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.�y,a�i■i , �. � ..: —_-�= _: <br /> � ,. �,_.. - - - - ...�::��r,�,u_--:..:,��_ -_-- -=_. <br /> • q..> . - - <br /> ��" ,".�':�. . ... . , . . . . . l�'�!»'.f1� r`-'`�� r - °_.....�� <br /> �.� . . <br /> _ ... . <br /> _. <br /> -. <br /> '.,�.� TO(3ETHER YVITH �M the knpro��mer►te now �r hmeafter erected on the prapMty, �nd all e�r,amnnta, +�+ry��rtmmcrs, ar� _ <br />:�_'�,b- • . , -_- <br /> -:°�;� ' tlxturea now or hee�Rx�paA of the propeity. AN replacemente end sdditlona rh�Y�Iso be covereA N,y lhis 44r,�srfty Inetrument. <br /> -- �''' AM oi th�longolnp la rd�nd to In ihis Security Inatrument�s the'Propaty.. <br /> " BORROWER COVENANT8 th�t �orrowa Is lawlully sNzed o1 iho estete hweby convoy�d and hnn th�t d�1�P lo grrnt �nd �" <br /> • � convey the Properly �nd lhat lhe Property is unencumbered, oxcept lor encu«�bra�ce.s af rec�rrl. 13orra�xor w�rrenta and wNl -- <br /> defmd peneraNy the title to the Property RUalnst all clalms end demenda subk�t to eny encumbranr.nn o1 recard. <br /> � � .,: <br /> .`... <br /> ' THI9 SECURITV INSTRUMENT combMe� unflo►m coven�nt� for natlo�ial use end n�n•unllarm c�vennnte wfth Ilmited y �r';�:. <br />��'"' varl�tions by wdsdlcUon to conetitut��unftortn security Insirument covering ra�tl propertyr. �� <br /> ;�_�,, UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower wnd Londer covUnant end�gree as tdlawa: � <br /> 1. P�ym�nt of PrinCip�l and Inbr��t; Pnpaym�nt �nd L.��t� Cht�rgps. 9onowor ehnll �mrn�Ply PaY wnen �:`�- <br />" . . due the princlpal n1 and Interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and �ny preQayme:nt and late chnrgAa d��n unrMr the t�ole. � - <br /> -""" 2. FU�ids f0��w7lr� piitl IilGUi'�i1GC.Sub�cct to npplicabla 11w or m e wriuen wnlvor by Lnndsr. 6�r�:�xor shsll pey �'` <br />� -_� to Lender on the d+►y monthfy payments �ra due under lhe Note, unUl the Nnte le pald fn fuN, a num ('Funda') Icr. (�) yeary � .� <br /> �.ror�f tuces �nd Qseesamante whinh rn�y �ttdn pdoritY o�a ihla Securiry Instrun�ent as n Iien on tho P�•apr�R.y; (b) yearly le�sehold <br />"" -=�+� payments or ground renta on lhe Property. ��anY; (c) yeerN heznrd or propArty Insumnco premluma; (d� yc+ary !'.ued Insunnce Y_ <br /> :- premkrme, H �ny:(e) yearty mortg�ge Imurance any;�nd(Q eny r,ums pnyable by Bortowor ta l.undr_�h accordnnce ` <br /> wRh the provlalons ol para{�raph B. in liesi ot the paymmt o1 mort{pge In�aur�nce prcmiume. Thr.e,o itnma are c�ilad 'Escrow <br /> ��' Itema.' Lenda tn+�y. at any tlme, coNect �nd hold Fu�ds in en emoun�not to exceed tha mnximum emaunt.a lender tor e <br /> :,,: }��{�y related mortqago loan may requke lo► Borrower'a escrow accounr,under tho fedoral Real E+lfl1R So211nmrmt Procedures ` <br />`-�;,.,� Act ot 1974 �s amended hom time to tkne, 12 U.S.C. �2801 et seq. ('REt3PA'), unless enothrx iaw thnt applitrt�io tNe Funds <br /> i�,.,�t.;,+°4 sets e lesser emount. II ao, Lender mny, at any time, collect end hold Funds In en emount not to exccad Uxc ksser emount. <br /> Lender mey estkna2e the amount of Funds due on the basis ot cuRent dat� nnd reasonnble entimnten of er.penrlfures ot future <br />�,titij�S*.