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<br /> TOC#B'fHAR WITH r.11 the imnmeecnentv now or hereafter erectdl i�n the pm�eny, xnd All eascmcnts.D�i��i.�. nc1
<br /> flxturq now or t�re�fter � p�tt of tho property. AU tepl�cauet�W ruxl�cldldans shxll also be caven,� by thjs S�urlry �
<br /> lc�ctrument.All of the foregoing is re&mod to ta this Securfty insuument st�Ihe'Propetty."
<br /> BORROWBR COVBNANTS th�t Borrower Is IawfWly seisod of the atwu hec+e6y comeyal xnd luw tlx rEyht to 8nnt+uid
<br /> coavey tts�Property u�d that the Prop�rty i� uneacwnbend. except for eacumbrntticw of record. Aomow�r wxmuus mcl will
<br /> defend genernlly tLe dtl�to the 1'ropetty�g�iast all cL�ns aud demuxls,subject ta�uuy ancumbrwces of recard.
<br /> THIS SBCUR.ITY INSTRUMSNT cambines uniform coveuants tor Ntion�l use usd aou•uniform covea�nts with lIrnited
<br /> vuiadoas by jurisdicdon to coasdtute s uoiform securiry insuumeat covedn�n�l praperty.
<br /> UNIFORM CnVBNANTS.Borrower ancl Lender coverwnt nnd agroe�s followv:
<br /> 1,Paymait of Principal u�d IntaYeti PrepaYma�t and Late Ch��ee. Borrowcr slull prompdY paY wixn due the
<br /> prixip�l of xnd int�rest on tLe debt eviden�ced by t6a Note and anY P�Y���Y�cbuges due undcr tlx Noto.
<br /> 2.Fl�rab[ar'IYnoes and In�urana.Slib}xt to spplicable l�w or to� wdtton wxivu by Gendcr� Borrower shall pay to
<br /> I.o�er oa the day dwnthlY P�Y�nts ue u�c under the Nou�u�tll the Nate is piid im tuU.a swn("Fun�ls")for: (a)yeady qxes
<br /> ■ad���nts which may xtwin priotity ovee tUls Securiry I�ent�s a litn on th;,Pmperty;(b)Yearly len.'srhold pey�neents -
<br /> or gmund xents oa the Propesty.if anyt(�)Yexrly hazArd or pmp��ty ir►�vruce preaniums:(d)Ycarl�r flood'uuvr�wce praniwas.
<br /> if�ay;(e)Yarly mortgage insurxnce premiwns.if any; anct(fl RnY swns pry�bla by Borrower to Leader,ia accordance wIth
<br /> the pmvIsio�of pac�graph 8, in ltcu of the payment of mortgage I�tsvrance prauiums.'I7r.se iteivs are called"Bscrow Items."
<br /> Lendet mwy, at any drne, c:ollect and hold Fw�ds in an�mount not to ezxed the �imum uz►ovnc a lender for� tcdeNly
<br /> reluod mortWgc loan may roquire for Bomower's escmw Account uader t6e f'akral Real Bstate Settlewent Praceduns Act of
<br /> 197d a�amended froan tfine to dmo. 12 U.S.C. Secdou 2601 a aeq. ('RBSPA'),unless�er law dnt applies to the Funds
<br /> sda a ksea wiount. If eo. Lender miy. nt xny ti�ne, coUxt+�nd hold Puads in xn uaouat nos to exaal the lesser wount.
<br />� Leocler may e�imste tbe�mount of FS�nris dus on tLe basia of cur�ent dau And re�sonxble csdmntes of eaperldituees of future
<br /> Becrow Itana or othecwi�e in�ccordance with spplicable 4w.
<br /> TTha Pund�ahall be b�eld ia s�n Inssttudca whose depo.sitv kne insured by a fedar�l�geacy� instn�rmentality, or=dlty+
<br /> _ �iu:i�I,e-��u L�+.�,-i��u:h:�n i�°diu�aa}cr i;.:a;Ntt�r�� :i�e�•,• ao�,} T��r chsl)M►ty rbr_.r���.a rn S►ay�t,e
<br /> B�e Itkms.i.a�der mny not c]wrge Botmvvtr far twldiag and ipplying the P►ux�s.tnnxWlY xnalyztqg the escmw acxount,or
<br /> veti�yieg the�s�xarv Itao�,unless Lencler pays Botrower int�nst osn�tbe�ads Rad applicable law�amits l.enckr to m�bo s�ich
<br /> a eLar{e. Howcver. Lenda�mAy«qulte Borrower to pny x one-timo clwrge for�n iadependeat rcal cstaoe hx repoctin�eeivtc;e
<br /> j � by L,as3er in caaaecdan with this loRn, uWtss s�pLcabIa !aw�rwfi�es otheroviqe. IJ�d�s �n �rrremaent is mide ur
<br /> � applicable 4w�equires iaecaast w be psid,Lender sball not be roquind to pay Borrawer sny inroresti or a�rnin�s on tbe Fswds.
