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<br /> •p�cceeds�)�n cqnnectbn witli condamnation or other lakl�of the Property or part thareot,or for conveyancd in Ileu ot cendemnaUon.
<br /> �����sr�Nls�N ks opqon ta corrsmenas,nppsar In and prosecute In ke own rteme any acfion or procec►dinga,and shsN elso
<br /> be eMilNd bo make eny compromise cx settbment fn connectlon with such teking or demope.In the evant eny portlon Ai the Proparry is
<br /> �a taken or d�m�ged, Lender shall hava lhe opNon In Ita sote end ebsolute discretlon,to npply all auch proceeds, sRer deducting
<br /> therofrom efl co�ta and expenaea Incurred by it In cainoNion with at�ch Proceeds,upon any Indebtednoss socured hereby end In suCh
<br /> �xdar ea l,onder may deeermine,a to appty�II such Proceeda,afler such deductiare,tA the restoratio�i of the Property Upon such con-
<br /> ditbne�e Lender msy deMrcMne•A►�Y appNcbHon of i�roceede to Indebtednesa ahall not extend or postpone the due da!e of any pay
<br /> menls under ths Note,or cwe any de(�uk thernuncier or heraunder.Any�nepplled funda ahall be pald to Trustor.
<br /> Q,p�r(onn�ncM py L�nd�r.Upa► the occurrence ni en Event of Default Mreunder,or Ii any act la teken or legal procaed�ng
<br /> oommenced which materially effects Lendara interost In the Property,Lendar may In its own dlscretion, but without obii�atbn to do�so,
<br /> sn�i without nodce to or demand upan Trustor and widwut roteasing i rustor hom dny obHyAUon,do eny Acf wiiich Trusior has agrecd
<br /> hut failed to do end may eiso do any other act R deems nec�essary to protect the cecu�ity hereat.Truator shall,immedfately upon
<br /> d�mand tberMor by Lender,pay to Lender�II costa end expenses Incurred and sums expendod by l.endor in connecllon with the exer-
<br /> ci�s by Ler�dx of Me+forepdrq dphb,toqether v�ith interast thereon et the default rate provided in thp Noto,which shall be added to
<br /> �k�debt�d�s sewred hensby,Lender shall not Incur any Ilabllity because o}anylhing It may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 8.Hmrdous MatKiab.Trustor shail keep Me Praperty in campliance with eli applicable laws,ordinances and regulatbna
<br /> �hrsy ro Ertdustrial hyybne or env�ronmental Protection(collactively referred to herein as"Environmental Laws').Truslor shall kr�p
<br /> ths pro�,eny hee irom aN substanoas deemed to be hazardoua or toxk under any Ernironmentel Lewa(collecth►ety reterrad to herain
<br /> ss`Hazerdcws Materiula').7n�stor hereby warcants end represents to Lender that there ere no HnzaMoua Materials on or under the
<br /> Pmperty,Ttuslor hereby ayrees to irxlemnity and hold harmleas Le+�der,its d(rectors,oTAcers,c���lr�yees and agente,end any sucees•
<br /> sas to lbtitier's IMerest,irom ond a�alnsl an,�and all daims,damagns,losses and IlabiilUes aHxing In connectlon with the prosence,
<br /> use,c{fupo�s�l or bunspor4 of any Flazadous MaEeriats on,under,irom or about the Property.TH�FOREGrJING WARRANTIES ANq
<br /> 10. Awtl�twnsM d R�nh.TrusWr hereby aasiyns to Len�rtE',and grenls Lender a s�ufity Interest In,a!1 pres�+Jd.+z~a end
<br /> ������,��e�prol',ta oFtl�!property;pny��ided t�►gt'licimtor shall,unGi the occ+xrcc�ce of an Event oi DefauBC I�rr��der,
<br /> have the right to swlllect end retaln such r�ants,issues��.i proflts as�'�:1y becon'�e due and payabte.Upon the occurrence of an��U�nt ot
<br /> qeft�ult,�ende�m�y,aithef In person nr by agent,with or without bringina any action or proceeding, or by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> oa,�rt and witfaut rogard ro the edeqwcy of ita security,enter upon end teke possessbn of lhe P�aperly,or any part thereof,in Its owrt
