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<br /> Bortowr m�y cun tuch � cNi�uM and rriniNt�, n providxl In panynph 1B, by cauelnp ths �ctlon or p►oc�edk�p to b�
<br /> dl�mlr��d with�niYnp thN, In L�nd�r'� pood 1�Uh d�t�rtr�n�tlon, pnciudea foHeiture of th� Bortow�r'�IntKS�t In the Prop«ty or
<br /> �athK md�riaf Mnp�krt�nt o}th�M�n aMtKl by thl� 8�curity Inetnimmt or Lender'e eecurity Intonei. 8oaowx sh�ll�loo b�In
<br /> � dM�uft H Burrow�r, durinp th�loan�ppllallon praa�s�, p�w m+terkNj talsa or Inaccurete Intotrru�tlon or et�temenie to Lender(nr --
<br /> t���d to provld� LNtd�► wHh �ny m�t�l Intomwtbn) In connectlon wRh the loan evlde�ced by ih� Not�, IncludinQ, but not
<br /> Nmlled to, npr�unt�Non� cone�minp B�rrov.rr'� ocwp+�ncy of ths P►operty �e � princlpd rnld�nc�. II thla 3+curity
<br /> In�trum�n4 la on ■ IMS�NoId, Borrow�r �haM compy wf4h dl Ihe provialons of the Is�w. II BortowK �cqulrn I�o lkl� to ths
<br /> Prop�rty,th�IMahoW Nn�th�fN INI��heM not mKpe unNsa 4�nder wpress to the merp�r In wrltlnQ. �
<br /> 7. Prot�:tlon of I.�nd�r'� Rlpht�In th� Prop�rty�If Borrowu i�A� to palam th�cown�nt� and�pr�n�nt� �
<br /> coNnlneei In this Sewrity Inswm�r:L or thore Is � lep�l proc�edtnp th�t may elpr.iAanty �Heot La�da'e r�phts In ihs Pruperty � L
<br /> (such ee� proc�dkip M banlwptcy, prob+d�,for conderm�Uon or toAertur�or to entora kw� or repulatlone),then Lander m�y
<br /> du and{xy tor whatevsr la neceaury to prot�ct tha vdu�of th� Property�nd Lendn'e dnht�In th�Prop�rty, Lenda'e actlon• �
<br /> rruy Includ� p�yinfl �ny eum� sacured by • Ilen whlch h��prforky Aver thia 3�curity Inetrumsnt, �ppe�Hnp In court, paylnp �
<br /> rs�eoneble atlom�ya'tNe�nd entalny on th�Prop�rty to rcsak� rep�lro.Althouph LendK m�y taks�ctlon undx thls punpr�ph �
<br /> T,Lendx doee not have to da ao.
<br /> Any�mounta dia6uraed by Lender under pangnph 7 alull become addillonal debt of Borrower secured by thls 3ecudry
<br /> Instrument. Unlesa Borcowx and Lender�p►ee ta other larna of p�yrrnent, theae amounts ehaR bear intereet from ihe date o1 N
<br /> diebursement�t the Note nte�nd ehdl be payable,with Intsrest, upon notice hom Lendx to Bor.owe�requeatinp p�yment. �
<br /> 9. MOI't��� IniuranC�. It Lender requked matgaye inaunnce ae a condNbn o} makinp 4h� lan aecursd by ihis
<br /> $lCU�}ly 1�6tNf17l111. Horrow�r ahall pay the promiume requh�d to m�hteln the mortg�ge Inaunnce in eMect.Ii,for any re�son,the
<br /> martssqe Ineuronce coverapa requked by Lender lapaes a¢aeea to ba in eHect, Bortower shaN pay the prert►lume nquksd to
<br /> obtsln wvenye subatantiaNy equFvalent to the mortgage InsurNCe prevlousy In effect, �t a cost subat�ntlaNy equNalent to the
<br /> cast ta BoROwer oi the martg�ge Inaunnce �rsviouay h eMect, hom an attemate mortgaQe insurx approved by Lender. If
<br /> eubstantaGy equN�i�nt mortpap� fnaurana covenpe ia not swilable, Bortower shaN pay to Landar e�ch month �sum equ�i to
<br /> w�a�twelfth uf tho ysarty maKg:Qo insuranco premium belnp Fsab 6y Bortower when the InauMnca cov�gn I�paed or caa�ed to _
<br /> be in �ffect. Lender wfll �ccept, uee and retatn these paymenla ae s losa reserve In Ileu o1 mortpapa Inaunnce. Loaa reaerve
<br /> paymente mty no longer be requfrod, at ths optlon ot Lender.II mortgaye Insunnce coverape(In the iunount�nd tor the paiod
<br /> th�t Lende►requkes) provided by an insurer approved by Lemder �gsM becomea nvalleble �nd 1� obtalned. Borrower shaN pay
<br /> , th�premlum�requkad to maNit�k� morty�pe insunnce In effect,or to provide�ioss reserve, untii the requkanent tor mortgaga
<br /> inaunnce ends in accordsnce wfth eny wrkten�yruanent betwcan Borrowa and Lender or appNc�.�hle lew.
