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<br /> V p,�p rn� NEBRAaKA 4194�C0805144401
<br /> � DEED O� TRUST 4�a��v�xo� �
<br /> /�.�-�;3'/ � 0
<br /> �" (iRAHtt�i �T^ �
<br /> _ �+R�� �i C
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<br /> ADDRE$$ �
<br /> 1107 Ola,lU[0llA AV6 e i iio3 o�u.Axaeu sve a
<br /> q�ND I/LRND Nt 688018101 � aRAND IDIAND.�6 688018301
<br /> I
<br /> !TELE�FIONE M0. 0�1�AT101i N0.
<br /> �� ��'��D' I 507807186_______
<br /> _ 50780?l��b �_
<br /> TEE: ►IR�T BANR Ol oOtlTH L771NtlTA NA
<br /> pp BOx 5�00 OIOD% ►ALLD YD 57117
<br /> In caisideratlon of tl�e loan a other uedit accamnndetion hereinafter spedf�ed,aydm��aru valu�ade considerelbn�,bt�t�recaipt end wffldoncYof which
<br /> rray Fscroinatlet be adveneett or inux►ad and ina iruai i�aro���aYa�rt,a:......r._-.t�-•o--- � ��ys end eask,�na to inut�e.�is.uci�:s:�:.a:
<br /> w��by acivpwladged,(3rentor hereby irrovocebly wartent�,bergalns,sells,transtars,p�nt .
<br /> attipm,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE fa�ha ba►�ofA end eewritY at ■ir�e Bank oS /outh Dakotw (Natioaal A�soolationl
<br /> _('Lerds�r'l�1FN
<br /> �ry untbr thls Dee�ol Trust,under end wbJect to the tems end condit�ons herein set forlh,wfth right of emry end posseislo�el�of C,nnto��prs�nt
<br /> ■�i�uiurs c�,:t.�rl;ht,tN�w nnd Imerest in end to the real propKty describad in Schadule A whbh Is a9tar.hsd to ihl�1pa�d wi��Nrritetk k�n n�ll msehlnKy�
<br /> hy this ntor�,lopeth�r wilh all preaent and tuture improvements and fixiwa;aif I+r�oWt"�pn���or ussd fn oonn�dfon +�h 1tx►�
<br /> �q�prn�nt.buKdrp metxials,arxl poods of every isaturo(exdudirp cansumer gaode) �s auodated wUh tM PropKty.
<br /> prop+�ty.whwtt►sr or no►affixad to the land:Privikipes.hersdtennnts,end e�ppuKSnMa�ptdudki0 dl dwelolxtrrd r�h
<br /> wi�tlwr Prevkwaly w subseQuen�Y transferred to the P�op�rty hom othe►roel prop�Ay or now a twreaftar suso�ptibb of ianc�frr���tth�nwl
<br /> ntl PrcpsrtY:be�s.Iicenssi and othx egnertwntr,renls.Isw��and profits:water.w�ll.ditch.re�s�v«�use end b�erbnfk of L�rKbr,hls sucas�on rnd
<br /> proporty(wrr�ulettveiY In fu�ot all�Obligat oni s sea'�nd heroby.��y�the rlflhis husbY fN�
<br /> u��,umY peyrt�e+n e s wnrterrt,oc�»nsnt,end
<br /> Morwv�r.k�funher considera�bn.Grent�r do�a�(or f3rantor and 4rantofs heka.repreeentetivss end asdv'�r�h�rel�Y xpro s�Y
<br /> p�w wilh L�end Trunne end thoir sucasson ar�d assifln�es foMows:
<br /> 1, p6UGAT10NS. Thts Deod of Trust shall s�axs 11»payrnens end paAomience o1 ell pre�ent and hAun Indebladr�sa,HabiH�ks.odlg��s�d
<br /> oar�nenls of Borrower o►Grenta(cumulativsly'Oliligetlat�')to Lender pursuant to:
<br /> (�)this D�ed o1 Trust and tha tollawin�promissory nota and ot�agreemems: ��Y
<br /> P8M1Cp�A1.'11A1b1M1T� � !lt711 1 tA
<br /> I------. _ �— —_, '—"—'�___
<br /> 17,500.00 I 04/B9/97 � 04/1910a I4190080805144401
<br /> � � �
<br /> �,�� I � to s o niat ��x�c �a�m�adtfl��t
<br /> (b)ell otl�presem w`firture,w'ntlen aQreementa v�rth►.e►i�ar t a�i i roi'ei s�ca�f J
<br /> p�wpOSM th�n tho lonpoirg):
<br /> (c)eny puaranty ol odlge'ions ot olher perUes piven to Len�kr now or herea8er er.ecuted'thal re��n to mis Daed of T�ust;
<br /> (d)futurs edrances.whether oWigatory or oplior►nl�to the sarr►a oxtom as it rrede conterrporer�soualy whh►h�ex�cutlon of this Daad of 1Yus�,msds a
<br /> �xt�nded on behall of Grantor o�9ortn�rer. Grenta epreas that i1 one of the Obligafions Is a Iins of credtt.tha Ilen of ihfa Da�d ol Tnrp ah�l oominu�
<br /> untN pey�rrnt In tull of ell dabt due under the Ilne nalwhhntanding tha tact that fiom tlme to Hme(but bafore tarminatla�of tho Nne)no baL�'�a mvY b�
<br /> oulatarxfng. A1 no time during the term ot thfs Deed of Trust or any extensbn theroot�t►all the unpeld end oulster�nD wax?d P����un
<br /> advarw0s,not Indudinp sums ndv2�nceol bY Lender to�xateet the aecurlty ot thls dBed ot Trust,exeead tM tol{oxing emounl: Sr—' --
<br /> Th1t provlsfon shall not constHwo en obllgatton upon or commltrnant ot Lender to rr�ka ndditional edvanas a bans to C;�errta;end
<br /> (e)all a�ndrt�nt�,extersfons.renowals.modflcatlons,replacoments er substilutbns to eny ot the forspoing•
<br /> As u�sd fn th;t Paregragh 1.the torms drentor end Bortower shall Indude and elso rtx+an eny 0►antor a Borrower if more then one.
