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<br /> at the option� ot l.ender, i� mort�go inaurartce covore�e (in the �mount and tar the period that I.onder roquiree)
<br /> provided by wn insurer�pproved by Lender��in bxomee avail�blo and ie obUinod.�orro*►er atull p�y the promiume
<br /> roqufred to m�intain mort�s�e ineuranc�o in otfoct,or t�provide a loes reeerva,until the roquirement tor mort�Qe
<br /> ineurance encle in accord�nco�nti�my Nritt��a�reer►Zent beiw�,n Berrawer and l.cnder or ngplicn6le le�v.
<br /> 9.Ia�pe�ctioa.Lender or ita i�ant m�y meke raeomble cntrlae upon tt�d inspxtione ot the Froperty.I.endGr shall
<br /> �ive Borro�er notice at the timo oi os prior to sn inspa:tion spocifying reason�ble cauea tor the irurpection.
<br /> 10. Condemn�tioA.The prooeade ad�ny�ai tud prruclum to��oma�Qes,��t;n����ndem�nAtion,are heroby
<br /> �ny condemnadon or otha t�lcis��of mY p�rt p�Y� Y
<br /> �esi�ned and s1u11 be p�id to I.ender.
<br /> In the cvent oi a total tekin�or the Pronerty,the proceede ehail be applied to tho sums exurod by thie Security
<br /> Iastrument,whether or not then duo,xith tny oioees p�id w Horrower.In the ovent of a partial uking ot the Proporty in
<br /> which the tur muket v�luo ot the Prc�perty immedi�tcly beforo tho takin�is equal to or grester than the amount oi the
<br /> sums ea:urod by thle 5ecurity Irmuument immexitately beiore the takia�,unleas Borroker and Lendar other�vise sYree
<br /> in�rriting,the sums eecural by thia Socurity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the procoodt+multipliod by
<br /> the fo1loNIa�tnction:(�)tho toUl amount o!the sums eecured immodiately beforo th�ttking�divided by(b)tho tair
<br /> market vdue of the Property immedi�tely beiore the tatin�.My b�lu�co sha11 be peid to BorcoNer.In the event of s
<br /> p�rtia!takittg oi th�Property in �!hich the fair merket vdue ot the Pro�aertY ir►znnediately before tho talcinB ie lees than
<br /> tt►e amount oi the sums securcd immodiateiy beforo the t�king,unleee Bomower�nd Lender otherwise a�roe ia writi,n�
<br /> or unlcse �pplicable laM other�vise providee, tho proceeds eha11 be appliod to the sume eocured by thie Security
<br /> Instrument�vhether or Aot tho sume uo then duo.
<br /> If tLo property ie ab�ndoned by Borroxor,ar ii.dter raotico by I.rndot to Homnwer that the condemnor ofters to
<br /> mako an award or eettlo a clurn tor d�m��ae, BorroMa taile to reapond to Lender�itt►In 30 daye�fter the date the
<br /> notia is�van,Lander ie authorizod to collxt and apply the proceeds,at�te option,eithtr to restoration or repair ot the
<br /> Property or to the sume sxurod by thie Sacurity Instrumeat.whethar or not then duo.
<br /> Unleee L,ender�nd Borro+rer othenviee agroe in wrriticeg,anY application�I procoede to principal ehall not ertend or
<br /> poetpoae the dno date oi the rnonthly pY�►�� nfcrrod to in pru�agraphe 1 and 2 or change the�mount of euch
<br /> P�Ymenta.
