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���. �.�.���� <br /> �i. +(?ccu�an:scg�, .�'a�es�erv�t��s�, t��airate�anCe �d �4::����a,"�f +k�e �tagErS�; Borarower's Lmat:, Ap�ldc�tlan; <br /> x,�p,4rs1^►�l+lti+a�. i�a+'xr+r+r�c nhail ws���7y, �r�Rtsblit�h, �+►cl :�aa' ��&. �ie�_�r�y �:� �?�sr"�wKt'� pt�i»cip�,l, sesit�nr,c witktin sixty day5 <br /> at�ec ilt�execu[ion ai tYiis S�curlty It�stn�COent,aa�s] sh�li Co:=tinu�r.� �cs:a��iy thc ��s:.r:y �=Boma�arcr's ptinci�l tesidencc <br /> far �t lea�t anc �cwr after the �1�te cs�'�Ga�g�r�!, a�nl�a i.:+��ciar ct�ec�ewe�e �!�r�� ;� �ri�ti��; which con�nt slanll nat be <br /> unr�asanabty wir.h�efd. ot;�,C�i�;a c�x�r�u�ting circum�t��cxs ezciist whiclro are a�evor.a�arrawer's conirol. B�rro'wer shal! nc,t <br /> ' s�estroy, cL�magc�or iia°►�air tl���':nper�, aliav�tit��ru�r8y ii�dtteriur�te. ar c:�mmit waste�rn the 1'roperty. Bnrrower shaii <br /> !�e in def��rt.A�'an}� �c3rfczt�,�re actkon at.pccr��e�in�, wheih�r��v�l�ar criminF!, i�bt�tzn 4hai sca�,cmder's gaod faith judgmGnt <br /> could r��ult in fcr.�tcitur�nfthe I';o�crty�n:otli��'wssc m,ater�.�lly im�ir the IYen creatcd by this Secur�ty Instrutxaent or I.en�er's <br /> sectirity int*:r�st. �rra����r may cure su�Fi a defa�lt �r►d rr.instate, as �rovideti in paragzaph 18, by causing the action or <br /> prt���in� ta t�c di,missed ;uith a ruPzn� �Y, in Lender's gaod faith deternninatian, pcecluder. forfei�re of thc B�rrawer's <br /> intcr�sf :n v!e Pra��rty or othcr ma�erial impairm�nt of th� Iicn created by this Sccurity I�astniment or I.ender's security <br /> interest. Bnr,av��:.r,h�Il a�sa Ue�n defau�t if Borrmwer,dunn�thc lvan application prvicess,�ave rrs�terially false or inaccurate <br /> infonr,�z�;.an�r ss,�tements to L.endei• (or failed tn�Srav�de I.Ender with any material information) in conneetion witt�th�lu�n <br /> c�iidencerl by :h�. Nvte, including, but �nt limitcd t�, repreF�n9.aCions cnncerning $srnawes's ocr:upas�cy of che Property a.s <br /> a przrL�pa1 resi�3en�e. I�this S�cuxity Instrua�b�a�t�s a�a lea.sek�old,�orrower shall co�nply wi�t al'the provisians of thc l�ase. <br /> :f�orr����cr �:•�uires �"�e ta�le t� thc �'roperty, t.he leaschold Ac►d the fe� tstle sh�ll not mexge unlcss Y.cndcr agrets to the <br /> rrterger in wr:tin�. <br /> 7. Prntectyae� nf L,ender's ���its 'sn th� �rmperty. If Eiorrower fai�s to perfanm the covenants and agreements <br /> contained in t�`�is Sectcrity Irstrv.ment,o�fhere is a Iega]�rocc�tting thac ma,y significaz�dy affect Lender's rights in thc Froperty <br /> (such as a�raceedan�; an ban�rap2cy, prr�r��+.°, far ror�demnatiQn or forfeiture or to�ttfocee laws or regulations),the�n Lender <br /> rr.ay do and�aay �'c7r whatever is n�cesc�rv to pratect tk�e value of the Property and nfender's rights in t:�e Property. Lender's <br /> ac°ions n�zy includc;�ayin� any s«ms s�ti!•r�Fy a li�n which has priority over this Security I�strurn�nt, appearing in ceurt, <br /> pay�ing r� attarneys' fees ar.d entering on th� Property to make re�airs. f!]though I..ender may tak� action under <br /> this paragAaph 7, i.x.nci�r dnes not �iav� to clo so. <br /> �Anv atnounts di�bursed by L,end?r �andex tt�is para�raph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security �nst�►ment. Unless Barrow�r and i..,ender agrec ta other cerms of payrnent, tk�ese amaunts shall bcar intcrest fram <br /> the dat�df disburs�mer�t at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interes�,ezp�n notice from i,,ender to Borrower req�resting <br /> payment. <br /> 8. �v'Iort�a�e Ins�era�ce. Tf Le�dcr required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this <br /> Secucity Instrument, JQorrnwer sha71 pay the premiur_�s cequireci to maintain the mortgage ir�surance in effect. If, for any <br /> reason, qhe mortga�;e insiarar.ce coyerage required by L.endcr lapses�r ceases to b�:in effect,Borrower shali pay ti�e premiums <br /> required to obc�,in covera�e substanti�lly eyuivale�.t tn the mortga�e insurancc previously in effect, ttt a cost substantially <br /> ec�uiva�ent to the co�t ta�orrower of the mvrtgage insurance�::evipusly in effeci,firom an alternate mprtgage insur�r approved <br /> by I.ender. If s�abstarrtialIy equiva,lent rriortga�e ir►surance co��erage is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month <br /> a sum er�ual t� en�-twclfth of t�ie yearly mortgag� insurar,�e premium being paid by Bprrower when the insurance caverage <br /> lapsed or ceased to be in e#'fect. Lender v�ill accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu af mc�rtgage <br /> ;^saean�e. �.nsc re�rve pay�zients ma�� n� i�n�er be required, at thc aption of I.ender, if mortgage insurance coverage (in <br /> the amnurtit and for the p�riod that I.enver reqaires) provided by an insurer approved by �,ender afiain