<br /> Z REPRESEHTATt�19,WARRAHI'IES AND COYENlINTS. Grantor represents,wannnte and covenants to Lender lhat:
<br /> (e) Gnantor has tee slmpte marketable t1tle to the Proparly end shell melntain the Propeny frou of ell Ilens,seauicy Interests,encumbtanoee a�d delms
<br /> except for thls Ooed of Tnist and those desaiW�d In Sehadule B,whlch Is attached to thls Deed ot Tnist end Incorporatad hareln by refer�noe.whith
<br /> _ Grar.icr c�grees to pay and perfarm In a tlmely rranner: , , _, �_.__...,�...._��..W.e,�,i.���unns.Indudina.wfthout llmltatlon,those relating to
<br /> - (�(� (b) Grantor Is In compianco In an rospaas wiin aii eppiiwina�wa+e�,���.��.�-.-----..__._._o_ - Y
<br /> �,J!f 'Hazardous Iuletarials;as ctetinsd here�n,and othx envlronmental rr�attcrs(tho'Envlronrrental Laws'��dnl�Uhe�r t,�h����n9stra va actfons with
<br /> . pthc►myemmont�l or quasl govommenlal anlity has filed a lion on tho Property,nor ars thera enY 9�
<br /> nspecl to envlronmentat mattors poncfing.or to the besi ol the Grantor's knowladpo,threatened.whldi InvoNa tha Property. Nohher(3rentor ra►�ta
<br /> the bost af Grantor a knowledpe.any other p��u1y has used,generated.reteased.discharged,s!orad.of dlaposed of eny Hazerd�wa Matxiel�as d�fx�sd
<br /> h�rsln,I�conhectlon w8h the Property or ttansported anY Hazerdous Materlals to ar hom the Property Grantor ahall not corm�t or Port►it wch eclkHis
<br /> - lo be tak�n In tha tuturo. 'fhe lerm'Hazardous Matorlals'shaN meen nny�ubstanon,m�lerbl or waste wh�IaW�ba��w';�����`
<br /> - powrrnr�antat euthcriry In.HUding,but not limfl�d to.(q petroloum:pq hiabb or�ronlrlebN asb�stos�(iN)RdYd�orN�t
<br /> meterlals a wastos destgnated es a'hazardous substance'pu►sunnt to uectton 311 of 1M Claen Wetor Ac1 a li:ted pura.iant to Section 3n7 of tt»
<br /> Cfean'Naser Act or uny emQndn�ents or roplacements to these statutes;(v)Ihos�cubntenaf•mel�rtels u was�1 de0fi�;s,a�"���,�Shase
<br />_v pusuant to Socilon tp04 of ttw Resnurce Cons�rvatlon end Recovory Act e►eny�rrnrxlnie�ts°► roplaca � C�ronmentel Responso.
<br /> -- wbstances. rt�+:aiala or wastes defined ae a 'hazardous substance"pursuant to Sectbn 101 of tha Corripml►sn
<br />--- G.�rpenaa�ion and Llabil�ty Act,or rjny nmendrTiants or replacements to Ihat stntute or any other NmiUY state a ted�ral etetute, rule,regulatbn or
<br /> -- nMinarice now or hereatter In clfoct. Grantor s h a l l no t Iease or pe r n i t t h o s u b{ease ot 1Ne Pro p e rt y to a tenant or su6lenant whase operetions rrny
<br />°° nsult f,i contaninailo.i o1 th3 Property�fth Fi+uerdo�is Materials nr tox�c substoncss:
<br /> N£�OT Rev.t�.9� Pk,o 1 d 6 .--�
<br /> � . . .. __ . _.. . ... . .------
<br />