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<br /> S,Hsrard or Property Ineur�nca. Dorrowcr shall kecp thc improvements now oxisti� er tcr ercxtcd on thc Property _
<br /> insured�gtln�t ba�hy (ire,h�ardA included wltidn 1he term "catended cnvuage" and eny other hazard�,ineluding floods or
<br /> �..
<br /> flaoding, fnr whlch Lender rcquires insurancc.'R�1e insurancc sha111x maintain�d in the amounts and for the perlods that L.ender �r..
<br />' � �� requLa. 'Ihe insurance carrier provlding tha insurance shaU be chasen bv Sortawrx subject ta Lendu's approval which shaU not �
<br />_..�,:� t�a �uu�sonably wlihheld. If Botrowet fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may, at Lendar's opdon, obtain ��
<br /> — covutge to protoct L�ender's�ighls in tht Ptoperty in accorda�tce with paragraph 7. —
<br /> �� All insurance policies snd renewals ehall be t+eceptable to I.endu and shall include a standard martgage clause.Leridu shall
<br /> have ihe rlght w hold the policics nnd renewals. If Lender requires,Bortowu shall prompdy give to Ltndcr eIl rxeigts of paid
<br /> ��� premiwns end renewal nodces.In�he event of loss,Bonower shall give prompt no6ce to the insurancc carrier and Lender.I.�nder _
<br /> �.� may mafco praof af loss If not mado prompUy by Borrowu. ���r���aon or r air of tho
<br /> UnLess Lct�der and Bonower otherwise agrex in wdting,inswence proceeds shall be nPp eP m _
<br />,=, p�.opp�y, c�magod,if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's seaarlty i.g not lassened.If the restoradan ar
<br /> -`� repairis not economically feasibla or Lendu's security would be lessenecl.iha insurance pra',cecis sha11 be aPpllod to t1�e sums
<br />_+?� axurod by this Sxurity Insirumenl, whtthet or not thu► due, wi�h any oxccss pa�d a Borrower. If Borrowu abantbns�he
<br />:?.,� propaty�or does not answer within 34 days a nodce from I.cndcr that the Insurenco car.r.i�r has offered to setile a cl{dm,thon _
<br />-� Lendu r�uy colk�ct the insurence prc►cr,eds.Lender may use the pracecds to repair or restorc the Property or to pay sums socurctd
<br />��. by tl�t Secvriry InsGUment,whether or not then due.'The 30-day pulod w111 lxB�when tho notke is given.
<br /> ':;� Unless Lender amd�iorrowu o[huwise a�,�ca in wdting.any appticapon of proceeds to prtnclpal shall not exter►d or posq►nno _.
<br />_�=� tha Guo date of the monthly paymenis rcfcrrod ta in parng�apha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If ander paragtuph
<br />-_�%� 21 ihe�'roperty is acqu'u�ed by Le�der,Horrawer's right to eny insurance polictes and procoeds resulti�►g from damage w tha
<br /> _: prnppty prior to the acquiaidon shall pass w T.ender w the extent of the sums secured by this Scxurity Insuucr►ent imm�x'iiattrly
<br /> priorb theacquisition.
<br />"-�' f,(]ccupancy�Preservatbn,Mainknance and Protect�on ot the Proptrty; Aorrower's Lan Applkatioo;/.eatehokle.
