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;� . . . , . . <br /> .r . -n�.�-._ <br /> , , .... , •A:.--____ --.o..�.__ <br /> '.�q •i •�i �.'p_i.�,.. ,. . . .. .�, ,�, _ __v _ ._...__._._.'_.'.�_____ T-'—°`. . �r.-�---.�°�--_____ <br /> , .• Bortower rru�Y wn such e d�1�uM and rektetat�, sa provlded In paa9nAh 1B, by c+walnp tne nciion or pwi.o���w ta �c -•- <br /> ' di�mist�tl wlth �ruYny th�t,In L�nda'e pood 1�fth dNerminstlon,preclud�a 1oileilure o1 the 9ortower'a Intaeet In the Prop�ty or <br /> other matwi�l Impalrmait ot the Ilen cre�tsd by thl� SacurKy In�tNm�nt or UndK s security Inlerest. Bortower eh�M dso bs In <br /> detau!t If Dortower, during the foin�pNYc�tlon proa�s, q�vs mat�ri�Ny t�lae or inaccunte Intortnation nr atotemeNs to I.ender (or �� <br />- tsAed to provid� L�nd�r wNh �ny rruit�rlal Inio►mMtbn) In connoctlon wlth lhe lorn ovidenced by the Noto. Inch�ding, bul not <br /> Iknit�d lo, rpns�nu�tlons conart►fnp dorrawer'e occup�noy o1 the Piopary es � pdncip�l ra�ldence. II thlo S�curity � �_ <br />- Inatrum�nt b on • I wen h n ir i, B a rt o w a r a h�M c o r r y�t with eM the pra�lslons of Ihe lease. II Dorcower �cqulre� taa tllls la lhe _= <br /> proparty,lh�te�a�hold �nd tht fee Si tle�h�N not m�rqls unlaes Lender�qreae to the mergx In w�itinp. M �_ <br /> �I Borrower hYa to pe�lorm the covmants nnd�Qreamente � �,; . <br /> - 7. Prot�otlon af i.�nd�r'a RIpM� In ths Prap�rty. - <br /> = cont�ined In thle Secwify Inetrument, or I hKe Is � l e q d p r o c N d h i O l h�t m a y al y nMl�nt y �fbct Ldnder'e rlyhte In ►he PropenY � <br /> 6�. <br /> (auch �e �procr�linq In bankrupt�y. probato. for condr.mnellon or to�teliure or to enforce �awe or reguMtlona),then LM a maY _v <br /> do�nd p�y lor whatwar b n�c�aa�ry to pratect the vwiw o1 the Property �nd Lendei a dghts In tha Property Lendr�r a ccttens - <br /> rr�y {ndud� paylnp any aume secured by a Ilsn which h�a pdorfty over thls Securiry UetrumenL �ppeuing 1n couA, P�Y�9 � �.- <br /> rsisonable�ttomeye' leas and �ntNinp on the Propery to rtwke rcrpelro. Kllhough lander may take ectlon unda thls panqraph � �:,:.- <br />- y, L�ndK doea not have to do so. <br />:� My �mounta dla6ursed by Lander under paraqr�h 7 sht�ll become �ddillonsl debt o1 Bortowe► eecunsd by thla Secutiry <br /> = Instrument. Unlesa Borrower �nd Lenckr pSY��ble.�witlh Interesl,'upon nollce 1 om Lender to Bortow r requesting peymenl�te of <br />� diabune+nent �t the Nate nte wnd sh�ll be pay � <br />= 8. MOrtgsq� Insursncs. 8 Lender requkect mortgage Insuranco es a con�illon o1 makJng the loan secured by thls <br />— Security Instniment,Bortower RhaH pay the premlums required to malntnln the mortgage Insurnnce In ettect.If, tor eny reaaon, ihe <br />� mpitqap�InM1UnnG covnraye requka�d by Lender lapsos �sur�nce prwloucly fn eHect t s cost subs'tantlaUy equNalent todthe <br /> � obUdn coveraye eubst�nUely equNUe��t to the mortpa� Msurer rpproved by Lender• �� <br /> coat to Borrarisr oi th� mortp�►ye Ineur�nce prsvlouay In eHec1, irom �n �Kem�te mortSi9e <br /> substanUaly equNd�n1 matO�W insuranc� covenpe la not�vailabie, Borrowor ahaM p�y to Lender ench mont