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<br /> 17115 DEED OF TRUST,fs made ss of the �-�day of �-°-- - '�S O7'����p, �� -
<br /> 1h9 TNfl10�,
<br /> MAwse mafW'�D wdd��ass is
<br /> Po Box 913 Grand Ieland���.T��b��3���,
<br /> the Trus�es � -
<br /> ���u�e��� P.0• Box 1507 Grand Isl�nd NE 68602 (�����°���
<br /> �g���y,. Five Paints B�nk --
<br /> �„�R��a� 2t�15 A. BroadrQll Grand Ielond� NE. 68802-1507 (herofn'Ler�.
<br /> FOR�fALUABLE CON�IDERATION,Indudinp Lendera extensbn of asdit kbntflied heroin�°
<br /> � (berein'BorraMrer,whsU�x one or moro)end tfie trt�st hersin crsMed�tl�s rooeipl
<br /> d wl�fch le hsnebY sckno�Asdf�� 7rusta herebY kr�ocabh�a�ts. tnn�sMn. ca►veYs ar�asa�Dns to Tn�stee, IN TRUST,YVITH
<br /> t�f�iivt'i'c t'ir�-�:i.'co N ii".a�t�s:�r.���riw�i lM�der,under aod st�l�b the lemts and c�oadiUotts hsrelndler aet f0�th.ths roal
<br /> props�ty dsecrib�d as ioMows:
<br /> LoL Fi�teen ti51. If�rylane Subdivioion, Hall County, Nebr��ka.
<br /> Tpgetl�er wNh nll twi{din8s�improvementa,flxtures,slreeta�al{eyt.Paesspe�w�Ya�eaaemor►ts�►iphts�privilepes arK1 nppixte��bes
<br /> bcabd U�erron or in snyn�ias DeHsfnfnp therebo�a�d Iha ronte�lasuee end profib�rovsrsia�s and rsmak�dsrs tlx�mral,and wch P�r-
<br /> son�l wopsr+y tl�t�s etfbched b a�e Mr,pro�remente w as co ooestituts e 1�ca,n,Nx'k�dh�o�euc na Ik„fled to�h.�w+o er�d cfloM��equip�
<br /> ��t;and qp6Nwr witlt the homestead a meritsl(ntereata�If eny.whfch Interesta ero M►ebY rsfe�s�d snd wahrsd��II o�wt�idt�includ-
<br /> �tepyq��b end�ddirion�thereto.k h�roby dederod to be a psn of fhe nesl estate secured bY�he Nsn at tl�ls Oesd o(Tn�t and
<br /> �II d ths tapoNp bek�g�+�'�d to hsrein ea the'ProPertY'•
<br /> Thk DMd of Tn�st shall securo(e)ths DBY�nt ot the 1�►�PM�m and Interest evfdeRCed by e prnmfaeoq►rw�s or crodit pr'se-
<br /> w,hsvk►�a metzxltY dete of
<br /> rr�eet dakd , .
<br /> In ths ortpM►d pincipsi amount of t and eny end all modHicatlons. sxtenelona sod nsnewMs
<br /> thersof or B�srab end a�Y notea or asdit spreernents���reM�������()�PoY�t of other tetxns adve��b
<br /> io a�e or rtwre P��Y nce ot ail covenaMa snd sproert�ents d 7tustor set toAh Mreln;end(d)MI Prs�st sod
<br /> piobecx tl�s secu�RY d the Note;(a)the Perfarme
<br /> fuWrs irdeWedness end odbations of Eicxruwer(or any of thsm ii more than one)to Lender whether diroct,indhect,abaolute or condn-
<br /> �ent�nd wlwttrr$dek�0 bY�ate�9uarenly,overckaR or otl�ervrlae.The Note�this Deed oi Trust and any ond aM ofher doa�a andt
<br /> y�ure the NoN or othsrwiss executed in oonnecllon therewith�Inciudinp without {Imitation guarar�tees. securftyr sD
<br /> eqipr�ts dba�es a�d ronb�shaN be roferred to herofn as dte Yoan Instruments".