<br /> ', Borrnwx aod I,wder may�gree ln wrldng,howev�r� thnt Iiuerest stWl be p�id on the Puads.I.xndet shp118iva to Bamow�er.
<br /> wlthax cliu�e. w wnwl�coundn8 of the Pulds. aLowlnB crodita uid debits to tlx Puuds etut the puc�e for wl�ch eaah
<br /> � debit Oo the Puntls w�s mtde.TLe Funds att pledgal as addidon�l socurity for�11 sum4 secund by ehis Securiry Ia�t.
<br /> It dre Punde beld by I.endrr eaoced tLe amouata pacmitoed w be held by�ppiicable law, I.enrier stu�U aaount W Borrow�er
<br /> + for yx p�au punds in�000�daace with the tnqutrementc of applicable lsw. If tLe wuount of the Fwx1e hdd by Leada at u►y
<br /> _' dme u uot wt�'ictent ro pa�y tbe Bacrow Items when due.Leader may so notify Bomowe,r in wridng.+�nd,in aucl►cas�Bamner
<br /> •` sl�it p�y to ixakr the�mnount�:y to m�ke up tLe deficiency.Botrower s4�all maYe up ihe deficicncy in m m�th�a
<br /> "� twelve monthiq paymeuts,at Lend�r's sole dl9cc�edon.
<br /> Opon psyarat ia full of all suc� sxvred by this Securlty Instwnent. Letydet stnll PranptlY refi�,ad to Borrowcr�ny
<br /> Pund�beld by I.eader.If�uadet ptragraph 21.Lenda�st�ll acquire or scll t6e Pmpsrty. I.ender.prior W the arquisitiaa or s�le
<br /> . o�'t�e Pmpa�ty�shall�pply�ny Pur�ls held by Leu�kr at the droe of�cquisitioa Ar sal.as i credit�gainct the sunu savc+ed by
<br /> tLic 5audty Iawumeat.
<br /> � . 3.Appllaitbo of Paraa�.Unless ipplicabte law provldes otbavvise, all payments rxeival by Lender under pu+�ra�l�s
<br /> ' 1 wd 2 sh�ll be applied: first. to aaY PnpaYmeat clurges due under rhe Note�second, to�mouats piyabte under par�gcaph 2;
<br /> thlyd.to inta�est due:fo�rth�to principal due:uxl l�st,ta my lue cLuges due undor the Note. -
<br /> 4.Ctu�r�t Uem.Bomower siuU�y all t�xes, assessrnents. ch�rBes. fines�md impositlonv uaribunble to thc Ptoperty _
<br /> which may nthin priority over this Security Iaswm�nt. aod leasehold p�yments or gmund rents� if any. Borrower sh�ll p�Y
<br /> these obiigatlans in the msnner pmvided in pa:agn�h 2,or if�t psid(n tL�t m�nner,Bunow�ec shall p�y tha�u on pm�directly
<br /> to the persc+n mwal p�ymeat.�orrower�Il Prom�tlY fureish W Lender all ndias of unounts to be pxid unicr tLLs prngrnph.
<br /> 4f Borrov�*et nudc�.w Rhese ptyments directly�Borrower st►all promptly fumish to Lender crceipts evlckllcing ihe paymetus.
<br /> � . Aonrowtr r,baU promptly discharge any lien which hu priority over t)ils Security Instmment unless Borrow�r:(a)�gnas in
<br /> writiny to the pxymeat of U�ee obligation sxured by the lien in x iu�mer acaptable ta Lender. (b)cocuats in good fiuth the liea
<br /> by. or ckfen�ls again4t wforoement of the lien in, legal proceedii�s wWcL in tho Leixfer's oFinion opente to pme,nt the
<br /> enGorameat of th�lien;or(c) secuns from che holder of the lien an�grament satisfi�ctory to Lencler subonllnatIug tLe lien to
<br /> this Security]ntttumebt. If Leider detemri�s that any put of tl�o Property is subject to u licn which nu►y Attain priarity over
<br /> tbis Sanrity I�uumeat,I,�uckr may give Bomower�nodce identifying the lien.Borrow�er sl�all sudsfy the lie.n or�ke on or
<br /> more of t1x acdonv set furtl�above within 10 c4ys of the giving of ao�ct.
<br /> Form 30� `�0�
<br /> ��tR[NE)ts��si.o� r.�.2.�e ��1^-
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