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<br /> or Pro I�u�ntnc,e• Borrower ehall keep the improvements now exis�t�in�ot h1_�t�f�� Qn tl�e —
<br /> S. H�zxrd P��Y
<br /> Pro�erty iiuured Ags��ut los.4 by fite. ha�ards i�x;luded withln the terni'extended coverage' Atxl Any other h�zRrds, i�Itxling _
<br /> tlocxls oe floodiag. for which Lender requires insvru�ce. 'I'hls insunux:e shall be n�nt�inod ln tbe swounte xnd for the petiods
<br /> that i.cndcr mquicr.q.7'he in�suraix:c curier providing the iusurance shall be choscn by Bormwer subject to Lender's approv�l
<br /> which st�xil mt be uareuotatbly withheld. If Bonrawer :ails to uuintain.ove►�tgo d.escribed xbove� Le�xiei ru�y. At LCBL{CP's -
<br /> optiou�obain coverage to proce�:e Leader's dgh�.�in cius Propeny in wccardanoe wi�h P�►�8r�ph 7.
<br /> All ins�ru�ce policies aud nnewals slwl! be accapGlble to Lender�ud shall i�lude a st�ndArd mortgage cl�use. Len�kr
<br /> shall have the riglu to hold the policles and renewAln. If L.ender requires,Bonower sball prompdy Blve to Lcnder all reaipts of
<br /> p�d p�niu�us and nnewal�tices.Iu the event of lass,Bosrovv�r shall give prompt nodce to the insvrance carrler and Lx�er•
<br /> L.eader may make pmc�f of loss lf not made protn�dy by Bortower. liai to resu,ratlou or np�ir of tha ..
<br /> Unl�s,v Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng.insucswce proceeds shall be xPP
<br /> property damaged,if the re.stondon or repair is economically fes�sible wd Leader's security ls not lassened. If the mtor�don or
<br /> nptir is mt econamicalty feasible ot Lender's security would be lessened, the iasurance proceeds shall be xppUed to the svnos
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument, wh�cher or r�ot then due. wlth any eacess paid to Borrower. If Bormwer iba�odoa9 the
<br /> Pcoporty, or das not swswer wittiln 30 days a aotice fram 1-ender tY�t tbe insurAnce carri�r�as°��to settle a cliim, then
<br /> I,enckr may collect the ins�uwce Proceeds. 1.�nder may use t1�e Proceods to repair or reswn the Property or to pay soms
<br /> secured by this Scw:urity InstrJmeat,whsther oa no:tleen�uo.'R�e 30�1aY Period w�11 txBln when the aotice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender xnd Banowcr wl�e�wise agcee in wridng, anY apPlicadon�f procads ta pri�igsl s1nU not cxtend oa
<br /> postpone the due date of the mont6ly payments nferred W in paragrapbs 1 and 2 or change ttte Amount of the paymetus•If under
<br /> paragr�ph 21 tlie Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to anY ��� Policies and proceods r�uldn8 fro�►
<br /> dun�ge to the Propeny prior to the acquisiaon shall pass ro I.eader to the�xtent of she suzns secural by ttds Security Iast�ument
<br /> immaliately pdor to tl�e acquisidon.
<br /> 6.puupAncy,Pr�servatbn.Malnttnznu and Protedion of tEu PeopeYt7i��wer's I.oRn Applk�ttoo;I.eaed�dds.