<br /> T�ustor oo+renants and sgreea with Lender ao foNowe:
<br /> 1. ParrNnt ot Md�bbdrnos.Al!kKlebOsdness eecured herobY ahall be pald wben due.
<br /> 2. TitNr:T�ustor ia the owner of the Propsrty,haa ths rlyht and euthoiity to convey the PropertY,and weRants that the ilen creed-
<br /> ��y i���t and prior ibn on the Property,except for Iiens and encumbrences set forth by Truator In wriNng end deliverod to
<br /> ���fore eXec�NNor,of th{s peed ot trust, and the execuUon end dalivery of this Deed ai Trust does not vblote any canM�ct ot
<br /> c��r ot�N�yetbn to whicl�Truator Is subject.
<br /> 3.T�x�s,AsMSSnNnb.To pay before delinquency aN taxes, spedei assessmenb and all other chargns eflak�st dw PropeRy
<br /> now or herosfEer bvied.
<br /> 4.Insun�x�.Tn keep the Property{nsured epainat demage by flre,hazaMs included L��r,nam n �Lende ar a a�n�•addRional
<br /> wch oUier hazerde as Lendea�to t�ulre.�moun����PQ����Lender la author ied to edJust,cdbct and
<br /> named Vnsvrod,with bas P8Y
<br /> oorn{xomfae, eY Galms thereuncler end sheli have the option of apptying aN or pert of the inaurence p�nceeds(I)to eny indebtedness
<br /> secured hareby and In auch order ea Lenct�er may detem�ine,(il)to the Tnista to be used for the repalr or restoratbn of the Property or
<br /> (Nq for eny other purpoae or obJsct�aUsfactory to Lender wkhrwt affsctMp the Ilen of thla Deed oi Trust tor tM full emount eecur�d
<br /> hereby befane such payment ever took place.Any ePplfcatfo^a of prooeede to fndebtedneas shall no!extend or poetpa�e fhe dua dale
<br /> .._� ...�rn��n x,ornunrlar nr hQteutld8f.
<br /> 018f1y1�8�ffl��ls v�ni�7i tnc�wnvr v.w:..:��......._.._._.__..-- -
<br /> 6.Escrow. Upon writtenas theydbec�due onesorrrt►orel of the f Ibwing:i(f)all ta es,essessmonts and othar�Chatrgeauepai st
<br /> - sums ta enabb Lender to pay
<br /> the property,(fl) the premiums on the property lnsurance requlred hareunder,end(lii)the premlums on any mortgt�ge {nsurance
<br /> _ reQuired by Lender. �� �d condition and repalr; shaR
<br /> 6.Malnbnanc�, R�paln and Compp�nc�with Laws.Trustor shel! keep the Property 8
<br /> . Fxnmptly repalr,or replace eny improvement whk�may be damageci or dcatroyed; ehell not commlt or pe►mit any weste or cMterkxa-
<br /> - Uon o1 the property;shall not remove.demdlsf�or substanUally eller any ot the Improvements on lhe Property;shell not commfi,suffer
<br /> ° or permk any ect to be done In or upon the Property!n viaiatlon of any lew,ordlnance,or mgulatiar and shall pay and prompUy dla-
<br />_-= charge et Trustor'a wst and expense all Ilens,encumbrences and charpes levlod, Imposed or accessed agelnst the QropeRy or eny
<br /> - part dtereof.
<br /> 7.EmlrNnt[fomain.Lender Is Aereby aesigned ell compensaUon,ewards, damagea end other payments or reltef(hereinaRer
<br /> rwc�srn+m.oK+y+�n••e+� •s
<br /> p1WlYYnW 6rr tl0o�wuTiuN W�+W NwcrYOn.lYiati.N1ltWU �•••���.t ;�♦
<br />:a�
<br />.r� . .. . . _. .... . _ ._ . . . . .. . _.
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