bscornes available <br /> anci is c�btainc.d. B�rrower shall pay t}�e premiums req�'�rcd to mainiain rnortgage insuraric� in effect, nr ta prcivide a loss <br /> rescrv��, until thc reyuir^rnent fr,r rriortga�c insur�incc. cn�s sn accordar,ce wilh any written a�recment bctwcen I3orrowcr <br /> and Lcncier or anplicable law. <br /> 9. Inspe�tia�n. Lendcr or its a�ent may�make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Praperty. L.ender shall <br /> give Barrower natir.e at the tirne of or ��ri�7r to n�� inspeceion specifying reasonable cause for lhe ins�ctior�. <br /> 1�1. �:Umdean;iatian. Thw prcaceeds of any award ar claim for�a�r►agcs, direCt or con�equential, in connection with <br /> any condcrnnatian nr ather ta�inp of any part of the Property,ar for canveyance in l�eu oF candet�tt�tion,zre hereby assigned <br /> and shafl be paicj tn Lettd�t'. <br /> In the event of a total wkinr�of the Froperty,the proceeds:;hall be appliect ro the sams s�:cured by this Security lnstrumcnt, <br /> �.vhether or r,ot ehen due, with any �xcess paid to Borrowe;. In the evert of a partial taking of the F'roperty in whirh the <br /> fa'rr market valuc c�t�the Property i�r�mediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount ot�the sumr �e�ured <br /> b�� this Security Instrurr�ent it��niediat�ly bcfar�thc taking, unless Borrower and L:nder otkierwisc a�;rce in writing, thc sums <br /> secured by thic Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amorunt nf the prcrcecds muitiplied by the fallowing fractic�n: <br /> (a) t}ic t�>tat an�aunt c7f the sunis sccurccl imnicd�atcly bcfore the taking, divided�iy (b) the fair �narket valuc oC the Pru�xxrty <br /> immediatety bcfore the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking nf the Property in <br /> which the fair market value of thE Prnperty immediately taefvre thc tak:n� is less than the amount ��f the sums secured im- <br /> :nediately hefpr�the t�king, ►.mless Borrawe:a�td�er other�vise agree �ri ��riting or unicss applicable law otherwisc pr�-,- <br /> vides, thc prnceeds sha�ll bc applied to the sums secur:,d by this Security lrtstru;nent whether or noe the sums arc then due. <br /> If the Prc7perty is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Len�:�r to Sormwer that the condemnor offcrs to <br /> make an award or settle a claim fa�' dama�;cs, Borrower fails to respnnd to L�nder within 30 days after the date the notice <br /> is �iven, I..endc� is authoriz�d to collect and apply thr.praceeds, at its option, eici�er to restora.ion or repair of the �rs�perty <br /> or to tl-�C SUrriS SECU�'Bd by �}115 SC'Cllftty IttStt'11t11FY:t, r�vhether or not then due. <br /> [Jnlcss L.endcr a.nd B�rrower c�therwise a�ree in writing, any application pf pr�ceec�s tn principal shall not cxtend <br /> or postpone thc�iue da.te of thc mont�ly paymenfs refe:�r�d to in paragrap�ts 1 and 2 or chanF,�. thr amount of'such paymcnls. <br /> 11. �orrow�xr I�ot �cl��ed; FarFlearanc�� Sy I,ender Nat a y6':�iv�r, Extcn�ion af the ¢ime for payment or <br /> modi�catian of amonixatior of the sums +ecured by tnis Sr.curzty Tn,strument granted by IxN�dec to any succecsor in interest <br /> of'Borrowe.r shall not operate to releasc the liability of thc origir,a! �orrower or �orrov✓er's sucressars in interest. Lender <br /> st�all not be rec�u�red to commence pr�ceedings against any su�cessor in interest nr refuse ta extend timc for payment or- <br /> ottierwise mac�ify amorti7ation of the svms secured by this 5�urity Instrumcnt by reason of any demand mad�by thc original <br /> �c�rrowe;c�r �3orrower's successor5 in intcrest. Any forbearance t�y Lender in exercisin� any right or remcdy shall not be <br /> a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rignt or remedy_ <br /> 12. 5uccess�rs artnd Eiss�gns �und;Jc�int and Several �iability; ra�-signers. Thc covenants and agrcements of <br /> ttkis Sccarity Instrument shall bind and benet"it thc successars and assigns of L.endcr and Btirr��wer, subj�ct to the provisinns <br /> c�f�asa�ra��h 17. �c,�rrcfwer'�covenants and agreements shalt be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Seeurity <br /> It�strun-:ent but docs nnt exccute the Note: (a) is ct�-signing this Security lnstrament only to mortgage, grant and canvcy that <br /> �nof,��wer's intcrest ir� thr ProJ�e*ty �indcr the terms of chis Security In�trument; (b) is nat personally ob�igated tn pay the <br /> st�ms scr_�.�red 6y this Sccurity Instn�ment; and !c);�grees that [..etider and any other$orrower may agrce to extend, mcdify, <br /> for�o^r����r iT�ake:arry accc�mmcxiations with r�gard t�the terms of:his Seeurity!!r.strument or the I�Iote without tha€F3s�rr<�wer's <br /> cc�It�;c:ttt. �a.n <br /> �.���e,x°���q.��gx �� ,, .� W��H�SKA�n►�an2a 9/90 (page 3 oJS pages) <br /> ? t <br />