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<br /> 3. H�sMrd ur Property lnruranco. Horrower etull keop tho Imprc�vement�n��rv oxietlna or Irrcen[ter r..�rx:tacl on _
<br /> tho Property insurod rgtinat loee by tice,tuz�rde includod within the term "ertonded cavera�o" �n�l any mttrtr hru�rde,
<br /> incluclin�tl�xxb or tlaudin�,inr�vhich Ltnclr,r rc�uire� in+�uren,c�.Thla insurenc4 eh�ll bo maintaBrusQ in 4h�o a�maunu► �..
<br /> �nd tor the periods that Lender raluiree. 'fhe�naunnce c�rriar providin tha incurence slull ba shanon by liormaer
<br /> subject to Lendor'e apQroval Mhich ehall nat 6�o unrae�nably withhtld,Ii�rrower taile to matntain r�v�arn�a de�rit�ed
<br /> �bove,Lender may,st L�t�der's option,obtain covera�e w pmtect Lander'e ri�htn in the Propertp in�crnrdzncb with
<br /> W�Y�Ph 7.
<br /> All itusunrxe policiee �nd roneMale shsll be�ocopuWe to Londa'and et�l{ inchub� standtrcl�n,urt(po cl e�
<br /> I,eadet shall have tho ri�ht to hotd tha policiee and reneMal+s. Ii I.onder requiree, Bormw�a' �htll mptl f �i
<br /> Lender all recxipte ai patd premiume and ranax�l notiae.In th�ev�r►t ut losa,&�rro�rGr shnll�ivo p.rnmpt n�ntic�e to the _
<br /> in�urar�o carrier end Lender.Lender may madce proot ot laea ii not m�de pmmptly by Barro�ver.
<br /> elall be a iect tc�eYxctc►rnticrn ar w�uir
<br /> Unleee Y.ender and Bmrrower otherNiee a�ree in�rritin�,inswtnco pt�coeds PE��
<br /> of the PropertY damased,if the reatoration or repair is aconomically fe�siblo�ad I.ender s eocuM.ty is�n+at len�ctcx�d.If the,
<br /> reawration or repair is not ecaonomicaUy tasiWo or Lcnckr's security Nould be laxeenod.the inEare�:p.ranarx,lx et►�11 be
<br /> applied to tho suma eocwod by thie Security Ir,�trument,wrhether or not thea due.�vith�ny evxee paid ta aurroxor.It
<br /> Borrower ab�ndc►ns the Property,or doea not u�s�+er Mithin 30 daYa�notlae irom l.eader th�t tbe insurnxv:r:r,arrle�r hxs
<br /> otferAd to eetda a clum�then LenGeP may callect th-insurna.^e Pracee4ie. I�,�nA�mAy use the pxc�ce�xie tu reair or --
<br /> nsWre tho property or to py sums eecttred by this Sa.'urity it�stxument,Mhether or not then dua.Th�e 3Q d�y g�eriad wi11.
<br /> bcgin Mhen the notioe is�iven. to n+� h�ta�tAl nmt extond or
<br /> Unleee I.endcr�nd Borroxer other�vise��roe ia Neitia���nY�►PP�icatl eac12 0�thuna�t�te4 of ttM paymente.
<br /> postp�ne the due date ot the rtiontlilY P�Y�����LO����
<br /> If under Fv+�r+Pb 21 tt►e Propercy is aoquired by Lender� &�moxa's rigbt to sny ineurnnce polic�ccc u.rii p+oc�eede
<br /> raeultin�from damsge to tho Property pnor to ttx�cquie�tion atull Pwe to Leadet to the o:tent oi ttr.�su�.m�eecun�d by
<br /> ttua Security Instrument immediately prior to tha�oquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupaacy.Preservatioa,M�inten�nce�ad Protection ot tha Proporty;BomaResr'r Lom.A.pplicat�on;
<br /> . I,eaaeholds.BorroMer ehall occupY.aetabiish�and uso the Pmpetty es Barnoxct�s principnl ttxside�Kvtt�itl eirty d�ys
<br /> after the esxutioa of ttus 5ecunty Instrument and shall uontinue to occupy tho PropartY �n Barmxe,c'a princip�l
<br /> reaidence for at last one yar dter the date of oocup�ncY�unlese I.ender othonviee�eraa in�ritin��Khirb a�t►xnt etull
<br /> � not ee�nsabIy wri''uu,etd��r ti�,l�s:���a�cixLtss..�i!.._"�'ts�i�which ue beyond I�yrmwes's oornSt�l.BornoRer
<br /> t shall not deattroY�dama�e or impair the PropercY�tllnw the Prapercy ta deteriotato,ur commit w�ta o�e,th�Propertl•
<br /> } Bormwer shall be in default ii any torfeituce�ctioa or pr000edin�.Mhatheir civil or crimitt�l�Is begun thtt in Leada'e