<br /> Borrowu shall occupy,establish,and usa the Property ag Boirowa's principsil nsidence within sixty dtys aR�i the exocudmi of
<br /> Uils Socuriry Instr�ment and st�ell condnuo ta occupy the Propaty es Borrower's pdncipal resideaa for et least one year after the
<br />�'=:�4 date of occupancy, nnless 1.ender othawiso e8roes in wridng, which consent shell not ba unreasonebly withheld, ar unless
<br />�--- eatenuadng circumstances tacist which are beyond Borrower's control.Borrower shall not destroy.damage or impeir tht Pm�ertY,
<br />--_-_;� ellow the prope7ty to deterlorate, or commit wa5te on thc Pcopaty. Boirowu shaU be in default if any forFeiwre acdan or
<br /> P��B,wiuti�a civil or criminai.i,oc����i�`u�i ui I.��i�'o gt�f«1Sts j�Rznetsi�e� Te�c�fit in forfeihue of the l�milett!1 or
<br />�� -' pt}�a�xjse mataially impair the licn creatod by this Securlty Instrumeat or Lender s security intecesG Barowu ma��cuna m�ch a
<br /> =-� def�ult and reinsW�e. ao pcuvided in peragra�►h 18,by caus�ng the action or practading ta be di�missod with a ntllng Ihot, in
<br /> I�•s guod faith detumination,procludes forfeiwro of the Doaowu's intuest in the Propaty or otha material imPnirmant af
<br /> ._, �� �d by thie Socuricy Inatrument or I.a�der's sec�uity intues�Aosrawa shall also be in default if Barawec,during tho
<br /> Ioeun�ppllcatbn procoas,gave materiaflly false or inaccurace infornaadon or statements to Lender(ar failod to provide i.cndur with
<br /> �ny m�t�l Informadon) in connxdon with tha loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not llmitod to, mpro9cnuuiono
<br /> concaning Somowa's occupancy of the Proputy as a prlr�cipal resldence.If this Sxuriry Insuumait is on a kas���ald,Ao�rowar
<br /> • ehaU comply with s�lll the provLgions of tba ka4e.If Borrower acqulrcs foe dtk to the Proputy�the kasehold end the foe titlo shall
<br /> • not mxge unless U:ndet agrocs w tha maget in writing.
<br /> � 1.i'rotectbn of i.eeder'e Ri�hts le tLe Property. If Borrower falls to perform�he covenant�and agrxnxa►t�containod in
<br /> ! thi�Security lnmuma�t, or theco is a kgd procoodinB that may significandy sffxt I.endar's rights In tht Propeaty(e3uch as a
<br /> proceociing in baniccupccy�probatc,for condemnation or forfaiwre or to enforce laws or roguladon�),thai L�der muy da and pay
<br /> for rhatever is necessAry to prot�xe tho valua of the Pcopecty a�id I.ender's dghts in the Property.l.endu�s acslonc may include
<br /> psyYig any sums sccurod by a lien which hay prioriry over this Sxurity Instrument,appcering in conrt, pxying c�sonabk
<br /> Att�ortwys' fas and entering on 1ha I'roperty w mako repairs.Alihough Lender may talcn acdon undrr this puagraph 7,La►dar
<br /> doanotfiava w do so.
<br /> Arty�mounb disbursod by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bxuma adclidonal debt of Bormwer secune+cl by thic Socurity
<br /> Insawnen� Unk� Barowa and L.ende:�ee W olher tcrms of payment,lhesa amounis shall bear int�a�sst ftom tha data of
<br /> -- disbursemcnt ai thc Note rate and shall be payable.with inurest,uPa►notice from L.enctu u►Borrowcr rroqne,ssdng paym�n� .
<br /> — 1.Mortpxe l.nsunna. If Lendu required moctgage insurnnce us a condidon of makfng the tnan securod by this Security
<br /> Insw�nent, Baxower shall pa,y the ptemiums requirat w maintain the mortgage insum»ce in effceG If,for any mavon� tho
<br /> m�ongage insurance c.�verage required by Lendu tapses or ceases ta be in effect,Borrower shall psy the premiums rogu[rod w
<br /> obuin cove�ge sub�tanti�ily equlvaknt to the mortgago insurance previously in effect,at a cost subslantially equiv�ltau ta tho
<br /> cosl I� Borrowa of the mostgago insuranca proviously in effect, fmm an altesnate mortgaB� insura approved by Lender. If
<br /> - subsuntk�liy epulvalent moctgagc insuronct covrrage is not availsblo,Bonowcr ahaU pay to L.ender cach month a swn equel tn
<br /> - — one�hvclhh of the yearly mortgage insuranca pnmium being paid by Borrowu when the insurance coverago lapsed or ceascct to
<br /> be in eftec�Lender will accspt, use and retain thesa payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss muvcvo
<br /> _=—.= Form 90tB fl/
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