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;y�- : . , , •. _-_ �-_��.--�'�' <br /> , , ��.i ��s�- <br /> _�.�;,:�;�,_._ <br /> ._ . .. �f4�� Lt 1l� ..— • <br /> lI�/IG - r ' t�. �M/j����}��l1INAn�'r�•aww�+�--�_'___. <br /> '�y�.,�:0,.�14*t _�._ <br /> . ..�aa - . . r s ...^..,._ ...... .. .. . J:,..._ . � �. <br /> .���-,: :,� � �� so�o�4 =-- <br />����� - <br /> _.Y.�.:..�.: •--...�......,A���n. i <br /> - •��+ or rt thereof,or for co��veyan�in i:�V<<v�---•�• --- <br /> � �� °praceeds')In connecilon w►th candemnetion or olher teking ai the Property Pe <br /> � � Londor sholl be antitlod at Its opUon to commance,appear In and prosecutd In its own namo any actlon or proceed�ngs,end shall alao _ � <br /> . .., :4 ua:i�_- <br /> I all such proceeds, efter deducting <br /> be entitled to moko any compromise�r sorilem�nt In connecUon with such taking or demago.In the evont eny portion oi the Property e <br /> �. so taken or damaged, Lender shail have the opUon In its solo and absotute dlscretlo�neno ndebtedness sacured hereby and io such ---- <br /> . ' 9� therefrom ell costs and expenses Incurred by it In connectbn wilh such Proceeds,upo Y n such con- _--__ <br /> �� arder as l.onder may dotermine,or to eppiy all auch Prc►ceeds,after auch deductlons,to tha restoratlon of the Prnperiy upo � <br /> • � �� ditlnns es Le�der may�cu elan de eui M'e�auMer or h�er�u�der.Any uen pp��ed(undstshal/be paid t�Trustohe duo date ot any pay- <br /> w s � rnent�undor the Note,o Y <br /> . .. ' B. P���nc�by L��►deP.Upon lha c�currona.3 0(an Event Lendeamahen its own di�icrel o�n.but w�hout obliAatlonr t�do so �_ <br /> y <br /> „�-,Yt' . cammenced wh�h materially affects L Tn stort end vvl'►lwutee 48s��Trustor irom any obilgatlon,do any act whlGh Truetor has agreed <br /> _'d. - `� and withaut notica to or demand upon <br /> to rotect tho security h�reof. Truator ehr�ll,Imrnediate y upon <br />,�`�� but faued to do end may elao do e�Y other ad it deems neoessery P <br /> �•�-v�r demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender a�l costx and expenses Incutred er►d sums expendeA by Le�xler In cor�nectbn w�th the exar- <br /> �n <br /> c lse by Lencbr oi the foregolr�p�i9h����{with Inter�st the�e+or�e��he����tt rete prnvldeci in th�Note,which dhell be added l� <br /> :� <br /> the indebtedneae eecu�ed hereby.Lender eha��no�Fnwr eny Ilnbilily b s c aute of an y thl n y It mny d��a omll to do ereun er. <br /> 9. H�ardow Mabrl�la. Trustor ehafi keep the PropoAY In�M�`o W��n��iQ EnvU'onlinente/ewa"�Trusta sNall ksep - <br /> „ � relbpn{�to Indu�trial hypbnb or envlronm�ntwl prc►tiCtbt�(�Y <br /> � ihe Property free irom all subetonceih���lnts end rop�e�an1�to Lender�hnt�trhere�m�nolhlxx�rc{ous M�terlyilr�ai a unMrrthe <br /> ... iy��.` ad"Hoz�r(IouE M�te►tat�").T►ust01 Y <br /> n1e,and�n wccer- <br /> Prapenl►.Tru�lor hers�y epresa to lncNmnify a�nd hob h�rmb��Ler►dw,��oi'sM�I htlitie�erlh np�ca�+nectlai with the prswnce, <br />' -:.+:'. eors to LernMr'�IMsrost�trom arxf+W�In�t�ny�nd�It cl�m�,d�m�e�. TH�F(SREGQIN�WARRANTIES AND <br /> v°��. uae,dispo�sl or trandpcKt ot�ny HszeMow M�s��e on,ur�r,tmm cx�bcwt ths PropsrtY• <br /> .i:>''.,, --- <br /> -�.�j,���-?�t'" REPRESENTATIONS, ANO 7RU9TOR'8 �ALI(3ATIOM9 PURSUANT TO THE FOREdOINC1 INOEMNITY,SHALL SURVN� <br />:._iS�_:�::ti <br />.:,-� �. RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEE D O F T R U S T. <br /> J:"�a 10.AsNpn+rNM o1 R�nb.Tru�tor hsrobY a�a�9^s to l.end�►� ��d pr�nts L�rxkr a tecu�lty interest In. a l l prasenl,tuhtre• <br />;,i;;.;.;;�;_' eftor a�ising ronts.Issues end profits oi lt►e PropertY�P�ov�dod that Trustor ehall,unUl the occurran�'.