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<br />� ' �' 'Proauads")In connoctlnn with condomnetlon or olher taking o(the Property or part thoroaf,or far convoyance In Ileu ol condc+mnetlon.
<br /> �••°,�Y� lenderehallbe entitled at Its optlon to commenco,eppear In artd prose�cut9 In Ite own name any nction or procuodinga, Alll) 9hflll A1S0 -
<br /> ;�: bc�entilled lo mako any compromisa or settlement In cannectlon wlth such lakinp or dnmago.In tho ovont ony ponlan ol tlifl Prap�rty Ir�
<br /> �� �' � `* so leken or dameged, Lender ahall have the optlon In Ita sole and ebaotute dls�retbn, to apply all such proceeds, aitor dnduc8np
<br /> � � thereiram all casls and expensos Incurred by it in cnnnectlon wEth euc�Procoed�,upon any Indebtodnoss secu�od hemUy�nc1 in such
<br />�:'�:n;� .�' onkr e�Lender mey determine,or to apply ail such Proceeda,efter s�ch deductlon�,to tha rostoratlan oi the PropArty upon such�on-
<br /> �� � dfllons as tender may determine.Any applicetlon o9 Proceeds to Indebtedneos sholi nat exlend or postpnne tlte d�,fe deitu of�ny pay-
<br /> . �. +
<br /> mnnta unc3er tiie Nofe,or cure eny default theraunder ar hereundar.Any unappllcd funds�hall ba pnld to Tru�tor. .
<br /> -'=`�'. 6.P�rforn►�na by L�nder. Upon the occurrance oi en Event of Defauit hereunder,or ii any act Is leken or legal proceo�ing
<br />,i.�� commenced whlch materfaily aifects Lender's interoat In the Property,Lender may In Ils own discretlon,but without obligatk�n to d�so,
<br /> end wiihout natice to or demend upon Trustor end without releasing Trustor from any obligallon,do eny act which Tmstc�n c�ts ap�eed
<br /> -----�_,,,�,m but ta,led to do end may also do any other act i!deemy necessary to ptotect the aecuriry heroof. Trustor shall. Immedi�tufy upon
<br /> �-r• .: �� demand therefw by Lender,pay ro:.ender ail costs end expenses Incurred und sums expendod by LendQr In cunnectbn wflh 1hfl�xer-
<br /> , ,� cisa by Lander o(the foregoing dghts,together with tnteroat thereon at the deteuit rate provided In the Note,whlch ahe�ll ba aclded to
<br />-f�;r��1��:• the Indebtedness secured hereby.L.ender shall nol Incur eny Uabitiry because o1 anything it may do or omlt to da heraundnr,
<br /> �{�3� ' 9. Hwrdous�flat�rial�.Tre�stor shell keep the Property in eompllance wiM eil applicabte laws, ordlnanc�ea and r[�put;�tlnns
<br /> ` � relating ta Industdal hy�lene or environmental protection (collectively referred to hereln as'Environmentol La+na'). Tn��tor shnll koep
<br />-'��V ...`4.
