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<br /> . - 5.I7oaacd a•�'rap:rty Ieruraa�. Darsouer shall ke�p�:c iimprovc�snts now existina�r h*.rcaf�,�r cKCCt�d on tho Pr�pcny �
<br />;`:�;��: � insured egain.0 lcn�by fir�e�haz�rds i�xluded within the ta�m'exta�ded covenge" and any oUkr haaar�is. iocluding qnod� or _
<br /> : ,,��? flnoding.for which Lender roquires insurancc.'Itiis i►,sur�nce slull be maln�in�f�e amount4 end fa thv periods thu 1.cndcr
<br />_.; x!t•__�_..,
<br />;_�-..- requlrey,'(tie insurance crrrkr providing Ihe insuranco shall bo choxn by Borrowu sub,�ct u�l,ender's a��roval which nat
<br /> be unreasonably withheld. If Borrowu [ails to mainuin cvvKage de.scritsal abov�. Lender may, et l�eader's oplkM, obtain
<br />-- � :-� covuage to protect Lenck.r's righta in the�ropeny in a�cordanc�with paragraph 7.
<br /> pU insacance policies and renewals shall be acceptable ta lentkr and shall inclu�ic e standvr•d mo+ct�a�e clause.Lendu shall �
<br /> .I,•s� have the dght W hold the policies and rauwals.Yf I.endu requires,eortowu shall promptlY flive W Leixier vl reccep�s of paid
<br /> �'=''�•�n premium�end renewal notices.In the event of bss.Bortower sl�ll give prompt notice to the innucu�ce cecrier and Lender.I.endu
<br /> --_�:°�'' may makc proof of loss if not made prompUY by Borrowu.
<br />_�"�� . � Unless L.eader end Borrawer othuwise agroe In writing,�surncc procaxis shail6c applied to reso�ation or repair of the
<br />_���■ tf the raaoratlan a is eca�wmically t�sible and L,ender s securit iA nr�t ks.genod.If the reswration or
<br /> PropertY dam�8ed,' cePair � Y
<br /> =�, repoir is not xwwmicolly feasibk or i,ender's security would be kssencd�the insurneice{xoceeds shali bo qrpliod w the sums
<br /> =="�p seciuod by this Socurlty Instcumetit, whether or not theti du�,wi�h eny eacess paid w Boauwer. 1t BorrBwec abaixbns thc
<br /> `:i:_�:,It�
<br /> ----° Pcq�aty�a does not enswu within 30 days a notice f�m Lrnder that the insurance csurier bna off�.roct w,seah a cleim.then
<br />:.W�ti;R,�.—
<br /> --_-�.�'� Lenda may coUeet the insursnce procoals.Lendu may use tlxprnceecis w r�p�ir or rc.storc the P1.+operty or to pay sums secored
<br /> .` . — h�y th�Security Ins�ument,whether or not thea due.The 30-day period will begin wher►the notice ut given.
<br />?!�;;�'��t. Unksv Lender and Borrowu oth�wise egrea in writing, anY aQPlicadon of procada tn princi�o!st�U not eacend or posq�onc
<br /> :':`'�;7��<- the due date of the monthlY paymu►ts czf�al to in puagcaphs 1 and 2 or changa the amount of tiva poYmentg.I�'undu parsgraph
<br /> W�`'';';'`'`�`;� 21 tha Property is ecquire�by Lendu, Borrowu's dght to any insurance policies und proceed:s resulting from daen�ge w the
<br /> =_�.1'Int4i:�� �
<br /> --;};,;� Prc►pa�ty pria to tde acquis�tion shall pass co Lender to the ex�ert�,of the sums sacurod by lhis Seciuity Instrum�ent immodi�taly
<br /> -__� Prioc to the acquisiti�on.
<br /> =-,r= 6.Occop�nc�'�Preserv�tbn�Maintenance and Protectia ot the PrM�ertYi Bormwer'a I.00w Applk�tion►LeaeeYaWe.
<br /> _ ---�ilt.a1
<br /> _��� Borrowa shall occupy.establish.end use the Property as Borrower's prIncips�!resida�cc witivn sL�ty days after the exocution of
<br /> —�� Ehia Sec�uiry lnattument�nd si�aii continue w occupy ci�e F�vpaiy wg Sarowcr'���un�u�faivaar:e fw a:i�:�.:,.-se�:a��':;.
