g�--� ������
<br /> 1�. I.,�n �iaax�. If ihe lo�n sec�nre+i by xhis �cut�k� �nsr��u�xacnt 'cs subjcct to a dr��r,r ��;;w� srtx xnaximum 1n�n
<br /> charges, and that lavr is�nally interpre9�e�i sa��tNa?:he ir►��.rest�r s,�t:;;, iui.it c��sr�,ws��llcctecf or to be collectesj ic�ron�ection
<br /> with ctic laan exceed t�ie perrniited lirnit�,then. (a)any such!oa»�cnarge�ha[I t�e t'�duced by the�::,;,unt nccesaary to r�duCC
<br /> th� clxargG tc Uie pe�r��lkt�d Iim1t; ar►d (b) any s��me atr�t►dy �vll�c:tW t'rarr� �3�'�t���+ver whlch exceedcd permitted :imics wi11
<br /> b�rcfu�d�d t.� �3orrc���er. I,endcr may ch�ose to makc this refund by rcducing+ihe principa!owed undcr the I�Iote�r by making
<br /> � dircct pay��°�t to �orrowcr. �f a r�fund reduces �ariascipa., the re�uction will b�e tr�ate� as a p�rtial prr��aymcnt �vithotat
<br /> any prepayrrber�q ch�r�,c �rader �he tvs�te.
<br /> �4. No�ti��. r�riy notic�to �arrower provid�d for in this Security Instnam�ni shall be given by deliverin�; it ar
<br /> h� r►�ailiii� it by �rst class rnail unless applilable 1aw r�quirc^ti use of ar.nthec method. Tlse rzaticc shall be dir�ected to the
<br /> �rc�;�rty �ddress or any ocher add�ess �3orrower desigrsates by notice tm I�ndcr. �►�y notice t�s �,cnder shall be given by
<br /> FH►�re c3ass maii t� I��nder°s address�t�tr.d hereir�or any otfi�r addE•ess Lend�r designates by nntic�to Borrower, Any nqtice
<br /> ��r���ided far in thi� Sc,.urity I-�strum�ene shalI t�cicemed ta hav��cn giv�n co Borrawer�r L.ender w�en given as�Srovfdcd
<br /> ita this �at'a�ra�ah.
<br /> �.5. �tDVe�rairag �,arv; Sev�erab�lity. This 5ecur�ty �nstrument shall be goverc�d �i�• federa] taw arid t��e l�w of the
<br /> j�.rrisc3i�tion in whach th� k�ropzrty is losak�. Iru thc c�•ene thac a�y provision pr ciause of th'rs Securiry Instrumene or the Nate
<br /> cc�nfli�;r,s with �p�tica�le 9�w, such contlict s��all nnt affe�t och�r provisions of this Security Insicument or the Nate wh�ch
<br /> can b� given eff�ct �.�itlac�ut th;. cor��zctin� pravisiar. To this end the p�ovisions ofi'this Secuziry I�strumenc and the Note
<br /> are deslar�i tc� t� cc v:�r,:,�rle.
<br /> ��. �4a�rceve�-'� �;�g�y. k3orrnwer shul! he g.ive.►� crie conformed c�at�y of the Note at�d of this Secaari[y frtstrurrtent.
<br /> I7. �rn�..�'�r aaf t4�e �'ro�,►�:�, ^r A Ren��cial ��tPrest in �rrower. If all ur any part of th� Property or ar�y
<br /> icaicr.est in it is sal�i or:r�nsfe�ect(nr i.F a lx,r.��ici�d ini�rrst ;a ����tur.pT ;c s�ad ar transferr�d and 1Barrower is �ot a natural
<br /> pE°rsoa} wiat,out L���er's ptio� �.�ri.tcn �.a�asent, Lender may, at its opcion, r��eaire irnmc:;�c° rayment in full of all sums
<br /> secured by this Sec��ritv Ir�strum�nt. i-inwever,thi��ption shall not be exerciseci by Lender if exercise is praiaii�;�e::w� �n��ral
<br /> law as of thc. cTate af t;1S5 Sr:C1li1Py Tl]5t:U1T1£[11.