<br /> nsme a in the name of tl+e Truste.�,e�yd Co eny acto whicb it deflms necessary or desirable b preseNe the value, marketabHity or
<br /> ror►tablMty of the prope�4y,a any ps�tthareof or Intereat thero�n,or to irxxease the Income therei��m or qvtect the security hereot er�d,
<br /> wMh or wRhout taklnD Possessbn of the Property�Sue for or othen�vise collect the renta�Issues and proflb d��eof�InckxNn9 ttwse Psst
<br /> due and unp�id,!yy nMfiying te�unts io meke peyments to Lender.Lendrtr may opply ronts,Issues end protits,lesa a�.sM and expena-
<br /> ��f operatlon and ooN�,ybn indudkig attomeY's tees,Oo any IndeWedness secured hereby,all In such orcler ea Lender mey datsr-
<br /> mk�e.Ths eMerinp upon and taking poseeaabn oi the Property,the oollectton of such rents,lasues and proflta,end lhe apP�icetlon
<br /> a�eroof ea aloresakl shaN not cure or wahro any defauk ur notloa q�!default hereurMsr or invalidate eny ect done In respon.we k�auch
<br /> dei,.uii u� �iwaiiwid tG'oi3:xi ROL'^�w �'d�S:ts!!�r.d.s�lWiihste�!�w�.:�,��t(���anra In nossassbn of the prc�orty or 1he collectlan,
<br /> roovi�t xxi epplfcatfan o(rents,Issues or profita,Trustee end I.ender shall be endaed to exerdse every right pravided fa an nny oi the
<br /> Loan Ualnxnenb ot by Ierw upQn Qccurrenco M anY Event of Uefauk,Induding wkhout Ilmitotbn the right ro exercise the power oi sate.
<br /> Furtt�,Lendera rghta�ared remediee under dKs paragraph ahall 6e eumulatfve with,and fn no way e limitatfan on,Lor�ders rigMe and
<br /> rort�edi�s sx�der sny esaignmferU af I�f4ee and ronb rocorded egeinst the PropeRy.�ender�Trustee snd the reoAiver shall be liable to
<br /> ecAOUnt o�ly 1or thoae ronb actut+ly roceirecf.
<br /> �1,EV�nta pi pdwlt,The.�llovuk�p shaq oonstifute en Event of Defeult under this Deec9 o'F'fruat:
<br /> (�)FaMuro to p�y any kualil►+r�ent of principal or interest or eny other sum securod herok.y when duo;
<br /> (b)A bresch oi or defautt under any provhdan contalnod In the NoM,this Deed oi Truat,eny o1 tfie Loan InstnKnenle,or any
<br /> other lien or encumtxance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ oi executlan or ottachrnent or eny similar proc�ss shall be entere�d egalnst Trustor whfc�n sS�all ber.ane a Iien on
<br /> the�'ropsrly or any portion thereot or intereat thereln;
<br /> (d)There ahell be filed by a apsinst Trusbr or Borrower an acdon under eny present or future tederel,state a othar stolute,
<br /> �r�r r�pu�qp�rsl�tlnp to bnlcruptcy,Insdv�ncy or otMr nliat tor debtors;or thsro stwll bs appolntsd any huslee.rocsive�or
<br /> Nquidelor nt 7rustor or Borraw�r a c�i NI or�ny W n of ths Property�or the mnb�Issuea or pro}fb U�ereot�or Trustor or Borrowor
<br /> el►a�N mske any�ganeral n�si�m�ent for ths bee�s�'�t ot ersditors;
<br /> , (e)The sala,irnnsfer� f�me.assipnment,conveya�oe or tu�ther encumbrence M all a any part of or ar�y Intarest M the
<br /> pra�erty.eNher vduntarMy 'or Involuntadly,witfiout ths axprass wrilten consent ot Lenclor,�rovidod 6hat Tnntor sh�N be{�ermft•
<br /> fsd to execute o base d tt�e prbperty tfiet cbes not conteln an option to pu►chase and ttie term of whk�doe�not exceed one
<br /> Ye�
<br /> (i►Abando�xnsnt of tha�'raperty:or
<br /> (q)If Truator ts not an indvidual,the u�sab,trensfer,assfpnment,oonveyanae or encumbrance ot rtwre Uzan(ii e
<br /> cxxporaHon)a total of pe�a�'1�sued and outsigndinp atock,or(if e parMershlp)a totel of per-
<br /> cent of {�rh►�rsF�tp Interesta,a(If e Umited IlebUity canpany)a total ot percent oi the Iimited Ilabiliry oompa-
<br /> ey in�ests or ydFnp d�hte durirp the period tl�ls Deed of Truat romaka a Nen on the properly.
