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• T�:,yt'� • . _ '�•; ' ,:a,rw�++.av� N.. � . <br /> ,1/l'�p . .. ��.....,...� .- . - . .._ � ._.e�-nti{rrv�v-�...�..�._. <br /> �S•� <br /> - � .��•""' . .. . . - � . _ :t7'.n-'*�w"=:'-y <br /> .�.. _ <br /> .. - r� rr+Sb�sie4�,?y'19oe'.�� -�"�. . � �Q�t�;�.?»�� " -H__ - -...�._-- - - - - <br /> M41q ��, <br /> ._�1....:.t..r:�....� � _ — . .��� <br /> `.u. _ _ __ ��yrJ " <br /> -_.�e.- .������.�����.r�. �i.Jr <br /> ._-__- _�.��wr._:..-i'f�. _ . ".-r.. <br /> _ _ �.— <br /> -.�.�- ���r�'�-.r(wl�eT���-v . �://' ." . ... .... . ..... ... <br /> �t�.�nY� _ �. � �����_---}�v^i/�R.#er.m�nT�^-�.�� -._ . <br /> 17. Y�s�ahr �t th� i�rop�rty or a B�mflCi�t liitar��t In Borrav�:*r. li aN or nny pt�rt cf the Prop«ty or <br /> �ny Int�nst In It la aold ar tr�neterred (or if a beneficial Intereat In Bortuwer le eotd or tnnsternd and BoROwK I�not s n�tunl <br /> 'peraon)without Lender'e prior written coneent, Lender m�y,�t Ra optlon,requlre Immedl�te p�yment In tull 01�u euma eecured by <br /> ' thie 8ecudry Inatrument. HQwever,thla optlon sh�ll not bs exerclaed by Londer if exerclaa le prohlblted by leder�l law aa ot the <br /> dtta of thla Security Inetrumsnt. <br /> �t Lmdar uc�rclaea thla op/lon, Lenda �hdl qlve Borcower notice o1 accelantlon. The notice shdl provids a parlod o not <br /> lae then 30 d+�ys irom the d�ts the notice In delivered or malled wHhln whlch Borrower muet pay dl suma eecured by ttds _ <br /> 9ecrrfty Instrument. It Borrower 4�Ns to p�y theae auma p�ior ta the explratlon af thia perlod, Lenda mey Invoke sny rana�lles � <br /> permitted by thla �3ecurity Inetrument without luriher notlCe or demend on Burcower. � c <br /> 18. Borre�w�I'• Rl�ht t0 RNn�tat�. If Bortower meeta certaln conditions, 8orrawar ah�ll havo the rlght to heve <br /> entorcement o} thle Security Inatrument dlscontinued at any tlme prlor lo ihe euller oi: (o) 6 daye (or nuch other period es ' <br /> appllcable law may apecify tor reinntatement)betore aele of lha Pro�erly pureuant to any power o1 sale cnntaln�sd In�t8lLender�e I � <br /> Instrument; or(b) mtry ot s Judgment entorcinp thle Security Instrument.Those conditlone are thet Borrower(a) p y � <br /> sums whlch then would be due under this Sacurlty Inatrument and the Nots es If no accolentlon had oceurted; (b) cures eny � <br /> del�ull ot any other coven�nt or egreamenta; (o) paya sll oxpenses incurced in en4orcing thls Securlty Instrument,Inciuding, but <br /> not IimHed to,roaaonable sttorneys'feas; and (d)tekes such actlon aa Lender mey reasonabty requlre to aasu�e thet the Ilan o1 — <br /> thia Security Inatrument, Lender'e righla in the Property and Bortowa's oblisatlon to pay the suma secured by thls Security � <br /> Instrument nhaN continue unchenpad. Upan relnstetemant by Borrower, thls Security Instrument and the obligatloln theCCase <br /> hereby eh�N rem�ln fu�ly wf(ectNe�s N no accelentlon hnd occurted. However,thla right to relnetete ehall not �ppy <br /> ai ecaderatlon under pangnph 17. <br /> 19. 