s��Ga e�d�o <br /> _ nn�-tw�Mlh ot the yMrtY mortSMpa fnsunnce prnmkjm beino P�Id by Bortowa when the insurance covenye I�P <br /> be In eflec.i. Lender wN �capt, use�nd reUln these paymenle es a losr.resesve Fn Fe+e ot mortg�9e Inaurance. Loss roaerve <br /> paymante may no long�r be rsquksd. �t the optlon of Lender, H mortgape Insun�nce covenga (M ths emount md for th�perlod <br />— that Lender requkes) provided by an insurer �pproved by Lender a�in becomes adafkble end Is obt�{ned. Borrower sMN p�Y <br /> the premfuma requkad to maht�in mortgrpe Insurance In ettect, or to provide a lass reserve, unUl ihe requlrement tor moKg�ge <br /> Insunnce enda fn�ccad�nce wflh any wrttten apreemc+it betwee^ Borrower md Lmdu or epplicabla law. <br /> - 9. Insp�ctlon•Lender or fts agent mey nwko reasonable�6an�blancause for hta�Inspectlon��P� Lender sh�M gNe <br /> — Bonow�►noUa�t the tlme of or p�ior to an inspectla�spec!(yln0 <br /> 10. Gond�mn�tton.The proceedof t enF'rowsrd of��onveyanca In N r oi aa+�r�m^alo t�°►° h°bY�asi9"°d �d <br /> condamndkx� or other taklnq of any p P�Y� <br /> ehaN b�Wdd to Lender• <br /> Inatrumerit whetha or not hler► due,wNhhemy ceas peld or Bor�rower.r n he eve�1�fte partkl tekinp o the ProPterN�h�h <br /> =��o h��.�t.�._.�. .,1 thw Prooerty knmadiatey betoro the taking is equd to w g►e�1er than ths amo�unt �tw��^�nee sumg <br /> by �hfa Securfty InaWment knmedi+tdy betoro the taking, unlese Botrrnver �na Lmoe� ui���:.�os � <br /> secured by thls SacurUy Instrumont sh�M be rMuced by the amount ot the proceeds multipAed by the ToNowinp i►actlon, (a)lhe <br /> total emount oi the sume eecured knmMfntey betore the teking, divided by (b)the t�k msrket vslue at��whlch�i�ilr m�a�et <br /> before the t�king.My b�Janco shsJl be pNd to Borrower. In tho event of a parlisl taking o}the Property <br /> ' value of the Propaty ImmedintelY betore the t�k(�g ls leoa than the nmount ot lhe aums secure+� Immedintcly bdore the taklnq� <br /> unlese Borrt�wer �nd Lendx othtrwlse a9roe � w�iUn9 or unless eppMcabfe law othe�rwise providea, the proceeds ehaM be <br /> � sppliad to the aums securad by th�s Security Instrument whether or not the sums ere then due. <br /> It the Property ia sbsndoned by Bortower, or if, sfter notice by Lender to Bonower th�t the condomna otters to m�ke an <br /> �w�rd or aetHe e cleim for damnge�, BoROwer SaN� to respond to Lender within 30 days etter the dste ihe notice a toN he <br /> Lender ts s�thorized to ��Inatrumea�wthether oeQnot then duetlon, elther to restoration or repak of the Propaty <br /> � sume secund by thin Securily c�tlan of proceeds to prindpal ehaW not exte�d or <br /> f' Unlees Lender �nd BaTOwer othervvlso Qgree N� writk►9, eny appll <br /> postlwns the due date of the mor+thly payments reterted to M psrngnphs 1 and 2 or change 1he�mcwnt of auch payrrnents• <br /> 11.Borrow�r Not Rde�a�d; Fo�Maranc� By Lend�r Not• Weiwor•Extenalon ot the time tor p�yrt�ent or <br /> mcdificallon ot emoHlutlon of tho sums �ecured by thls Secudty {nstrument gnnted by Lender ta eny succeasor In Intatoat of <br /> Borrower sheM not operate to rdeeise the IleWiity of the originrl 