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<br /> princlpal arrwunt o/tiw indebtednaes seGUred by►�Is Deed of Truat ra�,l�lu�ipp SUmI Fldvd(1C6d l0 pfOtBCt tt56 6GCUfity ut thl8 DbFid G9
<br /> Trusl,exceed the origlnal principal art�ount stated hereln,or S f33�uuu,ull ,whlchevsr le p�oater.
<br /> 16.Mlscalt�n�ou�Provlrlons.
<br /> (a)Borrower No!Rol��sad.Extenalon of lhe time for peyment or modiflcetlon oi amortlzetlon oi the sums secured by this
<br /> Deed o}Tn,ist granted by Lender to eny successor In Interest of Borrower aha�not operate to release,In any manner,the Ileblli-
<br /> ty ol the orlginal Borrower and Borrowere succeasoro In interest.Lende�shail not be requlred to cornmence proceedlr►pa
<br /> agalnst such successor or refuse to extend time ta payment or otherwise modiry amortizatlon of tha sums secured by thla
<br /> Deed of Truat by reason of eny demands mede by lhe oripinel Borrower end Borrower'a successora In intereat.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r's Powtro.Without aitesting the Ilabf�lty of eny other person IIabIA ior the payment of eny abligatlon hereln men-
<br /> tloned,and without affectlng the Ilen or char�o oi Itifs Daed of Yrust upon any portion of the(�roperty nat lhan or lh^uPJI0fOP0 '
<br /> re�eased ae secudty for the tull emount of ell unpald obllgatlans,Lender may,trom time to time and withaut not4ce(I)release
<br /> any person so liable,(II)extend the metudry or eiter any of the terms oi any such obligatlans,(Ifi)grent ather indutgences,(Iv)
<br /> re�ease or reco�vey,or ceuse to be released o� reconveyed at any time at Le�der's optlon any parcel,portlon or ell oi the
<br /> Property,(v)take or releasa any other or addilbnal security for any obligation herel�mentloned,or(vl)meke compositions or
<br /> othor arrangemente wlth debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> (c)ForMira�a by L�nd�r Not a Walv�r,Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any ri�ht or remedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> erwlse efforded by applicabte law,shail no!DA a waivor of ar preclude the exercise of eny such rfght or remedy.The proaire-
<br /> ment oi Insurence or the payment of texas o�other Iiens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lender's rlght to ecceler-
<br /> ete the malurity of tho Indebtedness seaured bythis Deed ot Trust
<br /> (d)Succa�son and Asslpn�Bound;Jolnt�nd S�v�ral Llablilty;Captkns.The covenarsts and agreements hereln con-
<br /> tained shall bind,and the riQhts hereunder shall Inure to, the respectfve successons and assigns of Ler�der and Truator.All
<br /> covenanb and agreements of Trustor shatl be Jalnt and severel.The captiona and headings oi the parag�hs d thls Deed of
<br /> Truet are for convenience only and are not to be used to Interprot or define the p�ovlsions hereof.
<br /> (e)Requ�st tor Notic�s.Tlie parties hereby request that a copy of any noUcc�ot default hereunder and a copy oi any notice
<br /> af oal�hnroundcr be molled to each psrlyr ta Ihis Deed oi Trust at!*e eddress set torth above in the menner prescribed by
<br /> applicabte law.Except for any other notice required under appllcabie taw to be given in another in�artner,any natice provided for
<br /> in lhis Deed of TNSt shall bo given by malling such notice by certife�mail eddressed to the off�t�7 yarties,et lhe eddress set
<br /> forth ebove.Any noUce�:�ovided for In th(s L7eed ot Tnist sheil be etfiacGv�upon�naiiing(n the manner designated herein. If
<br /> TrusWr Is more than one person,notice ssnt!o the address set forth a�ove shali Ge nalice to all such persons.
<br /> (�tnsp�ctlo�.Lender may maka or cause lo be made reasonable entriea upon and inspecHons oi the F'avporSy,provlded
<br /> that l.ender shall give Trustor no8ce prlor to any such inspection spec;7ying reasanable cause tharofor related 2o Lender's inter-
<br /> est In the Property.