� Eacrow Items or othenvlse In eccordance�rHh eppNcable law. <br /> ;�,'.:�?% The Funds eh�11 be held in an InalNution whose depnsilt ero insured Gp e tederal�gm'icy,InMn�mentnlA�i,or et�Ury(indudinp <br /> -- F� Lendx,H LendK Is auch an InsttluUon) or h Any Federel Home Lo�n Bank �nnder shnx sppry tha Fun� to� yny th�Eaa'ow <br />��±+� "�+ the Funds, ennually�nnyrinp tha encrc�w ar,r.nrmt, a vaityin9 <br /> .;i;;�.��,� gema, Lende►mey not ch�rqe Bortower for holdhp end appyMg <br /> � tha Esc►ow ttc,rns, unloss Lender RaYs Bortower Interest on the Fund� end eppNcaWe law pmmlta L��nrHtr 4o m�lce a���c�h�e <br /> ,, �..:: <br /> °��.:_.'_�, ` chuge. However, Lender msY roquke BoROwer to pey e onetime charr�e tor an Independent real entete ian r g <br /> used by Lender In connoction wfth this loan, uniess appNcabb kw psovldes otheiwise. Untnea an ap►arcrfent is made or <br /> :��. � eppiicable law requfres interest to be peid, Lender sholl not be requlred to pay Borrowor eny or onmin�a on the Funds. <br /> --- Bortowx and Lender may agree In writk►9, however, that interest shntl t�e pald on tho Funds. Land�r shiill pive to Bortower, <br />;�Ai�. , wRfiout charge, en ennual accounting ot the Funds, showing credits encs debits to tho Funda and th��puq:4ne la which esch <br /> ii�r:5�x� debk to the Funds was made. The Funds ere pledged as edditlonal sacudry for all sums secured by th�t S�v�rity Instrument. <br /> ,v'„� N the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitteKl to bo t�eid by epplicablo law. LAnd�r shrill �r,count to Bortower <br /> v-_�� }or the excess Funda In ac^ordance wRh the requlrements ot epplicabin inw. If tho amount ot tho Funda h�31d by lender at any <br /> .,r`;:--�t tkne Is not sufAcient to pay the Eserow Items when due, Lender n�ay so notity Borrr�i+�er In wrttinp, and, In cuch rase Bortower <br /> " shal pay to Lender the emount neeossnry to make up the de8ciency. Borrower shall mnko up th�e d9Baloncy in no mure than <br /> =tiv 1weNe monthy payments,nt Lendcr's sole dlscreUon. <br /> Upon payment In tup ot eN sume secured by thls Securfty Instrumen►, Lender shuA promptJy refund �l0 8orrower any Funds <br /> -==— halii t�y Lende►. If.under parcgnPh 21, Lender shell acqulre or seN the Property. Lender, pd�r to th��RcqidaRion or sale of the <br /> -----�- property, shaM apply eny Funds hdd by Lender at the tlme ot acquisiiiai or seie uy a ��e.�: se"��hyt t`::�::a.� .:^_!Sr�rl hY fhlc <br /> .°-- Securityr In8trument. <br /> -"�"'i' 3. App11C�ItIOn oT P1ym�tlti. Untesn eppHcable law provid�es othenvlec�, alt pnymenta recsdverl by Le�sder under <br /> _ paragrapha 1 snd 2 shaq bE�ppMed: flrst,to any prepayment chargea due undor thn Note; soaond,to sunnunis pnvable under <br /> parayroph 2:thkd, to Mtetest due;fourth, to principal due;and lest,to any lato charges due undrr thn Nata, <br /> 4. Cha�g�s; U�n�. Bortower shall pay sll taxes. assesements. chsrges, flnoa