8orrower or Borrower's succosaoro In Interest. Lender shn11 not <br /> � be requked to commence proceedinqs ag�inat any successor In Interest or retuse to extend tkne tor p�yment or othawlse <br /> B�er�cesaoro In Intere t�uAny orbeeronc�e by�Le ider ln xerd ing anyadAht or�nrembdy shaMt not be�tl�er of or <br /> prddude the exerdse of�ny riyht or remedy <br /> • 12. Succ�ssors and Asaigns Bound; Jolnt and S�v�ral Ll�btlity; Ca-�I�n�rs.The coven.nts.nd <br /> egreements ot thla Security Ins�rumont shaN bfnd and benefk the auccnaaoro and asslgna of Ldtder and Bortowar,subJect to the <br /> provisiona ot parn�ruPh 17• 8onower'e covan�nta and ayreements shaq bc Jolnt and aeveral. My Borrower who����s��v� <br /> Secu�ity Inahummt'but doea not execeite the Note: (a) Is co-algnMp th{s Socurity Instrument ony to mortg�gs. gn <br /> lh�nf 0ortower's fnterest In tho Property under the terma ot thia Security Inslrument; (b) Is not personrty obNgated to pay the <br /> uums aecured by this Security lnstrument; nnd (c)agrees that Lender nnd��neWment�ar tthe Not �o�t h t�B n�er's <br /> totbe�r or make any accommodatlons wfth regard to the terms ai thls 9ecurlly <br /> consent. <br /> 13. Loatt Charg��. If ths Iwn secured by thls Securiry Instrument la eubJect to a law +vhleh sata maximum oan <br /> chergee, end that taw i� Ansly Interpreted eo that the Interest or other loan ch�►rpes coHected or to be coqected In connectlon <br /> wfth the loen exceed the permitted NmRa, then: (�)e�y such loan chdrge shall be reducnd by the emount necesaary to reduce <br /> the charge to the pem�itted iknft; and (b) eny aums akeady collected trom Bortower which exceeded permitted ��mfts 'MII bu <br /> � dk t p�yment to Bort w� If e relunderteduce��pdncipalUtl�ie redu�ctlongwiN be treeted esa parilaitpeepaymeritbwithaul any <br /> •°— prepayment che��ge under the Note. <br /> 14. NotieYB.My notice to Bortowr,r provided for In lhls SecurNy Inswment ahall be givan by ddivaing it or by maWng il <br /> by ikot ctaaa mail unloss eppliceble lew requkes use ot enother metho�. The notice nhetl bo dkected to tha PropMy Addrass <br /> w any other addresn Borrower deaig�iates by notice to Lander. My notiCe to Lender ahall bo gNon by flrst class mnfl to <br /> � ��a..�. ..�.�...a at,t� her�n or anv other nddress Lender designntes by noUee to Borrower. Any notice provided for N this <br /> .��_ _ ......ti <br /> Security In�trummt shr�ll be deemeci to have been glven to Borrower or�enaer wnm given sa p�irriu'�iu:.-. ����� r-�-�-.••- <br /> _-- 15. Gavsrning 1aw� S�v�rability. This Security instrum ovla onll oreclauae ot�this S�ty�n trument or�he Note <br /> ---- Judsdictlon In which the Property Is located. In the event that ony p <br />- •— cpen ettect witho'ut the onflicling provislon hTo thlseendtthehprovlsions�oi thla 8 urityr I strume�t and the Not t a ehdec{ared bo <br /> 9� <br /> � be aeverabie. <br /> �i�� 16. BO►POW�r's COpy. BoRUwa shall bo gNtn one confortned capy o1 the Note and oi thls Securfty li�atrument. <br /> ��� <br /> T�� aaqc 3 ot S `�� � <br />���� f1316.LM0(�/97) <br /> mrrwv� <br />_.._•_� 970:n9 . .. . . _ . . . . . . - . _ . <br />