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<br /> cr�;•� evidencal try the Nato,inclu3ing,but not limited to,repttscntatione concerning IIorrower e accupancy of the
<br />�:;:.ad� Property es e princ�pal reeidence.I[thie Security Instru�nent ia on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply wlth the
<br />:;t��` "` provieione of the lease. Tf Borrower acquires�oc tttle to the Property,tha lensehold and tee title shall not be
<br />,;� merged unless LendCr ngreas to the morger in wri2ing.
<br /> �� ' 6. Condema�tion. The proceeda of eny award or c.leim 4or damages, direct or coneoquontial,in
<br /> ��`� co�xtion with eny condemnetion or other taking oi nsay part of the Property,or for conveyastca ia place of -
<br />��r��`� condemnatlon, aro hereby assignod and ehell be paid to I.ender to the extent of the�ull emount of tho
<br />�"'���.'.�',';t indabte�dneae that remnins unpaid under the Not� nndthia Socudty Instrument.I.ender ehell �pply suah
<br /> ''z*-�ii; :�,.
<br />_.,�,_,s,, procoede to the reduction of tho indebtodness under the Note �nd thie Security lnsuument, ret to my
<br /> -=='�RK.�. definquent�mounte appliod in the ordor providod tn pan�raph 3,�nd then to prep�yment of prinotp�l. Any
<br />_...:_�=:,� applicatton ot the procoede W tho princip�l shall not eztend or poetpone the due dtte ot the monthly
<br /> i�-� peymente,whiGh aro reterred to in pragngh 2,or chtnge the tmount of auch paymente.Any eYCeas proceede
<br />_ �4'°�'"�� over m�mount requi►�ed to gxy all outeundi��indebtednaie under the Note and thie Seaurity Inatrument dhdi
<br /> be pld to the entity le�ally entitled theroto.
<br /> �:':�.�."� 7. Ch�r�es to Borrowor�nd Proteetioa�f Lea�ler'a Risdt�in tho Proporty. Borrowor shall�y ell
<br /> �ovommenta! or municip�! ch�rg�, fines a,nd tmpneitions that ere not included in pare�reph 2. BorroNer
<br /> �" �:y�� eh�ll pay these obli�attone on time directly to the entity which ie owed the payment. It failuro to pey would
<br /> '"�`'` advoroely afiect I.ender's intereat in tho Property,upon Lender's requeat Bonower shall promptly fumieh to
<br /> --°..�.,y� I.snder rc�ceipte evidencing these payments.
<br /> a h 2 or feila to orm
<br />-��,� If Borrower tailA to make theao paymente or the paymente roquired by paragr p ,
<br /> any other covenante and egreomente containod in thie Security Instromant�or there ie a legal procoeding that
<br /> -__L� may significantly affxt I,ender's righte in tho Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptay,for condemnation
<br /> ,.,;y�; or ta enforce lawe or regulstiona),then Lender may do �nd pay whatevcr is aecessery to protect the value of
<br /> ________ til0 YfOpCI'LY all0 LOAdCf�B i1gI11A lA iuo ii��'2��ii1C2iS�:f j F:.jn1LP.:^�*-°-'�'."..°,h_�*r�':na»r�nc.n and ather itoms
<br /> -�- �' mantIoned in perngraph 2.
<br />---�:°;,� Any amounta disbureod by Lcnder under this paragreph shall becomo an additional dobt of Borrower�ad
<br /> ______„:� be securod by this Security Instrument.Theso emounts shall bear intereat trom the date of digbursement,at
<br /> - - the Noto rate,and at the option of Lender,shall be immediitely due and payablo.
<br /> BorroNa shall pmmptly diecharge any lien which hae prlority aver thie Security Inetrument unlese
<br /> Borrower: (a}agroae in writing to the pnyxnent of the obligation eocured by tho lien in a mannor ncceptable to
<br /> I,ender;(b)contests ia go�d teith the lien by,or defends tgainst enforcoment of the lien in,logal proceeding�
<br /> -�^-� which in the Lender's opinion operate to provent the anior��csment of the lien;or(c)eecures irom the holder of
<br /> tho lien�n cgreement eatlsfactory w Lender subordinating the lion to thie Socurity Instrument. It Lender
<br /> determines that any part of the Property ie subject to�lien which msy attain priority ovor thle Security
<br /> - Inetrument,Lendar may give Borcower e notice identifying tho liea.Borrower shall setiefy tho lien or teke one
<br /> or moro of the nctions set forth abovo within 10 days of tM giving of notice.
<br /> _. 8.Fees.Lender may colloct iees and charg�es euthoriud by the Socretsry.
<br /> �—. 9.Grounda for Accelerati�a ot Debt.
<br /> : (a) Default. Lendor may,oxcept as limited by regutations ieauad by the Secrotuy, in tho case of
<br /> �ayment deiaults,require immediate payment ia tull of ell eums eocured by thie Security Inetcument
<br /> �t:
<br /> (i) Borrower dofeulte by failiag w pay in full any montlily payment roquired by thie Security
<br /> Instrument prIor to or on the due date af the nert monthty payment�or
<br /> (ii) Borrowor defcults by f�iliug,for a period of thirty deys, to per[orm eny other obligationa
<br /> contained in tbie Security Inatrumenx.
<br /> (b)Sale Without Credit A�proval.Lender s1u11.it permitted by appliceble lnw(including Section
<br /> 341(d)oi 4�o Garn-St.Germnin Deposltory Institutions Act oi 1982, 12 U.S.C.1701j-3(d))end with
<br /> the ptior approvel ot the Sccretary,require irnmediate pnymont in tull ot all sume eecured by thie
<br /> Security Instrument if:
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