��an Event of DeteuH,hersunder, <br /> -""'•�='y have the rl�ht to coibct end reteln such rents.Issues and profits as they become due a�d PaYa bt�.U p o n tho ocr.urronce of en Event of <br /> r� �v'� qefeult.Lendor rtuiy,efiher In parson or by agent•wiU►a wfthout e��ke n ssess on of the Pr�operiy,or eny part thereo�f,`Intlta bown <br />- '• oi its eecurily.ent�x upon P� <br /> W�'�'�FZ opurt e�d without�egard to the adequacY x <br /> �=:_:t i . name or In the neme oi the Trustee,end do eny as�is wt►+ch It deems necessary or deslrabla to preaa►vA the vaiue,merfcete � ty or <br /> s�i <br /> W� rentabi�ity oi the Pro�eRy.or a�Y Pen��re°f a IMerest therein, <br /> or to increase the income tharefrom o►protect the securkY her°°t e <br /> �.__ sue for or otherwise coilect the rents,Issijes end profits thereot�Ir►cNxlir►g thaae past <br />- - .,■ ,Hith or withrwt teking possessbn of Ihe Propedy. rents,issuos and Profits� less costs and expena- <br /> _�.='=-'�'�'. due end unpa{d�by noU�y�ng ienants to make payments to Lender.Lender may aPP�Y <br /> es of operaHon end colle�ction InGuding attomeY's fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order es Lender may deter- <br /> �Q t� V me co�lectlon oi such renta,tns�es and protits,and the ePP��� <br />--_--..'�"�:�� ntra.T......�-.""11DO^end taking possesslon of the Praperty� <br /> -=�-..`,r';. �f. ; thereof as aforesald shell not cure or waive e�y d9Taull or tloocd ui uolaii�t hss�:r.ds�"�!"vAuduto any act done in o s����, <br /> ���'-���� deteult or pursuant to such noUce of defaultand,noM:ths4anding the contlnuance In possessk�n uf the pnoperh► <br /> --- - �'� receipt end appllcatlon ot rents,Issues or profils.Trustee and Lender shall be ontitled to exerclse every right pmvided for In er oi sale. <br /> � � L�nan Inahuments or by law upon occu►rence of e^Y Event ot Default,Including wfthout Ilmitatian the�ipht to oxercise the powe <br /> —='= Furtl�er�Lender's rlghts and remedies under Ws parttgr�pfi shall be cumulaUve with�Lender,Tnistee and the r�cenivor�s�be Uable to <br /> - = rartiedies under any assignment ot lesses and rents�ecorded agalnst the I'ropeKY• <br /> - account onty for those�ents ectually raceived. <br /> 11.Ewnts of DMauR.The toliawin9 ehall canstltute�ent�on D�eftherts mesecured�h�e�reby when due- — <br /> ._ (a)Failure W Pay any insteilment of prtndpa <br /> - (b)A breach of or detault under any provlsion conta�ned fn the Note,this Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan Instnxnents,or any <br /> = other Ilen or encumbrance uPon the Property� <br /> _- -__ (c)A wrft of execuUon or ettachraent or eny similar process shall be entered againat T�stor wh1c7�aha!I become e I en on <br /> -- = ths Propsrty w any porllon thereM w Interest ihsreirr <br /> - - (d)There shail be flled by or against TNator or Barower an action under eny present or future i n od an�naatee,reoeie�vertor <br /> _ �a rpulatlon roleUny to bankruptcy,Insolvency or othar relief tor���t�S�8 II p fl��eot,or Trustor ar Borrower <br /> -_ Iiquidat,pr of Trustor or Borrower or of ell or any patt of the Prope�tY. <br /> shall make any genera�essignment torlhe beneflt of aoditArs; <br /> ----- (e)'�he sale,,asslgnmer►t,conveYance or turther encumbrance of atl or eny part ot or eny Interest in the <br /> � propeity,eNher vduntarily or invol�antarily,vrithout the express w�itton consent of Lender,provided that Truator sha��be Permit- <br /> y� ted to exeCUle a lease ot the Propsrty tF►at does not confaln en optlon to purchase encl the tertn of whlch dues not exceed one <br /> -_= year, <br /> _ (�Abandonment ot the Properh/�a <br /> -,_,�_ (9)(iTrustor Is not an indlvidual,�Iis�i�s���ou���g st�or(tf a aMershl�,a�totel ot��n�a <br /> - � �orporatbn)a totel of I� rcey�t of ZM Iimtted ifaWlity cAmpa- <br /> ;�;� cent oi peRnership tntore�ts,or(fi a Nmited II�IftOy�mpaTnyist trema ns a Uen on tho proPenY• <br /> -�;;.