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<br /> � S.E�wtrd or Propaty L�e+rraerr.u. Ti'�rrrawer shxil kcep uk Impmvementy naw�aisting or hec+et�fter erec�� —
<br /> Proporty i�tLCUred againsc loss by fir:, ba�.arrJai iixladeci wiQitu�:, tenu `excended covemre nrnl nny other hazaMs, �ncludi►4S �
<br /> floocls or Elooding, for whleh Lenc}uc rMquitr�s iris�nuace. 'Chis insuruxx�shhxll be mxintaiaed ia tbe na�ounts�l for the pedada _
<br /> th�t L,ender requires.Trie insurance canriar pt�vtcting the iasurnnce shxLl be cb�sen by Borrov�r subject to Lencler's approvxl
<br /> which s�all aot be unn�soiubl� wid�hntil. I�F Barcawsr fiils to�au�int�in cavenge desedbal�hove. Len►der m�y.u Lenckr's
<br /> optlon,obt�in coveiagC to protect band�sr'�ry;hts Ia the Property in�econlaoce wltl►PwraB�Ph 7.
<br /> All iatiunmce polictes Rnd atruaw�alu sbul�be xccepp�bls to Leudet�tnd slnll incl�uDe a starnliud�sortQige cl�use. Letxier
<br /> s1u�U b�ve the dght to lwld the gutir�ii�s�t�d n:newAls.If Lender requlres. Aorrowex s6all pron�ptly give to Lender atl recetpts of -
<br /> p�id pnraiums�nd nnewal nndc��.LQ.thr.event of loss.Bomow�r shxll give prompt notice to the tnsiu�nce cuii�r ad i.e�xkr.
<br /> ' Lendermuy aoake proog of lass i�ttot mn�s pxompdy by Borrower.
<br /> Ual�as Lendcr xtd Bomnwer otherwir�e agne In wridng.lasur�nce Proceeds slull 11i�ee applial w ratoruion or[epatr of A�c
<br /> pmperty clanwgod,if tLe resWratioa�r n�sii�ic exc►mmically frssible�wd Lender's securlty is aot lesseoed.lf d�ee restor�don or _
<br /> ccp�ir Is nnt 000aomle�Uy fe�sible m�I.aucW:r's stcuiity would be lesseoal,tLe lasurwce prnceeds slnll be applied w the svms
<br /> secured by this Security Inmumene� wk�ntl�er ar not then due,wlth any excess pwid to Borrowec. If So�cower sbsndoas tbe
<br /> Property. or does not�wer withlv.3tD d�ty.q a n�attce from Lcnder th�t tt►e iasvnnce caRicr 1�s afferad to settle �claim. �Lea
<br /> I.e�er nn�y coUxt tl�e Iasurence p�c+:eedt�. L.endr•r muy use t1�e procads�°�r or�eswre the Prop��ty or to pay sums
<br /> sxundby this Security Insuumeut,w�ntU�sr�+r.n�at d�en due. 'Ihe 30�dxy peciod wiU ba8�n when tl�e n�dce is glven.
<br /> Unless Lender�nd Hocrower a�ilnnviu�e ngreo in writing� anY aPPlic�on�f pcnaals to principal sh�ll mt oxtend or
<br /> posqsone the dut date of the monthly prn fa�ants ufcrrr,d to in pusgr�pt►s 1 wd 2 or ctnnge the simount of tbe p�yments.If unda
<br /> puxqnph 21 the PrnpertY is Acguin:c�1c/ Leader. Borcow�er's right to �ny Insuruice policies And proaeds resultin� &om
<br /> d�mage to tbe Fmpexcy prior to thc acmiisitaon stixll pass to Lendet w the ea�tent of tLe stmts sixured by Wis Secutxty Iarnua�enc
<br /> ImmeEi�tely prior to tt�e+�c9uisition.
<br /> 6.OodqN►nc�,Prtsenatloa�Maineteaance�nti PcotACtkn ot tl�e Propa't�: Bors+u�''a Loan ApQlla�tbn3 Laud�oide.