<br /> • 9. INSp�Ct1o11. Lender or ka agent msy rrMke reQSOnsbk enWea upon �nd Inspecttone of the Propaty. l.ender eh�A pNe
<br /> Barowa nodcs�t the time ot or prlor to m Inapection speciTyhg �e�son�ble c�uae tor ths Inspectk►n.
<br /> 10. Cond�mn�tton. The procasde o1�ny award or cJ�kn tor dtm�yea, direct or conaequenUal, In connecUon wfth�ny
<br /> condannatlon or other taklr►g of eny part oi the Property,or ta convey�nca In lieu o}condernnetiun, ero hxeby�sslgned a�d
<br />..' ehd be psld to Lendix.
<br /> ,� In the uvent of � tot�l UWnp of the Property, the p�oce�ia ah�A be applind to the sums sacurad by thla Security
<br />"';} Inetrumenl, wtt»ther or not then due,wfth�ny exceas pald ta 8orrower. In the event ol s p�rti�l t�kMip of the Propsrty In whieh
<br /> ths hk metket vW�ot lna Yropeny irtKnedi�i�iy ��IOfO tt10 lWfly li tSC�tl�l� iy ui �8dla i,iii�tric iii�'vi3iit vi i,iv SiiiiT'v::v.3i'v�
<br /> � by thl� 3eauiity Inatrument knmedktey beton the takinp, untes� Bartower and Londx otherwise aqree in wriiing, the suma
<br />� ' eewrod by 1h1s Security Instrument ehaA be reduced by the amount of the proeeads muRlpNed by the foMowing fractlon: (�)the
<br /> -u t�Ul�mount af the�cume secured Inxnedktely betore the tek3np, dMde�by (b)the tak markK vaiue of the Properly Imrnedk+tely
<br /> !� beforo th�t�kinp.My b�l�nce sh�Y bs pdd to Bortower.In th�event oi a partiai uklnp oi ths P►aperty ln whlch!he f�k market
<br /> , ; valus o}th�PropnAy Imrn�dl�tely betoro the ttldng la lea�tFa�n the�mount o}ths sume secured knmedi�tAty bstoro the t�king, `
<br /> � unlws Bwro+r:v iu►d Lenda otharwlae �yree In writk�g or unlRas appNcabb law othawias provkias, the praceede ehtll be
<br /> �ppY�d to th�suma aacured by thu Security Inatrument whethK o�not the sums ue then due.
<br /> ` If th� Propsrty{a abandoned by Bortower,or if,after noUoe by Lander to Borrowe�th�t ths condemna of(ers to rrnfu�n
<br />,,,' �W�rd or setW a cl�im (or d�m�ye�, Borrower hNa to respond to Lender within 30 daya after the d�te the noUce Is phren,
<br />:� Land�r Is authoriz�d tu coY�ct and appy th�proce�ds. �t fte optlwi, efthar to restoraUon or repak of the Roperty or to the
<br /> sums secund by ihle Security Inst�umer►t,whether or not then due.
<br /> �, UnNas Lend� �nd Borrower othxwlae �prae In wridnp, any �ppNcatlon of procsede to princ(pd sheN not sxtend or
<br />��.= poft��on�the due d�te o1 iho monthy payments roterred to In p�raqrapha 1 and 2 or ch�n�e the�mount of auch p�ymente.