<br /> I1. Horrower Not Released; Porburince By Lender Not a Waiver. Brtension of tho time ior p�yment or
<br /> n��+�f;.-,:��.—a ai a.:��wti�n�!�he�+�ma Arcu�ed by this Sxurity Instrumeat B�ted by Lendcr to my eucceseor in
<br /> intarest o[Horcower stnll not operate to rele�se the ti�bility of the originil AorroMer or Borro�va's euoceeeore in
<br /> intorest.Lender sh�ll not be reqmrod to oammence tx�oceedin$e �g�intst any succeeeor in interest or refuee ta extoad
<br /> dme tor p�Yment ar otherwise modify amortiution af the sums eocural by thie Security Instrument by re�son af aay
<br /> demutid mado 8�she•ari�inel BorroHer or�rro�er'e auccesaore in iaterest.Any torbaranco by I,a�d�x in e�xtrcieing
<br /> �ny rigb,t or remedy ahall not be e kaiver ot or preelude the e:erciee o!ony rlght or romody.
<br /> 1�,�uccessot��nd Auisa�Bound;Joint and Sover�l Liability;Cas��nere.The oovenante and meate
<br /> of thia�5aeurtty Inetrumeat ehs►11 bind and benefit the euxcseore and�esigne of Lender end Bomower.sub�xt to the
<br /> provl�ane oi p�ragraph 17.Borroxer'e covonante and a�ce�omcnts etull be joint and eovenl.My BorroNer�vbo�0"�8�
<br /> thie Security Instrument but doee not e:xuto tho Note: tn��s co-si�nin�this Security Inetrumant only w mortgage,
<br /> Qrant et�d convoy that Bort�ower'a intoreat in the Property under the terme of thie Socurity Inetrumont; (b) is aot
<br /> pereonaUy obli�ated to pay the eums secucod by this Security Instrument;tad (c) eg�e that Lcnda and aay other
<br /> Borrmw�er nai�y a�e to ertend. mndify,forbar or make any eccommodations with ro�ard to the terme of thie Sacurity
<br /> Instrunn�at or tho Note without thzt Bonower'e ooasent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charta.It the loui eecurod by thie Sect3ri�sy Instrument is eubjoct W a IeM which eeta muimum lonn
<br /> char�ae. utd that 1�M is tinally interpretod eo that the in+tereat or other !wn chuQee colloctod or to be vollooted in
<br /> ex�aaection vrith tha lwn exaed the permittad limita,thtn:(a any euch lan chu�o sh�ll bei roduced by tho amount
<br /> necx�ary to redvoo the cher�e w the pecmittod limir, and �b) any sume alrady collocted irom Borrowor which
<br /> exceeck�cl permitted limtt� NiIY bo retunded to Borrow�s'.. l.end�' may chooee to m�1ce thie refund b�reduein� the
<br /> principal owred under the Note or by making�direct paYment to 13orrower,li a refund reduas princlpel,the reduction
<br /> �ill bo tratad�s a p�rtid prepayment without sny prep�yment charee uader the Noto.
<br /> 14.Notices.My natice to Borrower�x+avidod tor in thiA Security Inatrumant shall be�ivr.n��delivering it or by
<br /> mdlin�it by tirst claee mul unloes applicable laM roquires uee oi another m�thod.The uotice eba31 bo directed to tho
<br /> pt�►periy Addase or any othec sddreee Borrower desi8net�s by notice to Lender.My notice to Lender ehall be givcn by
<br /> firat alase mul to Lender'8�ddrees stated horein or any other addrase Londer designates by notice to Borrower.A�Y
<br /> notioe provided for in this Security Instrnment etull bo deemod to have been given to BortoNer or Lcndor wkian Qiven
<br /> �e pcoeidod in thie par��raph.
<br /> 15.Oovern�nj I.aw;Severability.ThIe Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the la�of the
<br /> juriediction in�vhich the Yronetty ie locatod.In the event th�t uiy peavisIon or clnuse of thie Security Inattumcnt or the
<br /> Note conflicte Nith applicxble liN,such wnfliat eh�ll not a+fdect othor provisions oi thia Security Inatrurnent or the Noto
<br /> �+hich c�n be�iven effect without the oonilicting pravis�z��.To this end the provisions oi thie Security Inatrument and
<br /> - tho N�te�ro deel�rod to be eovenble.
<br /> Fw� �O�ii._�9/M
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