end Impoariiunu ntUbutnble to the <br /> — Property whlch may attain priortty over this Securfry Instrument and leasehald peymanto or ground tenta,t[�ny. Bhrta,onw�?hnaA <br /> pay these obNg�Uons in the manner provided In peragreph 2, or If r,ot pAid In thcri mannor, Borro�wer sh�lM pay <br /> paraywpth.l f Borrower mekea these payments dkecty, Bo werl�hut pr mpty�Itumis'h lo f La►dnr�trendpts ev+dencl� th�e <br /> pi�lflllflt6. <br /> Borrower ah�ll premplty discharge mny lien whlch has prlorky ovcr thls Secudty Inatniment Barrower: (a) ay�ees in <br /> wrNhg to the payment of the obWqaUon secured by the Nen In n manner aceeptabie to Lemdor; �b) contrtate In good taRh the <br /> Nen by, or defenda against eniorcmunt of the Nen In, legal proceedk�q:s which In tho Londor'n opininn �erate tv prevent the <br /> entorcement of the Ilen; or (c) secures hom the holdcr of the Nen en agreement efltlstaGtary to Landar rubordAuHng the W:n to <br /> this SacurNy Instrument.It Lender determines ihat eny part of the Propeny is sub}ect 10 a Wen whlnh mny aUeln Prlo+t►Y over thls <br /> Security Instrument,Lender may Olve Bortower s notiae IdenUtying the Ilen. BorroweT shnll sntiflfy th��N�n or tetce one w mcre o1 <br /> the actin�s set forlh above wRhin 10 days of the giving of noUce. <br /> 5, H�'d or pr�►p�rty Insurancs. Bortower Bhtll keep the knprovamenta �ow erJsitng or here�fter efected on the <br /> Propertyr insurcd agelnat loss by tke, hezards Included withln the term'extendec! covernflo' end any other haerda, Indudin8 <br /> flooda or lbod'ng,tor whlch Lender requlres Ineurence. Thia lnsurence shall ho anneitalnnd En th�� amnunte snd tor the perioda <br /> — that Lender requkea. The Insunnce cartta provlcYng the Insurance shap be chosen by BaRCSwer auhject co Lendere approval <br /> wh�h ahaN not be unreaaonabiy wilhheld. If Bonower fails to me(ntnln covm+c�a deacribod abqux, Lender mey. et Lender'e <br /> opUon,obtefn covenge to protect Lendet's rights In the Prope+ty tn accordance with naraflrnph 7. <br /> At� Insursnca poAcles end ren�swals shaU be acceptablo to Lender end shaA hcludo e star.�Swd modgage clause. Lender <br /> pald parertilumarendt renev�a notices.11cingthe event o}Itoss.1 Bo ower shell ghre p ortipt6noticoto AAe/inaurence canler and Lentdar. <br /> Lender mey mnke praol aI losa B nol made prompty by Borrower. <br /> Unlesn Lender and 8orrower otherwise apree In wrNing. Insurence proceeds shnN Ibo applied to reatoreflon or repak oi the <br /> � property, tlameged,N the restoretion or npnir la economlcaly feaslble and Lendor's socurity Is not kssened.If the ri tthe'sums <br /> --i��r repair is not economically feeaib{e or Lender's necurity would be lessened,the Innurnnao pmcoeds sheN be appkcl <br /> �•M� secured by thls Security instrument, whelher or not thm due, with any excea� pn{d to Borro+ver. If Borrower euandona the _ <br /> _- property, or does not answer wRhin 30 days e notice irom Le��der that the Inauranco ctirti�►r hna ottered to sotCo a ciakn, then <br /> '�_°= <br />