<br /> -- alale of occupancy� unk,ss[�ender otht�a+ise agroes in writing� which consent st,tiall not be unreasonably �vid�l�eld.a unkss -
<br /> �_ -- �acttnuating circumstanc�es exist�vhich are beyond Bo�rowa's oontrol.Bamwu shnil n�t destmy,damege a impa'v tho Pcoperty,
<br /> ---�_` albw the pmpaty to deueriorate, or commit wasta on the Propeity. Borrowu shell be in defa�ilt if any fo�;Friwre actbn a
<br /> ___=°':;.�;�";`r procoodin4,whetha civil a criminal.is begun that in Lender'�good faith judgment co►dd�sulf:'va fafeiwre of the Propaty or
<br /> _. -m^��..,:. p�hpyvi�e m�erially impa'v the lien crr�ted by this Socurity Instra�meat or I�eruler's socucity inaa+rst.Borrowa may wre soch a
<br /> ---- default and ninst�e. 4t gxovickd in parag�aph 18.by causing the action or procooding tu 6o dirtmi�ssod witl�a niling that, in
<br /> Le,ndu's gaod faith delamination,pracludes forfaiwre of ihe Borrowcr's intacst in thc Propc.�ty oe otha mauxinl impAirment of
<br /> the lien cr�ated by this Security Instrumet�t or T.ender's socurity interes�Borrower shall aisa ba in default if Bomower.during 1he
<br /> loan epplic�aon proce.ts,Save matuially£alse or inaccurate iatomouiem a swtements to Le.�nder(a failod to provido I.a►der witfi
<br /> any matalal infamation) in conne�tion with th�loan evidenced by the Note, inciudinF, but nut limitod to, repr�senta�hons
<br /> copcaning Bomower's occupancy of the Proputy a�s principl residence.If thls Socuriry Incuumcnt L�on a kasdakl,Barowet
<br /> shall comply with all the provisions of tt�e k,ase.If Borrowu xquires fce dda to the Property,thc lcasehold and tha foo title shell
<br /> not mage unleaa I.enda sgcxt to tt�e magu in wridng.
<br /> 7.Protectba of I.eo�kr'e Ri�hb te t6e Propertr. If Sorrower fai14 to puEorm tho cov.auuit�and agcocmer�ts contained in
<br /> this Security Ynsuument, a ther�e is a legal ProcoedinB that may slgniflcantly affoct Lender'�dghts in the Pra,porty(sach as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.Prot�ate�fa condemnation or fnrfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations)�then La�der may do and paY
<br /> for wh�teva is naessacy to protect the valua of tho Property u►d Lendu's rlghis in tha Pronerry.l.e,nder's actions may inclnde
<br /> payin8 my sums aecurod by a lkn which has priority ove�this Security Instrumeat, appeacin8 � �• PaY�g ���
<br /> attaneys' fas and entaing on the Propaty to make repairs.Alttiough L�ender may tako action undet this paragroph 7,Lender
<br /> . does not ha�e to do so.
<br /> My emounb dlsburscd by Lender unda lhis pacag�raph 7 shall bocomc additional dcbt of Borrower socurod by this Socurity
<br /> Insnuma�t Unle�Barra«�u an�l Latda agcoe to ot6er te:m9 of paymcnt,d�ese amounts shall be�u intaest trom the date of
<br /> disMusanent at the Note rau and shall be payable.wilh inureu,upon nodcc hom Lendcr w Barowu ra1�8�Y��
<br /> - 8.Mort=a�e I�urana. If Lcnder roquir�mortgcige inwrance as a condihon of mPking clia�n secarod by this Socurity
<br />- - - Instruma►� Borrowu ahall pay the premtums requiral to maintain thc mo�tgage insuranca in cffec� ff. for any rcason. the
<br /> .� maigqge insurance covesage roquirod by Lender lapses or cea�es to be in eFfx� Barowu shtill pay the prqlliums roquired to
<br />--_-== obtain covuaga suSstantially equivpknt to the mortgage insurance previously in eftxt,at a cost substanrial�y•cquivalent to the _
<br /> —�-�—� cost ta Horrowcr of die mortgege insurencc pc�eviously in c�ect,from an alternate matgaga insuru appn�ved by I.ender. If _
<br /> __—„�. sul�stantially eyuiv�lent matgago insurance coverage is not evailaEle.Bonowa shell pay W Lend�each monYh a sum eqar�l to
<br /> --- - one-twcltth.�'The yearlY �wrtBaBc insuranoe pTemium bcin�;paid by Sorrowa whcn the insurance cuverage Iapsed or cca5ed to
<br /> _ - - e— be in ef�'ecG Lender will accopt,use and retain those payments as a loss resuve in lieu of moctgaga ins�rance. Loss re.se�ve
<br /> --:�a,d�r%�
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