<br /> (gJ Recvnveymc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this l)eed of Tmst, Lender shall request Tn�stee 90 reconvey the
<br /> Proparty and shell surrender this Deed oi Trust and ali notes e�ddencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> Trustce.Trustee shall reconvey the Property,wit#iout werrenty and without charge to the peraon or persons IogaNy enBded
<br /> the►e{o.Tc,utor shall pay all costs of recordation,if any.
<br /> (h) Par�onal Prop�rty;S�w►ity A�rnrrwn�As additional securlty for fhe payment of the Note, Trustor hereby grents
<br /> Lender under the Nebreska Unifortn Commerdai Code a secudty interest tn al fixtures,equipment,end o2t�er personal properly
<br /> used in oonnection with the real estate or Improvements located thereon,end not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a par:of
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This Instrument shall ft�e construed es a Secuiity Agreement under seid Code,and the Lender
<br /> shaA have�II the rights and remed(es of a secured pa:Sy under sald Code in edditlon to the rights and remedies created under
<br /> erxl aocorrled the Lender pursuant to this Dsed of Trust;provided that Lendere rights and remedtea under this paragreph shall
<br /> be cumulative with,end In no w�y a Ilm(tgUon on, Lender's rights end remedles under eny other security agreement slgned by
<br /> Borrower or 7rustor.
<br /> (q I.i�ns�nd EncumbancN.Trostw hereby werrants and represants that there Is no default under the provlatons of any
<br /> mortgape,deed oi truat,lease or purchase conVact describ(ng ell or any pad of the Properly,or other contract,instrument or
<br /> apreoment constituting a Ilen a encumbrance agalnst all ar eny part of the Pmperty(collectively 'Liens�,exisUng es of fhe
<br /> date ot thfs Deed of Trust,and that any and a11 exisdng ilens remaln unmodifled excapt es disclosed to Lender in Trustor's writ-
<br /> ten d(sCbsure ot Ilens end encumbrances provided tor herein.T�ustor shall tlmely pertorm ali of Trustor's obtlgatlons,
<br /> covenants,representadon�end werrendea under any and ali exiating and future[.lens,shall promptly taward to Lender oo�ies
<br /> ot all rbtices of defeult sent In connectlon w(th any and eil existing or tuture Uens,and shell not�Ithout lencle�s prior wdtten
<br /> consent in any manner modffy the provis{ans of or allow eny future advanoes under eny existlng a futuro liens.
<br /> Q)Applk.�tion ot P�ym�nb.Unless otherwlse required by law,sum�pald to Lender hereunder,indu�ing without Hmitetlon
<br /> payments of p�inGpal and Interest, Insuronce proceeds,condemnetlon proceeds end rents and proflts.ahaN be eppl(ed by
<br /> Lender co the amounts due and owing han Tmstor end Borrower In suct� order as Lender in Its sole discretlon deems deak
<br /> abN.
<br /> (k)Stwnbllky.H any provlsbn M thle Deed ot Truat oonAlcts with epplic�bie law or la doclared Inval{d or otherwise unsn-
<br /> foroeabk, auch confiict or Invalldity ahall not affect d�e ofher provlslons of thh Deed of Trust or the Note whkh can be ptven
<br /> efiect wiLhout the con}I{cting provislon,and to thb end the provisfona of this Deed ot TNSt end the Nota are dadared to be sev-
<br /> erable.
<br /> tfie Isame�ersw�()those t�erms es used i�n tl�Deed lof Tnist s�ha I benn ter�changeable.end when the Trusta�nd Borrower ere
<br /> (m)Gov�rnina l.�w.Thls Deed oi Trust shall bo govemed by the lews of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> ' Tnistor ha�s exec�Red thta Deed of Trust aa ot the date written abowe.
<br /> �y In/eAe ti�
<br /> ��� \3� -'� • � Tw.�M. T�.�a�_
<br /> t��mes F. castieoerry, ��°°•� •�°°��^
<br /> a single person)
<br /> Trustor Tn�stor
<br /> v •
<br /> �v Y't. ,.
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