<br /> Bormwer shall occupy.esutblish,aad use d�Pcoperty as Borrow�r's pri�ipsl residence within sixty dxys after the execution of
<br /> t�is Security Insuument Arxi shall contimie to occupy the Property as Borrowor's princip�l residenice for�t le�st o�yar a�ter
<br /> tt�e dnu of occupsmcy.unless Ltndcr ot}�nvise�gras in wridng,which conscut shall not be unrea9onibly arithLeld,or unless
<br /> eatenuadng circumstat�ces caist which an beyoM Borrower's coatrol. Borrower stull not destroy� dam�8a or impair tl�e
<br /> - rropc�iy, +iil�w 'w�:.. rt�; Sc•!�t�^�r�, �r cnmmit wasu on the ProDertY. Borrowet sball be in defxult if ony forfeit�c�e
<br /> acdoa or proceediag, whett►er ctvil or criminal,is beguu that in Leuder's good faith judgment could cesult in forfeiuu'e of ine
<br /> p�rty or othecwise materially impair the lien r,reated by this Security Iastnunent dr Lender's securlty interest.Bosower may
<br /> c�ute such s default and ceinstate.as provided in paragraph 18,by ca�sing the Acdon or pincseding W bo dismissed with a iulin8
<br /> q�t, ���r's g�faith detcimination, Prxludes forfeitun af the Borrower's intarest in the PmpeIIty ar ather tpsterlal
<br /> impxirment of the llea ccrated by ttus Security Instnunent or I.ender's security intecsst. Borrower sl�tll stlso 3x in defwlt if _
<br /> ' Borrovvtir,during the loun applicadon process,gave maurially talse uT InACCUrate infomnAdou or stattme�ats.a to Londar(ar fiilled
<br /> , to provide T.ender with�ury material informaaon)in connxtton witb��he laa evidenoed by the Note,irx.�uding�b��t not ltmitod
<br /> , to.representaaons conc�ming Borrower's occupancy of t�e Property as a princip�l nsidence. If this Security InStnwoent is on a
<br /> � l�asehold. B�rrower shal� cauP1Y with All the provisions of We lesse. If Borrower rcquires fee dtle to zhe Propatiy, tl�e
<br /> ? lessehold 4nd the fee title shall mt mcrge unless Lender pgcas to the merger in writing.
<br /> � 7.Protedion of Y.d�der's RIYMs in the ProPM7.If Borrower fails to perfozm the coven�nts wd agreame.nts cont�in
<br /> � t1�is Security Instrument, or then is a legal proceedln8 that maY ab'��Y affxt I.oAder's rlghts ia tLe Pmpaty(such as a
<br /> procacliag in banktupccy, probate,for condemnadon or forfeiture or ro enforce lawe or regulxdons),then Lender mty do And
<br /> �ay for whatever is necessary to protect tha value of tha Pmperty and Lender's rights in the Property. Lendes'�s�caons may
<br /> include paying any snms securtd bY a lien which t�AS priority over this SeaaaitY Insttum�nt� APix�nt� ��+ P�Y�B
<br /> reuonable attornays' fees and entering on the Property to malce repairs• AlchouBh Lencler may tatie action undet this par�gxtp�
<br /> 7,Lender dcxs not have to do so.
<br /> Any amovnts disbursed by Lender un�fer Wis parugraPh 7 st�ll become xddldon�l debt of Bonower socucod by thls
<br /> Security Inctrnment. Unless Bonower and Leudcr agra tu oth�s te:ms of payu�ent,these sw�ounts slwll t►eAr 3nt�ttisc from tbe
<br /> date of disbursement at thc Note ratc and st�all be payable, with interest. upon nodce from L.e�ler to Bomnwer requesting
<br /> PaYment.
<br /> 8.Mod�age I►ssurance•If L,e�ler nquirod mortgage insura�ce�s a condldon of maicing the loin secural by tbi�Secnrity
<br /> Instivment. Borrowcr shall pay the premiums ro4wral t� mainrain the mortgage insuru�ce in effxt. If, for any re�von, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage cequired by Lender l�pses or cwses to be in effxt. Borrower stuill PaY th�pr��s��t0
<br /> obqin coverage substantially equivalent to the mottgage intivrance pceviously in effxt. at a cost subsw�tislly equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrovv�r of the mortgage insurance previously in eKxt, from an altemau mortgage insurer appmval by Lender. If
<br /> substandally equiv�lent mongege iasurAnce coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month t sum eqwl to
<br /> one-twclfth of tl�e yearly mortgage ln5urxnce premium being paid by Bonower whea the inyvrance coverag�lapsed or ceaved to
<br /> �' be in effect.I.euder will accept.use ancl retain thes::payments as �loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insucs►nce• Loss reseiva
<br /> Fom,3o2�e�s�qso��
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