511� Of NOt�; Ch�np� of Lo�n Sorvic�r. The Note o► a a p�rtlal Intereat In the Note (tagelher wkh thla <br /> Security InsWment) may bs eold one a more timee wflhout p�lor natice to Borrower.A sale may rosutt I��chanpa!n the entiiy <br /> (knov�n�aa the"Lonn Servlc�r'� that eollecte monthly�ymnMs due under lhe Note and thie Security Instrument. There alao may <br /> bs one or more changes ot the I.oan Servlcer unrelated to a aale ot !he Note. It there In e chenpe o1 tt�o Loan 3ervlce+. <br /> BoRawer wftl be glven w►fttsn notice ot the ohanqe In�ocordance with pangraPh 14 above and eppllcable kw. The notice wlil <br /> elate the name�nd address of the new Loan Servicer md tha address to which paNnente shouid ba made, The not(ce will also <br /> conWn my other Infortnatlon rsqukad bY�PPU�bIs I�w. <br /> 20. Haz�rdous Substanc�f. Bortower shell not cause ar pem�H the presonce, use, dlapoaa�l, ntonpe, or rele�ae o9 <br /> �ny Hazardoua Subatances on or In the Propsrty. Borrcwur ehtil not do, nor allow enyone else to do the�pre�ence,un e`or <br /> propaty th�t Is In vlolatian oT Wny EnvkonmenUl Law, 7he preceding two aenlences e(eacNongon��o be�pproprlate to normal <br /> atonye on the Property of smaN quantkles oi Hwrdoua 3ubsUnces thdt nre genenly <br /> residentkl uees�nd to melntenance of the Propaty. <br /> 8ortawer shaM prompty pNe Lander written noUce ot any Investlgatlon, dsim� demand, Iswsuk or other acllon by �ny <br /> povemmentd or repul�tary ageney or private party InvoNlnq the Property and any Huardoua SubsUnce or Environmentd of <br /> wn�cn noROwe. �A 6iriud��s:.���e. !S 9^ss^w'-'r�""ms, or Is notiAed by �ny govemmenUl or regulatory 1lulhotlty, ���a sii <br /> ranoval or other remedlation of any Haz�rdoua Substance ettectinp PropertY Is neceaaary, BorraNer etuiA prompiiy <br /> neceasary remed�a�ectlona In accordance wfth Envkonmenul Law. <br /> - q��s�� �,d, Narayraph 20, °Hazerdoue SuF�at�ncea' aro thoae substances defined as toxio w heurdouf aubst�nces by <br /> E�vkonm�ntat I.�w and the toNowinp aubatancaa: peiaoiine, korosena, pth�r tlsmm�ble or toxio petrdaim Produd�� loxio <br /> pe�ticidee And hubicides, volatlle soNenta,matuk�le conttininy�sbeeros or formaldehyde,and ndlactivis bceted that rel�te o <br /> p�nqrapM 20, 'EnvkonmanW Law' me�ns tedenl ltiws end lawa of ihe Jurladiction wh�e the Property <br /> hwMh,sataly or�nvkonm�ntal proteetlon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Qorrowe►�nd Lender fuAher covenrit md�proe�a foNows: <br /> 21. AccN�r�Noe; R�m�dl�s. LAttdar ahdl Qtve notice to Borraw�r p�ior to �ccsl�ration <br /> tollowin� Borrower's bnach of sny cownant or �qr��m�nt In this S�curtty Indrum�nt (but ^ot <br /> prlor ta �cc�tor�t�on und�r parapraph 17 unl�ss �ppllc�bl� I�w provid�s oth�rwlfe). 