
<br /> �<. �f convey thc prapercy,u�d Ihat the Propetty i�ui�encumberod. cxctpt for cncumbrancx�of rocord. Bo�rc�wor covanant�tfut
<br />_'^:i�.^w�j� , go�y�r wt�.mtnq nnd will cktend gener�lly the Ullc to tho Properiy �gi,i►ut xp clairtu and demands. rub,kat to
<br /> � encambnnca�f rocoM.
<br />-.�•.45::+�� M
<br />�-., �-.�� UNIEOF3M COVL'R'AN'd'S. Boctao�er nnd 1�ttt!�'r rnvr.n+snt nnd egreo ee followa: �_
<br /> 1. l�yweat d Prl�clp�l �rd Iik�t. 8orrmvsc ctu�ll prom�tlY �aY when duo the principal and interat
<br />�_"`�" indeModncss evidGnoed by thc Note and late charges and otber charge�as provicicd in tho Nate.
<br />- - �
<br /> �-�°� .. Z. Payroeat ot'Cua. Subjoct to applicable law or e vmtton walver by L.ender,Bomower shall pay Isxa and
<br /> '�`�� as�essments(icricluding condominiwn and planned unit developm�nt assessmenta,ff any)which may attaln p�iority over thls
<br /> .°� Deed of Tnut,and gmw�d rents on the Ptoperty.if any.
<br />;�:;``�' 3. Applk�tion of Paq�aate. UWcss applicable law pravidcs otherwise.all paymonts roocivtd by Lender undcr
<br /> _;: ^� the Note and paragiaphs 1 and 2 f.tr,coof shall be applial hy I.ander fust in payment of amounte payable to I.onder by
<br /> :=°,�_ Horrnver nnckr pvapaph 2 tKroof,tt�en to int�:�:�yai�o�i tls�Nnt�:,an�.tlun to the principal of the Note.
<br />----- 4. Prbr Mort�a�nd Dad�at'f�dCi��e.r,I�a�e. Tiorno��r:r shall perform all of Harmw�a'a oWiptioas
<br /> �:� and�r any nwrtaage, deod ot'wst or otficr r�r.��i�t*j agtam�nt with a �isu whicl► 6es prtarlty avcr t�.�Dr�d af't'Y�t. -
<br /> �----- including Bormwet'e oavcnanta to mako paymcstui�hrn due. Borrower�sh�Di�iay or ca�ta be�id, Priar�n�iu�u���y,
<br />�=�,;:�� all taxes,assessments and other charg�,ffne9 and ta►Nositions enributablc�u tk�Propeny which mn3r�ruu�c�prioriry o►ir
<br />",,,..�a so
<br /> tl�is Iked of Tnut,aad leasetwld paymeats ar�mm�d rents,if eny.
<br /> 4�'�� 5. Bwrd L�urxr►ca. 13���r shall kap the im�)rovements now cxisting nr Iji�+eafter erata!na tt�e Propaty
<br /> ::?'�,,'� insured against loss Iry fi�n,Lu�u�is includod wiWin the tGmx"axtendod coverage",and sach other hazuds es Lender mty
<br /> ------- = cequire and in s�ch x�nnuats aad for such iperiods as Lender may roquirc.
<br /> The insnrance carrier prmridtng the insurana st�all be chosen by Bomnwer subjoct to approv�l by I,ender.
<br /> proviQal,that such approval st�aU nat be nnressonably withh�id. All insvranae policies and cenewals tderoof stull be in a
<br /> -- form aoocptable to Leader and shal�include a standard mortgxgG clause in favor of and in a f�rm aoxptAble to Lca�kr.
<br /> I,ender st�all have tne ri�t to haitd ci�e pouciw atui ic�icw-�����,�'wjwa iGT 2�'w i'IS`ai5 Sf:.Si�IS�Z:�,��f�eLe�nr
<br /> w�er savrity a�oement with a lien which 1�as pdority wer t�s Doed of Tn�t
<br /> —_= In We event of loss�Horn�wer shall givc��mmpt nodoe to We ins�uanoe czurior and L.ender. Lender may make
<br /> -° groof of loss if not iaadc promptly by Bomower.
<br /> <.�.� ��p��y ia abandonetl by Boctowcr,or if BorroR�er fsils to rGSpoad to Lender wYthin 30 da��from the due
<br /> - = notia is malled by Leacier to Bonower tbat the insuranoe canisr ofkrs to settle a claim for iusurancu tre�is,L.eactiar is
<br /> :_=-- autlwrizod to oollect aud Qg��/tIu insuranoe proceals at Lende.r's option eitDer to nstoratioo oa rry^is oi tlx Property or to
<br /> - ---= tl�e�sc:,�"•,d!n this D�:.,3 af Tttzst. _
<br /> 6. prefervatbs md Malntenance of Pra�pertyt u��di; Coadomiah�su; �la��ed Z1�
<br /> pevdopmeats. Borrower st�all koep the Property in good repair and sl�all not oouunit wasta or permit ImpRirroe:�t or
<br /> deterioration of the Property and shaA oomPty wiW the Pmvisions of eny leasc if this Dexd of Tn�st is on s le�set�old. If tEis
<br /> Dood of Trust is on a unit in a wndocainium or a planned unit development,Bormwer shall perform all of Borrowe�s
<br /> oblig�tions�ader the declaradon or cav�nants crenYaug or gweming the condominlum or plaanod unit ckvelopmeut,the by-
<br /> laws and regulations of U►e condominium or planned unit development,and wn�tituent documents.
