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<br /> �-�.re.os.•l'..� '•i.�4 . ,,r.��vb�_• .ti,�i7:`1 � � r '�.� ' � T°l ^tia�?�t ._ _ —_--
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<br /> �,� 'I�tKiltil'1!!{Il WI'I'U ui! Iho impnwcmcnu txiw cx hcrt�ftcr croct,ed on Ihc propert�,�d�li�c���me�''�
<br />�= Itxtun+�Miw�w haro�lK�pwt t►t tM� aPPuctenanccs,and
<br /> ,� pt�paiy. All ropiaccmcels �,�d sddition�shdl Wso be covercA by this Soc�ry Inswmcru.
<br /> _ A!!�►1�IM f�Mwx,dn�I+tt�rim!h�fn th?a Sccurlty!n»�uumuu�:Iiw Trop:rty."
<br /> _ �1NNl1WHlt (!IIYNNAMi'1 Ih�t Hamtwer b I�wfully�elaod of�ha esuta haeby conveyed and hae the right tc�grsnt and
<br />,� �+��nY � �"n�y �t �h+N tho t'n►po�t,Y I� unencumberocl, oxcept fa encumbrance,� of record. Burrower werrents and will
<br /> �Nifaad�rna��lly the UUo M�Iho FlnrpattY�otlntt�til cl�lm�and ttem�xla,eubjoct to any encumbrances of rccord.
<br />_� TIII� �Kl'Ultl'i'Y IN.'4'1'ltUMf�N7'cumbina�unlform covcnen� for nWanAl u.gc end non,uniform covcnants with limitcd
<br />-� v+KWk�►�by,hwl�fktk�t Mo�v►n�lllulo M unifixm�ocurity in�trumcr�t cnvcting rcal property. -
<br /> � IJNIPQitM�Y 1VI�NAN'I's.H�xiowu suid l.e�dcr covc,n�nt and�roo as[olbwe: -
<br />= 1��'I�)t�+W af A'Mr�MI�1 INIe�Mi A'tpMyMe�t��d I.�te Cbaryes. Borrowu shaq promPUY PaY when duo tha
<br /> - {xincipMl e►t rnd inleraM nn 1he delx d�rldoncod hy tho No10 iu�d�ny Ixep�Ymeeu u�d I�te chargas due under tho Note.
<br /> �.�hMM fpr'1'r�w�1 I�wwr�te. Subloc:t to rppik�bio law cx to a wrlUCn waivu by Lendu� Bocrowu shalf pay to
<br /> �°�+����Y ����Y WY�W�dua u�da tho Noto,untll Ihe Note 1�pad in full,a sum("Fund9")for: (a)yearly taxes
<br /> rn�1�rrea�neMe whlch mny�tWn�k�tity���er thb Sxurity Instrarmeet�e a 8;,n on tho Property;lb)Ye�rly leatehold paymenta
<br /> tx qtound renu an Ih�+I�mpaty.If iwfy;(c)yetrly Iwr,wd or propesty Insurutica premlums;(d)yearly Aood Ltsurance prcmiums,if
<br />.= GTtyl(0) yi'�liiy fik,�i�i�i in�1KMICO pramlptllN,if�ny;md(t)�ny euma peyabk by Socrowcr to Lcndcr.in accordance with the
<br /> P�w�� p�'y�h U� In lieu t►f �ho �ynwnt of mon�aige ineunuice premfun�a. '!�e items are caUed "Escrow Ituns."
<br /> ����Y�y�Y�►�'�����t�rW hald Fundi in�n�unount not t�excoat the maximwn amount a Icndcr for a fedcrally�elatcd
<br /> mM�e b�n maY roq�im�a Bormwer'�cicrow�ccaunt unde,��ho fock�l Re�l Hatate Seulenx,�t Proceduns Act of 1974 es
<br /> un�lotl from timo W dme� 12 U,S.C.Socibn 2601 e1 aeq. ("RBSPA").unlcse anothu law that applks to the Funds sets Q lesscr
<br />_ rmiwr►►, if�o. l�ender rn�y� �t�ny Urrre� colioct rtd hold Fw�dt in�n unount not to exceod the lwsa amonn�:.end�x rt►�y
<br /> atitn�oe Iho�int of E�mfi duo an the b�li of cunent dau itnd rouo�ubk c�dmue�of cxpendit�res of futuro Escrow Itema or
<br /> • ad�xwl�e In�oaxd�nc�e witN�ppilc�bb I�w.
<br /> '1'he Nbnds�full be he{d fn rn fn�tiwtbn wlwse dapo�ftr�te lt�wrod by p[aka�l pgency�In�WmenWity,or erulty(including
<br /> Lauter� U I,oiwler i�axh�n InrMlwtion)nr in Nny Faderd Home Laia Bnk.L,emier eha11 apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> IWme.L��da m�y not char�o Barr�wer tcx holdin�Nnd�pplyln� tha�undt.�nnwlly an�ly�.ing the escrow ac:ount,or vaifyina
<br /> ika�s�.:5�;� ;,ir„�::;.W�p:r,i ix�o.ra ioia�t oa ieo�unui and sppueabb taw permita Lenda to malce such a chargo.