<br />�=�" 11.Borrow�r Not q�lw�d; Fo�b�aranc�Sy l.,�nder Not a Wa(v�r. Extanaion of the t�ne ta payrtwnt or
<br /> ;� nwdMcadon o}�mortiatbn of ths axna eecured by this Secauiry In�trumer►t yranted by La�der to any s�uccessor In fntetest of
<br /> ::,� Bartow�r aha11 not opernle to reie�ae the II�bNity of the alpin�l Borrower or Bortower's auccessors in inleraat Lendx eh�not
<br /> "��' be nqufrad to comm�nc� proceedhps �yalnat �ny sucaesaa in Interest or r�Wae to exhr►d thne for payment or oth�wise
<br /> �� modiy unortlztllon of the suma secured by thia Secudty Nairument by re�son ut any dem�nd made by the odginal Borrower or
<br /> � BorrowK's uicaasors In ht�nat. My torbsuance 6y lendr in exerclsinp �ny dpht or remedy ehaM not be �w�tvK o1 a
<br /> � t pndude the acerdaA of any dpht a remedy.
<br />"� ; 12. Su�c�saors and Aaipni Bound; Join! �nd S�voral Llabllity; Co-signan, Tns covenante.nd
<br />_. � a�reenNnts W thi�3ecurity Inntrument eh�N bNtd and be�ek the succeaaota�nd asalpna of Lend��nd Borrow�x,subJecl to the
<br />: prorisMne of penpnph 17. Borrowx'a cov�nte�nd agreements ehaA be Jolnt and saved. My Borrower whn co-alpna thla
<br /> : S�auity InsWment but daes not exccute the Note: (a) ts ca-slpninp thb Securfty Inatrument ony to monpiye,gtprtt end conveyr
<br /> � tha! Borrow�r'e htereat In the PropKty under the tem�a oi thli Security Inatrumant; (b) ia not peroon�Ny obNg�ted to pay the
<br /> sume aecured by thla Securily InsWmenk �nd (c) �grees thet Lender�nd�ny other Borrower m�y �pree ta extend, modity.
<br />• ; forbMr or m�ke �ny�ccartwnodaUona wRh rey�rd to the tenne of thla Securily Inatrummt w the Note without that Borrowe►'a
<br /> � conaent.
<br /> 13� Loan Cha►q�s. If the loan aewred by thla Security InaWment Is �ub�t to N I�w which set� meximum loan
<br /> ' chiu�,and that I�:w la flnaNy Interpreted eo th�t the (ntaest or other loan ch�rges coliected or to be cuileated in conneclbn
<br /> : with tha ban exceed the pormitted Iimits,then: (a)�ny sucl�loan charpe ehsll be reduced by the amount neceaaary to reduce
<br /> � ths chupe to the percnkNd IY»it; end (b) �ny eum� alroady coMected hom Borrowsr which �acaeeded pertnftted Ilmitn wiN be
<br /> rdun6ad ta Borrov+K, Lender m�,y chooae to make thla relu nd by reducinq the pr(ncip�l owed under the Note or By makN�p a
<br /> dksct p�yn►ent to 8orrowu. It ■ refund roducn principd, the rnduction wfq be troet�d �s � parti�t �rrep�yment without �ny
<br /> ' prep�yment chupa und�r ths Note.
<br /> 14. NONC�s.My noUce to BoROwer provlded for in tf�la Security Instrument sh�N be gNen by delMeNnp k u by mafMng ft
<br /> � by tirst d�se m�N unlens�ppNcabk law requkes ua�of �nother method. The notice ahdl bo dkected to the Property Acldresn
<br /> � or my other addreas 8orrowa deslpnatee by notke to Ler�der. My notiCe to Lender ahall bs ptven by firot cisss maii to
<br /> � Lendx'�addreee atated herein o��ny ot�er address�entler dtsSyn�te�by notice to eorrower. My notice provkied tor(n thia
<br /> Seairity InsUument ah�p be dasned to have been plven to Bortower or Lmd�r when ptven aa provided tn this pan�graph.
<br /> 15. �oveming Larv; $eY��illlsit�l. Thla Security instrument eh�N be govemed by teder�l law end thR Iaw of the
<br /> ju�ladict�on In which the Property Is located. In the event thal eny provlslon or clause of thls Security instn�ment or the Note
<br /> eonMcts wkh sppNuble lew, euch contlict shatl not nttect other provislona ot thls Securiry Instrument o�the Note whlch cen be
<br /> phren eMeat without the conT,icthg provislon. To thia md ihe provialons o1 thia Security Instrument and the Note�re declared to
<br /> be aevenble.
<br /> 18.BOrrOws�'� CO�Dy. Bortowar shaW be gMm one contortnaf copy ot ihe Nole and ot this Secu�ity Instrument.
<br /> F1J10.LM0(t/9� Paqa J of S �� � �
<br /> 712 -
<br />