<br />:-;��;��.�, the Property(ree from all substances deemed to be hezerdous or toxic under any Envlromm�ntal Laws(collectively rotnrmd to herefn
<br />•.�.+t� �� � as"Hazardous Matedats").Trustor hereby warrants and represants to Lender thet thore are no Hazardous Matedale on or undor the
<br />="=�- Property. Tmstor hereby egrees to indemnify end hold hermless Lander,Its directors,oNicers,employees end agents,and any succes-
<br />-- -� sors to lender's interest,irom and againat any and pll clalms,dameges,losseo end ifabfiiUes arising In connectbn wilh the presence,
<br /> T-�`�� u�, dis�^I or tr�nsport oi any H�rdous A�atedels an,�mder,from or ebout the Property.THE FOREGOINCi WARRANTIfS ANQ
<br /> �':��:Y
<br />_ 10.Asslpnmmt of R�nt�. Trus�or 7rereby assigns to Lando�, end grants Lender e cecurity Interest In, all presenl,tuture and
<br /> '_'''�g�'_"• efter adsing rente,issues end profits of tMe Pruper:y;provided that Trusta shall,unUl the octurrence of en Event of Delouh,hereunder,
<br /> � �+ � have the right to collect and retaln sucle�encs,issuas and profits as thay become duo anci payable.Upon the occurtanoa of an Event oi
<br />-=!�_:�� Qefault,Lender may,either in person a,;by agent,wfth or without bringirsg eny ectfon Ar proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> a�-Y"�:• court anct wilhout regard to the adequacy of its security,enter upon and teke possassbn at the Property,or any part theraoi,in its own
<br /> '"� name or 3n Ihe name of the Trustee,and do any acts whlch it deems necessary or desirable to presorve the value,marketaWiity or
<br /> -�`,,�`�� rentability o1 the Prope�ty,or any part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the Income therefrom or protect the security h�reof and,
<br /> ��,��-� wlth orwithout taking passession of the Property,sue for or otherwise wllect the rents,Issuos and profits thereol,tnduding t)wse pest
<br /> ;,;,;y�� due and unpaid,by noGiying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may epply rents,Issues end profds, less cacts end expens-
<br /> -°s�"�'t�a es of operallon and collecdon including attomay's fees,to Any indebtedness secured hareby, all In such order as Lender may deter-
<br />-;-,,°r°,;�� mine.The entedng upon and taking possession of the Property,the cdlectfon oi such rentR, Issuea end profib, and tfie epplication
<br /> -r:J..�� thereot as aforesald shall not cure or waive any detau!t or notice of detault hereunder or Invalidate any act done i�response to such
<br /> . default or pursuant to such notice of defeult and, notwithstanding the continuance In possesslon ot the property or the collection,
<br /> _ --:�..�� receipt and applkation of rents,Issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to excrci�e every�ight p�ovided for in any oi the
<br /> x `�� Loan InsSr,wients or by law upon occi;rnence of any Event oi Default,Including without Iimitation the right to exerclse the poinner oi sale.
<br /> -°�:'?� Further,Lander'e rights and remedies under thls paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in nct way a Iimitatbn on,Le�s sigt►ts and
<br /> remc3di�s under eny assignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver shaA be Hable to
<br /> account ony for those rents actually received.
<br /> 1!.Evsnts of DNault.The fdlowing shall constitute en Event of pefauR un�der this Deed of Trust:
<br /> (a)Feilure to pay eny Installment of prindpal or intere$t or any other sum secu�ed heseby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or defauft un8er any provlsion contefned in the Note,this Deed ofT�ust,any of the Loan Instrum�rnts,or any
<br /> ___:!�� oiherlien or encumbrance upon tha Property;
<br /> ��-- (c) A writ oi execution or attachment or any similer process shall be entered agalnst Trustor whlch shall become a Uen on
<br /> Ihe Property or any portlon theraoi or Interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shall ue filed by or against Trus2nr or Borrower en action under any present or future tederal,stato or oU�ar statute,
<br /> _ — law a regulAUon relaUng to bankruptcy,insoivency or other reiief for debtora;or thero ehail be eppolnted any tmstee,recefver or
<br /> - --= Ilquldator of Trusta or Borrowet or of all or any part af tfie Property,or Me rents,Issues or proftts thereof.w TmsLOr or Borrower
<br /> -= ° shall make any general assignment for the be�efit of credHors;
<br /> _ ._ - (e) The seto, trensfer, lease.a�signmen2, conveyance or further encumbrence of eil or any pa+t of or any Interest in the
<br /> Property,either voluntarily ar Involuntarily,wlthout the express written consent of l.ender;provided that Trusta shull be permit-
<br /> - ted to execute a lease ot th�Property that does not contafn en option to purchase end tho term of which does nW exceed one
<br /> - year,
<br /> _ _ (Q Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> � (g) If Trustor is not an Individual,the Issuance,sate,transfer,asslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more then(it a
<br /> �' � oorporatbn)a total ot percent af Its lssued and outstarxiing atock,or(If e partnsrsh�p)a total oi per-
<br /> -p';''= centof partnarshfp interests,or(If a Iimited lial�l(ty company)a tot21 ot percent a11he umited f(abitity compa-
<br /> = ny(Merests or voUng rights dudng the period�this Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property.
