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201201691 <br /> tlny application of pay»�cnte, insUrai2ce proceeds, or IvliscellTneous Proceeds to�cineipal clne nnder fl�o NoCe <br /> sl�all not cxtcnd or posTpoue the due date, or change the amounti, of'the Periodic Paynients. <br /> 3. I'imds for Esc�row Items. ,Borrower sl�all pay to Lencler ou the d�y Periodic P�ymenYs are due mider the <br /> Note, uutil U2e Noie is pnid in full, n sum(the "Funds")to provide foi pa�yment of amowits due for; (a) taxes <br /> nnd 2ssessmenta and other items which ow attaiu priority over thie Soctiirity insYrun�ent ae a lien or <br /> enctunbrance on the Property; (U) leaael�old pttymcnls or grotu�d rents on the Property, if eny; (c)premimns <br /> �for m�y zn�d a11 ii�sui°m�cc requirec�6y Lend�nnder Seotion 5; aud(d)Mortga�ge Iuaneauce�n��ninn�,�, if any, <br /> or any sums payal�le�by Borrower to Lender in lieu o�f the payment of Mortgago Tneurancc prev�imns in <br /> accorda�ice with the proviaions of Section 10. Tl�esc iYcros are called"L�scrow Items." At originaYlon or at <br /> aaiy time dm'ing the tierm of the l.oab, ,Lcndcr mny reqLUre t1iaY Commm�ity Association Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assnssiaienfs, if acry, be esorowed by Borrower, end auch dues, fees ancl asecssinent's ehall be an�acrow <br /> ICem. Boxrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all noticcs of ai2io'�uri's t�be paid under thie Section. <br /> Borrower shn11 pey Zender tlie Fiwdy for Nscrow 7tc:me � Lender waives Boirower's obligation to pay <br /> the Funcls for any or all Rscrow Itcros. Lcndei may w�iive Borrower's obligation to pay to l.e�ider Funds for <br /> any or all F'scrow ltcros at any time. Any such waiver nia�y onlg be In wi�tii�;. In th�ewnt oPsuch waiver, <br /> Borrowor shall pay directly, when aud wliere payaUle, the amoLnite duo For eny L+aorow Itema for which <br /> payment of I'unds has baen waived Uy L�t�der and, iI'Leuder requires, shell'Rirnish to Lender receipts <br /> evidencing such payment within sucli 6iuie period as Lender inay require. Borrowei's obligation tu make <br /> sucl�paymcntie aud Co provide reaeipts shall for all pnrposes be decmeci tc�bc a covenant and ngreement <br /> confan�ed in Lhis Secnrity InsYrmnent, as tl�e phrase 'bovcnianu and agreemenC" is used in SecCion 9. PF <br /> Borrower is oblig�ated fo pay Escrow Iten�a dircctlg pursiiant to a waiver, end Borrower �PaiLs to pny the <br /> amount due f'or an�scrow ltam, Lcndor m1y exetcise ita righte undei 3ecY�ion 9 and pay such antounti and <br /> Borrower sha11 then be obligated under Seotion 9 fo rapay to I,eilder u�y such amo�mt. Lendet mny revake <br /> the waivcr as to any or al1 L+scrow Itenis at any tiine by a nofiee briv�n in accorcl�nce wiCh Section 15 and, <br /> u�on such revocnkion, Borrower ehall pay to l.ender all Nunde, nnd in suah emounts, that u'e then required <br /> under tliis Section 3. <br /> Lendar inay, at any tima, collect ttnd hold Fnncle in en nmount(a) suP&cie�it Co permit T.ender to apply the <br /> Fnnds at thc timc spccifieci uuder I2ESPA, and(b)i2oY�tio exceec1 the maximum amoiuiC a lender can require <br /> under RLSPA. Lender shall estiinate the�ainotimt of Funds due on Che basis of autrent deta ttnd reasonable <br /> estimates of expenditures nf fulure L+serow Itema or otherwise in accordanca with Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institufion whose deposits �re insured by T federal agency, insh'umentality, or <br /> entity(includi'ng Lcndcr, if Lender is an instihition whose deposits are so insw'ed) or ii� any Federal Llome <br /> Loan Bauk. Lender shnll apply the Tunds to pay tlie Eserow Items no 1�ta-tihan lhe trure speci&ed under <br /> ItESPA. Lender ehall not clklrge Bon�ower for holding and ap�lying the Tunds, nnnunlly analyzing the <br /> eserow acoount, or verifying the Escrow I(ems, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on tho Fands and <br /> App]ioaUlc Law permiCs Lender to make such a charge. Unless t�n a�,n eernent is mule in wriLing ur <br /> Applicnble Law requires interest to Ue paid on the Funds, Leader shzll noC be reqtxired to pay Borrower euy <br /> interest or eamings on the Ftimds, Borrower and Lender cati ag�ree in writing, however, fl�nt intcrost sl�all he <br /> paid on fl�e,Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accoanting of fhe Fnnds es <br /> rec�tired by RLSPA. <br /> if th�re is a surplus oPFmids held in escrow, as defined mider'RFSPA, Le��der ehall aecomit to IIorrower f'or <br /> the axcess fnnds in acoordance wiYh RESPA. If fliere is a shortagc af Fnnds held 'ui esorow, as defined widar <br /> I2E+SPA, Lender she11 notify Borrower as requircd l�y R�SPA, vid Borrower shall l>ay to Lander the amoLmt <br /> neoessaiy tio mal<e up the shor'G�c in aocorclnnce with ItESPA, buti in no more than 12 n�onfl�ly payn�ents. IP <br /> therc is a deficioncy of Funds held in escrow, as detined timder]213SYA, Lcndor shall notify Barrower es <br /> 24000d4T <br /> NEBRASKA-SIn910 Family-Fannie�MaefGred�ieMac UMFORM INSTkUA4ENT Form 3026 7101 <br /> V�.7 P� VM P6(NE)(11�51 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Finenclel 6evlces Pege G o(17 <br />