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<br /> not, at euc:h. �ime, �n dAEault with re�pect to��ymen� af any in-
<br /> debL-edneea escured hereby, nr in �lne, perfarmance of axiy agreement �_.
<br /> hereunder. �f any �ver�t of. defaulC d��cribed her��fCex in re-
<br /> epect to thie De�d of Truet ehall have occurred and b� continu- -
<br /> ing, Benef�ciary, a� a matter. oE right and wirhout notice tra
<br /> �t�ru��:ar c�� anyc�ne aLaiti��ing Lil]dOY Ti�uotor, and rritho�xt rcgard to r
<br /> r.he value of tk�e truet es�ate or the intereat of the Truetor
<br /> therein, ehall have the r:.ghL• ta apply ta any cour� havin� �urie-
<br /> di�:tian L•o appoin*_ a receiver af the Property.
<br /> 9. `n^",�',�.aQn�. AEnef�.ci.ary, or i.ts agen�s, r9p�eeenta-
<br /> t.i,+re� or wo�k►tie+�.n, �re auth�ri��d ta entax at aixy► reasc�nable ti.m�
<br /> u�+on or in any pa�t af th�s Pxrape�z'ty frar the purpo�� of i.nepoct inc�
<br /> the� eame and For the pu:rtaosa o� pmrform�ng any of the acte i� ie
<br /> authorized to perform unciwr tl�� t�rma of any loan inetrumente
<br /> executed by Truetor.
<br /> 10. Tran�afAr of_ Pron _r _v. If all or any part of the Pra�-•
<br /> erLy ax any interest of Truator there�n ie sald, trane£errca or �
<br /> furthpr ^�cumk�ered without the expresa or written consent af
<br /> Benefi�:iary, S3flnefic:iaxy may, at i�a eole Qpt:a.nn, declare atl
<br /> eume eecured k�y thie Aeed of Truei: tu bc imrneti3.�►tely due �nfl pay-
<br /> able and proaeed to th� remediee� available �o it under the de-
<br /> fault provieione cont�ined herein.
<br /> 11. FvPnte of �u].t. Any of the followix�g evente ehall
<br /> be dFemed an event of default hereundez:
<br /> (a) Truetor eha1:1 have failed t� make paympnt or any in-
<br /> � �_� _.._ ..
<br /> eta.11ment ot intexes�, principa3. or principal aiiu ����ot�a� �;. az�r
<br /> oth�r ae*.ne ep�ured Y±ere�+;► �►hen �„e; _
<br /> (b) The�r� hae ocaurred a breach of or defaulC under any
<br /> Cerm, covenant, agreem�nt, condition, proviaion, repreeentation .
<br /> or warxanty conta�ned in �his Deed of Truet, tlne nc+te or any
<br /> ather loan inc�trument escured herebyt
<br /> (c) There Yaas been a default by the Truetor in the payment
<br /> of an� prior ox subeequent lien or ancumbrance in reepect to all
<br /> or any part o� the Property; ,
<br /> (d) Trustor eha11 Eile a voluntary petition in bankr�upCc�►
<br /> or ahal]. be adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, or aha11 make an
<br /> � aeaignment for the benefit of creditore in re�ppct to tha Prop�
<br /> , � erty; o�r an action to enforce any ].ien or enaumbrance or jud.g-
<br /> m�nte againat the Property is cornmenced.
<br /> 12, A -�P1 _•rat?on Unon DefaL?t. In the event of any de�
<br /> £ault, Beneficiary may declare �11 indebtednees eecurEd hereby`�o
<br /> be due anc� payable, ar�d the aame ehal.3 thereupon be�ome due and
<br /> payab�e wiehout any pr�eentme:�t, ciemand, protest or :riotice of any
<br /> ]cincl. Thereafter, Hene£ici�ry may:
<br /> (a? eithr�r in person ar by �gent, with or without brin��.�g
<br /> any action or proceeding, nr by rereaver appointed by a court and
<br /> withoxxt regard ta the adequacy of �ny aecurity, enter upon and
<br /> take pa�seseion of the Property, or any part thereoE, in it•s own
<br /> name ar in th� name of the Truetee, and do any acte which it
<br /> deeme necesear}► ai,d desi�able to preserve the value, marketab�3-
<br /> = ity or rQntabili ty of �he Property, ox part thereof or �.ntereat
<br /> therein, increas� the income thereErom ar protect the �ecurity
<br /> hereof, and, without taking paseeeeion of the Property, sue for
<br /> or otherwi.ae collect the rente, igeues and profits t23ereof,
<br /> _,_ ��_ , _
<br /> I.nC1uQ1Ag LAOSe pasz due and unpaid, anu aYYyy ���� oamc, ���o
<br />_ coste and expensee of operation and collection, includinq attor-
<br /> ney fees, upon any indebtednese e�cured hereby� all in euch order
<br />= as Benef iciary may determine. '�h�e ent�ring upon and taking pos-
<br />= seseion of the t ruet eetate, the ca7.lection of euch renta, iseuee _
<br />= and prnfite and application thereof as afore�aid �ha�l not cure
<br />= or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or .invalida�e
<br />_ any aat �nd in responee to �uch default or purduant to euch _
<br />= notice of def.aul t and, notwith�tanding the continuance in p�eaes-
<br /> 3
<br />-,�
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<br />