'Th� noNc� <br /> si�a�� �p�cHy; (�) th�d�isuR; (b) th� �ctlon r�qulr�d to �whtl h tho d�fauk ud b�cur�d:�d <br /> 30 d�ys from th�s dtts th� notic� is �iv�►s to Borraw�r, <br /> (d) thet htlur� to eur� the d�fault on or b�fon tiw d n� �P�c�fl�d �n th� notic� m�^a�c� <br /> accd�ration of th�s sums s�cur�d by thls S�cu�ity instrum�nt �nd s�l� o�f ttN Pebp�rtY. <br /> shall furttwr {ntorm Berrovwr of the rlpM to r�lnst�t� att�r �ccd�r�tion �rtd 4h� ri�ht to brinq a <br /> court �ctton to �ss�rt th� non-sxist�nc� of • d�huk or any othor d�h�s� af Borraw�r to <br /> accelsr�tlon and sal�. M th� d�fauit Is not cund on or b�ta'� th� dat� N����d �n th� nodc�, <br /> I.�ndsr at Rs optlon may r�quin Imm�dl�t� paym�nt In full o�f �11 sums s�cund by this S�curliy <br /> Instrum�nt v�rithout furtt+�r d�mand �nd m�t invok� th� pow�r of sal� �nd sny otMr wm�dl�s <br /> p�rmHtK1 by appilc�bl� Isw. l.�nd�r sh�il b� antitl�d to coll�ct ail �xp�nws inGUrr�d in puraulny <br /> tt� nm�di�s provid�d In this parspr�ph 21, Including, but not Ilmit�d to, r�a�onabl� �ttorn�ya <br /> iNS and costs ot titl� ovid�na�. <br /> If ;h� pow�r of �ol� Is Invoked, TrustH �hall r�cad +� notic� of d�hult in �ach county In <br /> - whioh any p�rt o1` th� Prop�rty is loc�t�d �nd sfi�ll m�ll copl�s of �uch notfc� in i e�m+� <br /> protcrlb�d by eppllcabl� I�w to 8orrowar and to th� oth�r p�rsons pnscrlbed by app <br /> Att�r th� tim� ►aqtair�d by �pR������ ��+ Trust�s �h�ll giw pubilc notic� of sal� to th� p�nons <br /> �nd In th� m�nn�r pr�saNl�d by sppllcabl� law. Trud��� wlthout dsm�nd on Borrowor, sh�11 s�ll <br /> - th� Prop�rty �t publlc �uctlon to tha hlph�st bldder at th� tim� �nd plact •nd under th� tarms <br /> d�al�ntMt1 In th� notic� of ul� in ons or �nor� p�rc�ls �nd in �ny ord�r TrustN d�t�rminos. <br /> TruutN may poatpon� al• of dl or anY p�rcd of ttw Proporty by public announcimont at th� <br /> tlm� and plac� af any pr�viously sch�dul�d �ate. Lond�r or its d�slpnoe may purchis� th� <br /> Propsrty �t �ny sal�. <br /> ��...... .....�n* .� ��vn.ont of th� nrlcs bid, Tru�to� ghal! d�liv�r to th� purchasor 7ruKse'a <br /> ��.�.. .��_'r' _' r_� . <br /> - do�d conv�ying th� Prop�rty. Th� ncitals In th� '1'rusta�'s d��d shall b� prima fac�� �v�a�nc� m <br />- th� truth of tha atat�m�nts m�do th�rsln. Tru�tes ohsll �pply thr qroc��ds of th� sal� in th� <br /> — toilowinp ordor: (�) to all costs and sxpsns�s at ex�rclsinp th� �ow�r af ttl�, �nd ths sale, <br />.� Includtng ths paym�nt of tha Trust��'s tao�actually tncurnd, n�t Qf ths princlpal amount of th� <br /> not� �t th� tltn� of tho declar�tlon ot d�fauR, md r�asonablo attorn�y'�fe�s as parmfitsd by I�w; <br />_� (b) to all sume secur�d by thls Spcurity In�trumont; and (c) any oxcoss to the parson or porsons <br /> �a Isg�lly �ntklod to tt. <br /> a <br /> Y F13�8.LM0(7N7) Payx 4 01 S �'" � <br /> �! <br /> ;i� 312 . _. . . . <br />