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<br /> If the amount�held by L.endei for Sscrow Items excad the amounis permittod to be held by RESPA,i.endu ahall
<br /> accaunt to Borrower for the eaccess funds as requlred by RHSPA. If the amounLs of fund.a held by Lendcr at eny cime
<br /> ere not sufficicnt to pay thc Bscmw Items when due,Lender may notify the Barowcr and require Bomowu to malce up
<br /> the shortage as permiuod by RBSPA.
<br /> 'll�e E�crow Funds are plcdEod s5 addidanal sccurity for all sums socured by this Socurity Instmmene If Borrower
<br /> cenders to I.endu the full payment of all such sums,Horrower's account shaU be crodited with the balance r�maining for
<br /> all installment items(a), (b). and (o) and any moctgage insucance prcmium instaUment that I..ender ha�not become
<br /> obligaud w pay w the Socretary,and L.endu shaU promptly refund eny excess fund�w Borrower. Immediately prbr to
<br /> a foreclosure sale of Ihe Propaty or its e�cquisitbn by I.endu.Borrower's account�hall be credited wilh any balance
<br /> rcmaining for al!inslallments far itt�ms(e).(b?�and(c). �
<br /> 3.Applicatba ot Pnyme�ta Ali�S►ymencs undu par,►gsaphs 1 and 2 sFiall be applkd by Lendu as fopows: F.
<br /> �,to tho matgage insutturr�premium to'be paid by Lender co the�ecrr.t�rY or to the mont3ily charge by the R.
<br /> gecreuuy inatead of the monthly mncsr�;age insunince premium;
<br /> $�,to any te�ces,spec�a�as,u�ments,leaschold payments or ground renis. and fire,ilood ancl other hazard
<br /> insurence premiums�ps requ�ed� ►,;;
<br /> �,to interest due ur�dw tt�e ATAte: __
<br /> EQ�,tv�unortizadon of�h¢+pr�cipal of the Note;and �.
<br /> �i�p,,to lata charges duc unda tht Note.
<br /> 4.Fire,Flood and OtBer HAmrd Io�uranca Bormwu shall insura aq improvertiaus on the Froperty,whethu
<br /> now in existence or subsoquendy uocs�ad,eBeinst any hezards,casuslpes�and condngencks,including fires,for which
<br /> ����,�isr�in�gance.This insur�noe shell bo meintained'in the emounts az►d for Ihe periods tllrit Lendet�equitt9.
<br /> Barower shaU also inaure Nl impmvamtnts cm the Propaty,whether now in eaist�a�co a auMequently aocted.agtinat
<br /> baa by floods a cha exta►e roquked by�he Socraery.AU insurance ehall ba carrbd with camp�niw y�pmved by L.a�der.
<br /> 'Ilie insutanco poUcies�nd any retwwa►ts elu�ll bc held by I.ender and slwU includo bsa p�yabk ciwses in favor of�and
<br /> fn�fam eoa�t�bla to.L�kr,
<br /> In tha ovent of bee,Borrawu sbali give Lendu i�nmcdiat�e notko by mail.Lenda m�y mako proo!of bss if nut
<br /> �P�AUY bY 8o�mwa.&ch insumncc compmy conccmod i�haaby wthori�ad r+d dlroctod a m�ko pyma�t for
<br /> euch loes direcUy to Lender.innead of t�Borrower md a L�der joinUy.All at Nny pwt of the inwrwnca proceed�n'W►Y
<br /> bo�ppliod bY��u its option, alth�x(a) a thc reducdon of Uw indeblodna� unda Uws Note md thl�Secutiry
<br /> Inqtumeu�b Cuat�o my deW�quem�unts appiiai in fi�u wi�:i���,�ph 3��ssd L':st��:et!y�r�t o!';+!�cini,ar
<br /> (b)to tho cosiondon or ctpair of 1he d��qgal Proputy.Any rpplic�ttjon of tho procoods w the princip�l�haU not exte,�d
<br /> a poet�orb tho dua dato of the monthly p�yments which aro refared to in p�gr�ph 2,a char�ge ttsa mount of such
<br /> P�Ymonts.Any eauxaa inaurance proceeds ovu an�rnount roquired w p�y all ouWanding indebtednc.v unda the Nd�e
<br /> and this Socucity Inatr+Lment stull be padd 1a tho et�dty kgally atdded tha+eto.
<br /> In tha eva�t of forocbsnro of this Sesurity Inatruma�e or other transfa of dtk w the Property that entinguisha the
<br /> indebtodnoss.all right,ptb and intaost of Barowa in nnd to insurance polkies In torce shnll pe�ss w tha purctiasa.
<br /> S. Ooenpaucy► Praerv�tioa,M�intensnoe a9d Protcctbn ot the Property: Borrower'e i a�Appliatba;
<br /> I.we�Mde. Aorrower sNsill occupY.esta�blLeh.end uso the Prapaty�Barower'a principal nsidence within si�sty dsys
<br /> aftei tha oaecution of ihis Socurity In�uument(a wfthin sixty days of a Wa sale or tronsfa of the Pmprx'tyl and sttall
<br /> continnua to oocuPY��P�Y as �arrowcr's principal resida�ce for�t kagt one year efler the date of occup�ncy,
<br /> unless Lenckx detumines thac rcqalramrnt will cause unduc hardship for Boaowa,or unless oatenuating circumstanccs
<br /> exist which aro beyond Barnwer's oontml.Bono�Her shall notify Lender�f any extenoating ciccumstaM;rs.garowa
<br /> shatl not canmit waste oc des��y,dm�ge or substantially chaage the Propr,rty or e11ow the ProPcrty'to detaio�ratc,
<br /> r�easonablo wdr and tcar excoptocl.LcrxScr may inspoct the Property if tha Propeity is vacar►t or ab�►d�oned or the loan is
<br /> in dofa�dG Lendex may take roa.�onAbk action to protect and presuve such vacant or abandoned Pmperty.
<br /> �4R(NE)IN�1.oi Pap�a ot e innuu:
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