� ny Intereats o►votln9 ri8hts during tlw Period <br /> _ --�- �2,RMn�dl�s;AcwNratlon Upon D�tauk.In the event of any�Eae�ntthe eamo shell�thereupon ibecomo due end Payeb�e� <br /> ---._.�-,.�'��;`� by law,dedaro all fndebtedness securad heraby to be due and PaYa <br /> ---- - �."� out eny prese�tment,demand,protest or ndice oi any klnd.Tt�ereafter Lender mey: <br /> — (e)pemand that Tn�stee exerci�e the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee sheil thereaRer cause'f'rustor's Inter- <br /> - -.= -�.�� est In the PropeRY to be sdd�nd�e P�s�O�d�g��ted'ell In tho manner provWad In the Nebraslw Trust Deecls Act; <br /> _ _���=�ti� �b� Exerc(se eny and ell rights pravided tor in eny oi the Loan Instivmenta or by law upon occurconce of any 6vent oi <br /> -- -= Detauit;end nt a recelver,or spedflcaly entorce any of the <br /> ------- �- (c)Cornmence an actlon to forodose this Deed of Trust es e mortpago,eppol <br /> �_���r� oovenants heroof. <br /> � No remedy here��conterred upon or resarved to Trustee a Lender Is Intended to bo excluoive of any other romedy hen���n�u�' <br /> �.._n Inatruments or by law provided ur P0►m�Ked,but each sh7dl be cumulaUve,shall be In edcflUon to every othor remedy g <br /> _ --=s- _� In the Loan Inatrumente or now or horeat'ler exlstlng et law or In equiry or by stetute,end mey be exercised eoncurrentiy,Independenth► <br /> ••.�—��..d...:�M.J nnucs nn�vdnt A Rl1G <br /> or succeaiveiy. <br />:=�+^�y� 13.YvustM.The Trustee may roaqn at Any dme without cause,antl Lender may a�n��r���������.��-.------r�-••-- <br /> :=�,o_A•�� <br />— �.;�. *, cessor or subsdtute Trus�nT oss or damage unless due to rock�essior�wl���9 m sconduct't and shelid ot be requlred o take eny Y� <br /> _,,.•�,.. . <br /> '°�� . chaser ot the Property� Y <br /> -.;:i:.;: � ) ��lal ar under the r oi <br /> ��;� In connectiw�wlth the enforoement of th is Deed of 7rust unless�u�a�'at any`sale of the f'rtoperhi U�nsat or exponse� <br /> -T�"�`".. '� ma be assoclatt3d therewfth.In addlUon.TiustEe may beco►ne p y es a whole.or In <br /> :„�,1f,-='r�V^.�1p�, Y d n of the providod b Iaw;or sell the Property <br /> �-s�"' �.i E sab flranted herein):Pustpone the sale at all or amr po+tb <br /> `-'`'��;,��"F ,� � e or lots nt TNStee's dlsero�on. <br /> - "'"��;�; sep�rete parc� ns�s.In the ovent Trustee sells lhe Property by exerclse of power oi sele.Trustee shall be entitled to epply <br /> �" ° 14.FNS�nd Exp� <br /> -'r`'�"Fc°~�'� �` �' s first to payment of all costs and expenses oi exerclsing power of sale,including alf Trustee's tees,end Lender's and <br /> ,',�, any sa�e pnor,eed <br /> A;�"''��"t� Tni�tee'n attamey's fees. actua��Y�ncu�'TOd�°°Ment permitted by eppltceble law.In the event Barower o�Trustor exerdses ony rlghl <br /> ��'�'��_i��`' � p r o vid�ci by law to curo an Event of Defautt,Lender shall be entiNed to recover from Trustor ell costs and expen�es actually fncurred os <br /> '-�'"""'"""� '� . � a rosult ot Trostor's defauft,Including w i t h o u t I l m i t o t k�n a l l T r u s tee's end ettomey's feea,to the extent pem►itted by�ppiicable law. <br /> =`�'`L�� 15. Future Advaoc�s.Upon requost of 6orrower, Lender may,et Ite optlon, make additional and future e dvences an d re a d- <br /> :_.�.,.:���rj"_. <br /> • '::{•�:� , vancos to Borrower.Such edvances and re�dvencea,with Interest theteon,shall be secured by thls Duod af Trust.At iw tlme ahai t <br /> • - -- - <br /> . . -- --_...._ � ---- <br /> .---•- " <br /> �.� - , --.---.�,.,�. -�; - - <br />