<br /> If J...ender exercisG.s this optinn, Lendcr sh.�ll give Barrower notic�oF acceleration. The notice, shall providc a period
<br /> c�f nc�t less chac� 30 day� frc?m t�i�.- �ate tt�e r�a�ice is delivered nr mailed within which Borrciwe.r must pay all sums secur�d
<br /> by thi� 5�cut'ity� tnstrument. Ifi Sorrc�wer fails to g�ay these sums prior to the expiration of this peeie►d, Lendcr rnay �Ytvoke
<br /> any rrme�ies F�rrnittecl by thi;; �c�:�rpty Ir,sirur�ient without furthcr notice or dentand �x� k3nrrawer.
<br /> 1$. $e�rr!�e��er's �;��ht to Reinstat��. If Borrower meets c�rtai:condit�ons, Borrower shall have the right to havc
<br /> enforcement nf t4ais Se:curity Instr�an�ent c�iscanNnue;.� at any time prior to ihc earli�°� �f; (a? 5 days (or such ather periad
<br /> as appiicanle law may wp-ecify fo�� reinsta�ementl ia�fore sale �f the Property tsur�uant to any Fower of sale c4ntaineci in this
<br /> Security Ir;strur7l�nt; or (b) cniry o� a iud�ment enforciti� ihis Security Instrunent. Trr�sc condiYiorrs are :fiat Borrow•cr:
<br /> (a) p�ys Lender all sum�; whict� then wc��id t�e :iue ur►��r ;his Security Inctrur;t�nt and the Noie as if na accelcratior� had
<br /> occur;cd; (�)cur�:s any deiault of any ather�o��:nants or agrecments; (c�pays a�,ex�nses incurre�i in enforcin�;this S�ccurity
<br /> Instrument, includir��, but nat Iimicec� to, reasonahle attorneys' Cees; and (ct't �akes �uch acti�sn as Lender may ressonably
<br /> require co ass��re i'�at the li�n oF this Securiry Irastruntent, Lender's rights in L•.� '!��-c�perty ansi �inrxawer's obligation t� pay
<br /> the sums ;Pcure� by this S�curaty Ir3stn�.ment shall continue dinchanged. L?pon r;ir:=:ta:�ment by� Borrower, this �e�.�rity In-
<br /> strumei�t ��nd the :'�;i�ations sec�arr.d hezeby shall remain fully effective a� if n� acc�leratinn had occurrecl. }-'towever, this
<br /> ri�ht tcr reinstate s�rall nnt apply in thP �a:�e of ;�C�eler�[ion under paragca�h 17,
<br /> ".9. S�Ie nf'IWoee; Ck�a�i�,e�af�,naQ�5ervicer. Tr�e Pvote�.�r a partial intwr;:st in thc Not� ltogether evith this Security
<br /> lnstrurnent) m�y }�e sold one or mnre times w�ithout prior noticc ta Sorrow•er. ,i sale may� result in a change in the entity
<br /> (kn�wn as th� "?�aan S�rvicer") �hat collects monthly paym..nts due under the I`!ote a►1d This Security Instrumcnt. There
<br /> a�so mau be one �r i3�ore changcs of the Lc�an S�rvicer unrelated to a 5ale of the. I�1nte. If there is a changc s�f the Loen
<br /> Servicer, Borcau:e� wii; �e ��ven written notice of the �hange an acCOrclance witk� paragr�rph 14 above and a�iplicabl� law.
<br /> Tl�e notice wil� state the n�me and address af ehe new t,oan Servicer an�l the adaress to which payments should be made.
<br /> 'TF�e notice will a�lsu contain any athcr information r�c�uired b};� applir,ahl� 1aw.
<br /> 20: Ha.r.ardDUS Su�stances, �orrawer shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dispasai, sturage, or release
<br /> af any Hazarclous Substances or►or irz the 1'rnr�cty. Borrower shall not da, nor allow anyonc else ta do, anythin� affecting
<br /> the Property that is in violation of any Environment�l I�aw. The preceding twa seneences shall not apply to the presence.
