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<br />� S.Hwr�M or l��operty Iatur�nce. Sorrowu sahall kxp tha lmpraveinents now cxisdng or haea[ter erected on the Prop�.rtY
<br /> insared�against lass by fire,hazards includcd within tho tem� "cxtended covuege"end eny other hazarcl�.including f7ooda or __
<br /> flooding,for which Lendu roquires ins�rnnce.'Iliis insurana shall ba rnaintairkd in the amounts and for Qie pexials ihat Lende� �
<br /> requlres,T1ie in�unmce carrkr providii►g the ins�uence shall be chosen by Borrowu aub,}ect so Lender's appmval which ahall not
<br /> be unreasonably wlthheld. If Borrowa fails to maintain coverage descrlbed ebove, Luidcr may, at Lend�x's opdan, obtaln
<br /> covaage to protat Lenda's r�ghts in tbe Praperty in accordance with paiag�aph 7,
<br /> All insurance polkles and renewals shaU be ecceptable to Lendu snd shall include a standacd mortgage clause.Lendu shall
<br /> have the dght Un hold tho polici�s and renewals.If Lender roquires,Borrower shall promptly giva to Lendu aU reaipts of paid
<br /> premiums end renewal nodces.In the evurt of loss,Borrowu sh�ll give prompt notice to ihe insurance carrier end Lender.Lea�der -��
<br /> may make proof of bss if not made prompdy by Borrowu.
<br /> Unless I.utda and Hocrowu othe,�wise agree in writing,insurance proceMs shpll bc applied to restoradon or npair of the
<br /> prop�ty dunaged,if 1he cestora6�in oT repair is economically fc�slble and Lender's security is not lessened.If the restoradon or
<br /> repair is not ecaiomicaUy feasibk cr l.ender's socurity wouic3 be lessened.tho insurance Pra.ad.v shall be apPlied to 2he sums
<br /> socuroc!by t�isi Sociuity Inauumen� wt�ether or not theri dus, with eny eaccess peid to Borrower. If Bormwa abnndons d�c
<br /> ' Praperty.or doe�Rot answer withir� 30 days a noticn fium Lender that tht insurance caaicr has offem,c!to se.itlo a clalm�then .
<br /> I.�nckr may collxt the insurance pror.,ads.Lenda may use t6e proceeds w repiur a restae 1he Property or w pay sums secured
<br /> by this Socurlty Instrumeat,whethu or not ttiui due.The 30-dny perIod will begin wlkn tha nodce is given.
<br /> Unless Lenda end Bortowu o�herwLse agree in wridng,�ny appllcadon of procads W principa�shaU not extend or pnstpone
<br /> the due date of the monthly pAymcnts nferred to�n paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of t�e payments.If onder paraBraPh
<br /> 21 the Pmpaty is acquired by Lcnder,Bomower's rlght to any insurance poUcies and proctied9 resuldng hom damage to the
<br /> p�+nperty prlcx to the acc�uisiaon shall pass to Lcnda to the extent of tho snms socurod by this Security Instcument immedlately
<br /> prior to 1hc acqu�ition.
<br /> 6.Occupaucy�Preserv�tbn�]1�a3nsensnce�nd Protectbn ot t6e Pro{xrty; Borrower's Loau A.pplicAtioo;i,ewseholds.