<br /> 12,Rsnwd{�a;Acal�nHon Upon Mhuk.In fhe event oi uny Event oi Default Lender may,without nodce except as requirod
<br /> by Iaw,deClw'e aIl indobtedneae se�ain�d heroby to be due and payable ond the same shaU thereupon beoane due and payabte with-
<br /> out�ny prosentment,demand,proteet or notbe of any ktnd.ThareaRer Lender mey:
<br /> •(�)Demand ihat Trt►ste�e�x$rdse the POWER OF SALE grented heretn,and Trustee shetl N�ereaRe►crwse Tniator'a fn�er-
<br /> esi In the Property to be so1�e�d the proceeds to be disMbuted,ell In the manner provlded In the Nebreake Tn�at Deeds Act�
<br /> � �jb) Exercise tlny end etl rlghts provldal for in any of the Loan Instrumenb or by law upon xcurrenr.e of eny Event of
<br /> �ereun;a�d
<br /> (c)Camnqnce an adion to foreclosa!1►is Deed ai Trust es e matgage,appoint a recefver,or sqedtically enforce any of the
<br /> covenante herooF.
<br /> No remedy hereln oonferced upon or resaved to 7rustee or Lender is Intended to be excluslvo of any other remedy horeln,in the Lc�an
<br /> InsLume�fs or by law provided or permided,but eac�ehatl De cumulative,shall be fn add!tlon to every other romedy�iv�t�er+ew�der,
<br /> In the loan Instrumenb or now or heresfler extsNng et lew or fn equity or by stetute,end rtsay be exercised concurrentty,inc)qpendentty
<br /> or suCCesively.
<br /> 13.Trustk.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lendur may at eny tlme c+rsd widhout cause appoint a sua
<br /> "�u._...��u�.��.�� —_-_ _' Tw..b..iv nnv rv�_
<br /> GQSSOf O�SUDStItU[e IN3l0o. INSiaa anei�rroi oe naoie io niry{w�iy,iin;.w..y..�u�w.o...��w...a�...a.�.......:::.... ......... �_.., �
<br /> cheaer of the Property,for any baa a demege unless due to reckless or wiMtui mtsconduct,ortd shall not be requked to fake eny a�:tlon
<br /> In oonneciion with the enforcement oi thls Deed ot Trust unless Indemnifled,In writing,for all Costs,compensation or ex�enses which
<br /> sa e grented hereln�;postpone the�of erll o enyeportt�oi the Property,eseprovlded by ew;o�r se Bie rolpertyas whol�e,�ar on
<br /> eep�rete parcels or lots at Trustea's dlscrsUon.
<br /> 94.F��nd�acp��st�. In the event Trustee sell�the Properly by exerds�of power of sete,Yrustee shall be entitled to appy
<br /> eny sab proct�eds fl�st to payment ot ell costs end expenses ot exerclslrsg power oi sate.InGuding all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and
<br /> Tnistee's attomey's feea, ectualty Inc�rred to exter�t pam�flted by e�ppl{cable law.In the event Bcxrower or Trustor oxorcises nny rlght
<br /> pravlded by law to cur�on Event oi Deteult,Lender shatl be enGtled to rocover from T�ustor ell costs and expenses actually Incuned as
<br /> a result ot Trustor's defauR,Indud in�wilhout Ilmftetlon ell Trustde's and ettomey's fees,tn the extent pemiltted by eppHc3bte law.
<br /> Y 5.Futu�Advanr.�s.Upon requast of Borcower,Lerrder may,et its opC�on,make addltlonal end futuro advances end read-
<br /> vanoea to Bomower.Such advance�end readvances,with Intereat thereon,shall be secured by thls Daed of Trust.At no time shall the
<br />