<br /> � good taith jud�meat could reault ia forteitun ot tt�Property or otherwise materiRlly imp�ir the liac�cm►tad by this
<br /> Security Inswment or'L�ender's secvritg ent�cst. BosraHCr mny curo such a de�twit amd reinet,�th ��rovided in
<br /> s, P�a�raPh 18..iry caueing the actiam oc prooee.dini to be dismiesed with a tulin� that, in L.esraer'�' �ood f�ith
<br /> dctermiaztiaa,,�'ecludea for�eitwe of tbo Borrawor'e intorost in tho Property or other mauria).im�irmcat ot the lien
<br /> � crated by tbis SecuritY Inetrument or l,ender'8 eecurity iatoraet.Bnrro�er ehatl a18o bo in de!`ault it Burrn�rrer�dvrin�
<br /> - the loaa�ppiiratioa Pe+oc�ees� 8rvo materislly falsu or in�ccurnto iatormatinn or stat�:monta tn I.esxlet(cir tailed t�
<br /> provide Lendet Mith any materid information) iA oonnoction with tho lo�n evidencod by tha Nate�.in.^Lu'�ii��,but not
<br /> limitad to.repreeeatationn concernin�BorroKer's oocup�ncy Qf the Prc�portY+�s a Pn'.x�cipwl raeidenco. It�thie Security
<br /> ? Inetn�ment is on a le�sehold,Borroxer sha11 comPlY�ith�11 tho provieions ot tho le�..Ii Bornoxes�c�qu�it�toe titlo W
<br /> � ttac propertq,the le�eehold and the tee title stull not merge unlena I.ender e6toes to tho moreer in�ritin�.
<br /> � 7. Protoction oi Leader'�Ri=Lts in tho Ptoporty.It Bamoxes taile to por[or�m the covcr�nt��at1 a�ama►ts
<br /> � contained ia ttrie Security Instrument,or there ia a legal proceeding that mar�igniticar►tly dfact L.es�de�'e rs':ghts in the
<br /> .j� property (such as s pr0000dina in banlrruptcy, probato, for vocxbmn�tion or fec[eituro or �f3 or� I�wre or
<br /> ��tions),tk�en I.ender may do uid psy tor whitavar ia nocese�ry to Eftotact tha v�riuo olf t�P �+��d Londer's
<br /> �+ r��hts ia the Ptoperty.I-es►da''e�ctiona+mty include paring a�Y aums eecuced by a aion �rhich h�rs pnan.ty over this
<br /> Secunty Inetrument,appensiA�in court,payin=re�eonable�ttornoye'fas and ontering an t�ptapettp to r►��ke tep�ire•
<br /> ` Althou�h Lender may take�ction under this p�ra�'ap1�7,Londer doea not havo to do E�o.
<br /> My amciunta disbursed by Lender under this par+�►ph 7 bh�ll b000ma additionnl debt of Bormwer�.;w'od by this
<br /> • Socurity I�t.�xnent.Ualese Boc'rowcr and Lendec egroe to other tarme ot paymentti these amount��eh��tZ1�i��r inureet
<br /> from the date o3 diabureement�t th�Noto rato and shsll be paye�blo.with intorast,upon notico irom Lsnckr tn�orroNer
<br /> � requostiag paymeat.
<br /> � g,Mort�te Iasutans.a.If I.ender roquirod mort�age insuracwo as a wndition of making the�lc►��x r�xutnd by this
<br /> ' Security Insuumeat.Borrower shall pay the premiumB requitod to mainUun tho mordp�go ineurence in�f.�t.It,for�ny
<br />- rason. the mart�aga insurance cov�rege roquirod by LandeP lapoee or t�eea to bo in cEiect, Bornc��rexr�3!uEl pay the
<br /> - premiums reqs+�rai to obtain covera�e se�buw►tidlY e4uivalant to tho mortgigo insut�uncw�.viouoly in eft'ex:t,at a ax�
<br />- �-.�L+ecantially equivalent 3o tho cast w Bnrrorrer ot tho mortgeg� insuranoo provinuoSy zn offoct,frnm sa� dtemece
<br /> . mortgage insurer approv�cd by Lender. If subatanti�]ly oquivQent mortgsgo insurano� cov�mgo im not availebl�,
<br /> gorroMer shall pey to Laz,der each month a sum oqwl to ono-tweifth of tlio yens�2y mortgage insuranes p.rcmium beiag
<br />- paid by Bonowec whsn tme it�urance coverege l�paed or ceaned ta be in otfoot.Lender�veil nccopt�vao and retain theso
<br /> paymenta as a loes reserve in lieu oi mortg,tgc insurn�. Lase reservc paymox�te rmay no lnngcr t�e required,
<br />� � �Ott !►!0
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