<br /> Ba�oxer slull occupy.estabiish�uid►ux:@ae Propr.rty as Bozrower's princlpal residr,nce within sixty d+�ys�RGr the exscution of
<br /> dsir �tr�•�r,'•�",•n,r°r and shall contInna to occnnv the Property+�s Bozrower's prixipal residence for at le�st oee yar aRer
<br /> 0'he d�le�f ocettptt�cY,unless Irendar r.�I�Rrwjse�n:ts in wririug�WLICtI WAxL1 8uiii uri w�iw►�iiiwa�slf:.:ih�.�, u�•�nl�a
<br /> esoeauuin�8 circumstnnces Gcist wt►iah,ar: ixyornt Bomnwer's wuuol. Bortower stu�ll not destmy� tluna8e or 5wpaic We
<br /> Pmpaty, �llow th�Pcoperty to deter,irr�xte� or cammit wnste un the Prap�zty. Bon�ower s1W1 be in dofault if wy fucfdture
<br /> �tion qr whetLer civil or,cr.int�anl, ia F�tgun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment crn�1d resvlt in foifdture of thc
<br /> � FiuF,�,-ty�at�:rwise�ly imtrtu=�t�+:�w;n craated by tLis Securfty I�uuu�aent or Lx�la's eecurlry interest. Bossower m�y
<br /> aue s9ch a def�atlt and teittstate.ne pn�v]dad ia{►ntggisph l8�bY austn8 tbe aetion or pr000edlnY to be dla�aissed wa,th�cutiWi
<br /> � thu, in t.euder's good fidth detasmin►uJ,�, [►cxludes forfaiwre of tLe Bomnwer's iuoerest In tt�e Propaty or other m�taial
<br /> i im�im�ent of d�e iien cre�tod by t�tfu Saruiity L�strument or Leudet's secutlty interest. Borcowet shall also be iu&fiult If
<br /> � Borruwer.duning tl�e lc+�a�pplic�tto+�:poocess,S�tve n�lally falae or inaccur+Ue infarmuion or statemcvts w Lender(or f�Iled
<br /> � to prarWe Leada with any m�teriel i.�flxusadon)�n connectioa with dK lo�a evide�od by the Note.incl�dln��but mt limitod
<br /> po,=+eQraseaquionv coaarnin�Bou���aur's occupxucy of the Pmperty�s a pri�ipal c�sidence.If this Security Im�t is oa a
<br /> 3 lea.�ehold. Bonrowra slWl coatply �uicch a1n tLe pravisioas of t1x le�se. [f Borrower ocqatns ke dde w tbe ProQeitY, the
<br /> • le�se�old�ad d�e fee title sb�ll not Qurrg�wsl�s Lender�gcea tc�t6e m�rger in wridng. nts coatained in
<br /> 1,Pe+otedion o[Leadar'i Ri�Rt[a in ttie 1'iropaty.If Bormwer fiils to Qerfozm tlu covemnts and Mgrxau
<br /> • this Securiry Iaunmssnt� or there io t 6sgal procadiqg tl�x miy signi£u�utly xffoct i�nkt's rights in tLe Properey (svch as a
<br /> Proceodia�Ia b�nkcuP�Y.Pcabn0.�fc�conde�anRtion or forkiture or to anfom ltws or reguYuioag)�tt�ea L�eacler a�y do wd
<br /> P�Y fa vvh�tever is oeascuy W pt�ctcsct tl��value of the Propexty�nd Leuder's aghts in the P[opecty. I,ender's actious may
<br /> ixlude piping auy � exured hy a tien wLich h�s prlority over this Security IasCtmaeat. aPP��B in oourt. PaY�B
<br /> rei�k�t0o�ncys'fxs ud enteriWt on the Proparty to m�ke nprirs. Although Lender mxy tike scfion undre this Wt�Ph
<br /> T,L,tader doas uot have w do so.
<br /> Any unounts disbursed by furruier ruxler this puagriph 7 sl�ll become �ddidonal debt of&errower sewred bY this
<br /> �my �t. Udess Barsr.�p�sr u�l Lencler agne to othex tem�s of W►Yme�, these amounts shall bau interast ftnm the
<br /> da0e of elisbutsement u the Notc rata and ehall be payuble�with interest. upon aatia from Leadcr w Borrawer rcq�tin8
<br /> . I�Y�-
<br /> d.2Nort�e L�surance.If I.cnd�u requieod mo�tg�ge inau�uce as a condidon of maloing t6e loan secured by this Security
<br /> Iasuum�at� Bonower sh�ll pry the g�cu�iuws nquired to mainuin tbe mortg�ge insuravice in e�oct. If� fos any reasoa, the
<br /> mortpge insuraace cover�ge cr�uin�Dy Lender lapses or�awes to be in effat. Borrower stnll pay tLe premiuros required to
<br /> obtalc covecsg�e subsantially�Quivai�snc uo!he mort�age insuru�ce pt�eviaisly ia effect.u�cost svbswntiilly oqutvalent to t�e
<br />_' a�st ro Bomnwc�r of the mortgtge ia�raACe previo+�sly in effect,from an altern�te mortgage insurer approval by Lencler. If
<br />_ subsqati�lly equivxleru mortgage imvr.ure�covenge is not ivaiiUible,Bcfrrower slnll pay to L�eader each montt►�t sum eqwl to
<br /> ooe-tw�lfth of the yeutY moctgaga ina�u�nce premi�m bdn�g paid by&�rtower when the in�ru�oe cov�nge Lpsed or cea9ed to
<br />- be inef�'ect.L,ender will+n:cept,use aad eehain th�se paye.e�u.s as •lass ttiserrre in liea of mortgage iusvc9nce. Loss trse�ve
<br /> - Fom,ao e o�
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