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<br /> Harower shaU eLsr�be in default if Hoirower.during tha loan Appikadon Process�Save m�urially fwLso or inoccurnu —
<br /> infornudon or statements w Lendu(or f�i{ed to provide Lencfa with eny matuiel infocm�tion)in connoction with tha
<br /> loan cvidenced by tho Note, including, but nat limited tn. representadons wnceming Borrowu's occupancy of tha -
<br /> prkpecty as �Ixinciprl r�sidrnce. If this Securiry Instrument Is on a teauhold, Borrowu shAll comply with tY�e
<br /> provlsans of the leace.If Borrowu acquires fa dtle to tbe Propercy,the leasehol�a►..l foe dtle shall not bo muged =
<br /> unless I.endu egrex,s to the mager in wriqng.
<br /> 6.Condema�tion.'lf�e procoeds of any aw�ad or claim for damages.dlrect or wnsequential,in connoction with
<br /> any condemnAtion or other tskir►g of any part of the Property.a for conveyance in place of condemnatlon,are haeby
<br /> ,;, assignod anti shall be paid to Lcnder to the extent of tt�e full s�mount of ihe indcbtodness that remsans unpaid unda thc
<br /> � NW�o�ad this Socuriry Instrumu►t Lender sl�all a�ply soch procxds to the raluction of the lndebtodaess under the Nou
<br /> ' a�xl thit Secuilty insuum�i,fuat to any d�linquent amot:nt� applis@ in the order provided in paragraph 3.and then to
<br /> ' pseFwyment of principal.Any application of the procecds co the princiPal shaU not extend rn postpone the due detes of the
<br /> • m�nthly paymants,which aca refurod to in part►�raph 2,or ehange tbe amount of such payrnenis. My eacess proc�oods
<br /> uvar an amaunt rr,quirod to pay aU outstancling indebtednass under the Note and this Secudty Instrument shall bo paid w
<br /> the endry 1cgaUy antitled thetcto.
<br /> 7. CdArges to Bonc+�e: and Protection ot Lenrler'e Ri�hts in the Property. Borrower shall pay all
<br /> .. govunmental or mun�Cipal cbazges,fu�s and imposidons that are not include�In paragraph 2.Bamwu stwll pay theso
<br /> obUptions on time directly to tho endry whkh is owod tha payma�t If failura to pay would adversely affoct Leodc�'i
<br /> int�erat in tho Yropaty� upon I.erxkr's roquest Borrowu shall prompdy fiunish to I.u�da receipts evklaicing thae
<br /> pyma�ts.
<br /> If Barowa feils w make tt�e.w payments or the peymenu requirod by paragraph 2�or failg to pafocm any otha
<br /> - w�c'ii�G:.�id:�ist�:L°�:xlL°!s"" iR ih�c Crrnrit�r inctrumt�L or thrlE Is a kft�l D�40d1t1S thAt maY 61gt1il'Ifandy
<br /> �(fect i.ender's ni�hta in the Pcopaty (such a+a procoodlnB in banlciuPtcY�for condemnalloe a to enforce laws ar
<br /> reBui�ioiu)�d�en I.ender rr�y do md pay wh�teva i�neasaarY to Protoct thc value of�be Property u�d Lenda's righu
<br /> in the Property�including PaYment of taxes�h�ztrd insurmce and otha iums mentlonod in p�r4Dtaph 2.
<br /> My rnounp oldwnod by I,enda unda th�s pmigruph sfWl become�u►�ddldon�l debt of Borrowa aad bo
<br /> iecurad by thia Socudty Inarurnent T�esa amounts ah�ll bear interest from the data of disbursemen�at tho Note rsse,
<br /> �nd x the optloa of I.endet.shrl!be immodiately due and payabk.
<br /> • gorroruer sh�U prompHY disch�rge any liet�whlch Nas prbrity ova thia Security Instruma�t unkss Borrowa: (�)
<br /> �roes in wridn�w the paYmrnt af the obligatbn socurod by the lien in a maiu�a ecaptabk to I.�nda;N)cont�aqs in
<br /> good tuth ti�e iien by.a oeiaKis�xi��si c�u"uicra►��i OY li,G Ile:�ir��l�.�F:c�:,;�3f:.8.;rrh.'ch in ttr Lt!!�±!�'s c+�!��
<br /> • opa�te to pntient the rnforcement of the lien:or(c)secures trom th�holda of�he lka an agreernecit saisfact�ay to
<br /> I,enda suboid�n�tinB the litn to this Sa:urity Irutruax,n�If Lc�c{er detamines dw[any part of the Propaty is subjeee a
<br /> a liai which may aa�im pria�ity ova this 5ecurity Instrumait,I.�nda ma►Y g[ve Boirowa a notice idendfying the lien.
<br /> gorrower shsdl sadsfy the llen or take one or more of the actlon�set forth above within 1Q days of tha giving of notice.
<br /> . A.Fea,l,encler may col�ect fe�.t and chsuges authorizod by the Secretary.
<br /> 9.Gror�for Aooekratbn of Deb�
<br /> (�) Def�uk. I.e�ukr msy,except a4 Wnitod by regulabicxis issuod by the Secretary� in the cnse of paymean
<br /> � def�u�ts,roquire immedlata vaymcr�t in full of all sums secureti by thls Socurity Instrument if:
<br /> .� (i)Bormwa deftults by failing to pay in full any monthlY 1�Y�+���9�by thi�Secarity Instrumeent
<br /> prior to a on the due date of the next monthly payroent,or
<br /> " (u)Borrower dcfaulis by failing,for a period of thiny days,tu paform enY otha obligations contained in
<br /> this Sxurity Insuumr.nt
<br /> (b)Sab WkLout Credit Appmval.Lender shall,if permitted by epplicnbla law(inclading Section 341(d) ot
<br /> � ihe Gam-SG Gamain Depository Insti►utions Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.1701 j-3(d))end with the prior epproval of
<br /> the Secratary.requua immedlate payment in fuU of all sums sec�rc�d by this Socurlty Instruma�t if:
<br /> �IR(NE)�o�o�t.o, P�p�a 011 inniur
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