<br /> H�wover.[.awkr rmy requiro$unuwar m p�y N a�e•dmo chu�o for �n independeat real estue tax repordng servica usod by
<br /> Lcnrfur i�e wnnactian wllh Ihb b�n�unba�pplk�f►b kw provldw�thawiso. Unkss�tn ugra.mcnt is made or applicable law
<br /> � roquira in�t.b be p�id�i.a�da�lutll nc�t be roquiroA to p�y Barowa�ny interest or e�minge on the F�nds. Borrower and
<br /> �� Lendar may Kne in wr{dn�.hoarova�IhM inla�ow�I�aQ be pW on�ho Fundi.Lender alWl give to Borrower,without charge�an
<br /> � �nnu�l�ocounHnj ot the Fw�d��dwwin�andNt�nd dobila b the FSu�da md the purpox for which each debit to tho Funds was
<br /> m�dn.Tha Funds�ne p{edsod w�ddi�lonal�ecurlty for�ll wmt eoctuod by this Socurity Inunument
<br /> Tf the F1�ndi hekf by[.ender axooed qb amq,�n�prrmit0ed w be held by appljcabb law,L�ender sh�Il eccount to Bon+ower fa
<br /> ; tho exasa�w�dt fn�ocatdarn,�e with tho requiremoeb at rpplkable l�w.If ihe�rriount of ihe Funds heW by Lencier at any dme is
<br /> ; not�u(ficieAt b p�y tho B�crow Iletru�when due,l.endor may ao notlfy�nrtowa ln writing.�nd,in such cave Bomower ah�il{reY
<br /> . b L�ender iho anwunt noc�r�ry b maka up tho defic;kncy. Borrow�r slutll make up the dcfkkncy in no mor�e than nvelvo
<br /> month4 P�Y�u�at I.ender'e�ofe dbcrotion.
<br /> ' Upon p�yrnent in fuU af�II sum�socurod by thu Sxurlty InurumGnt,Lc,nder ah�tl promptly refund co gorr�wa any Funds
<br /> , hekt by I.endtr.If� unda p�r�rwh 21,Lenda Nudl�cquiro ot�ell�fK+Pr�etty�l,ender,Prbr W the icquisition a sak of tho
<br /> PtopmtY. siyll �pply�ny Futtdi hc1A by I.ctxkr M Iht tltno nP rcqui�itlun or rale�u�credit�gainst the aums exurcd by thie
<br /> Security IntWrnai�.
<br /> 3.ApfYtada af P��b. Unbw�pplic�Me law�xovWat dhawho.�II peymaite received by Lcncler undex pa�agruphs
<br /> 1 mQ 2�l!bo�pQNod:C�rst,oo�nY WW'oWWYmcnt ch�r�tr due unda tha Nota��ocond.w�mounts psy�bb under p�ragreph 2;
<br /> thltd.k!iME(t�t d11G;f0utdl�b pritlClp�l du0:rr�d 4it,W�ny We chaqo�due under tho Nole.
<br /> 4.Ciu�r�i Lfew. Bor�owet�h�U p�y tll uxa� ��ents.char�a. fine��nd impotlNone Wuibuubb w tho Pro�occy -
<br /> wbk:h may MWn priorfty ovor this Socurity Inurumai��nd k+ud�nkl p�yma�u ot acound renb�if my.Borrowu shNl pay tha�o
<br /> obUg�lions in the mannrr provkled In p�rqrrph 2,or it nol pwW in IhM mn��a�9otmwer ehW pRy them on Wno dirccdy to tho
<br /> Paeon ow�d p�ymen4 Htxrowar�h�ll P�P�Y furni�h lu I.cndcr�II twMlcc�ot�rtwunu to bo paid unckx thtc piragnph.If
<br /> 8amr�wer m�ka�heso PsY�lt dirocqy�Btxrower�11 prott�ptlY fumlKh b l.endet roceipu ovldzncin�tho p�ymants.
<br /> �'�'a� P�PUY��o�ny I�n which ha{xicxity nver thb 5xurity In�uu�t un{ore Bcxeowa: (a?agroes in
<br /> wriWig w tho p�ymont ot ihe ablt��tion eocurod by the Nero In�mw�nc+r�n�apuibb 1�L,�x�dat(b)conteui in good fdth tho ikn
<br /> bY. a' defaid� �g�inu enforccment nf the lien in, k�l pnxaxlie�r wh�h In tlw I.en�iCr'e npiniun oper�tto to prev�nt tho
<br /> a�fo�amau of U►e lkn:a(c)socurce[rnm tha h�ldcr af Ihe Ibn�n�ra�noat KaUaf�caxy t�L.cndcr subordin�ing tho I�n W
<br /> thb 5aeurity In�wmaiG If LRx�dcr dc�erminca Ih�t�ny�rt of Iho{�n�porty u wbjoct to�lien which m�y etWr�priarlty ova thfo ---
<br /> Security in�aumeet> l,ender may Qive Bcxrowtx�rwtjco kiealilyin� �hn lian. H�rmwu eh�tl suisfy tho Hen or uke ono or mae
<br /> of Iha actbnt ret forth�bove wflhln 1p day�of No�Iving nf nnik�.
<br /> �•OY(NE)p��Q�.o� �, Fonnl��q y�1� -
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