<br /> _,vi�a 12.R�m�dles;AccNentlon Upon Dshult.3n 9he event of any Event oi Dofauit Lendar may,without noUoe exc�pt as required
<br /> -,,^��� by law,dedare all Indebtedness secured hereby to 5e due end payable end the seme shall thoreupan become due end payabte wlth-
<br /> �=��,,r,�.� out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of mny kma.i ndRSai�er�ender may:
<br /> -:�.�`�� (a) Demancl that Tn�stee exerclse the PC�►NER OF SALE granted O,erein,and Trustee shell ttxir��fter cause Trustors tnEer-
<br /> :-�"��'� e5t In the Propm�rly to be sotrJ and the procoeds to be dlst�ibuted,all In Yhe mannor prov(ded In the Nebraske Tmst Deeds Act;
<br /> ;:.;:;'.a;;�_ (b) Exercfse any and all dghts provided tor in any of the Los�n Instruments or by lew upnn mccurtt►nce of eny Event of
<br /> __`�'y'�=°' Default•and
<br /> �';'��'`�`� (c)Commence an actlon to forectose thls Deed of Trust as e mortgage,appoint e recelvor,or specificaliy enforce any oi tho
<br /> . f' i'�F.•'�r
<br />-;_��.?�';;_v�,;.. covenants hereof.
<br /> _-- < No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> '°�^` �y� Insbvments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall bo in�dditbn to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> Iw Ii�w 1 iv�w I..�.I...r�..�.. .L��.�..M�w�tw1l.M M Iw��.w�!w�...•t1.....i...��wM.M ...�A wnm.►�w w ...�..1.....1 w........w..wll. L.J� .Jl..
<br /> --vi'ary�.� nt��v r � �vu�ttto�uo vi iNii V� ��v�voa�v�vn�w�y o���tt vt r��vyu���v�v�v�v�vav�a��v�twq w vnv�v�vaa�w�tw�rvt�u�� n�VCa�IV�fuo�tY�
<br /> . or suceesNely.
<br /> °�''� 13.Trustee.The Trustee may resipn at eny timo without cause,end Lendor may at any timo and without cause appu(nt a suc-
<br /> ,'���"=�=-. '• cossor or substitute Trustee.TrusQee shall not be Ilable to any party,Includ�ng wlthout Ifmltatlon Londor,Borrower, Tmstor or eny pur-
<br /> =.l: � '`. ;. ti. chaserot the Property,for any loss or damage unless duo to reckless or wNlful mtsconduct,and shall not ba required lo take any aclion
<br /> - '� �� in connection wiU�the enforcement ot th(s Deed of Trust unless indemnified,in wriNng,for all costs,compensatlon or expensas wh(ch _
<br /> -' ' ' -�'�"� may be assocfated therewith.In additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale o(Ihe Proparty Qudicfal or under the power ofi
<br /> ' t,��" sale ranted hereln;postpone lhe sale of all or an
<br /> g ) y portion ot the Property,as proMided by Iaw;�r sell the Proporty as a whole,or In
<br /> - ' separate parcAis or lots at Trustee's dlscretfon.
<br /> � , 14.Fea�and Expensef.ln the event Trastee sslis the Property by exercfse oi power of sale,Trustao shall De entilled to apply
<br /> '.,;�,.�.,ti�r eny sale proceeds first to payment of ell costs and expenses oi exercising power oi sale, including all Trustee's fces,and Londer's and
<br /> ,'�;,° Trustee's altorney's fees, actually incurred to extent permftted by applicable law. In Iho avent Borrowor or Trustor oxorciscs any right -
<br /> -'��aC, ,��: .
<br /> �_�,�:;;.�. provided by law to cure an Event o�Default,Lender shali be entftled to rocavor irom Trustor all costs and oxpenses aGuatty incurced es =
<br /> �{�.�.�M��3.t a result of Trustor's default Including without Ifmitatian all Trustee's and ettomey's fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law. _.
<br /> - �•�-a'.. 75.Futur�Advanc�s.Wnon request of Borcower,Lender may,aY fts opUon,make additional and futuro advances and read- -
<br /> ., vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with interest therc�on,shall be securod by this Deed ot Trust. AI no timo shall tho
<br /> --�
<br />