<br /> us�., or storage on thc �rqperty of srnall qi.iantities of 4-Iaaardous Substances that arc gencrally rec�gnized to be a�propriate
<br /> to a�armal residential uses and tn rnaintenc�r�c� af the i'raperty.
<br /> Bc�rrower shall promp�ly�ivc I.,cnder wiitten notice af any la�vpstiga4aun, cla'nrr.. desnand, lawsuit or othcr action by
<br /> any governmental or regulatory a�ency or pr'svate party invalving thc l�roperty and any Ha2ardaas Substance or
<br /> Enviranmental I..a.w of which Barrower has actual knowledge. If l�orrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or
<br /> regulatoy aueharity, that any removal or othcr rcmediatian of any fi-Tazardc�us:�ubstance a(f�eting ihc Pro}�erty as necessary,
<br /> Bor.rovrer shall pram�tly take alf �iecc.ssary remedial act�ons in acc�rdance wiih �nvironrnental I.aw,
<br /> As used ir�this para�Tlph 20, "Ha�ardous Su�stances" are itiose substar!r.es defined as toxie or liazarcic�us substans.�s
<br /> by �nvironm�rnal]..��sw and the follovring svbst�nce;s: gasotine, kernsene,otf�er flammable or taxic priroleum products, toxic
<br /> �estic�des �nd hcr�iciu�CS, volatile sa�vents, m�ste�iials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and ra�d'ac�active r►taterials. As
<br /> used in d�is pasa�raph 20, "'�nvironmc.nta]I..aw" mea►zs federa;laws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Prope�ty is lacated
<br /> il�at relaie to health, �afety or envir�nme�utal prote�tion.
<br /> PIQN-UNY�O�M CowEtVANTS. BarrCW�r and I..c;nder firc�her covensznt and agrce as follc�ws:
<br /> '..1. Acceler�tian; Rea��edies. Lencler st�.�il �ive notiic�e to Bo�ruwer prinr�to acc�le�-atinm following �3orrower's
<br /> �teach nf�any cove�a�t or agreement in th�.s Si¢�curPty �nstx-urraent (L�ut not prior ko acceGerat�an under p�rAgraph �7
<br /> Unl�s.�app�i�cable law provides oth���i,�e). The irentlee slnall sp�ecify: (a) �k►�def�ult; (b) the ar.ttian required to cur�thc
<br /> default; (c) a dz�te, not 1e�s than 30 days fmm t�� riate lhe notice i5 g�vr.� to B�rcorver, tsy a�+hich the def��lt must
<br /> k��cured;arad(�}th�t fa.�lure ta c��re th�e defae��t:an ar before the da��s�eci�eed i�4l�e nntwce ma;v r+esult ir�acceleratenn
<br /> af.h� sums se�c��ree9 by this S�curity Inste-umer�t and s�1e af t�ns Pr��r�y. The r��Qiee shall fue�ther infarax� Borrower
<br /> of the rzp,�t to r�ein,tat�after acceleration�nd the rigNat ko brin.�a court acti�n to a.�sert the nn�-extst�er�ee of� �ie1'autt
<br /> ar �.say atts��r d��ense o�Barrower to�ccelerati��n �nd sale, If the de�'ault is �ot cured or� or be�'are the date s�eci�rd
<br /> in 2he nqt[c�,Lender at its�ptlmm rn�y r�.�qu�re in,vned3ate ps�yrnent in fu11 of�11 sainn��securet�by this Security ln.strument
<br /> w�itLha�a�f���'ttaer s�en�araa�and may eravake the po�w,��r of sale an�i any at�aer+-rmedi���ra�altt��ay appl�cab[�taw. [,e�der
<br /> si:�a1; i�� eni�tle�9 t� cnlAnct �lt ex�r�� incurred ln pua�saiin� kh� remed�� ur�r+idi;� �n th�� p�at�sx�r�aph 21, encluding,
<br /> �:�2 yts�� dirai����� ia, r�xasonaf�le a�'�or�ieys' f� t�atcl ebs�.5 kif kitl� ev;�lee�e_w.
<br /> Fa_�n 3�2d 9/90 �pa�e 4 nf.5 pa�e.r)
<br /> . �
<br />