<br /> Bamwer slwll occupy.es�abllsh,and use the PtoExity av Barower's prIncipel residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> lhis Socuriry Instw►xnt end shaU continue to occupy the Property ag Bocrowu's principal residence for at]east one yeu efter the
<br /> Awe nf occunancv. unle.cg I.ender othecwise aRrecs in wrldng, which consent shall not be unreasonably withhald, or unless
<br /> extp�uAdng cir+cumstances exLst which ace beyond Borrowu's control.Barawa shaU not desiroy.damage or impair the Propaty,
<br /> a11oM, tho pcopaty to detubrete,or commit waste on the Property. Barnwa sl�all be in defeult if any forfeiture action a
<br /> �,r,�,r�iieg,wt�ahar civil a crLninal. b begun that in I.enda's gaxl faith judgment could result in forfa�tute of i;w I'rs�ty ar :
<br /> otliawL9e materi�lly impair the lien creu�d by this Socurity Instcumcnt or L.ender�S&OCUflty IllICtCSt BOT.tOW� 1118y Cl1PC BIICh 8
<br /> defwit and reinstaatt�as providod in pragraph 18�by causing the actian or procoeding to be dismisse.�3 with a niWg ihat,in
<br /> L,er�dra�'s good fdth deteimi�wtbn,pnaludes forfeiwn of the Barow�r's interest in the Propaty or othc�makrial:mpaIm►ent of
<br /> the lia�cre�ted by this Socurity Instruma►t a La�der's securlty intaes�Borrowee slull also�e in default if Bormwer,during the
<br /> ' lo�n�ppllcation proce,9s.gave materially false or inaocurate information or stattmenb to Lender{or failed to provide I.erider with
<br /> ' any m�0aiel intocmation) !n connaction with the loan evidenced by ihe Note. Including. but not Gm9t;.d�,r��s�s �
<br /> , concaning Honowa's occupency of the Pmpexty as s principal cesick,nce.If this Socurity Instcuument us on a ka.sehold,Barowa
<br /> : ahall comply wid�all the pruvisions of the k�se.If Bo�rowa acquires fa title to the Propa'ty,the kasehold and the fee titb sh�ll
<br /> not merge unle.sa I�ender agroe�to ttw mager in wriang.
<br /> � 7.Protectia o�Lender'e Ri�hts in the Property. If Bomowu fells to paFozm the cova�anta and egreeaients eoa�t�inod in
<br /> � thi�Socurity In�cunr„n�a thae is s k8�P�'��8 that rnay significantly effut lLendes's rlghts in the Pniperty(such as a
<br /> P��B��P�Y•P�'��•for cond�annacion or forfoim�or w enfora laws or nguladnns).then I.�drs may do and PQY
<br /> for whMtva is r�o�uy w Ixotect the valuo of the Property end Lender's righis in the Prc�paty.I.ender's actiatis may include
<br /> paying any sums sxiued by a !kn which ha9 priaity over this Socurity Instrument,�P'P��B � �,PaYing rea9onab�
<br /> �ttom�ys' fees �nd enteaL�g on the Pro�aty to malce npairs.�►ithough Lenda rnay talce aedon unekx this p4r�graph 7�Lenda
<br /> doa not dave to do so.
<br /> My amounle disMuxd by Leneler unda this paragraph 7 shall bocane addition�l debt of Borrower securod by this Security
<br /> Insuument Unku Bomowu and L,e�xkr agrx t�o other tams of payment, these amowts shall be�u intcreat from tha date of
<br /> disbursut�ent at the Noce nta aru!shall be payabk,with intars�upon nodce from I.ender w Borrowa requesting paYmenG
<br /> a.Mort�e Iaarraaa. If I�erxkr roquired moctgage insuranca a9 a condItion of nwking the ban sxural by this Socnrity
<br /> � Insuument, Bartowa st�l pay the premiums roquired to maintain the Rwngaga ins�uance in e�'ecG ff.for any rea9on. the
<br /> �B�Be inwrnce covc�go reqnisod by Lcnda lapses or ceascs W be in effect,Socrower st�all pay the premium�roquired to
<br /> � obt�in cove�go snbstantially oquivalent to the mortgago insurence pneviously in effect,u a cosi substentially equtvalent to the
<br /> cost to Bamnwa of the mortgage insurance previou�ly in effect, from an elternaro mort,gagc insura approved by L.ender. If
<br /> substandally equivak,nt mortgsige insurence coverege is not avajlable,Borrowu sball pay�to Lendrr each month a sum oqual to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yoarly mongage insurance pm,mium being paid by Bomowa whca the insurance covaage lapsed or ceasod to
<br /> . bo in effec�Luider will aocepi. usa end reta�n these paymsnu a�a loss sesuve in lieu uf mo�tgage insurance.Loss reserve
<br />- .' Forn�so�� Y/io
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