<br /> -- � 7. Protation M' Lendor'i Securtty. If Borrower fails to perform the oovenant�and egrartuents oontained in
<br /> � this Depi p,f'IYust,or if e�action or pr000eding is wmmanced which materially affexts Lender's iataest in tho Prcrpaty,
<br /> Wen Lendcr,at Lendei's�ptiou.upon notia to Borrower, may make such appearanoes, disbwrse soch sums� includin8
<br /> reasonable attorneys'fas, and take such action as is ne.c�sary to protect L,ende�'s inter�st. If Lender required uartgage
<br /> iawranoe is a conditioa of making the loan saurai by this Deed of Tnut,Horrower shall pay the prcmiucns required to
<br /> maiptain such insuianoe i�eS'oct until anch bime as the naluinement for svch insurana is terminated in axordanae �rlth
<br /> Bozmvve�s and Lender's writtea agreement or applicable law.
<br /> Aay amounts dislwrsed by' Lcnder pw�s�uuit to this paraBraPh 7, with intecest thereon, at thc Note rat�. sh�il
<br /> beoome additional indeMedncss of Bomutiver sec�u+ed by this Daxi af Tiust. Unless Borrowcr and I.en�cr agroe to other
<br /> - tenns of payment, such amounts staall be payable upnn noHa from Lender to Borrowar requesting payment thereaf.
<br /> m°. Nahing containod ia thLg paragzaph 7 stixll requi�Lender to incur any expense or take aity action hen�undoc.
<br /> , �°�� e. Inspectton. I.eader may make or causa to be made rcasonabla enuias upon and inspcctions of the Propecry,
<br />___ _ provided that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspoction spxlfying c�ea9onnble cause tLerefor related to
<br />.-��,�;� 1.ende�s intorest in We Property.
<br /> "'�� g. Co�deanattae. The proaeds of nny a�ward or claim for dumagess,direct or consequeutis�l,in connection with
<br /> ''�"����'� ady ooudemnadon or od�r taking of thc Properey,or part thcceof,or for wnveyance in lieu of cond�emiwUon,are hercby
<br /> -- •..-
<br /> _ 15Slgtltd 8Iit�511811 bC�td t0 l.CIIACi,subject to tne rigfits oi cnc noider oi arry mori�,ciceti�i"uii.ia vi vu�ca ov.:dii►r
<br /> °_'•-��'r agroemeat with a lien which has p►iority over this Deed of Trust.
<br />--�;Y�����{ 10. Bomm►er Not Rekased; Forbearanca 8y Leuder Not a Waiver. F.xtcnsion of thc ame for payment or
<br />�.=::;�;�� n�odi�ication of amortization of thc�sums sxu�+cd by this Dad of Trust granted by Lenslcr to any sucoessor in ii�te�+cst of
<br />-''��"�"' Bur.uwe� �i�aii uut o��uiG Iu rciwsc, or oll�envise atT'oct in any manner. thc liability of thc ori�inal Sorrow�er and
<br />-'�_��'f�.�.` Bormw�er's sucocssors in intcrest. Lendcr sha11 not bo roquircd to commenoc proa�edings against such aucccssor or refusc to
<br />=r` ��}'•. cxtcnd time for paymcnt or othcnvisc modify amorti•r.ntion of thc s�uns sccural by tlris Dccd of Tnut by t+cason uf any
<br /> . . „ dcmand made by the original Borrowcr�nd Borrower's suxcssors in intcrese. Any foficarenx by Lcnder in excr�cising any
<br /> :����<:� right or remody hcrcundcr,or othcrwisc affordcd bv applicablc law,slk�ll nnt bc a waivcr of or prccludc thc cxGrcisc of any
<br /> ��=:�.�
<br /> �'iL,�";, Euch right or rcmedy.
<br /> i�'��'j"�`•
<br /> Form�739 NE (LU/9G) Pagc 2 of 5
<br /> . .. . . -
<br /> ,y...- •:,��,-_. •" '" �-+eu�':'AW��i1Lt�:l�"s:i.�,=a.,r.••�v' _ _ -' �-`�:'�e'�"�w,.e�.�.•-_ �.�,� .��. —°°--.
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