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<br /> ��� pEED OF TRUST W1TF��8����'���V�+►NCES
<br />-= . �; 9�
<br /> '{ 7HIS DEED OF TRl1ST,Is made es oi lhe 2?N�daY of
<br /> MAY .19 9 7 _.by and Amanp `o � .
<br /> .
<br />.�''d;?�''1`�''�. � �
<br /> �':�^.':'r." theTrustor, LARRY D. COOY. AND JANET K. COOK HUSBAND AND WIFE
<br />:-r�.
<br />::=��� (herein'Trueto�',whelher one ar maru,
<br /> _,-'�- whosa matiin9 aiddre►aa Is =
<br />'��"-A�'' theTruitss FIV� P4INTS 9ANK�_A NEDRASKA CORPORATIAN _ �__
<br /> '=- .�, ..�� uc 6L1At19_15�� (herein'Trustee').end
<br /> '"�V� .:. whose maNt�p ecWrose Is_ P d BOX1.�tDZ..�dp
<br /> :_:i��� the�eneHciary, F I V E POI NTS DANK
<br /> —=_-_= whose mallirp eddresa le
<br /> pw G A ISL ND NE 68802 (hareln•lendor}.
<br /> ;����
<br /> __�_ FOR VALI�RY�C�UK AN��A_ NET ���OK g Le11d°rd extenaion ot credit idenUfled hereln to
<br /> - _—�,„�:,�, {heroin"Borrower;whether one or more)end the Wst herein created,the rece�pt
<br /> ---- of wh�h is hereby ecknowledged� TN8tor he�°bY��VO�bly grants,trensfe�s,conveys end asslgne to Trostee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SALt,TOf A19 D�t�ro���a��d�"���'a��-`-'�"r,under end sub(bct to the lenns and conditions herelnafter set foRh,the real
<br /> _ ProPenY�scxibed e foltows:
<br /> -- -------- Together wiq►a0 ildings,Improvement�,flxtures,streets,alieys,Passa9ewaY8,easementa�riflhts.priv��e9es end appurtenancee
<br /> .�����a�� ae pe rt a i n i n g t h e reto,end the rents,fssues and profits,reversbna and remai�ders tt�e°i,a^d°�P�r�
<br /> • �����y��t{� to the ImprovemeNs so es to constitute e tixture,Induding,but not Ilmil e d W,h ea tl o 9 e n d��►B���'
<br /> ment;and t o g o����d�ns ihe eto,ls herebyl dt e d ar e d toe b e a p a r t o f t h e re a l e s t a te securad byU�e�ienaof thl e11Deed T ust a
<br /> Ing replacems�
<br /> all oittie foregotn9 be�n9 re�e►red to herein as the'Properly"• note or credit agroe-
<br /> T�his peed oi 1'rost sha�l secure(a)the paymant oi the pria�cipal sum and Interest evidenced b�0,?rom2002
<br /> ment dated � MAY ��- 1Q�7 -___ �����ng a maturity date of_ �
<br /> � In the original princ3pal amount of S , and any and all modiflcaUons,extensicros and rene���
<br /> "� thereof or thereto and eny end all tuture advances and readvae�cos to Barrower(or any of them If moro than one)hereunderLend rtn
<br /> to one or nare Promissory ote•8 o tha 8�irformren�e o e�hcovena�.nts end egreements of Trustor set forthr hereln��d(��bPresent and
<br /> proteot tt►d security oi the N ( ) P8
<br /> �--- tutu e�e�mer a sl g by no e g afrantY�oveb�raft or otherwise.T e Not,�ihls toDeed of T usttand e'ny and ail�therdocume�t�x mAt
<br /> � � .- reement� end
<br /> secure the Note or otherwtse executed in connection therewith, including without limitatlon guerentee�,secur(ty ag
<br /> — asslgnmenls of leases and rents,shall be referced to horein as 2he"Loan InstNmenla'.
<br /> Trusta covenants end agrees with�ender es tolbws:
<br /> 1, p�ym�nt of Ind�btrdr»ss.All Indebtedne h 8�e�h3 and e hority oacon ey the Properiy,and waeran[s th��!the I{en cmet-
<br /> 2. THN.Trustor is the owner of the Property. �
<br /> — ed hereby is e flrst and prlor Ifen on the Propertyr,except far liens end enaumbrences set forth by Trustor In writing and delivered to
<br /> I_end�sr before execution of thls Oeed of Trust,end lho execution and deiivery ot this Deed of Trust does not vblate any conUoct or
<br /> --- other abligatbn to which Tnistor is subJect.
<br />